ST Two Marks

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Testing as an Engineering Activity – Testing as a Process – Testing axioms – Basic definitions –

Software Testing Principles – The Tester‟s Role in a Software Development Organization – Origins
of Defects – Cost of defects – Defect Classes – The Defect Repository and Test Design – Defect
Examples – Developer/Tester Support of Developing a Defect Repository – Defect Prevention


1 1. List the levels of TMM.

(Apr/May – 2018)
 The testing maturity model or TMM contains five levels. They are:
 Level1: Initial
 Level2: Phase definition
 Level3: Integration
 Level4: Management and Measurement
 Leval5: Optimization /Defect prevention and Quality Control

2 2. Define test, test oracle and test bed.

(Apr/May – 2018)
 A test is a group of related test cases, or a group of related test cases and
test procedures.
 A test oracle is a document, or piece of software that allows testers to
determine whether a test has been passed or failed.
 A test bed is an environment that contains all the hardware and software
needed to test a software component or a software system.

3 3. Differentiate errors, faults and failures.

(Apr/May – 2017)
 An error is a mistake, misconception, or misunderstanding on the part of
a software developer.
 A fault (defect) is introduced into the software as the result of an error. It
is an anomaly in the software that may cause it to behave incorrectly, and
not according to its specification.
 A failure is the inability of a software system or component to perform its
required functions within specified performance requirements.

4 4. What are the origins of defects?

(Apr/May – 2017)
 Lack of Education
 Poor communication
 Oversight
 Transcription Immature
5 5. Define software testing.
(Nov/Dec – 2016)
 Testing is generally described as a group of procedures carried out to
evaluate some aspect of a piece of software.
 Testing can be described as a process used for revealing defects in
software, and for establishing that the software has attained a specified
degree of quality with respect to
selected attributes
6 6. Define feature defects.
(Nov/Dec – 2016) (Nov/Dec – 2018)
 Features may be described as distinguishing characteristics of a software
component or system. The defects that are appearing in those components
are known as feature defects.

7 7. What is the role of test specialist?

 A test specialist who is trained as an engineer should have knowledge of
test-related principles, processes, measurements, standards, plans, tools,
and methods, and should learn how to apply them to the testing tasks to
8 8. How can software development be viewed as an engineering approach?
 Using an engineering approach to software development implies that:
• The development process is well understood.
• Projects are planned.
• Life cycle models are defined and adhered to.
• Standards are in place for product and process.
• Measurements are employed to evaluate product and process
• Components are reused.

9 9. Define validation.
Validation is the process of evaluating a software system or
component during, or at the end of, the development cycle in order to determine
whether it satisfies specified requirements
10 10.Define verification.
Verification is the process of evaluating a software system or component to
determine whether the products of a given development phase satisfy the
conditions imposed at the start of that phase

11 11. What do you mean by debugging or fault localization? Debugging, or fault

localization is the process of (1) locating the fault or defect, (2) repairing the code,
and (3) retesting the code.

12 12. Define test cases.

 A test case in a practical sense is a test-related item which contains the
following information:
 A set of test inputs. These are data items received from an external source
by the code under test. The external source
can be hardware, software, or human.
 Execution conditions. These are conditions required for running the test,
for example, a certain state of a database, or a configuration of a
hardware device.
 Expected outputs. These are the specified results to be produced by
the code under test.

13 13. Explain some of the quality metric attributes.

A quality metric is a quantitative measurement of the degree to which an item
possesses a given quality attribute.
 Correctness— thedegreetowhichthesystemperformsitsintendedfunction.
 Reliability—the degree to which the software is expected to perform its
required functions under stated conditions for a stated period of time.
 Usability—relates to the degree of effort needed to learn, operate, prepare
input, and interpret output of the software.
 Integrity—relates to the system’s ability to withstand both intentional and
accidental attacks.
 Portability—relates to the ability of the software to be transferred
from one environment to another.
 Maintainability—the effort needed to make changes in the software.
 Interoperability—the effort needed to link or couple one system to

14 14.What is the role of software quality assurance (SQA) group? The

softwarequalityassurance(SQA)groupisateamofpeoplewiththenecess ary training
and skills to ensure that all necessary actions are taken during the development
process so that the resulting software conforms to established technical

15 15. Define review.

A review is a group meeting whose purpose is to evaluate a software artifact or a
set of software artifacts.

16 16. Define pre-condition and post-condition.

 A pre-condition is a condition that must be true in order for a software
component to operate properly. A post-condition is a condition that must
be true when a software component
completes its operation properly
17 17. What are interface description defects?
These are defects that occur in the description of how the target software is to
interface with external software, hardware, and users
18 18. Define design defects.
 Design defects occur when system components, interactions between
system components, interactions between the components and outside
software/hardware, or users are incorrectly designed. This covers defects in
the design of algorithms, control, logic, data elements, module interface
descriptions, and external software/hardware/user interface

19 19.What do you mean by coding defects?

Coding defects are derived from errors in implementing the code. Some coding
defects come from a failure to understand programming language constructs, and
miscommunication with the
designers. Others may have transcription or omission origins
20 20. What do you mean by test harness?
In order to test software, especially at the unit and integration levels, auxiliary
code must be developed. This is called the test harness or scaffolding code.

21 21. Define a fault model.

A fault (defect) model can be described as a link between the error made (e.g., a
missing requirement, a misunderstood design element, a typographical error),and
the fault/defect in the software.

22 22. What are the uses of hypotheses in software testing process? design test cases;
design test procedures; assemble test
select the testing levels (unit, integration, etc.) appropriate for the tests;
Evaluate the results of the tests.

23 23. What is the role of a software tester in a software development organization?

The tester’s job is to reveal defects, find weak points, inconsistent
behavior, and circumstances where the software does not work as expected.

24 24. Define Software Engineering.

Software Engineering is a discipline that produces error free software with in a
time and budget.
25 25. Define process in the context of software quality. (Nov/Dec – 2018)
Process, in the software engineering domain, is a set of methods, practices,
Standards, documents, activities, polices, and procedures
that software engineers use to develop and maintain a software system and its
associated artifacts, such as project and test plans,
design documents, code, and manuals.

26 26. Programmer A and Programmer B are working on a group of interfacing

modules. Programmer A tends to be a poor communicator and
does not get along well with Programmer B. Due to this situation, what types of
defects are likely to surface in these interfacing modules?
Communication defects.

27 27. List the elements of the engineering disciplines.

Basic principles, Processes, Standards, Measurements, Tools, Methods, Best
practices, Code of ethics and Body of knowledge.

28 28. Differentiate between testing and debugging.

Testing as a dual purpose process reveal defects and to evaluate quality attributes.
Debugging or fault localization is the process of locating the fault or defect
repairing the code, and retesting the code.
29 29. List the members of the critical groups in a testing process. Manager
Developer/Tester User/Client

30 30.What is the need of CMM (Capability Maturity Model)?

These models allow an organization to evaluate its current software process and to
capture an understanding of its state.

31. List out the Software testing axioms.

1. It is impossible to test a program completely. 2. Software testing is a risk-based

exercise. 3. Testing cannot show the absence of bugs. 4. The more bugs you find,
the more bugs there are. 5. Not all bugs found will be fixed. 6. It is difficult to say
when a bug is indeed a bug. 7. Specifications are never final. 8. Software testers
are not the most popular members of a project. 9. Software testing is a disciplined
and technical profession.


