Concave Mirror Experiment

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SRD DPSPRG STOLL RO EXPERIMENT 100A) > “Objective i : taining the image of @ distant object Determination of the focal length of a concave mirror by 0! } CONCEPTS 4 5 | 1. Spherical mirror : A spherical mirror is a part of a hollow sphere, such that its one surface is silvered and t the other surface causes reflection. f 2. Concave mirror : A spherical mirror, which is silvered from the outer side, such that its reflecting surface f is towards the hollow side is called concave mirror. : | 3. Conver mirror : A spherical mirror, which is silvered from the hollow side, such that its reflecting surface ‘is towards the outer side is called convex mirror. 7 - e 4. Focal length : The distance between the pole and principal focus of a curved mirror is called focal length. 5, Radius of curvature : The distance between the pole and centre of curvature of a curved mirror is called f radius of curvature. | 6. The principal focus is midway between the pole and centre of curvature, Radius of curvature (R) = 2f, where f is the focal length. 7. When the object is a very far off it is said to be at infinity. The rays coming from the object at infinity are considered parallel rays. 8. When a concave mirror is placed in front of an object situated at infinity, it forms a real, inverted and highly diminished image in the focal plane, in front of mirror. In such a situation, the perpendicular [ distance between the pole of the mirror and focal plane is equal to the focal length of concave mirror. Apparatus Required 1. A concave mirror 2. A spherical mirror stand 3. A glass screen on which is fixed a stiff white cardboard 4, A balf metre scale. Procedure Baie 1, Mount the concave mirror in the concave YS fem mirror stand. Gana 2. Locate some distant building/tree from the glass rmirtor window of your laboratory. 3. Place a half metre scale along the edge of a table, such that it is in line with the direction of distant object. 4. Place the concave mirror stand, along with concave mirror along the metre scale, such that White screen- it is at $ cm mark and facing the object. = 5S. Place the stiff white cardboard screen in + Concave front of the concave mirror. Move the screen or Halt-metre scale ‘stand backward or forward till a well defined, sharp, inverted and diminished image is formed. Note the position of screen from the metre scale and, hence, find the distance between concave mirror and the screen. This distance is equal to the focal length of concave mirror. Record the focal length. 6. Repeat the experiment two times more, by placing the concave or at 10 cm mark and 15 em mark respectively. Calculate the focal length in each case and record it. 7. Calculate the average focal length from the three values of focal length. jons and Calculations OT peston of rosition of Concave mirror : P Position of white screen Focal length of concave mirror Sem @ em 10 em ery 15 em re em average focal length of concave mirror, p= At +h. . 3 cautions : 3 rec ye concave mirror should be fixed in the vertical plane bas f the concave mit Te 2. The base 0} Mirror stand and the white sereen should be parallel to the half-metre scale. te the position of the concave mirror and the sere : rin surement due to parallax, sereen by looking vertically down, so that there is no erro cm. 3, Not me 4 Record the position of screen only when a well defined formed on the screen. . qurves of Error ; 1. Ifthe concave mirror is not fixed in vertical plane, the focal length is likely to be wrong. 2, f the bases of mirror stand and screen are not in line with the half metres ikely to record incorrect peaitions and, hence, wrong focal length metre seale, you|are likely 10 inished image of a distant object is inverted and di Notes for Students/Teachers 1, The focal length of concave mirror should not be more than 20 em. 2. It is not essential that an object should be very far off or it be a building or a tree. If your laboratory is big enough, that is, about 50 ft long or more, the bulb or bulbs glowing at the far end of the laboratory can be taken as distant objects, Similarly, the well illuminated windows of the laboratory can be regarded as distant objects, if they are at a distance of $0 for more from your work bench. Specimen Observations and Calculations Ena | Position of concave mirror Position of white screen Focal length of concave mirror P Q Q-P faq Sem 20.6 em f= 20.6 ~ 5 = 15.6 em z | 10 cm 25.4 em ‘f= 254-10 = 184 em 3 15 cm| 30.5 em ‘f= 305 — 15 = 155 em : tht IS64154415.5 _ 46. x Average focal length of concave mirror, f= oes = pene = > = 155 em. VIVA-VOCE 1. Define concave mirror. 