Eucharistic Miracles
Eucharistic Miracles
Eucharistic Miracles
has raised His throne, and He invites all
to come to Him to be consoled, refreshed
and healed.
Only once during His mortal life did
our blessed Lord allow His glory to appear,
and then only in part, for a short time,
and to but three of His disciples, at His
transfiguration on Mt. Thabor. His entire
glory He will not reveal to us until we
enter heaven. In the Sacred Host He con-
ceals His glory with the veil of the Sac-
ramental Species; for we would die were
we to see Him as He is, and it is through
incomprehensible love for us that He here
hides both His Humanity and Divinity. But
in order to strengthen the faith of His
people, to show His special love, or to call
them to repentance, Our Lord has from
time to time withdrawn the veil which
shrouds His Sacred Person beneath the
Sacramental Species.
Eucharistic Miracles
The Forgotten Host
having carefully placed the pyx containing
the Blessed Sacrament in a drawer, retired.
With an indescribable feeling of relief
the priest ran up the stairs, followed by
the landlord, his wife, all the servants, and
a few strangers, whom curiosity had drawn
there. Turning the knob of the door, he
opened it without the slightest difficulty,
ney that had been thus singularly inter-
rupted by the merciful Providence of God,
he found the sick man to whom he had
been called, in a state of convalescence.
their whole life. The fact that this appari-
tion took place at a time when special
homage was being shown to the Blessed
Sacrament teaches that it is most pleasing
and agreeable to Our Lord to receive visits
of love and adoration; and that He looks
upon those who visit and adore Him
made use of the exorcisms of the Church,
but for a long time met with no success;
the devil scoffed at all his efforts. One day
the priest went to the possessed person
immediately after Holy Mass, in order to
whom were converted to the Catholic Faith.
By order of Pope St. Pius V, the learned
Father John de Boulese drew up a special
document relating to the facts, which are
as follows: —
A woman by the name of Nicola Pierrot
was possessed by the devil in such a man-
ner that she suddenly became blind, deaf
and dumb, and her limbs became horribly
distorted. The exorcisms only served to
ascertain that she was possessed by Beelze-
bub, the prince of devils, but could not
free her from his power. At length the
bishop approached her with the Sacred
Host, whereupon the devil uttered a hor-
rible bellowing which made all shudder.
The evil spirit left the woman repeatedly,
but returned as soon as the Sacred Host
was removed. Repeatedly he withdrew
amid fearful howling, writhing and strug-
gling as soon as the Sacred Host was again
brought near.
obliged through the power of this Body to
The news of this wonderful event
spread quickly throughout the city. The
bishop appeared with the chapter of his
cathedral and the clergy of the city. But
behold, a new prodigy! The Sacred Host
left the lunula in which It was enclosed,
and the monstrance lowered itself to the
ground, while the Sacred Host remained
immovable in the air, where It shone like
the sun and sent forth rays of dazzling
splendor in all directions. The astonished
multitude loudly expressed their joy and
admiration, prostrating themselves and
weeping as they adored the Divine Savior,
who displayed His glory in such a visible
manner. The bishop, likewise on his knees,
Our Lord
held aloft a chalice and implored
to descend into Thereupon the Sacred
The Ten Miraculous Hosts of
^VENTIN, a historian of Bavaria, writes
in his diaries that at the time when
Emperor Louis was warring
the Bavarian
against Popes John XXII and Benedict
XII, the Jews thought the Roman Empire
and the Christian religion would soon come
to an end, and that their Messiah would
soon appear. They formed a union among
themselves throughout Germany against the
Christians. Many of them bore a partic-
ular hatred toward the Blessed Sacrament.