32. Define Software Engineering

Software Engineering is a discipline that produces error free
32 software with in a time and budget.

33. Define the term Testing.

Testing is generally described as a group of procedures carried
out to evaluate some aspect of a piece of software.
Testing can be described as a process used for revealing defects in software,
and for establishing that the software has attained a specified degree of quality with
respect to selected attributes.


34 Define process in the context of software quality

Process, in the software engineering domain, is a set of methods, practices,
Standards, documents, activities, polices, and procedures that software
engineers use to develop and maintain a software system and its associated
artifacts, such as project and test plans, design documents, code, and

35 List the members of the critical groups in a testing process (U.Q Nov/Dec 2008)
 Manager

 Developer/Tester
 User/Client

36. Define Faults (Defects).

36 A fault is introduced into the software as the
result of an error. It is an anomaly in the software that may cause nit
to behave incorrectly, and not according to its specification.

37 Define Test Cases.

A test case in a practical sense is attest related item which
contains the following information.
 A set of test inputs. These are data items received
from an external source by the code under test. The
external source can be hardware, software, or

 Execution conditions. These are conditions

required for running the test, for example, a certain
state of a database, or a configuration of a
hardware device.

 Expected outputs. These are the specified results to

be produced by the code under test.


38 Write short notes on Test, Test Set, and Test Suite.

A Test is a group of related test cases, or a group of related
test cases and test procedure.
A group of related test is sometimes referred to as a test set
A group of related tests that are associated with a database, and
are usually run together, is sometimes referred to as a Test Suite.


39. Define Test Bed.

A test bed is an environment that contains all the hardware and
software needed to test a software component or a software system.


40 Define Software Quality.

Quality relates to the degree to which a system, system
40 component, or process meets specified

Quality relates to the degree to which a system, system component, or process

meets Customer or user needs, or expectations.
41 Define SQA group.
The software quality assurance (SQA) group is a team of people with the
necessary training and skills to ensure that all necessary actions are taken
41 during the development process so that the
resulting software confirms to established technical requirements
42 Explain the work of SQA group.
Testers to develop quality related policies and quality assurance
plans for each project. The group is also involved in measurement
collection and analysis, record keeping, and Reporting. The SQA
team members participate in reviews and audits, record and track
Problems, and verify that corrections have been made.


43. Define reviews.

A review is a group meeting whose purpose is to evaluate a software artifact or a
43 set of Software artifacts. Review and audit is
usually conducted by a SQA group

44 List the sources of Defects or Origins of defects. Or list the

classification of defect

 Education
 Communication
 Oversight
 Transcription
 Process

45 Define Test Oracle.

Test Oracle is a document, or a piece of software that allows

tester to determine whether a test has been passed or failed.


46 Define failures.
A failure is the inability of a software or component to perform its required
46 within specified performance requirements
47 List the levels of TMM.
The testing maturity model or TMM contains five
levels. They are
Level1: Initial

Level2: Phase definition Level3:


Level4: Management and Measurement

Leval5: Optimization /Defect prevention and Quality Control


48 List the elements of the engineering disciplines.

 Basic principles
 Processes
 Standards
 Measurements
 Tools
 Methods
 Best practices
 Code of ethics
 Body of knowledge

49 Define the term Debugging or fault localization. Debugging or fault localization

is the process of

 Locating the fault or defect

49  Repairing the code, and
 Retesting the code

50. List the Quality Attributes.

 Correctness
 Reliability
 Usability
 Integrity
 Portability
 Maintainability
50  Interoperability
Test case Design Strategies – Using Black Bod Approach to Test Case Design – Random Testing –
Requirements based testing – Boundary Value Analysis – Equivalence Class Partitioning –
Statebased testing – Cause-effect graphing – Compatibility testing – user documentation testing –
domain testing – Using White Box Approach to Test design – Test Adequacy Criteria – static
vs. structural testing – code functional testing – Coverage and Control Flow Graphs – Covering
Code Logic – Paths – code complexity testing – Evaluating Test Adequacy Criteria

S. No. Question

1 1. What are the factors affecting less than 100% degree of coverage?
(Apr/May – 2018)
The nature of the unit
 Some statements/branches may not be reachable.
 The unit may be simple, and not mission, or safety, critical, and so complete
coverage is thought to be unnecessary.
 The lack of resources
 The time set aside for testing is not adequate to achieve complete coverage
for all of the units.
 There is a lack of tools to support complete coverage
 Other project related issues such as timing, scheduling. And marketing

2 2. Write the formula for Cyclomatic complexity?

(Apr/May – 2018) (Nov/Dec – 2016)
The complexity value is usually calculated from control flow graph
(G) by the formula V (G) = E-N+2. Where the value E is the number of edges in the
control flow graph and the value N is the number of nodes.

3 3. Differentiate black box and white box testing.

(Apr/May – 2017) (Nov/Dec – 2018)

Black box testing White box Testing

Black box testing, the The White box approach

tester is no Knowledge focuses on the inner
of its inner structure(i.e. structure of the software to
how it works)The tester be tested.
only has knowledge of
what it does(Focus only
input & output)
z White box approach is
usually applied small size
piece of software.

Black box testing White box sometimes

sometimes called called clear or glass box
functional or specification testing.

4 4. Give some example methods for black box testing.

(Apr/May – 2017)
 Equivalence class partitioning (ECP)
 Boundary value analysis (BVA)
 State Transition testing.(STT)
 Cause and Effect Graphing.
 Error guessing
5 5. List the various iterations of Loop testing.
(Nov/Dec – 2016)
Zero iteration of the loop
 One iteration of the loop
 Two iterations of the loop
 K iterations of the loop where k<n
 n-1 iterations of the loop
 n+1 iterations of the loop

6 6. Define Smart Tester.

Software must be tested before it is delivered to users. It is responsibility of the testers
to design tests that reveal defects and can be used to evaluate software performance,
usability and reliability. To achieve these goals, tester must select a finite no. of test
cases (i/p, o/p, & conditions).

7 7. What is the need of test adequacy criteria?

The application scope of adequacy criteria also includes:
Helping testers to select properties of a program to focus on during test;
Helping testers to select a test data set for a program based on the selected properties;
Supporting testers with the development of quantitative objectives for testing;
Indicating to testers whether or not testing can be stopped for that program.

8 8 What do you mean by a test data set?

A test data set is statement, or branch, adequate if a test set T for program P causes all
the statements, or branches, to be executed
9 9. What are the basic testing strategies? Black box and white box

10 10. Define state.

A state is an internal configuration of a system or component . It is defined interms of the
values assumed at a particular time for the variables that characterize the system or

11 11. What do you mean by a finite state machine?

A finite-state machine is an abstract machine that can be represented by a state graph
having a finite number of states and a finite number of transitions between states.

12 12.What do you mean by path?

A path is a sequence of control flow nodes usually beginning from the entry node of a
graph through to the exit node.

13 13.When will you say a variable is used in a statement?

A variable is used in a statement when its value is utilized in a statement. The value of
the variable is not changed.

14 14.What is def-use path?

A path from a variable definition to a use is called a def-use path.

15 15 What is the need for loop testing?

Loops are among the most frequently used control structures. Experienced software
engineers realize that many defects are associated with loop constructs. These are often
due to poor programming practices and lack of reviews. Therefore, special attention
should be paid to loops during testing.

