Unizik Art and Law
Unizik Art and Law
Unizik Art and Law
she has lost her mother's precious necklace.
1. Our government is making determined A. Cried
effort to eradicate illiteracy. B. smiled
A. compulsory C. wept
B. ineffective D. laughed
C. innocent
D. unreliable 9. His antipathy for religious ideas makes him
2. Nnamdi Azikiwe University has a large A. Remedy
intake of students each year. B. consciousness
A. Rejection C. hostility
B. Product D. receptiveness
C. Output
D. turn-out 10. For millions of years, the world's
resources have remained boundless.
3. Rita flogged the girl reluctantly A. Unlimited
A. eagerly B. scarce
B. Calmly C. indomitable
C. Furiously D. limited
D. laboriously
B. Complainant C. obvious
C. Accused D. obscure
D. prosecution
12. I am happy to inform you that your boys
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14. Okezie takes his studies rather lightly 21. I know I_______ read more, but I am
A. Humorously tired.
B. tediously A. may
C. carefully B. ought to
D. seriously C. would
D. could
15. The hostess greeted her guests in a very
relaxed manner. 22. The council chairman _______ the
A. Energetic tension between the villagers and the tax
B. athletic collectors. A. Dispersed
C. stiff B. defused
D. perplexed C. diffused
D. deffused
In each of the questions which follow,
choose the word (s) or phrase which 23. If I had been told of the matter earlier, I
best fit(s) the gap (s) _____there so late.
A. would not go
16. The waves continue to _____the cliff on B. should
the west coast constantly. C. will not have gone
A. impair D. would not have gone
B. rub
C. knock 24. Each of the candidates that came late
D. erode _____ to complete.
A. have/this form
17. The college bus was travelling at a high B. are having/this form
_____ when the accident occurred. C. have/these form
A. Velocity D. has/this form
B. acceleration
witness. C. is
A. contrary D. have
B. inconsistence
C. different 27. She asked me whether I ______the letter
D. congruent for her.
A. minded to post
20. The African extended family system gives B. mind to post
security to ______ members. C. minded posting
A. His D. minded to posting
B. hers
C. its 28. How I wish I ________ my mother's
D. their advice.
A. at heeded
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him, he could easily have avoided the B. anxieties
tragedy. A. has known C. unhappiness
B. have known D. apologies
C. knew
D. had known Complete the following sentences
making use the most appropriate option.
Choose the option nearest in meaning to
the word(s)/phrase underlined. 38. The army ran short of _______.
A. Arm and munition
31. If your life is in turmoil always take B. arms and ammunition
courage. C. arm and ammunitions
A. devastation D. arms ammunitions
B. crisis
C. trial 39. Do you prefer_______ my rickety car?
D. tragedy A. going foot to taking
B. to going fast to taking
32. The client disregarded the advice of his C. wing on foot than taking
lawyer. D. to go on foot than to take
A. ignored
B. disobeyed 40. How can we believe this witness when no
A. honest D. corroborate
B. bogus
C. extravagant 41. My brother got married to a woman with
D. humble ______ manners.
A. gorgeous
34. The police ran the criminal to earth. B. exquisite
A. jailed him C. decent
B. knocked him down D. attractive
C. discovered him
D. tried him 42. Good schools do not just teach the
students they ______ them.
35.He is credulous. A. informed
A. credible B. instruct
B. creditable C. educate
C. gullible D. coach
D. fallible
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17. D 18. C 19. A 20. B 21. B 22. B 23. D
45. The president refused to shake ______
with the visiting prime minister. 24. D 25. B 26. E 27. C 28. A 29. C 30. D
A. hand
B. hands 31. B 32. A 33. D 34. C 35. C 36. D 37. D
C. a hand
D. his hand 38. B 39. A 40. D 41. C 42. C 43. B 44. A
46. People dislike Job because he is a ______ 45. B 46. D47. A 48. A 49. B 50. E
young man.
A. trickery
B. tricking
can rely. A. along.
A. who B. with
B. whose C. down
C. which D. on
D. whom
9. Obiora couldn't have said a thing like that
2. A hotel is supposed to be a home away _______.
from home, but the one we ______ was hell A. could he?
away from home. B. did he?
A. moved into C. can he?
B. checked D. would he?
C. dropped by
D. checked into 10. I don't know what to do with these two
children, they are always fighting______.
3. Initially, we were deceived by the beautiful A. themselves
surroundings and the manager's B. myself
______which was worm and inviting. C. one another
A. reception D each other
B. intention
C. conviction 11. The fishermen threw a stone into the
A. feeling D. storm
B. filling
C. fill in 12. The play was interesting that the clapped
D. feel in for quite a long time at the end.
A. spectators
5. I ought _____ the letter by now. B. watchers
A. to be sent C. congregation
B. to have being sent D. audience
C. to have sent
D. to have to send 13. The building _______ because of weak
structure foundation.