Knowing that Christians believe in the
Real Presence of Our Lord in the Holy
Eucharist, they endeavored to secure con-
secrated Hosts in order to vent their hatred
upon the God of the Christians. Not all,
however, were filled with such sentiments
but only those blinded by religious fanati-
Many such Jews had settled in the city
of Deggendorf, where they were engaged
in manufacturing. Several of them re-
solved to obtain some consecrated Hosts,
and made use of a servant girl to carry
out their designs. This poor girl had
pawned her best clothes. One day when
she needed the clothes but had no money
with which to redeem them, the Jews prom-
would receive her garments
ised that she
without any money
if she would bring
Hosts into it and sank it in a nearby well.
Though preserved in a damp marble
tabernacle, the Hosts were always fresh
and dry, and remained intact for centuries.
Whether or not they perished in the terri-
ble destruction of the first world war has
not been ascertained.
years, a pestilence really did break out and
carried off a great many of the inhabitants.
Gregory Germany.
in Walldueren, Baden,
The priest was overcome with fright, and
his fright grew to horror when bloody
marks appeared on the corporal. Trem-
bling with fear, he concealed the blood-
stained corporal beneath the altar stone.
This wonderful manifestation would prob-
ably have remained a secret forever had
not God decreed to make it known in or-
der to strengthen the faith of many Chris-
tians. The priest was later afflicted with a
serious illness, brought on by worry and de-
pression because of this accident. Before
his death he manifested to his confessor
the miraculous happenings connected with
the overturned chalice. He begged the
confessor to take the corporal from its hid-
couraged to meditate lovingly on the Pas-
sion of our Savior during Holy Mass.
turn from Rome. In this holy place, many
sinners who had previously concealed
their crimes received the grace of making
a sincere confession.
During November, 1431, a devout weaver,
named John, was praying before the
Blessed Sacrament. Sadness filled the
good man’s soul as he reflected on the
abandonment of Our Lord in the taber-
nacle. Suddenly he felt himself suffused
by a wonderful light, which struck fear
sor, the Rev. Koofemans, parish priest of
St. Gudula. After he had made known the
apparition, he was suddenly cured.
The priest informed the Vicar General
of Cambria, John of Liedekerks. An as-
tant. Its history, extracted from an account
by Dom Quevedo, is briefly as follows: —
When the Calvinists devastated the
Netherlands, plundering and destroying
church after church, they came also to
Grocum in Holland, where, as it is well
known, they tortured the monks most cruel-
his errors and entered the Order, deter-
mined to perform a life-long penance for
his sacrilegious act.
On account of the unrest caused by the
war, Malines, too, was threatened. More-
over, the Calvinists wished, at any price,
to get into their possession the miraculous
Host, the testimony of their hatred. To
insure Its safety, It was brought by the
Emperor’s delegate, Ferdinand Weider, to
Twenty-six Sacred Hosts in Alcala,
It was then resolved to preserve them
with the utmost reverence for some time,
together with a notice of their origin,
written by Father Suarez.
Eleven years after, Father Louis de la
that these Hosts could have been preserved
only by a miracle.
revolutionists had come; a crowd of here-
ticsswarmed round the monastery walls.
The gate bell was rung violently, the doors
were forced open, and the invaders over-
ran the peaceful sanctuary. The unhappy
Friars met with a cruel fate. One was
killed with the sword, the others were
burned alive.
fast-flowing waters of the Gave. What hap-
pened? Another miracle!
The ciborium remained safe in the
hands of its gallant defender, while his
lifelessbody was swiftly carried by the
current to the town of Bayonne, where
it stopped under the walls of the Monas-
ther Guardian were deposited in the church
of his Order, where they are regarded as
a precious relic, and it is said that miracles
have been worked through the intercession
of the martyred friar.