16 16.What do you mean by mutation testing?

Mutation testing is an approach to test data generation that requires knowledge of code
structure, but it is classified as a fault-based testing approach. It considers the possible
faults that could occur in a software component as the basis for test data generation and
evaluation of testing effectiveness.

17 17.What is the condition for a test set to be mutation adequate?

A test set T is said to be mutation adequate for program P provided that for every in
equivalent mutant Pi of P there is an element t in T such that Pi(t) is not equal to P(t).

18 18. Write short notes on Random testing and Equivalence class portioning.
Each software module or system has an input domain from which test input data is
selected. If a tester randomly selects inputs from the domain, this is called
random testing. In equivalence class partitioning the input and output is divided
in to equal classes or partitions.

19 19.Give some example methods for white box testing.

Statement testing
Branch testing Path testing
Data flow testing
Mutation testing Loop testing

20 20. Differentiate black box and white box testing in terms

knowledge sources required to perform testing.
Test Strategy Knowledge Sources
Black box 1. Requirements document
2. Specifications
3. Domain Knowledge
4. Defect analysis data
White box 1. High level design
2. Detailed design
3. Control flow graphs
4. Cyclomatic complexity

21 21.Define Error Guessing.

The tester/developer is sometimes able to make an educated “guess’ as to which type of
defects may be present and design test cases to reveal them. Error Guessing is an ad-hoc
approach to test design in
most cases..
22 22. Define COTS Components. (Nov/Dec – 2018)
The reusable component may come from a code reuse library within their org or, as is
most likely, from an outside vendor who specializes in the development of specific
types of software components. Components produced by vendor org are known as
commercial off-the shelf, or COTS, components.

23 23. Define usage profiles and Certification.

Usage profiles are characterizations of the population of intended uses of the software in
its intended environment. Certification refers to third party assurance that a product ,
process, or service meets a specific set of requirements.

24 24. What are the basic primes for all structured program? Sequential ( e.g., Assignment
Condition (e.g., if/then/else statements) Iteration (e.g., while, for

25 25. What are the errors uncovered by black box testing? Incorrect or missing
Interface errors
Errors in data structures Performance errors
Initialization or termination error

26 26. What is statement coverage property?

If the test set T is adequate for P, then T causes every executable
statement of P to be executed.
27 27.What are the assumptions taken by mutation testing?
The competent programmer hypothesis and the coupling
28 28 What do you mean by a variable is defined in the statement?
A variable is defined in a statement when its value is assigned or changed.

29 29. What are the logic elements analyzed for coverage analysis? The logic elements
are: program statements,
decisions/branches, conditions, combinations of decisions and conditions and paths.

30 30 What is the need for coverage analysis?

The concept of test data adequacy criteria, and the requirement that certain
features or properties of the code are to be exercised by test cases, leads to an approach
called “coverage analysis, ”which is used to set testing goals and to develop and
evaluate test data.

31 Write short notes on Random testing and Equivalence class portioning.

Each software module or system has an input domain from which test input data is
selected. If a tester randomly selects inputs from the domain, this is called random
testing. In equivalence class partitioning the input and output is divided in to equal
classes or partitions.


32 Define State.
A state is an internal configuration of a system or component. It is defined in terms
of the values assumed at a particular time for the variables that characterize the
32 system or component.

33 Define Finite-State machine.

A finite-state machine is an abstract machine that can be represented by a state graph
33 having a finite number of states and a
finite number of transitions between states
34 Define usage profiles and Certification.
Usage profiles are characterizations of the population of intended uses of the
software in its intended environment. Certification refers to third party assurance
that a product,process, or service meets a specific set of requirements.


35 Write the application scope of adequacy criteria?

 Helping testers to select properties of a program to focus on during test.

35  Helping testers to select a test data set for a program based

on the selected properties.

 Supporting testers with the development of quantitative objectives for


 Indicating to testers whether or not testing can be stopped for that program.

36 What are the factors affecting less than 100% degree of coverage?

 The nature of the unit

Some statements/branches may not be reachable.
The unit may be simple, and not mission, or safety, critical, and
so complete coverage is thought to be unnecessary.

 The lack of resources

The time set aside for testing is not adequate to achieve complete
coverage for all of the units. There is a lack of tools to support
complete coverage
 Other project related issues such as timing, scheduling. And marketing


37 Write the formula for cyclomatic complexity?

The complexity value is usually calculated from control flow
graph(G) by the formula. V(G) = E-N+2

Where The value E is the number of edges in the control flow

graph The value N is the number of nodes.


38 List the various iterations of Loop testing.

a. Zero iteration of the loop
b. One iteration of the loop
c. Two iterations of the loop
d. K iterations of the loop where k<n
e. n-1 iterations of the loop
f. n+1 iterations of the loop

39 Define test set.

A test set T is said to be mutation adequate for program p
provided that for every in equivalent mutant pi of p there is an
element t in T such that pi[t] is not equal to p[t].

40What are the errors uncovered by black box testing?
Incorrect or missing functions Interface errors Errors in data
structures Performance errors
40 Initialization or termination error

41 List the levels of Testing or Phases of testing.

a. Unit Test

b. Integration Test
c. System Test
41 d. Acceptance Test

42 What are the basic primes for all structured program.

a. Sequential ( e.g., Assignment statements)

b. Condition (e.g., if/then/else statements)
c. Iteration (e.g., while, for loops)
The graphical representation of these three primes are given

43. What is Random Testing

Random testing is a black-box software testing technique where programs are tested by
generating random, independent inputs. Results of the output are compared against
43 software specifications
to verify that the test output is pass or fail.
44. What is complexity Testing?
Compatibility Testing is a type of Software testingto check whether your software is
capable of running on different hardware, operating systems, applications , network
environments or Mobile devices. Compatibility Testing is a type of the Non-
functional testing Types:
Forward Testing
Backward Testing

45 What is Test adequacy criterion?

An adequacy criterion specifies a particular software
testing requirement, and hence determines test cases to satisfy the requirement.
It can be an explicit specification for test case selection, such as a
45 set of guidelines for the selection of test cases.

46. State feature of Static and Dynamic testing?

Static and dynamic testing complement to one another and each type has a unique
approach to detecting bugs. Static testing is a system of White Box testing where
developers verify or check code to find fault. This type of testing is completed without
46 executing the
applications that are currently developed.
47. What is functional testing?
FUNCTIONAL TESTING is a type of software testingwhereby the system is tested
against the functionalrequirements/specifications. Functions (or features) are tested by
47 feeding them input and
examining the output. Functional testing ensures that the
requirements are properly satisfied by the application.
48. What are the different types of functional testing?
In the types of functional testing following testing types should be cover:

Unit Testing. Smoke testing. Sanity

testing. Integration Testing. Interface
System Testing. Regression Testing. UAT.