3. Define principal focus of a concave mirror. tas A mimor which is a part of hollow sphere, such that its | Ans. A point on the principal axis of a concave mirror, where outer surface is silvered and hollow surface is reflecting, ‘a parallel beam of light, parallel to the principal axis, is called concave mirror. after reflection, actually passes is called principal focus. of concave mirror, 2 Define convex mirror. ‘88 A mimor which is a part of hollow sphere, such that | 4, Define principal focus of a convex mirror is hollow surface is silvered and outer side surface is | Ags, A point on the principal axis of convex mirror, from ‘feflecting, is called convex mirror. where a parallel beam of light, parallel to principal axis, at after reflection, appears to come, is called principal focus ~ State the principle on which focal length of of convex minor mirror ean be calculated by forming the ja ™¥e stant object. ta 5. Define radius of curvature of a spherical mirror. Cam Ans. The distance between the pote and centre of curvature of | Ans: When the abject is sitwated © Infinity then the aya a spherical mirror is called radius of curvature. rays coming from le ection, forms an image a 6. Define focal length of a spherical mirror. Oe eee iors Peal eee ‘Ans. The distance between the pole and principal focus of a | 10. A caneave minty mage in all cases ty gq spherical mirtor is called focal length. statement tr? Give reasons fo 0a" anne, 7. How is focal length related to radius of curvature? | A#% The statement is not ti. If BECOUE coneate ming ‘Ans. Focal length is half of the radius of curvature. Ea at ea pal eda 8. You are provided with three mirrors, such that one cue Me mi of them is a plane mirror, the others are a concave 11. State two uses of concave mirrors. mirror and a convex mirror. How will you distinguish | Ans. (i) Concave mirrors are used as reflectors in automobile between them without touching? head lights. Ans. Keep your face clas to each mir Gi) Concave mirrors are used as shaving glass, i) In case of plane mirror, the ima will be Se eau taee TB® formed Wil PE | 42, State two uses af convex mirror Gii) In case of convex mirror, the image formed is | Ans. (i) Convex mirrors are used as rear view mirrors in smaller than the size of your face. automobiles. Gi) In case of concave mirror, the image formed is Gi) Convex mirrors are used as reflectors for stree bigger than the size of your face lights. ce PRACTICAL BASED QUESTIONS ~ 1. In the set-up shown below, a clear image of a distant | Ans. The screen needs not be moved. ‘object is obtained on the screen. Find the focal length of Moving the object by 50 em, when it is at a distance concave mirror. Give reason in support of your answer. of 500 m, hardly matters. It is because the object wil still at infinity and hence, its image is formed on th principal focus. 3. In the following diagram a method of determining foce length of a device ‘X" is shown 0123 45 67 89 011 1213 * Seven Ans. Focal length = (11.8 ~ 2) = 9.8 em. Parallel rays coming from a distant object, after reflection, actually meet to form an image in plane of the principal focus of the mirror. 2. In the adjoining figure 'S' Mt a is the position of screen Identify the device X and distance a. Give reason | on which a sharp image of 3 s upport of your answer. a distant object (nearly aa 500 m away from the mirror M of focal length 10 cm) is formed by the mirror M. The object moves towards the mirror by some distance to say 50 cm, then to obtain the sharp image of the object again. Does he move the screen? Give reason in support of your response. Device X - Concave mirror. Distance, d - Focal length of the concave mirror. Only concave mirror can form real image in the foe plane, front of it. The distance between the conca mirror and sharply focussed image of distant object the screen is equal to the focal length of the cone mirror. elo, where should the screen in the clear image of a set 1 10 obtain the cl ” ad 0 en 1 length of 4 lt ced BY 0 reason also. The focal length of 6 OE et? js 8 0 shown 192 ming from a distance object, afer 5 A el r0yS COM ave minror, actually meet fo form Fal jon FO CONN of principal focus of it. So, age in the Pom eave mirror is always placed in case OF ST. the screen should be at fe image of 4 distant abject on the Puneeta, Sachin, Rubina and an sec fe stance benween he sereen and the rr measured I guown in the following gram. ec Tg wl get te correct value of focal ee easan al ing the -,fooussi s.aper four student Name te rene OH Robina. Foal length is th ng the princi & bash tefore determining the focal length of a con- mor sees is face in te mirror and aes nance berween the mirror and his face as id. He thes fuses a distant tree ona screen and measures the ditance between the screen and the mirror as you relate the distances 'd’ and x? Give reason ¢ distance between pole and principal ipal axis. How can, in support of your response. Aes d ‘When the student sees his face in concave mirror, the distance # of his face from the mirror is less than focal eo 'y of the mirror. “To determine the focal length of a concave mirror, a student focuses a distant object with the mirror. He ‘as given four options for distant object like a tree, a En tall building, a window an chosen by him for best Ans. The sun, The sun is real its image will be at mirror. id the sun. Name the