to hasten back to the church. For three
days the rain continued to fall and a plen-
tiful harvest resulted. This striking miracle
converted many Turks. The governor be-
stowed numerous privileges upon the
Christians, which they enjoyed for centu-
Rhone overflowed its banks and inundated
the whole city. The water stood four feet
high outside the chapel walls, and on the
inside it had risen over the pews. The
altar, however, and the space nearest the
altar remained perfectly dry, the water on
both sides forming a channel. The docu-
ments under the altar were likewise per-
fectly dry, although the altar stood level
with the ground. It was found thus by the
forth in front of the convent, anxiously
observing the sky. The heat was oppres-
sive, not a leaf stirred. The clouds at a
distance of some eight to ten miles rolled
to and fro, arranging themselves in battle
array. Now and then a flash of lightning
lit up the gloomy dark-grey mass. “A fear-
ful storm is coming,” the priest exclaimed,
and hastened to the chapel to give the
“blessing of the weather.”
not abating, the priest went to the altar,
opened the tabernacle, took the ciborium
and with it faced the storm. Many of the
Sisters were weeping and crying out:
Lord, save us or we perish!” All crowded
around the altar. The storm continued to
rage; the building shook; flowers and can-
dlesticks fell with a crash from the altar;
the priestbecame drenched by the dashing
rain forced in through the openings. Even
the ciborium veil was dripping, and the
large statue of the Sacred Heart enthroned
in the central niche of the altar, threatened
to fall upon him at any moment. But he
stood there quietly, knowing that in his
hands he held Him who commands the
wind and the waves.
Gradually the raging storm became
more calm, to the great relief of all. The
storm at length passed away, but all about
lay fallen trees tornup by their roots, and
the convent’s new barn had been reduced
to a heap of ruins. This same storm had
also caused serious damage to the strongly
built Abbey-Church at Conception, Mis-
souri, the roof of which was torn off and
the heavy walls of which gave way in two
places. The beautiful structure presented
a most doleful sight indeed after the
disaster. The following morning the Bene-
dictine Sisters sang a High Mass in thanks-
giving to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament
for His singular protection.
which you see upon the altar.”
“I would so much like to see Jesus.”
“But the door is locked, dear. And
besides, Jesus is hidden by a covering, so
that you could not see Him.”
But the child kept repeating: “I would
so much like to see Jesus.”
Later they entered a Protestant church,
where there was neither lamp nor taber-
“Papa, why is there no lamp here?”
“Because Jesus is not here.”
The child opened her large innocent
eyes in astonishment, then became silent
and thoughtful. From that time forward
she would hear of nothing except the Cath-
olic Church, and there was a struggle
whenever she was taken to a Protestant
place of worship. She always protested,
“I want to go where Jesus is.”
These words made a deep impression
upon the father. Like his child he began
to feel that it is well with us only where
Jesus is.
support. However, he made the sacrifice
and his wife did likewise. They embraced
the true religion, saying with their child:
“I want to go where Jesus is.”
and as an ordinary person mingled with the
people. Bad weather never deterred him
from paying this tribute of honor to his
Lord. One day as he was devoutly accom-
panying the Blessed Sacrament with un-
covered head, a servant held his hat over
him, to shield him from the burning sun.
“Never mind,” said Philip, “the sun will
told that she was in the church. He hur-
ried there and announced in a loud tone
of voice that he had something of impor-
tance to say to her. The woman seized
him by the arm and said: “We are not
here to chatter, but to hear Holy Mass ! Be
quiet and kneel down!” Napoleon, the
conqueror of the world, obeyed, knelt
down and assisted at Mass to the end.
Then, quietly going out with her, he said:
“Madam, such fine people as you must in
the fruits of the Holy Masses which are
now said for my repose are so abundantly
applied to me that I shall soon be de-
livered, and shall enter into the Heavenly
a very meritorious act and a profession of
the Catholic Faith.
5. I will often visit my Savior in the
Blessed Sacrament, because Our Lord has
reserved special graces for His special
friends. In the Holy Eucharist Our Lord
is full of mercy and love. He imparts His
graces in richest measure to those who lov-
ingly visit Him there.
ly by applying to them many indulgences.