49. What is functional automation testing?

Functional testing is a form of automated testing that deals with how applications
functions, or, in other words, its relation to the users and especially to the rest of
the system.
49 Traditionally, functional testing is implemented by a team of
testers, independent of the developers.
50. Is functional testing Black Box?
Black Box Testing. BLACK BOX TESTING, also known as Behavioral Testing, is a
software testing method in which the internal structure/design/implementation of the
item being tested is
50 not known to the tester. These tests can be functional or non- functional, though
usually functional.
51. What are the functional testing tools?
Unified Functional Testing (UFT) is an automation tool introduced by HP (Hewlett
Packard) for functional and regression testing. It's also known as the QTP (Quick Test
Professional). The UFT is a combination of HP QTP (GUI testing tool) and HP
51 Service Test (API testing tool)

52. Is it possible to achieve 100 automation?

Yes, it is very much possible. It is a tough target but definitely achievable. Mostly100%
automation would be easily achievable when the application as a whole is in production
or nearing
52 completion. Complete automation would make sense when there won't be frequent
changes occurring in the application
53. What is alpha and beta testing?
Alpha testing is the last testing done by the test teams at the development site after
the acceptance testing and before releasing the software for beta test. Alpha testing
can also be done by the potential users or customers of the application. But still, this
53 is a
form of in-house acceptance testing
54.What is end to end testing?
End-to-End Testing is a methodology used to test whether the flow of an application is
performing as designed from start to finish. The purpose of carrying out end-to-end
tests is to identify system dependencies and to ensure that the right information is
54 passed
between various system components and systems.

The need for Levers of Testing – Unit Test – Unit Test Planning – Designing the Unit Tests – The
Test Harness – Running the Unit tests and Recording results – Integration tests – Designing
Integration Tests – Integration Test Planning – Scenario testing – Defect bash elimination System
Testing – Acceptance testing – Performance testing – Regression Testing – Internationalization
testing – Adhoc testing – Alpha, Beta Tests – Testing OO systems – Usability and Accessibility
testing – Configuration testing – Compatibility testing – Testing the documentation – Website

S. No. Question

1 1. What is Bottom up integration Testing? And its advantages. (Apr/May – 2018)

Bottom-up testing
 Integrate individual components in levels until the complete system is created
 Advantages and disadvantages
 Architectural validation
 Top-down integration testing is better at discovering errors in the system
 System demonstration
 Top-down integration testing allows a limited demonstration at an early stage in
the development
 Test implementation
 Often easier with bottom-up integration testing

 Test observation
 Problems with both approaches. Extra code may be required to observe tests

2 2. Give example for security testing? (Apr/May – 2018)

It Evaluates system characteristics that relate to the availability, integrity and
confidentiality of system data and services.
Security Testing examples: password checking, legal and illegal entry with passwords,
password expiration, encryption, browsing, trap doors, viruses.

3 3.Define integration testing? (Apr/May – 2017)

One unit at a time is integrated into a set of previously integrated modules which have
passed a set of integration tests.
4 4. What are the different types of system types? (Apr/May – 2017)
• Functional testing
• Performance testing
• Stress testing
• Configuration testing
• Security testing
• Recovery testing

5 5.What is the need for different levels of testing? (Nov/Dec – 2016)

Execution-based software testing, especially for large systems, is usually carried out at
different levels. At each level there are specific testing goals .At the system level the
system as a whole is tested and a principle goal is to evaluate attributes such as
usability, reliability, and performance. To make sure that all the requirements
are fulfilled, different levels of testing are needed.

6 6.Define alpha, beta and acceptance tests. (Nov/Dec – 2016)

When software is being developed for a specific client, acceptance tests are carried out
after system testing.
Alpha test: This test takes place at the developer’s site.
Beta Test: Beta tests ends the software to a cross-section of users who install it and
use it under real world working conditions.

7 7.What are the difference levels of testing? (Nov/Dec – 2018) The major phases of
testing: unit test, integration test, system test, and some type of acceptance test.

8 8.What is the importance of acceptance testing?

During acceptance test the development organization must show that the software meets
all of the client’s requirements. Very often final payments for system development
depend on the quality of the software as observed during the acceptance test.

9 9.What is meant by software unit?

A unit is the smallest possible testable software component.
10 10.What are the characteristics of software unit?
performs a single cohesive function; can be compiled
is a task in a work breakdown structure (from the manager’s point of view);
Contains code that can fit on a single page or screen.

11 11.What are the steps required to perform unit testing?

plan the general approach to unit testing;
Design the test cases, and test procedures (these will be attached to the test plan);
Define relationships between the tests;
Prepare the auxiliary code necessary for unit test.

12 12.What do you mean by test harness?

The auxiliary code developed to support testing of units and components is called a test
harness. The harness consists of drivers that call the target code and stubs that represent
modules it calls.

13 13.What are the reasons for unit failure?

A fault in the test case specification (the input or the output was not specified correctly);
A fault in test procedure execution (the test should be rerun);
A fault in the test environment (perhaps a database was not set up properly);
A fault in the unit design (the code correctly adheres to the design specification, but
the latter is incorrect).

14 14. What is the need for test summary report?

This is a valuable document for the groups responsible for
integrationandsystemtests.Itisalsoavaluablecomponentoftheproject history. Its value lies
in the useful data it provides for test process improvement and defect prevention.

15 15.What are the goals of integration test?

To detect defects that occur on the interfaces of units;
To assemble the individual units into working subsystems and finally a complete
system that is ready for system test.

16 16.What do you mean by clusters?

A cluster consists of classes that are related, for example, they may work together (co-
operate) to support a required functionality for
the complete system
17 17.What are the documents required for integration test planning?
Requirements document, the user manual, and usage scenarios. These documents
contain structure charts, state charts, data dictionaries, cross-reference tables, module
interface descriptions, dataflow descriptions, messages and event descriptions, all
necessary to plan integration tests.

18 18.Write notes on cluster test plan.

The plan includes the following items:
Clusters this cluster is dependent on;
A natural language description of the functionality of the cluster to be tested;
List of classes in the cluster; A set of cluster test

19 19.Define functional testing.

Functional tests are black box in nature. The focus is on the inputs and proper
outputs for each function. Improper and illegal inputs must also be handled by the
system. System behavior under the
latter circumstances tests must be observed. All functions must be tested

20 20.What do you mean by load generator?

An important tool for implementing system tests is a load generator. A load generator
is essential for testing quality requirements such as performance and stress. A load is a
series of inputs that simulates a group of transactions.

21 21.Define functional testing.

Functional tests are black box in nature. The focus is on the inputs and proper outputs
for each function. Improper and illegal inputs must also be handled by the system.
System behavior under the latter circumstances tests must be observed. All functions
must be tested.

22 22.What is the goal of performance testing?

The goal of system performance tests is to see if the software meets the performance
requirements. Testers also learn from performance test whether there are any hardware
or software factors that impact on the system’s performance. Performance testing
allows testers to tune the system; that is, to optimize the allocation of system

23 23 What are the resources required for performance testing?

A source of transactions to drive the experiments.
An experimental test bed that includes hardware and software the system-under-test
interacts with.
Instrumentation or probes that help to collect the performance data. A set of tools to
collect, store, process, and interpret the data.

24 24 What do you mean by regression testing? (Nov/Dec – 2018) Regression testing

is not a level of testing, but it is there testing of software that occurs when changes are
made to ensure that the new version of the software has retained the capabilities of the
old version and that no new defects have been introduced due to the changes.

25 25.List the levels of Testing or Phases of testing. (Nov/Dec – 2018)

Unit Test Integration Test System Test
Acceptance Test

26 26.List the phases of unit test planning.

Unit test planning having set of development phases. Phase1: Describe unit test
approach and risks. Phase 2: Identify unit features
to be tested. Phase 3: Add levels of detail to the plan.

