Active Noise Control in Ducts, B Somek, 2001, (6p)
Active Noise Control in Ducts, B Somek, 2001, (6p)
Active Noise Control in Ducts, B Somek, 2001, (6p)
UDK 621.371.56:534.8
IFAC IA 4.7.1;2.1.8
Original scientific paper
After reviewing the development of active noise control principles, we analyzed the elements of the active noise
control system in ducts. On the basis of this analysis, we created a model of these elements. Especially, we brought
a model of the loudspeaker in the z-domain, suitable for description of systems containing analog and digital parts.
Such model enabled us to analyze work and convergence of the adaptive signal processing algorithms applied to
active noise control. As an example, we analyzed performance of FXLMS algorithm on simplified model of active
noise control system in ventilation duct, and have shown a strong influence of the loudspeaker's transfer function
on the power spectrum of the error signal.
Key words: active noise control, adaptive filters, electroacoustical transducers, loudspeakers, ventilation ducts
The influence of acoustical feedback was com- 2. MODELING OF SOUND FIELD IN INFINITE
pensated in ducts with use of Chelsea dipole source DUCTS
[8], (Figure 2), Swinbanks two-elements unidirec-
tional source [9], (Figure 3) and use of Jessel-Man- If the sound wave propagates through the infi-
giante-Canévet tripole source [10]. The Chelsea di- nite duct, and if its wavelength is much longer than
pole uses a pair of loudspeakers driven out of pha- duct's diameter then we can assume that we have a
se and spaced one-half wavelength apart. Jessel- plane acoustical wave. In the cases when the wave-
-Mangiante-Canévet tripole uses a monopole source length is less of the doubled diameter of the duct,
to cancel upstream propagation from the dipole we have high-order modes in the soundwaves pro-
source. There was also proposed application of pagation. Although most work on active noise con-
FURLMS adaptive signal processing algorithm to trol systems in ducts has focused on plane-wave
solve this problem [11]. propagation, higher order modes can become pro-
blem for large duct dimensions even for low fre-
quencies. This problem may be solved through the
use of a partitioned duct, as described in [16].
There are efficient passive noise control measures
for high frequencies with high-order propagation mo-
des, and we will discuss ahead only low frequency
soundwaves' propagation, e. g. plane acoustical
Plane wave propagation of the sound in the +x
axis direction of the Cartesian coordinate system is
Fig. 2. Chelsea dipole
described by the differential equation [1]
¶2 p 1 ¶2 p
- 2 × 2 =0 (1)
¶x c0 ¶ t
where p denotes sound pressure, t is the time and c0
is the velocity of the sound propagation.
The simplest antinoise source for the infinite
duct is one loudspeaker fixed on the wall of the
duct. For the frequencies low enough, neglecting
the area close to the loudspeaker, we can assume
the antinoise sound wave to be a plane wave, and
Fig. 3. Swinbanks system we can model the loudspeaker as a plane acoustical
monopole in the infinite duct [1].
A plane acoustical monopole can be imagined as
From a geometric point of view, active noise a pair of two massless pistons on the infinitesimal
control systems may be divided on duct noise con- distance, moving on the opposite directions. Their
trol systems, interior noise control systems, free- moving is directed by the time-variant volume ve-
-space control systems and personal hearing protec- locity of the monopole q(t). For the soundwave's
tion systems. Interior noise was actively controlled lengths long enough compared to the physical di-
in passenger cars [12], and in the propeller-driven mensions of the loudspeaker, the monopole's and
aircrafts [13]. The occupational noise can be redu- the loudspeaker's volume velocities will be the same.
ced by use of active acoustic barriers [14]. Active
hearing protectors were proposed in [15]. Active If we have the noise source in the xP point on
control of sound has some close associations with the x-axis, and the secondary source positioned in
the active control of vibration. In many cases active
control of sound and vibration can be treated as
one problem, especially when dealing with struc-
ture-borne sound.