6. Chinwe's fever was so acute that she an A. tumble
injection B. caved
A. had to have C. collapsed
B. had to had D. succumbed
C. must have
D. ought to have
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14. The magazine was ______by the Choose the word or group of words that
government for an offensive publication. is most nearly opposite in meaning to
A. prescribed the underlined word and correctly fill the
B. prescribes gap in the sentence
C. suspended
D. succumbed 21. Joseph purchase various articles at the
big supermarket and surprisingly enough, he
15. Many people reacted to the brutal murder them all before he reached home that day.
of the popular musician with strong ______. A. destroy
A. Indignation B. bought.
B. demonstration C. lent
C. accusation D. sold.
D. condemnation
22. In this argument Martin was my
16. The governor frowned at ________ which supporter even though he is often my
slowed down the implementation of policy ______ in the matters.
decision. A. opponent
A. Bureaucracy. B. ally
B. opposition C. opposite
C. autocracy D. prosper
D. bureaucracy
23. People who are normally _______often
17. The doctor _______the illness as typhoid turn to be dauntless heroes in the face of
fever and not malaria. real danger.
A. prescribed A. unsteady
B. discovered B. colourless
C. announced C. cowardly
D. diagnosed. D. bashful
18. Since the writer did not indicate name, 24. I encourage my younger brother to take
the editor decided not published such ______ law as a profession while I ___ my sister
articles. from doing so.
A. discourteous A. financed
B. an anonymous B. warned
C. a scandalous C. dissuaded
D. libellous D. persuaded
19. Please let me have ______salt in my 25. It is quite customary to introduce the
soup. quest speaker but ____to insult him.
A. a little A. illegal
B. small B. impolite
C. a few C. unusual
D. few D. useless
20. Don't believe all ______ he had old you. 26. John to kindle the fire which my father
A. what had to ____later.
B. which A. kill
C. that B. switch
D. there C. extinguish
D. ignite
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28. His outspokenness contact with the 35. The young engineer is good at
________ of the father. terminating another people's project but has
A. humour not been capable of _______ any of his own.
B. secretive A. integrating
C. deafness B. finishing
D. taciturnity C. completing
D. initiating
29. A guilty, which is natural phenomenon,
could not be mistaken for a tunnel which is 36. The manager who was expected to be
_____ given respect was treated with _______.
A. supernatural A. dignity
B. modern B. scorn
C. artificial C. share
D. imitative D. disloyalty
30. It is curious how chike could be so 37. Those who had invitation cards were
carefree in his ways when his brother is so admitted to the party while those who had
D. lovable D. restricted
31. Personally, I give in rather than easily 38. Too many theories will not help us, we
when it comes to argument, but Emeka will need to be _____.
D. give out
39. Nobody expects him to show ______ for
32. He intentionally threw the documents his children but he certainly bestowed too
away and somebody ______ burnt them. much affection on them.
A. carelessly A. love
B. willingly B. concern
C. accidentally C. devotion
D. foolish D. hatred
33. The crops the farmer planted were 40. The challenger at the boxing tournament
_____by some naught boys. was crude and inexperienced in contrast to
A. sowed the champion who was _______.
B. weeded A. great
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B. exposed B. unexpected
C. devotion C. acceptable
D. strong. D. irresponsible and unacceptable
Choose the word or group of word that is 48. Death is inevitable for man.
nearest in meaning to the underlined A. essential.
expression as it is used in the sentence. B. necessary
C. unavoidable
41. My choice of a partner would be based D. imminent
on character, not looks.
A. visibility 49. The sprinter was appalled by the attitude
B. feasibility of some of the employees towards their work.
C. appearance A. annoyed
D. posture B. disappointed
C. shocked
42. Mike is every winsome yet his neighbour D. depressed
finds it difficult to put up with him.
A. stay 50. The layer's argument of the case was
B. live with exhaustive.
C. tolerate A. interesting
D. rely on B. exaggerating
C. exhilaration
43. The Efic girl has just come out of the D. thorough
fettering room and her waist is adorned with
beads A. surrounded 51. The suspect was made to walk in front of
B. decorated the anxious crowd.
C. besieged A. surprised
D. defaced B. astonished
C. engrossed
44. There are some drugs that could D. curious
exacerbate a particular illness.