27 27. What are the steps for top down integration?

Main control module is used as a test driver and stubs are substituted for all
components directly subordinate to the main module.
Depending on integration approach (Depth or breadth first) subordinate stubs are
replaced one at a time with actual components.
Tests are conducted as each component is integrated.
The completion of each set of tests another stub is replaced with real component

28 28. Define stress Testing.

When a system is tested with a load that causes it to allocate its resources in
maximum amounts .It is important because it can reveal defects
in real-time and other types of systems which it will crash.
This is sometimes called “breaking the system”.

29 29 What are the two major requirements in the Performance testing?

Functional Requirement: User describe what functions the software should
perform. We test for compliance of the requirement at the system
level with the functional based system test.
Quality Requirement: They are nonfunctional in nature but describe quality
levels expected for the software.

30 30. What are the Integration strategies?

Top_ Down: In this strategy integration of the module begins with testing the upper
level modules.
Bottom_ Up: In this strategy integration of the module begins with testing the lowest
level modules.

31 31.Define Test incident report.

The tester must determine from the test whether the unit has passed or failed the test.
If the test is failed, the nature of the problem should be recorded in what is sometimes
called a test incident report.

32 32.Define test case.

A use case is a pattern, scenario, or exemplar of usage. It describes a typical interaction
between the software system under development and a user.

33. List the phases of unit test planning.

Unit test planning having set of development phases.
Phase1: Describe unit test approach and risks. Phase 2: Identify unit features to
be tested.
Phase 3: Add levels of detail to the plan.
34. List the work of test planner.
 Identifies test risks.
34  Describes techniques to be used for designing the test cases for the
 Describe techniques to be used for data validation and recording of
test results.

 Describe the requirement for test harness and other software that
interfaces with the unit to be tested, for ex, any special objects
needed for testing object oriented.

35. List the issues in class testing

 Testing a class instance (an object) can validate a class in isolation.

 When individually validated classes are used to create more complex classes in
an application system, the entire subsystem must be tested as whole before it can
be considered to be validated(integration testing).

 Inheritance introduce problems that are not found in traditional software.

 Test cases designed for base class are not applicable to derived class always
(especially, when derived class is used in different
context). Thus, most testing methods require some kind of adaptation in order to
function properly in an OO environment


36.Define test Harness.

The auxiliary code developed into support testing of units and components is called a
36 test harness. The harness consists of drivers that call the target code and stubs that
represent modules it calls.

37.Define Test incident report.

The tester must determine from the test whether the unit has passed or failed the
test. If the test is failed, the nature of the problem should be recorded in what is
37 sometimes called a test
incident report.
38 Define Summary report.
The causes of the failure should be recorded in the test summary
report, which is the summary of testing activities for all the units
38 covered by the unit
test plan.
39 Goals of Integration test.
 To detects defects that occur on the interface of the units.

 To assemble the individual units into working subsystems and

finally a completed system that ready for system test.

40 What are the Integration strategies?

 Top_ Down: In this strategy integration of the module begins

with testing the upper level modules.
Bottom_ Up: In this strategy integration of the module begins with
40 testing the lowest level modules.
41. Define load generator and Load.
An important tool for implementing system tests is a load generator.
A load generator is essential for testing quality requirements such as
performance and stress

A load is a series of inputs that simulates a group of transactions.

A transaction is a unit of work seen from the system user’s view. A
transaction consist of a set of operation that may be perform by a person ,
s/w system or device that is outside the system.

42, What are the two major requirements in the Performance testing.

 Functional Requirement: User describe what functions

the software should perform. We test for compliance of the
requirement at the system level with the functional based
system test.

 Quality Requirement: They are nonfunctional in nature but

describe quality levels expected for the software.


43, What are the steps for top down integration?

 Main control module is used as a test driver and stubs are

substituted for all components directly subordinate to the
main module.

 Depending on integration approach (Depth or breadth first)

subordinate stubs are replaced one at a time with actual

 Tests are conducted as each component is integrated.

 The completion of each set of tests another stub is
replaced with real component
 Regression testing may be conducted to ensure that new
errors have not been introduced.


44. What is AD HOC TESTING?

AD HOC TESTING, also known as Random Testing or Monkey Testing, is a
method of software testing without any
planning and documentation. The test case conducted informally and randomly without
any formal expected results. The tester
44 improvises the steps and arbitrarily executes them (like a monkey typing while
45. Why Ad hoc testing is done?
Adhoc testing is an informal testing type with an aim to break the system. This
45 testing is usually an unplanned activity......................... Ad hoc
Testing does not follow any structured way of testing and it is randomly done on any
part of application. Main aim of
this testing is to find defects by random checking

46. What is Smoke testing?

SMOKE TESTING, also known as “Build Verification Testing”, is a type of
software testing that comprises of a non-exhaustive set of tests that aim at ensuring
46 that the most important functions work. The result of this testing is used to decide if a
build is stable enough to proceed with further testing.

47. What is compatibility testing?

Compatibility Testing is a type of Software testingto check whether your software
is capable of running on different hardware, operating systems, applications ,
network environments or Mobile devices. Compatibility Testing is a type of the
functional testing

48. What is application compatibility testing?

Compatibility is a non- functional testing to ensure customer satisfaction. It is to
determine whether your software application or product is proficient enough to run
48 in different browsers, database, hardware, operating system, mobile devices, and

49. Is compatibility testing functional or nonfunctional?

Non functional testing ensures that a system/application meets the specified
performance requirements. In non
49 functional software testing, by performance we do not only mean response time,
but several other factors such as security, scalability and usability of the application
as well

50. What is responsive testing?

A responsive web design involves creating a flexible web page that is accessible
from any device, starting from a mobile phone to a tablet Software testers may find
it challenging to
perform responsive design testing as a variety of factors are to be looked into
during the testing phase

People and organizational issues in testing – Organization structures for testing teams – testing
services – Test Planning – Test Plan Components – Test Plan Attachments – Locating Test Items
– test management – test process – Reporting Test Results – The role of three groups in Test
Planning and Policy Development – Introducing the test specialist – Skills needed by a test
specialist – Building a Testing Group.

S. No. Question

1 1. Define work breakdown structure? (Apr/May – 2018)

A Work Breakdown Structure is a hierarchical or treelike representation of all the
tasks that are required to complete a project.
And the elements are 1. Project startup 2. Management coordination 3. Tool selection
4. Test planning 5. Test design 6. Test development 7. Test execution 8. Test
measurement, and monitoring 9. Test analysis and reporting 10. Test process
2 2.What is Test item transmittal report? (Apr/May – 2018)
It identifies the test items being transmitted for testing in the event that separate
development and test groups are involved or in the event that a formal beginning of
test execution is desired

3 3.What are the responsibilities of a test specialist? (Apr/May – 2017)

Their primary responsibility is to ensure that testing is effective and productive, and
that quality issues are addressed.

4 4.What is the role of test manager?

(Apr/May – 2017) (Nov/Dec – 2016)
The test manager is usually responsible for test policy making, customer interaction,
test planning, test documentation, controlling and monitoring of tests, training, test
tool acquisition, participation in inspections and walkthroughs, reviewing test work,
the test repository, and staffing issues such as hiring, firing, and evaluation of the test
team members.