In this paper a model of active noise control sys-
tem for infinite ducts will be developed, useful for
modeling of the active noise control systems in the
ventilation systems. On the basis of this model, the
efficiency of the adaptive signal processing algo-
rithms will be analyzed. Fig. 4. Two plane acoustical monopoles in an infinite duct
the xS point (Figure 4), and if their volume veloci- Good microphones could have very uniform fre-
ties are qP an qS, respectively, the sound pressure quency response.
will be canceled for x > xS if following equation is
satisfied: Piezoelectric accelerometers have the best proper-
ties, and this type of accelerometer is almost only
qS = − q P t − D , (2)
in use. Lower frequency limit in vibration measure-
c0 ments is defined by the lower frequency limit of
the preamplifier and the lower frequency limit of
where D denotes the distance between two sources the accelerometer itself. The lower frequency limit
[1]. of the preamplifier usually can be below 1 Hz.
Tempe-rature sensitivity of the accelerometer define
its lower frequency limit, and using shear type one
can bring this limit below 1 Hz too.
In the middle frequencies range, a power ampli-
If we want to satisfy (2), we have to assure time
fier can be modeled as a voltage source with adjust-
delay between qS and qP equal to the time of sound
able clipping distortion. Dynamic range of the po-
waves' propagation between two sources. In the real
wer amplifier is extremely important for the proper
conditions, it means that we first have to detect ori-
work of the system.
ginal noise signal using an appropriate sensor, and
transduce acoustic signal to its electrical equivalent.
The electric signal has to be processed for ensuring 5. LOUDSPEAKERS
time delay condition, and after amplifying, brought
to the actuator (loudspeaker). As a part of the active noise control system, the
loudspeaker influences in great measure on overall
This chain can be described by the Figure 5. All work and efficiency of such a system. The loud-
elements of an active noise control (ANC) system speaker is a complex system consisted of electric,
have their own transfer functions. P(z) is transfer mechanical and acoustical parts. In this analysis an
function of the primary channel, ideally represen- assumption that the cone moves as uniform piston
ting by a pure time delay. The microphone, amplifi- is taken. Such assumption can be made for the low-
er and the loudspeaker are introducing amplitude -frequency range.
and phase changes in the system. The purpose of
the signal processor is to compensate these chan- The terminal voltage E on the voice coil of the
ges, and to ensure overall time delay for satisfying loudspeaker is given by:
condition (2) by its transfer function W(z). E = Z E I + Bl v . (3)
where ZMT denotes total mechanical impedance. impedance was transformed using area ratio, as in
ZMT is defined by (7) on the loudspeaker loading, and the modified
total mechanical impedance ZMT was calculated for
Z MT = sm + D + K (6) the each frequency. Effective loading of the air
s mass on the back of the loudspeaker was estimated
where m denotes total effective mass of moving sy- by mass loading of a semi infinite space on a equi-
stem (i.e. cone, voice coil and effective air mass), D valent piston. From the calculated piston velocity
denotes damping, including mechanical damping in (5) and known load impedance, the driving point
moving system and radiation resistance, and K de- sound pressure was determined, and finally, sound
notes effective stiffness of suspension and back en- pressure on the more distant end. Resistance of the
closure, if any. voice coil was increased for 50 Ω output impedance
of the source. Figure 6 presents calculated and mea-
Generally, effective air mass and radiation resis- sured response. The discrepancies between two cur-
tance are frequency-varying, and are depending on ves can be explained with the losses in the duct
mounting conditions. For loudspeaker fixed on one and directivity characteristic of the microphone.
wall of the infinite duct, it is assumed, following re-
sults given in [18], that its radiation impedance
(mechanical) can be approximated at low frequen-
cies (below cut-on frequency of the first higher or-
der mode) with
S L2
RMA = ρ0 c0 (7)
2 SD
where ρ0 is density of air, c0 is velocity of sound in
air, SL is cone area, and SD is duct area. This ap-
proximation is verified with an experiment on the
short duct. A broadband loudspeaker was laterally
mounted on a 70 cm long rigid duct with circular
cross-section. Radius of the duct was 38 mm. Phy-
sical constants of the loudspeaker were measured,
and they are listed in the Table 1. Loudspeaker was
mounted 14 cm away from the one side of the duct.