A. heal 52. The principal's orders are imperative.
B. ameliorate A. lenient.
C. worsen B. authoritative
D. lengthen C. genuine
D. necessary
B. sanctified B. hopeless
C. cremated C. untrue
D. buried D. ridiculous
46. What you cannot avoid you try to endure. 54. l am very proud to speak before this
A. cast off august assembly.
B. put off A. ignominious
C. dispense B. monthly
D. tolerate C. majestic
D. undignified
47. The decision taken by the panel is
irrevocable. 55. She tried to settle the quarrel but the
A. irreversible man remained obstinate to listen to her.
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A. offensive
B. angry 63. The governor asked for a concerted effort
C. stubborn in solving the problem of the slate.
D. impolite A. dramatic
B a direct
56. Okon attempted to entice me with the C. joint
promise of handsome sum money. D. an unfailing
A. deceive
B. enchant 64. My financial situation is so precarious that
C. trick very soon I may be insolvent.
D. tempt A. borrowing
B. stealing
57. The monk lived an ascetic life in order to C. helpful
discipline himself. D. bankrupt
A. a holy
B. a religious 65. The chairman of the board is of the
C. a self-indulgence opinion that accepting the proposal would be
D. tempt inimical to the objectives of the company.
A. harmful
58. It takes a great deal of stamina to run the B. relevant
discipline himself. C. helpful
A. courage D irrelevant
B. determination
C. energy 66. The famous politician was noted for his
D. intelligence pragmatic approach to issues of national
59. But the principal actor play would have A. idealistic
been dull. B. compromising
A. important C. inconsistent
B. head D. practical
C. famous
D. main 67. Fubra is a very pessimistic about our
chance of success.
60. An open car has no protection against the A. sad
elements. B. despondent
A. whether C. unconvinced
B. emergency D. worried
C. famous
D. atmosphere Choose the words or phrase which best
fills the gaps.
B. I and him 81 as follows
C. and he
D. he and me But the towering earth was tired of sitting
one position. She moved, suddenly, and the
72. The small girl is _______ than her elder houses crumbled, the mountains heaved
sister. horribly, and the work of a million years was
A. cleverer lost
B. very cleverer
C. much clevere 79. The predominate figure of speech in
D. more clever above extract is _____.
A. oxymoron
73. I have to give the question a thought B. metaphor
before my answer came ________ C. simile
A. momentarily D. personification
B. in an instant
C. on the spur of the moment 80. The subject matter of the above extract is
A. screaming D. storm
B. screeching
C. scraping 81. The image depicted in the extract is one
D. disciplinary of _____.
A. destruction
75. The students were suspended because B. merriment
they were _______. C. happiness
A. indiscipline D. admiration
B. undisciplined
C. undiscipled 82. Pick odd items from the list below.
D. disciplinary A. night rain
B. things fall apart
76. Which of the following is common to all C. Stanley meets Mustesa.
forms of literature? D. nightfall in Soweto
A. language
B. chorus 83. A poem written or render in praise of a
C. action person or thine is called
D. narrator A. lyric
B. anode
77. The three major form of literature C. an elegy
are___. D. a panegyric
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B. eulogy
84. The choice of appropriate words to C. epigram
convey the thought of an author is called. D anecdote
A. idiomatic language
B. setting 92. The whole town was present at Ada's
C. figure of speech wedding ceremony"' is an example of ____
D. diction A. oxymoron
B. hyperbole
85. The state of mind of a poet can be C. repetition
described as ____. D. onomatopoeia
A. style
B. mood 93. In literature work, a clown normally.
C. setting A. direct action
D. theme B. creates comic relief
C. support
86. An African author who has written plats, D. creates the atmosphere
poems and prose is _____.
A. Wole Soyinka 94. The person created or presented in
B. Zaynab. literary work are___.
C. Chinua Achebe A. heroes
D. Flora Nwapa B. clowns
C. actors
87. In a novel, the antagonistic. D. characters
A. a fully developed character
B. a flat character 95. A literary work in which animals are used
C. the female character as a character is____.
D. the archival of the hero A. memoir
B. fable
A. sentence
B. paragraph 97. A group of lines separated from other
C. expression groups in a poem is known as:
D. fiction A verse
B. caesura
Read the extract below and answer C. stanza
questions D. meter
90. The figure of speech used in "a heart of 98. Pick the odd item.
stone" is A. comedy
A. hyperbole B. prose
B. metonymy C. dramas
C. paradox D. poetry
D. clip metaphor.
99. “Emmanuel led the class from the rear"
91. A short why statement is an illiterates use of_____.
A. creates the epistle A. batons
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B. euphemism
ANSWERS TO 2008/2009
1. D 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. A
10. D 11. C 12. D 13. C 14. 15. D 16. A
99. D 100. B
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______ early. A. assembly
A. shall return B. crowd
B. am returning C. fans
C. would return D. audience
D. had returned
9. The train rattled along____.
2. He went up quickly and returned____. A. in full speed
A. fastest B. at full speed
B. very fast C. with full speed
C. fastly D. on full speed
D. as fast
10. His horrible high-pitched laugh ______ on
3. His suggestion is completely _____ the my nerves.
point and cannot be accepted. A. jabs
A. to B. jams
B. about C. jars
C. besides D. jeers
D. beside
11. As he was still owing me one thousand
4. In order to carry out the post-mortem naira, I was careful not to ______ him any
D. dispelled D. credit
5. The green snake which lives in the green 12. Before the operation, the dentist found
grass is using a perfect____. that the patient's teeth _____.
6. Tennyson and Browning lived about the 13. The employer, not the salesman and his
same time and are therefore _______poets. representative, _______ responsible for the
A. contemporary loss of revenue.
B. contrary A. are
C. similar B. have been
D. contemporaneous C. is
D. are
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B. ought to go
16. In presenting the case. the vice- C. go
Chancellor warned that the Senate should not D. went
cite it as a ______.
A. precedence 24. Do you know if the new teacher
B. precedence ______yet?
C. president A. is arrived
D. precedent B. will be arriving
C. has arrived
17. We got to the. viewing centre after the D. had arrived
football match _______.
A. has started 25. Oji is not far from here; it is only an
B. had started _______.
C. was starting A. hour of driving
D. have started B. hour by driving
C. hour drive
D. perhaps A. at
B. by
20. What a relief that the strike ______when C. on
it did. D. in
A. would end
B. was ending 28. During the swearing in ceremony for a
C. ended second term, the Governor _____ the
D. has ended activities of his government for the past four
21. He played the piano _______an hour or A. reiterated
two. B. reviewed
A. around C. restated
B. in about D. recited
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A. refuge
29. The giant hydro-electric project is among B. safeguard
the _____of colonial rule in northern Nigeria C. safety
A. inheritance D. privacy
B. evidence
C. legacies 37. The Governor ordered that the work done
D. remnants by any contractor should be properly ____so
as to know the correct amount to pay.
30. The Vice-Chancellor will he travelling to A. processed
China. In his absence, the Deputy Vice- B. accounted
Chancellor (Administration) will _______ the C. investigated
University. D. probed
A. take over
B. overlook 38. The University awarded ______doctorate
C. care for degrees to four distinguished members of the
D. look after community.
A. honourable
31. The prides of cars have become _____. B. ceremonial
A. painful C. honorary
B. unbearable D. honourary
C. harsh
D. exorbitant 39. The students threatened to embark on a
___of lectures if their demands were not met.
32. I had ______ trust in the boy before he A. suspension
woefully disappointed me. B. boy cot
A. essential C. rejection
B. flagrant D. boycott
C. absolute
A. squander C. inordinate
B. economize D. obtuse
C. minimize
D. withhold Choose the word opposite in meaning to
43. He denied that he never committed the 50. The long trek exhausted him so he
offence in his earlier statement. needed to rest to ____himself.
A. admitted A. reposition
B. argued B. replace
C. colluded C. recuperate
D. negated D. rejuvenate
44. The brevity of the Guest of honour's Choose the interpretation that you
address contrasts with ________ the of the consider most appropriate for each
Chairman's opening remarks. sentence.
A. intensity
B. propensity 51. When the striking workers were
C. verbosity threatened with dismissal, they decided to
D. solidity make a virtue of necessity. This means that
45. The motorists said the splashing of the A. all resigned
waters was ______ not deliberate. B. continued the strike action
A. incidental C. had to call off the strike
B. intentional D. accused some of their colleagues of
C. accidental treachery
D. unnecessary
52. The students stuck to their guns even
46. One of the aims of the Structural after the principal had appealed to them to go
Adjustment policy is to make us ______ back to their classes. This means that the
rather than consumers. students
A. parasites A. went back willingly
B. developers B. refused to go back
C. found C. went back reluctantly
47. The computerized services of the new 53. The sudden death of his friend made
Link contrast with the operations of the old Asuquo have his heart in his boots. This
48. John says he always looks sober because 54. The last promotion exercise for Deputy
there is nothing to be ___about. Registrars was the bone of contention
light on the matter. This means that the 64. We came _____rail.
Chairman's explanation. A. on
A. showed a bias against the matter B. with
B. provided fresh information on the matter C. by
C. used his veto to rule against the matter D. in
D. convinced everybody to accept the matter
65. _____, He is learned, he is fraudulent.
58. Chioma decided to make a clean breast of A. since
everything. This means that Chioma_____. B. Even
A. said that her breast was clean C. Although
B. remained firm in her earlier assertion D. when
C. denied any knowledge of the matter
D. told the whole truth 66. There is a serious conflict ______ the two
of them.
59. By embarking on that journey, he intends A. between
to kill two birds with one stone. This means B. amidst
D. attends to two people at the same time you should order me about, like a houseboy.
A. Even
60. Dike earns a fat salary but cannot make B. That
both ends meet. This means that Dike___. C. If
B. where
Choose the word or group of words that C. whole
best completes each of the following D. while
69. _______rich has its own problem.
61. You will need to commit the formula A. On being
______memory. B. Being
A. by C. On been
B. to D. Because
C. on
D. in 70. _______stolen the goods, the thief ran
62. His journey _____life has been rough. A. Having
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B. On C. a such
C. After D. that suit
D. Since
79. The ____of all the states in the federation
71. The boy _____his father in everything. are having a meeting at Abuja.
A. makes after A. Attorney-Generals
B. makes for B. Attorneys-Generals
C. takes after C. Attorney General
D. take for D. Attorneys-General
72. We have to____ for lost time. 80. The Local Government are authorized to
A. make pass _____ laws.
B. make up A. bye-laws
C. take up B. by-laws
D. take with C. byes-laws
D. byes-laws
73. Time is really ___so let's hurry up.
A. moving through 81. Ikechukwu's ideas are ____wrong.
B. running out A. almost always
C. moving out B. almost often
D. running through C. always almost
D. often almost
74. We haven't confirmed _____signature
this is. 82. The boys are ____for the match.
A. what A. all fully set
B. whose B. fully all set
C. which C. set all fully
D. who's D. fully set all
75. The issue on ____disagreed with him is 83. Ngozi is by far_____ of the girls.
very simple. A. brilliant
A. what B. the most brilliant
B. doubtful
87. We have started operating the ____. C. convinced
A. national new education policy D. confused
B. new education policy national
C. new national education policy 95. It appears that this Government is not
D. new national policy education ready to tolerate any adverse criticism.
A. unfavourable
88. The lady ______here tomorrow. B. destructive
A. arrive C. unreasonable
B. arriving D. constructive
C. arrives
D. arriving 96. The lawyer remarked that the fact that
the accused did nothing when the innocent
89. It is high time you _______seeing her. boy was being lynched made him culpable.
A. stop A. unreliable
B. stops B. guilt
C. will stop C. liable
D. stopped D. blameworthy
90. Theodore enjoys ______soccer. 97. The mineral resources of the country are
A. to play yet to be fully tapped.
B. play A. assessed
C. playing B. discovered
D. to be playing C. exploited
D. invested
91. Miss Onassis was a _______.
A. young rich lady 98. The boss is quite inflexible once she has
B. rich young lady made up her mind.
ANSWERS TO 2010/2011
1. C 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. D 9. B
10. C 11. B 12. C 13. C 14. C 15. C 16. A
24. C 26. B 27. A 28. A 29. D 30. D 31. A
32. C 33. B 34. C 35. D 36. A 37. B 38. C
46. D 47. D 48. B 49. B 50. C 51. C 52. B
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A. to shop? OR: ______ can you buy African
B. about souvenirs?
C. beside A. What place
D. on B. Which place
E. under C. Where
D. Where else
2. If I went to the cinema, I ______ early. E. Wherever
A. Shall return
B. am returning 8. Candidates who are not accustomed to
C. would return _____ fast will find it difficult to finish this
D. had returned paper.
E. may return A. write
B. writing
3. Many lives are lost on Nigerian roads C. have written
______lack of consideration for other road D. be writing
users by many crazy drivers. E. having written
A. in view of
B. resulting in 9. I told you, you would miss the bus.
C. owing totally to You_____ left home earlier.
D. through A. can't have
E. By B. must have
C. will have a had to have
4. The writer analyses the evils of the society E. should have
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shoulder. C. eliminating
A. deformed shoulder D. alleviating
B. readiness to be angered E. worsening
C. look of contempt
D. an air of superiority 20. The elderly often fulminate against the
E. search for gossip apparent indolence of the young generation.
A. protest bitterly about
14. It is sheer foolhardiness for unarmed B. complain seriously about
policemen to pursue armed robbers. C. promote vigorously
A. nonsense D. commend warmly
B. bravery E. lament seriously
C foolishness
D. stupidity 21. He and his Lieutenants have been
E. foolish accused of remaining intransigent.
A. rigid
15. The case was dismissed for want of B. stubborn
evidence. C. compromising
A. for want of facts D. popular
B. for want of opinions E. famous
C. for insufficient discussions
17. Chibueze sleeps with lights on because of 23. The police report was _______to that of
the fear of darkness. the eye witness.
A. kainolophobia A. contrary
B. lygophobia B. inconsistent
C. malaxophobia C. different
D. Macro phobia D. inappropriate
E. radiophobia E. congruent
18. The word Ouranophobia means 24. Each of the candidates that came late
A. fear of birds _______to complete _________.
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25. I had hardly ______down to sleep when I 32. The title of Achebe’s Things Fall Apart is
heard the gunshot. taken from a poem written by____.
A. lay A. T.S. Eliot
B. lied B. William Shakespeare
C. lain C. William Wordsworth
D. laid D. Wole Soyinka
E. lived E. W. B. Yeats
Choose the best of the options in the 33. The burden of tax on a commodity whose
Questions below. demand is infinitely inelastic___.
A. is zero
26. Point out the odd item: B. will be borne by seller alone
A. A rising in the Sun C. will be borne by buyer alone
B. Twelfth Night D. will be borne by both seller and buyer
D. The concubine E.is impossible to tell who bears it
E. Romeo and Juliet
34. By balance of visible trade we mean____.
27. One of the peculiar features in drama in A. import and export of goods
general is ______. B. import and export of services
A. humour C. balance of current account in the balance
B. satire of payments
C. sarcasm D. Balance of capital account in the balance
D. action of payments
E. exposition E. all of these
28. An image in poetry usually gives a clue to 35. Which of the following is not a visible item
29. A good plot must possess____. 36. The maintenance of general economic
31. Peter Abrahams' Mine Boy is about one of 37. Which of the following are direct taxes?
the following: A. sales taxes
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B. Excise duties
C. Income and company tax 44. The Mid-western Region was created in
D. tariff duties Nigeria in _____.
E. Commodity taxes A. 1961
B. 1962
38. When demand is elastic it means that C. 1963
consumers _____. D. 1964
A. react more proportionately to price change E. 1965
B. are not sensitive to price change
C. will stop buying when price increases 45. The abolition of the "indignant" was
D. react less proportionately to price change effected in French colonies in____
E. react equally to price change A. 1943
B. 1944
39. The production within the domestic C. 1946
territory of a Country is called the____. D. 1956
A. net national product E. 1958
B. gross domestic product
C. net Income 46. The 1976 local government reforms
D. disposable income provide for a_____ term of office.
E. gross national product A. 4-year
B. 5-year
40. The economic goal in public utilities is to C. 2-year
_____. D. permanent
A. maximize profits E. 3-year
B. expand assets
C. minimize costs 47 The first national political party in post-
D. provide essential services world war in Nigeria was_____.
E. pay higher dividends to shareholders A. N.E.P.U
B. N.C.N.C
41. The Loi Cadres, a major factor in the C. A.G
constitutional development of the French D. U. M.B. C
colonial territories, was introduced in_____. E. N.P.C
A. 1940
B. 1946 48. The use of the veto in the Security
C. 1950 Council is____.
D. 1956 A. limited only to permanent members
1. C 2. C 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. B 9. E
10. A 11. D 12. D 13. B 14. C 15. D 16. E
24. D 25. C 26. D 27. D 28. D 29. D 30. E
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to make a story and insidious temptation to A. Giving credit to his political enemies.
twist facts to square with his paper's policy. B Keeping quite when necessary
Both are indefensible as the framing of C. Trying to make a story.
misleading headlines for the sake of effect. D. telling the truth.
The conscientious journalist must check any E. defending the weak.
tendency of bias, and guard against the
dangerous inherent in personal antipathies or Passage 2:
friendship, and in traditional opposition the
between rival school of thought. When a I dare not lift the veil that protects our tribal
political opponent, whose stupidity habitually marriage customs and ceremonies from the
provokes attack, make an effective speech, eyes of outsiders. There is already too little in
honesty requires that he be given credit for this world that is scared; and what Fatama
its easier and more congenital to keep silent and I were required to go through during the
than to criticize, the journalist must never next week must remain so. I was deeply in
forget his duty to the public and supreme debt by the time everything was over, but I
importance of recording truth. was absolutely satisfied with my parent's
B. When he becomes weak and decrepit mother. I brought her home with swelling
C. When his enemies make a mistake pride and began at once to save all I could
D. When his opponent frames a misleading spare towards the cost of acquiring my
D. He admitted everything about his wife 14. The student haven't come back from the
E. He revolted against European values. library____.
A. Isn't it?
8. It appeared that marriage had turned him B. have they?
to____ C. is it?
A. A good worker D. had they?
B. A faithful husband E. haven' t they?
C. An incurable debtor
D. a proud husband. 15. The driver of the lorry _____lost his life
during the collision.
9. Which one of the following is NOT true of A. barely.
the passage? B. worth seeing it
A. The lady was beautiful. C. be worth to see.
B. The marriage cost a lot of money D. be worth seeing.
C. The marriage cost was according to native E. Be worthy seeing.
law and custom
D. Fatama never had an issue Choose the word that does not have the
E. The author wanted another wife. same vowel sound as the others
A. Jovial B. boot.
B. great C. rout
C. remarkable D. route
D. happy E. none of the above
E. growing
17. A. sun.
Fill in the blank space in the following B. Shun.
sentences making use of the best of the C. son.
options. D. short.
E. None of the above
11. Put _____ your watch, it is half an hour
fast. 18. A. Deep.
A. away. B. lease.
B. up C. meet.
C. Set. D. lace.
D. carried. E. none of above
E. back
Choose the word that has the same
12. Plans for a rise in production vowel sound as one represented by the
_____through when a strike started. letter(s) underlined.
A. went.
B. came. 19. Plateau
C set. A. wanted
D. carried. B. below
E. fell. C. holiday
D. hunted
13. The boys are very naughty. They have E. none of the above
started fighting again, _____.
A. haven't they? 20. Research
B. isn't it? A. disturb
C. is it? B. comfort
D. have they? C. affair
E. is it? D. carry
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A. Interest 29. A. key
B. solution B. wind
C. stupidly C. even
D. character D. People
E. none of the above E. none of the above
A. hotel B. saint
B. hyena C. Plait
C. human D. gate
D. humane E. none of the above
E. none of the above
Choose the option opposite in meaning
24. QUALITY to the word or phrase underlined.
A. guarantee
C. colourful
25. EDUCATION D. drunken
A. duplicity E. wicked
B. economics
C happy B. the level of income
D. wealthy C. high the rate
E. none of the above D. inadequate medical care for children
E. one of the above.
Choose the option nearest in meaning to
word(s) or phrase underlined. 42. When workers have a union the supply of
labour is said to be _____.
36. He holds on firmly to his hackneyed A. monopolistic
view of life. B. oligopolistic
A. principle C. monopsonatic
B. wayward D. competitive
C. positive E. participatory
D. obsolete
E. active 43. Securities are described as listed when
they are_____.
37. He deprecated the attempts made to A. Mobilized as long-term debt instrument
24. C 25. B 26. C 27. A 28. D 29. B 30. C
generally called a ______.
A. Couplet
31. E 32. C 33. D 34. E 35. A 36. D 37. A
B. ballad
C. tercet 38. B 39. B 40. C 41.C 42. A 43. B 44. A
D. Quatrain
E. one of the above 45. A 46. B 47. C 48. B 49. D 50. A
48. The "dumdum" of the drum' is a good
example of_____.
A. assonance
B. Onomatopoeia
C. metaphor
D. simile
E. alliteration
A. attitude
B. mood
C. tone
D. abstraction
E. perfection
fear is called_____.
A. catharsis
B. tragic-comedy
C. dementia
D. cleansing
E. none of the above
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D. lively A. fulfilled
E. garrulous B. improved
C. completed
2. "Watch it!" The robbers may strike. D. realised
A. look around E. remembered
B. be sober
C. be vigilant 9. Every child should have his/her potential
D. look out talents exploited.
E. see it A. important
B. latent
3. These are the tell-tale signs of battering C. valueless
on the child. D. abundant
A. confirming looks E. simple
B. suspicious marks
C. revealing marks 10. The man is quite credulous.
D. signifying marks A. credible
E. denying marks B. creditable
C. gullible
4. Some young girls extol decent dressing. D. fallible
A. decry E. unbelievable
B. praise
B. rigid
5. Her fiancé's taste reflects superfluous C. cogent
grandeur. D. many
A. excellent E. straight forward
B. superlative
C. expensive 12. The hotel attendants show no finesse in
D. too much dealing with their customers.
E. relaxed. A. careful
B. precise
6. I have never seen you in such pensive C. accurate
mood. D. exact
A. merry E. crucial
B. infuriated
C. thoughtful Choose the option that best explains the
D. hostile following or best fills the gap
E. relaxed
13. My uncle is one of the _____ of the
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the Nigeria civil service became_____.
15. Don't _______said the chairman, I want A. nationalised
to take a decision on this issue. B. in profession
A. prevaricate C. bureaucratised
B. predicate D. indigenised
C. precipitate E. democratised
D. be pejorative
E. hesitate 22. In democracy, ultimate authority resides
in the_____.
16. Obi is very stubborn, he will never A. electorate
______ his words. B. people
A. chew C. head of state
B. spit D. armed in forces
C. eat E. ministers
D. bite
E. swallow 23. The right of being a citizen can be
D. radio
18. ENORMOUS E. television
A. interest
B. solution 25. Bicameral legislatures arc common
C. stupidity feature of_____.
D. character A. monarchical system
B. confederal systems
19. QUALITY C. federal systems
A. guarantee D. unitary
B. accepted E. communal systems
C. bachelor
D. relation 26. Constitution refers to the_____.
A. adherence to a constitution
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B. process of drafting a constitution 33. Shares which does not carry any fixed