5 5. Write the approaches to test cost Estimation?

(Apr/May – 2017)
The COCOMO model and heuristics
 Use of test cost drivers
 Test tasks
 Tester/developer ratios
 Expert judgment
6 6 .What are the three critical groups in testing planning and test plan policy?
(Nov/Dec – 2016)
 Managers: Task forces, policies, standards, planning Resource allocation,
support for education and training, Interact with users/Clients
 Developers/Testers: Apply Black box and White box methods, test at all
levels, assist with test planning, Participate in task forces.
 Users/Clients: Specify requirement clearly, Support with operational profile,
Participate in acceptance test planning.

7 7.Define Goal.
A goal can be described as a statement of intent or a statement of an
accomplishment that an individual or an organization wants to achieve.

8 8.Define policy.
A Policy can be defined as a high-level statement of principle or course of action that
is used to govern a set of activities in an org.
9 9.Define Plan.
A plan is a document that provides a framework or approach for achieving a set of
10 10. List the Test plan components.
 Test plan identifier
 Introduction
 Items to be tested
 Features to be tested
 Approach
 Pass/fail criteria
 Suspension and resumption criteria

11 11.Mention some of the personal and managerial skills required by a test specialist.
• Organizational, and planning skills;
• The ability to keep track of, and pay attention to, details;
• The determination to discover and solve problems;
• The ability to work with others and be able to resolve conflicts;
• The ability to mentor and train others;
• The ability to work with users and clients;
• Strong written and oral communication skills;
• The ability to work in a variety of environments;
• The ability to think creatively.

12 12.How a test group can be formed?

Upper management must support the decision to establish a test group and commit
resources to the group. Using interviews the test group members can be identified.
The skill level as well as the education required have to be decided before the

13 13.What is the role of test lead?

The test lead assists the test manager and works with a team of test engineers on
individual projects. He or she may be responsible for duties such as test planning,
staff supervision, and
status reporting. The test lead also participates in test design, test
execution and reporting, technical reviews, customer interaction, and tool training.

14 14.What is the role of test engineer?

The test engineers design, develop, and execute tests, develop test harnesses, and set
up test laboratories and environments. They also give input to test planning and
support maintenance of the test and defect repositories.

15 15.Write notes on junior test engineer.

The junior test engineers are usually new hires. They gain experience by participating
in test design, test execution, and test harnessdevelopment. They may also be asked to
review user manuals and user help facilities defect and maintain the test and defect

16 16.Define milestones.
Milestones are tangible events that are expected to occur at a certain time in the
project’s lifetime. Managers use them to determine project status.

17 17. What are the components of test planner?

 Overall test objectives
 What to test (scope of the tests)
 Who will test?
 Howtotest?
 When to test?
 When to stop testing?

18 18.What do you mean by test plan identifier?

Each test plan should have a unique identifier so that it can be associated with a
specific project and become a part of the project history.

19 19.What are the technical skills required by a test specialist?

• Strong coding skills and an understanding of code structure and behavior;
• A good understanding of testing principles and practices;
• A good understanding of basic testing strategies, methods, and techniques;
• A knowledge of process issues;
• Knowledge of how networks, databases, and operating systems are organized and
how they work.

20 20.What are features?

Features may be described as distinguishing characteristics of a software component
or system
21 21.What is item pass/fail criteria?
Given a test item and a test case, the tester must have a set of
criteria to decide on whether the test has been passed or failed upon execution

22 22.What do you mean by failure?

A failure occurs when the actual output produced by the software
does not agree with what was expected, under the conditions specified by the test.
23 23. Give some examples of test deliverables. Execution-
basedtestinghasasetofdeliverablesthatincludesthetestplan along with its associated
test design specifications, test harness, test
procedures, and test cases

24 24.What is cost driver?

A cost driver can be described as a process or product factor that has an impact on
overall project costs.

25 25.What is meant by test procedure?

A procedure in general is a sequence of steps required to carry out a specific task.

26 26. Write the WBS elements for testing.

 Project startup
 Management coordination
 Tool selection
 Test planning
 Test design
 Test development
 Test execution
 Test measurement, and monitoring
 Test analysis and reporting
 Test process improvement

27 27. Write short notes on Cost driver.

A Cost driver can be described as a process or product factor that has an impact on
overall project costs. Cost drivers for project the include Product attributes such as
the required level of reliability, Hardware attributes such as memory constraints,
Personnel attributes such as experience level and Project attributes such as tools and

28 28 Write the WBS elements for testing.

1. Project startup 2. Management coordination 3. Tool selection
4. Test planning 5. Test design 6. Test development 7. Test execution 8. Test
measurement, and monitoring 9. Test analysis and reporting 10. Test process

29 29. Define Test incident Report.

The tester should record in attest incident report (sometimes called a problem
report) any event that occurs during the execution of
the tests that is unexpected,
unexplainable, and that requires a follow- up investigation.

30 30 Write the test term hierarchy? Test Manager

Test leader Test Engineer
Junior Test Engineer

31 31. Write notes on risk in testing process.

Testing software with a high degree of criticality, complexity, or a tight delivery
deadline all impose risks that may have negative impacts on project goals. These
risks should be: (i) identified, (ii) evaluated in terms of their probability of
occurrence, (iii) prioritized, and (iv) contingency plans should be developed that can
be activated if the risk occurs.
People and organizational issues in testing – Organization structures for testing
teams – testing services – Test Planning – Test Plan Components – Test Plan
Attachments – Locating Test Items – test management – test process – Reporting
Test Results
– The role of three groups in Test Planning and Policy
Development – Introducing the test specialist – Skills needed by a test specialist –
Building a Testing Group

32,Write the different types of goals?

i. Business goal: To increase market share 10% in the next 2

years in the area of financial software

ii. Technical Goal: To reduce defects by 2% per year over the next
3 years.
iii. Business/technical Goal: To reduce hotline calls by 5% over
the next 2 years

iv. Political Goal: To increase the number of women and

minorities in high management positions by 15% in the
next 3 years.

33,Define Goal and Policy

A goal can be described as (i) a statement of intent or (ii) a
statement of a accomplishment that an individual or an org
wants to achieve.
33 A Policy can be defined as a high-level statement of principle
or course of action that is used to govern a set of activities in an

34,List the Test plan components. /

Duties of component wise testing teams (Nov/Dec – 2018)
 Test plan identifier
 Introduction
34  Items to be tested
 Features to be tested
 Approach
 Pass/fail criteria
 Suspension and resumption criteria
 Test deliverables
 Testing Tasks
 Test environment
 Responsibilities
 Staffing and training needs
 Scheduling
 Risks and contingencies
 Testing costs
 Approvals.

35,Define a Work Breakdown Structure.(WBS)

A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a hierarchical or
35 treelike representation of all the tasks that are required to complete a project

36,Write the approaches to test cost Estimation?

 The COCOMO model and heuristics

 Use of test cost drivers
 Test tasks
 Tester/developer ratios
36  Expert judgment

37. What is test effectiveness?

Let us look at what Test effectiveness is, Test effectiveness of a technique or a

system or a team is the ability to find defects and isolate them, from a product or
deliverable. Test effectiveness is to ensure quality and close the two quality gaps,
37 namely
producer's quality gap and customer's quality gap.
38,Write short notes on Cost driver.
A Cost driver can be described as a process or product factor
that has an impact on overall project costs. Cost drivers for project
the include

 Product attributes such as the required level of reliability

 Hardware attributes such as memory constraints.
 Personnel attributes such as experience level.
 Project attributes such as tools and methods.