10. I will often visit my Savior, because
to visit and venerate the Blessed Sacrament
frequently is the best preparation for my
future adoration in heaven.
churches present at Benediction The rich- !
is hushed, every head is bowed, or the eyes
gaze lovingly on the Sacred Host. God
alone speaks ;
and amidst this solemn
silence the priest elevates the monstrance.
The Blessed Sacrament is raised aloft, and
the blessing of Jesus Christ, the Son of
God descends upon the heads and hearts
of the fervent congregation. —What scene
is so calculated to inspire the soul of man
with the most exalted thoughts of the
majesty, goodness and love of God! We
see, and touch, and feel, so to speak, the
Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Holy
diction of Jesus Christ in the Most Holy
To receive the blessing of our Savior
we need not travel far; in our own parish
churches, so near our homes, we may re-
ceive the blessing of Jesus Christ—God
Himself ! How blessed the inspiration
which has led the Church of God to grant
us this consolation! Have we ever neglect-
ed Benediction? Have we appreciated it
as we ought? May heaven grant us
the grace to know and esteem its value.
Impressions of Non-Catholics
this one great moment the fervent Catholic
beholds and feels the Divinity in person,
the redemption, the sanctification, eternal
life, the terrors and joys of eternity; his
body, his spirit, are no longer on earth,
they are with God, and God is with him.
Can a Protestant clergyman, a Spalding, a
Reinhard, boast of having ever developed
and delivered a sermon of such eloquence
as to effect in his hearers the living per-
ception of the invisible, the realization of
that which ‘eye hath not seen, ear hath not
heard and which hath not entered into the
heart of man?’... During my stay in
Prayers to the Blessed Sacrament
ardent devotion! Would that I had the
love of all created hearts, wherewith to
love Thee. Oh, would that I could repay
Thee a thousand times by my honor and
thanksgiving for all the outrages and in-
sults Thou dost receive from wicked men.
have mercy on me a poor sinner, and for-
sake me not in my last hour. Oh, give
me a true devotion and respect for Thy
adorable Sacrament, and grant me the
grace always to receive It worthily, par-
ticularly at the hour of my death. Amen.
That Thou wouldst call us from the death
of sin to the life of grace,
That Thou wouldst confirm and preserve
us in Thy grace,
That Thou wouldst preserve us from all
of Thy love,
That Thou mayest unite us all in the bonds
of brotherly love,*
That at the hour of our death Thou wouldst
strengthen us with this heavenly Food,
That Thou wouldst preserve us unto life
Son of God,
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of
the world, Spare us, 0 Jesus!
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of
the world, Hear us, 0 Jesus!
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of
the world, Have mercy on us!
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
Our Father, etc. Hail Mary, etc.
y. The gracious and merciful Lord has
given to us a memorial of His wonders.
. He has given Himself as Food to those
0 God, who in this wonderful Sacra-
ment has bequeathed to us a perpetual
memorial of Thy Passion, grant us the
grace, we beseech Thee, so to venerate the
sacred mysteries of Thy Body and Blood
that we may ever feel within us the fruits
of Thy redemption. Who livest and reign-
est, God, world without end. Amen.
that adoration and reverence which Thy
Sacred Humanity rendered to the Divinity.
In the name of all the faithful, I offer
Thee my thanksgiving for the unbounded
love which retains Thee for our salvation
in the adorable sacrament.
my being. My Jesus, I firmly believe that,
under the appearance of bread, not only
Thy Sacred Body and Precious Blood, but
also Thy whole Divinity and Humanity, are
truly and substantially present. I realize
that I can never fathom the depths of this
Mystery, but my faith in this Sacrament
of Thy love is so firmly rooted that I
acts of adoration and thanksgiving that are
offered to Thee by the angels and saints
in heaven and by the just on earth. I
Thee known, loved, and honored by all in
this Sacrament of Love, and to prevent the
Glory be.
Foreword 3
Eucharistic Miracles 5
Prayers 53