Act 3

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#53 General Kalentong St., Brgy. Pag-Asa Mandaluyong City

Senior High School Department
Strand and Section: Activity No.: 3
I. Choose the correct Answer

1. Which biomolecular group carries and passes c. hemoglobin d. uric acid

on the hereditary information of the organism?
a. carbohydrates b. lipids 9. Which of the following is a monosaccharide
c. nucleic acids d. proteins which is used in dextrose?
a. fructose b. galactose
2. Which biomolecules are significant features of c. glucose d. lactose
the cell membrane?
a. carbohydrate and nucleic acid 10. Which is a good example of saturated fat?
b. lipid and nucleic acid a. butter b. corn oil
c. nucleic acid and protein c. olive oil d. sunflower oil
d. protein and lipid
11. Which is termed as the blueprint of life?
3. Atom is the basic unit of a chemical element. a. deoxyribonucleic acid b. fatty acid
What are the atoms that make up c. nucleic acid d. ribonucleic
carbohydrates? acid
a. C and H b. C, H and N
c. C, H and O d. C, H, O and
12. Proteins are composed of four elements,
namely: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and what
other element?
4. Which organic molecule gives fast source of a. magnesium b. nitrogen
energy? c. phosphorous d. sulfur
a. carbohydrates b. lipids
c. nucleic acids d. proteins
13. This is a major insoluble fibrous protein
found in connective tissues such as tendons,
5. Which nutrient group is used in the ligaments, skin, cartilage and the cornea of the
composition of waxes and responsible for eye. What is it?
insulation of some organisms? a. albumin b. collagen
a. carbohydrates b. lipids c. keratin d. pepsin
c. nucleic acids d. proteins
14. Which polypeptide stores oxygen in
6. Which of the following does NOT belong to
the classification of lipids?
a. enzyme b. heme
a. hemoglobin b.
c. lipase d. myoglobin
c. steroid d. triglyceride
15. Which is not a part of a nucleotide?
a. nitrogenous base b. phosphate
7. Which of the following is considered as the
building blocks of protein?
c. ribonucleic acid d. sugar
a. amino acids b. nucleic acids
c. nucleotides d. polypeptides
Directions: Based on your understanding of this
8. The excessive consumption of carbohydrates Lesson, briefly answer the following questions
is converted into which polysaccharide that is regarding the functions and importance of
stored in the liver and in muscles? biological macromolecules to us.
a. creatinine b. glycogen
1. Explain why an enzyme may be capable of 2. How does the structure of macromolecules
breaking down starch but may not be able to relate to their respective functions?
break down cellulose.

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