39,Write the WBS elements for testing.

1. Project startup
2. Management coordination
3. Tool selection
39 4. Test planning
5. Test design
6. Test development
7. Test execution
8. Test measurement, and monitoring
9. Test analysis and reporting
10. Test process improvement

40,What is the function of Test Item Transmittal Report or Locating Test


Suppose a tester is ready to run tests on the data described in the

test plan. We needs to be able to locate the item and have knowledge
of its current status. This is the function of the Test Item Transmittal
Report. Each Test Item Transmittal Report has a unique identifier.


41,What is the information present in the Test Item Transmittal Report or

Locating Test Items

1) Version/revision number of the item

2) Location of the item
3) Person responsible for the item (the developer)
4) References tyo item documentation and test plan it is related to.
5) Status of the item
6) Approvals – space for signatures of staff who approve the

42,What is the need of Test Incident Report (Nov/Dec – 2018)

The tester should record in attest incident report (sometimes

called a problem report) any event that occurs during the execution
of the tests that is unexpected , unexplainable, and that requires a
follow- up investigation.


43,What are the Three critical groups in testing planning and test plan policy ?

 Managers: Task forces, policies, standards, planning

Resource allocation, support for education and training,
Interact with users/Clients
 Developers/Testers :Apply Black box and White box
methods, test at all levels, Assst with test planning,
Participate in task forces.
 Users/Clients :Specify requirement clearly,
Support with operational profile, Participate
in acceptance test planning
44, What are the skills needed by a test specialist?
 Personal and managerial Skills
Organizational, and planning skills, work with others,
resolve conflicts, mentor and train others, written /oral
communication skills, think creatively.
 Technical Skills
General software engineering principles and practices,
understanding of

testing principles and practices, ability to plan, design,

and execute test cases, knowledge of networks,
database, and operating System.


45. What does a test plan consists of?

A test plan is a document that defines the strategy that will be used to verify that
the product or system is developed according to its specifications and
requirements. It describes the scope
45 of testing, testing techniques to be used, resources required
for testing and the schedule of intended test activities.
46, How do you write a test plan document?
Write the introduction. ...
Define your objectives. ...
Write a section on required resources. ...
Write a section on risks and dependencies. ...
Write a section on what you are going to test. ...
Write a section on what you will not be testing. ...
List your strategy. ...
46 Develop pass/fail criteria.

47. What is Test Plan? .

A TEST PLAN is a document describing software testing scope and activities. It
is the basis for formally testing any software/product in a project. ISTQB
Definition. test plan:
47 A document describing the scope, approach, resources and schedule of intended test
48, What is difference between test strategy and test plan?
Test strategy is a high level document which defines the approach for
softwaretesting. It is basically derived from the Business Requirement document.
Test strategy is developed by project manager or business analyst. It is kind of static
48 document which
sets the standards for testing so not updated often
49, What is test plan test strategy?
A Test Strategy document is a high level document and normally developed by
project manager. This document defines
49 “Software Testing Approach” to achievetesting objectives. ...
Some companies include the “Test Approach” or “Strategy”
inside the Test Plan, which is fine and it is usually the case for
small projects
50, What are test metrics?
In software testing, Metric is a quantitative measure of the degree to which a
system, system component, or process possesses a given attribute. In other
50 words,metrics helps estimating the
progress, quality and health of a software testingeffort.
51, What is KPI in testing?

A Key Performance Indicator (or KPI) is usually used to evaluate the software
51 process efficiency evaluation. The important parameters and their usage are analysed
and the outcome of the measurement is used to trigger any process improvements.
Software test automation – skill needed for automation – scope of automation – design and
architecture for automation – requirements for a test tool – challenges in automation – Test
metrics and measurements – project, progress and productivity metrics

S. No. Question

1 1. What is Walk throughs? (Apr/May – 2018)

 Type of technical review where the producer of the reviewed material serves as
the review leader and actually guides the progression of the review (as a
review reader)
 Traditionally applied to design and code
 In the case of code walkthrough, test inputs may be selected and review
participants then literally walk through the design or code
 Checklist and preparation steps may be eliminated

2 2 What are the general goals for the reviewers (Apr/May – 2018)
The general goals for the reviewers
 identify problem components or components in the software artifact that
need improvement;
 identify components of the software artifact that do not need improvement;
 identify specific errors or defects in the software artifact (defect detection);
 ensure that the artifact conforms to organizational standards. the many
benefits of a review program are:
 higher-quality software;
 increased productivity (shorter rework time);
 closer adherence to project schedules (improved process control);
 increased awareness of quality issues; • teaching tool for junior staff;
 opportunity to identify reusable software artifacts;

3 3. What are stress and load tools? (Apr/May – 2017)

Stress and load tools induce stresses and loads to the software being tested. A word
processor running as the only application on the system, with all available memory and
disk space, probably works just fine.

4 4.What are calculated metrics? (Apr/May – 2017)

Calculated Metrics are derived from the data gathered in Base
Metrics. These Metrics are generally tracked by the test lead/manager for Test
Reporting purpose.

5 5.What are the benefits of testing tools and automation? (Nov/Dec – 2016)
Speed, Efficiency, Accuracy and Precision, Relentlessness.

6 6.Define Base line. (Nov/Dec – 2016)

Base lines are formally reviewed and agreed upon versions of software artifacts,
from which all changes are measured. They serve as the basis for further
development and can be changed only through formal change procedures.

7 7.What is the use of viewers and monitors test tool?

A viewer or monitor test tool allows you to see details of the software’s operation that
you wouldn’t normally be able to see.

8 8.What are Drivers tool?

Drivers are tools used to control and operate the software being tested. One of the
simplest examples of a driver is a batch file, a simple list of programs or commands
that are executed
9 9. What are stubs?
Stubs are essentially the opposite of drivers in that they don’t control or operate the
software being tested; they instead receive or respond to data that the software sends.

10 10.What are Interference Injectors and Noise Generators? Another class of tools
is interference injectors and noise generators. They’re similar to stress and load tools
but are more random in what they do. The Stress tool, for example, has an
executor mode that randomly changes the available resources

11 11.What are programmed macros?

Programmed macros are a step up in evolution from the simple record and playback
variety. Rather than create programmed macros by recording your actions as you run
the test for the first time, create them by programming simple instructions for the
playback system to follow.

12 12.How verification can be performed using test automation tools?

Screen captures Control values
File and other output

13 13.What are Software Testing Metrics?

A Metric is a quantitative measure of the degree to which a system, system
component, or process possesses a given attribute. Software Metrics are used to
measure the quality of the project.
Simply, Metric is a unit used for describing an attribute. Metric is a scale for
14 14.What is Software Test Measurement?
Measurement is the quantitative indication of extent, amount, dimension, capacity, or
size of some attribute of a product or
15 15. Give some examples of test metrics.
 How many defects are existed within the module?
 How many test cases are executed per person?
 What is the Test coverage %?
16 16.What is the need for test metrics?
Test Metrics are used to,
Take the decision for next phase of activities such as, estimate the cost & schedule of
future projects.
Understand the kind of improvement required to success the project
Take decision on process or technology to be modified etc.