A3 z −3 + A2 z −2 + A1 z −1 + A0
H L ( z) = (12)
B3 z −3 + B2 z −2 + B1 z −1 + 1
with coefficients:
M = 8 K 3 + 4TK 2 + 2T 2 K 1 + T 3 K 0
A3 = −2T
A2 = −2T
M Fig. 7. Frequency response of the loudspeaker's model – magnitude
A1 = 2T
2 (13)
A0 = 2T
−8 K 3 + 4TK 2 − 2T 2 K 1 + T 3 K 0
B3 =
24 K 3 − 4TK 2 − 2T 2 K 1 + 3T 3 K 0
B2 =
−24 K 3 − 4TK 2 + 2T 2 K 1 + 3T 3 K 0
B1 = ,
where T is sampling period.
Following the results from section 2, sound pres-
sure in duct is defined for plane waves by:
v ⋅ SL
p = ρ 0 c0 . (14) Fig. 8. Frequency response of the loudspeaker's model – phase
2 ⋅ SD
[22], and taking into account both propagating and error signal is
evanescent modes. They used 200 mm diameter e( n) = d( n) − y ′( n), (13)
Plessy Foster 200FO5 mounted in an unvented en-
closure of 20 litres. The attenuator was set up on a and coefficients updating is
rigid walled duct of 244 mm square section. Physi-
cal constants of that loudspeaker are listed in Table W ( n + 1) = W ( n) + 2 µX ′( n) e( n) (14)
2. The effective air mass was estimated by mass
where W is weight vector of the adaptive FIR filter,
loading of a semi infinite space on a piston, and
µ is step size that satisfies stability condition [23], X
suspension stiffness was not increased to account
is vector of the input samples and X′ is vector of
for the enclosure [21].
input samples filtered by secondary path estimate
With sampling frequency 1/T = 40 kHz, covering C(z). Generally, C(z) is achieved by some method of
audio frequencies range, we obtained loudspeaker's system identification.
response in examined duct presented with figures For simulation purposes, it is assumed that P(z)
7–9. There are also presented predictions, given by includes only time delay:
Shepherd et al. Frequency response is presented
only for the frequencies below the cut-on frequency P( z) = z −60 . (15)
of the first higher order mode in this duct. Compa-
ring their results with our predictions, one can see
very good matching.
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Aktivni sustavi za za{titu od buke u cijevima. Uz dani prikaz razvoja aktivne za{tite od buke, analizirani su ele-
menti sustava aktivne za{tite od buke u cijevima, a na temelju te analize napravljen je model elemenata. Posebno
je provedena analiza zvu~nika te je napravljen model zvu~nika u z-domeni, prikladan za analizu sustava koji imaju
analogne i digitalne dijelove. Primjenom takvog modela mo`emo u vremenskoj domeni analizirati rad i konvergen-
ciju pojedinih adaptivnih algoritama obrade signala. Kao primjer provedena je analiza rada sustava aktivne za{tite
na pojednostavljenom modelu ventilacijskog kanala primjenom FXLMS algoritma, te je pokazan jak utjecaj prije-
nosne karakteristike zvu~nika na spektar snage zvu~nog signala preostale buke.
Klju~ne rije~i: adaptivni filtri, aktivna za{tita od buke, elektroakusti~ki pretvornici, ventilacijski kanali, zvu~nici
Prof. dr. sc. Branko Somek
Department of electroacoustics
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
University of Zagreb
Unska 3, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Dr. sc. Martin Dadi}
Department of electrical engineering fundamentals and
measurements, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
University of Zagreb
Unska 3, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia