Environmental Science - Soil
Environmental Science - Soil
Environmental Science - Soil
Environmental Science
medium for carrying essential plant nutrients from
solid soil particles into plant roots and to the
farthest reaches of the plant's leaf structure.
Chemistry of Soil Transpiration happens when the water in a plant
evaporates into the atmosphere from the plant's
Soil is a mixture of weathered rocks and leaves.
minerals, decayed plants and animal material
(humus and detritus), and small living organisms
which includes plants, animals and bacteria. Soil Soil carries the nutrients to the plant extremities by
also consists of water and air. this process wherein plants remove carbon dioxide
A typical productive soil is 5% organic matter and from the atmosphere and add oxygen by
95% inorganic matter photosynthesis. The reverse of this process
occurs during plant respiration.
Importance of Soil
- production of food;
- maintaining the balance of carbon, nitrogen,
and phosphorus; If soil becomes saturated with water, the oxygen
- for the construction of building materials. will immediately be consumed by the respiration of
microorganisms and will cause degradation of
Distinguished Layers of Soil organic matter in soil.
Excess water in soils is harmful to plant growth,
A layer of a typical soil is called horizon. It is the and the soil does not contain the air required by
product of complex interactions between processes most plant roots. Most important crops (exception
that develop during weathering. The rainwater that of rice) cannot grow on soil soaked with water.
penetrates through the soil brings dissolved and
colloidal solids to lower horizons where they are