option result. Give reas ly at infinite dist the exact focus also, nce and hence, J" of concave 84 student has obtained the image of a distant ubject | with a concave m focal length te nitror to determine its focul I i 9 oxen its focal length, He has selected a well illuminated red building aber Describe the features 7 Seatures of the image formed. Give reason ane ted we cute image in red shade. Distant obi Feal, inverted and diminished image in case of concave mirror. A well illuminated ted building as a object causes formation of imen red shade, aaa 9. A spherical strip of glass is Polished from its hollow side such that its reflecting side is towards its bulging side, What kind of mirror is formed? Will this mirror converge or diverge a parallel beam of light? Ans. The mirror so formed is a convex mirror. The convex mirror will diverge the parallel beam of light. 10. A spherical strip of glass is polished from its bulging side, such that its reflecting side is towards its hollow side. What kind of mirror is formed? Will this mirror converge or diverge a parallel beam of light? Ans. The mirror so formed is a concave mirror. The concave mirror will converge the parallel beam of light. 11. The rays of sun are allowed to fall on a concave mirror. A cardboard is held in front of the mirror and then moved backward or forward, rill a sharp image of the sun is formed on it and appears as bright dot Answer the following questions () What is the nature of the image? (ii) What is the name of the point where the sharp image is formed. ‘Ans. (i) The image is real, inverted and diminished to 2 point. (ii) The point where the image is formed is called principal focus of concave mirror. cipal 12. An object is placed between the pole and the prin focus of a concave mirror (i) Where is the image of the object formed? Con this image be taken on screen? (ii) State the characteristics of the im: behind the mirror. This ‘Ans, (i) The image is formed image cannot be taken on the server. sreet, virtual and enlarged, (ii) The image SRS 13, The rays of sun are focussed on a tissue paper for @ ‘few minutes. It is observed that tissue paper catches ‘ire. Do the light rays make the paper burn? Explain ‘your answer as clearly as possible. ‘Ans. No, light rays do not make the paper burn. ‘Along the visible light, heat radiations (which are invisible) also travel at the same speed. It is the heat radiations which get focussed on the tissue paper and hence make it catch fire. 14. An object is placed beyond centre of curvature of ‘a concave mirror but not at infinity, when a well defined image of the object is formed on the screen. Where is the screen with respect to mirror? State three characteristics of the image. ‘Ans, The screen is between principal focus and the centre of curvature of the concave mirror. The image is (i) real, (ii) inverted and (iii) diminished. 15. State the position of object from a concave mirror when it forms (i) real and enlarged image (ii) virtual and enlarged image, ‘Ans. (i) The object should be between the principal focus and centre of curvature of concave mirror. (ii) The object should be between the pole and principal focus of concave minor. 16, An object is placed in between the principal focus and centre of curvature of concave mirror. Where must be screen placed to obtain a sharp image? State three characteristics of the image. ‘Ans. The screen should be placed beyond the centre of curvature of mirror and then moved backward or forward, till a sharp and well defined image is formed. ‘The image is (i) real, (ii) inverted and (iii) magnified. 17. An object is placed in front of a concave mirror, when ‘an image is formed on the object itself. Where is the object placed? State three characteristics of the image. 18. Ans. 19. Ans. 20. Ans. ‘Ans, The object is placed at the centre of concave mirror. The image is (i) ea) (iii) of the same size as the object," (iy inet % A spherical strip of glass i8 cut from g sphere of diameter 40 cm. The sip iy i to make a concave mirror What is en curvature of concave mirror.) focal lng 8 mirror? Diameter of glass sphere = 0 em, «+ Radius of glass sphere = 40 + 2 = 99 on Radius of curvature of concave mirror = Radius of glass g Phere = 29 oy ‘. Focal length of concave mirror SB 2 = 10cm, Three mirrors, one concave mirror, one comet nim, and one plane mirror are lying on the table ys their reflecting surfaces facing upward. How vq you distinguish them without touching oF ang y ‘apparatus? Hold your finger about 5 cm above the miror andi for the image. If the image is enlarged, it is a conae mirror. If the image is diminished itis a convex nina If the image is of same size of the finger, then itis. plane mirror. Where is an image formed in a convex mirror ofa! length 10 cm, when an object is placed at a dsaxe of 20 cm from its reflecting surface. State the characteristics of the image. Image is formed between 0 and 10 cm behind & convex mirror, Image is virtual, erect and diminished.

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