17 17.What are the types of manual test metrics?

Base metrics Calculated metrics

18 18.What are base metrics?

Base Metrics are the Metrics which are derived from the data gathered by the Test
Analyst during the test case development and execution. This data will be tracked
throughout the Test Life cycle. I.e. collecting the data like, Total no. of test cases
developed for a project (or) no. of test cases need to be executed (or) no. of test cases
passed/failed/blocked etc.

19 19.Tell about test case execution productivity?

It determines the number of Test cases / Scripts that can be prepared per
person days of effort.

20 20.Define test automation. / What is the need of test automation

(Nov/Dec – 2018)

In software testing, test automation is the use of special software (separate from the
software being tested) to control the execution of tests and the comparison of actual
outcomes with predicted outcomes.
It reduces human effort and reduce human error.

21 21.Classify the skills needed for automation.

The skills needed for automation is classified into four levels in three generation.
22 22.Draw the framework for test automation.

23.What are configuration file modules?
A configuration file contains a set of variables that are used in automation. A
configuration file is important for running the test cases for various execution
conditions and for running the test for various input and output conditions and states.

24 24.Define Review.
Review is a group meeting whose purpose is to evaluate a software artifact or
a set of software artifacts.

25 25.Define SCM (Software Configuration management). Software Configuration

Management is a set of activities carried out for identifying, organizing and
controlling changes throughout the lifecycle of computer software.

26 26.Define Project Controlling.

It consists of developing and applying a set of corrective actions to get a project on
track when monitoring shows a deviation from
what was planned.
27 27. What are the benefits of a Review program?
 Higher quality software
 Increased productivity
 Increased awareness of quality issues
 Reduced maintenance costs
 Higher customer satisfaction
28 28. What are the various types of Reviews?
 Inspections
 Walkthroughs

29 29. What is Inspections?

It is a type of review that is formal in nature and requires pre- review preparation on
the part of the review team. The Inspection leader prepares is the checklist of items that
serves as the agenda
for the review.
30 30. List out the members present in the Review Team.
 SQA(Software Quality Assurance) staff
 Testers
 Developers
 Users /Clients.
 Specialists.

31 31. What are the advantages of automation?

Automation saves time, reliable, helps immediate testing, better utilization of global

32 32. What is a “test suite”?

A test suite is a set of test cases that are automated and scenarios that are associated
with the test cases.
33. Define baseline testing.
Definition: Baseline testing refers to the validation of the documents and
specifications on which test cases are designed. ...
Many problems are discovered and solved during baseline testing.
Description: Baseline testing is a type of non- functional testing which is
33 generally performed
by testing engineers.
34. What is the difference between benchmark and baseline? Baseline and
benchmark are similar but distinct activities. Figuratively, a baselineis a "line in the
sand" for an organization whereby it measures important performance
characteristics for future reference a benchmark is about assessing the relative
34 performance of an application

35. What is a performance baseline?

The Performance Measurement Baseline is a time–phased schedule of all the
work to be performed, the budgeted cost for this work, and the organizational
35 elements that produce the
deliverables from this work.
36. Which tools are used for manual testing? Selenium (Web
Application Testing)
Appium (Mobile Testing) JMeter (Load Testing)
36 Jenkins (Continuous Testing) TestLink (Test
Mantis (Bug-Tracking & Project Management) Postman (API Testing)
Firebug / Firepath (Online Debugging)

37, What is the difference between manual and automated testing?

In manual testing (as the name suggests), test cases are

executed manually (by a human, that is) without any support from tools or scripts. But
with automated testing, test cases are executed with the assistance of tools, scripts,
and software.Testing is an integral part of any successful software project
38. What is the meaning of penetration testing tools?
A penetration testing tool is a tool used for testing the security of a Web application
.............................. Fuzzing refers to a testing technique that is
highly automated, which covers several boundary cases by means of invalid data as
the application input to make sure that exploitable vulnerabilities are absent.

39, Why manual testing is important?

Manual testing is important because it's good to test the application
randomly/throughly. In initial stage of of the application we can not do the ad-
hoc testing by execution of scripts. We need to do this Manually. Manual
testing is important till application is in regression phase or stable

40, Is it possible to do performance testing manually?

In order to execute performance test manually, in this case, many active sessions of
the same application should be open for testing.
... Usually, the test is performed by deploying the application on the server,
accessing the application from various client machines and allowing multiple
40 threads to run

41, Can Automation Testing replace manual testing?

However, test automation does not have the ability to fully replace manual testing.
........................... However, you cannot expect test automation to
perform all the work done manually by a tester.
The testing process of a new software application canbe divided into two major
41 phases

42. List the the challenges in automation?

1) Testing the complete application: ...
2) Misunderstanding of company processes: ...
3) Relationship with developers: ...
4) Regression testing: ...
5) Lack of skilled testers: ...
42 6) Testing always under time constraint:

43, What is UI automation testing?

Automated tests that drive your application through its user interface (UI) are
known as coded UI tests (CUITs) in Visual Studio. These tests include
functionaltesting of the UI controls. They let you verify that the whole application,
including itsuser interface, is functioning correctly

44, Write some tips to improve automation testing?

Decide What to Automate. Prioritize & Divide

Prepare Test Cases & Scenario Beforehand. Identify the Process.
Create Tests that Don't Affect UI Changes.
Utilize Quality Test Data.
Utilize Standardized Test Tools, Frameworks & Techniques.
Don't Automate Every Test.

45, List some Benefits of Automation Testing.

Fast: Runs tests significantly faster than human users.
Repeatable: Testers can test how the website or software reacts after
repeated execution of the same operation.
Reusable: Tests can be re-used on different versions of the software.

46, What skills are needed to be a good test automation tester? Following are the
technical skills a manual tester should master to become a brilliant automation testing
Test architecture. Test design.
Performance testing. Configuration
Manual testing agility & interaction. Communication between teams.
Agile, DevOps, and continuous delivery


47, What is test coverage metrics?

Test coverage (also referred to by some as code coverage) is one of many
metricsthat are commonly used to give a statistical representation of the state of the
code written for a certain piece of software

48, What is test effectiveness?

Let us look at what Test effectiveness is, Test effectiveness of a technique or a
system or a team is the ability to find defects and isolate them, from a product or
deliverable. Test effectiveness is to ensure quality and close the two quality gaps,
namely producer's quality gap and customer's quality gap
49, What is defect density in software testing?
Defect Density is the number of defects confirmed
in software/module during a specific period of operation or development divided by
the size of thesoftware/module. It enables one to decide if a piece of software is
ready to be released. Defect density is counted per thousand lines of code also
known as KLOC.


49, What is KPI in testing?

A Key Performance Indicator (or KPI) is usually used to evaluate the software
process efficiency evaluation. The important parameters and their usage are analysed
49 and the outcome of the
measurement is used to trigger any process improvements
What is Code Walk Through review?
Code Walkthrough is a form of peer review in which a programmer leads the review
process and the other team members ask questions and spot possible errors against
development standards and other issues. The meeting is usually led by the author of
the document under review and attended by other members of the team.


What is Progress metrics? (Nov/Dec – 2018)

In software testing, Metric is a quantitative measure of the degree to which a
51 system, system component, or process possesses a given attribute. In other words,
metrics helps estimating
the progress, quality and health of a software testing effort.

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