C. process of operating a constitution rate of come is known as _____.
D. amendment of an existing constitution A. debentures
E. A and B B. preference shares
C. ordinary shares
27. A major feature of- authoritarianism is D. participating preference shares
that government is _____. E. old shares
A. consensual
B. personalised 34. One major limitation of division of labour
C. centralised is_____.
D. decentralised A. monopoly of work
E. very merciful B. decline of craftsmanship
C. risk of unemployment
28. A major issue that distinguishes pressure D. extent of market
group from political parties is: E. boredom
A. membership drive
B. objective 35. The population level that yield the
C. the voting pattern maximum output when combined with
D. ideology available resources is known_____.
E. C and D A. dependent population
B. maximum population
29. The Gulf War of 1990 is an indication that C. optimum population
the U.N.O. is unable to_____. D. active population
A. ensure free world trade E. productive population
B. stop colonialism
C. control armament 36. One of these is not a part of fixed costs of
D. sure permanent world peace a limited liability company.
E. all of the above A. interest on loan
B. rent on buildings
30. The British prime minister who opposed C. depreciation reserves
cancellation of Nigeria's debt is_____. D. management expenditure
A. Margret Thatcher E. wages
B. Edward Heat
C. David Esser 37. Under the ECOWAS treaty on the free
D. John Major movement, a citizen of a member state can
E. Harold Wilson enter and stay in a member state without
C. tragedy hero E. the Igala Kingdom
D. alliteration
E. stanza 47. The use of Dual mandate of ruling in
Nigeria _____.
41. A novel can be described as _____. A. was introduced by Hugh Clapperton
A. a narration of facts B. employed loth traditional laws and customs
B. a brief description of a concept or point of C. employed British laws
view D. was a form of direct rule
C. an extended prose or narrative covering a E. B and C
wide range of character and experience
D. a narration of an incident 48. In respect of the quality of money, one of
E. a story these does not belong.
A. durability
42. Point out the odd term. B. portability
A. enjambment C. divisible into smallest units
B. rhyme D. identifiable by all
1. C 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. C 7. A 8. A 9. B www.preps.com.ng
10. C 11. D 12. C 13. B 14. D 15. B 16. C
24. C 25. C 26. A 27. C 28. B 29. D 30. A
31. B 32. B 33. C 34. A 35. C 36. D 37. B
46. A 47. E 48. E 49. B 50. B
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B. paradox
2. While our most elected legislators are C. parody
living a life of affluence and ostentation, the D. irony
vast majority of those who recently elected
them into office are unhappy. 9. "Awka does not sleep at night” is an
A. influence example of _____.
B. pleasure A. metaphor
C. poverty B. paradox
D. consequences C. Pen hyperbole
D. personification
3. The doctor was very gentle with his
patients in the examining room. 10. A short speech at the beginning of a
A. harsh literary work which serves as commentary is
B. rude a/an ____.
C. rough A. Hogue
D. unkind B. prologue
C. dialogue
4. My brother is very lazy. He will not take his D. epilogue
studies seriously. Is future looks quite bleak.
A. cloudy 11. Pick the odd item
B. cheerless A. tragedy
C. bright B. comedy
D. huge C. stanza
D. farce
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B. 9 ANSWERS TO 2015/2016
C. 8
15. In a soccer competition in one season, a
club had scored the following goals: 2, 0, 3, 1. D 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. D 9. D
3, 2, 1, 4 0, 0, 5, 1, 0, 2, 3, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1 and
1. The mode is 10. B 11. C 12. C 13. D 14. B 15. B 16. C
A. 1
B. 2 17. A 18. B 19. C 20. D
C. 3
D. 4
16. The trial of Jesus brought two enemies to
become friends. Who are they? DOWNLOAD MORE FREE PAST
A. the Jews and romans QUESTIONS AT
B. the Chief Priests and Herod
C. Herod and Pilate
D. Pilate and Jesus
17. The lions in the den did not hurt Daniel
A. God shut the mouths of the lions
B. God found Daniel blameless before him
C. Daniel was the servant of the living God
D. God sent angels to protect Daniel
D. Lieutenant Governor
A. Nigeria
B. Ethiopia
C. Liberia
D. Ghana
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D. circumspect C. dead
D. disused
2. The police is working hard to detect the
person who ______the crime. 9. Some workers went on rampage at a
A. performed trade-fair.
B. promoted A. turned violent
C. perpetuated B. robbed
D. perpetrated C. were angry
D. demonstrated
3. Many youths were _____into rioting by the
more radical ones. 10. A literary device which expresses
A. goaded meaning in its direct opposite is _____.
B. gathered A. metaphor
C. guarded B. paradox
D. guided C. parody
D. irony
4. _____ package should always he handled
with care. 11. Pick the odd item.
A. Insecure A. tragedy
B. Fragile B. comedy
C. Weak C. stanza
D. Boxed D. farce
5. The door handle was shaking because the 12. When proteins are broken down, they
Nigeria, Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe was ____.
A. Head of state
C. Prime Minister QUESTIONS AT
D. Lieutenant Governor
17. The first African state to gain political
independence from colonial masters was www.preps.com.ng
A. Liberia
B. Nigeria
C. Ethiopia
D. Ghana
18. Nigeria became a member of Organisation
for Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
A. 1961
B. 1981
C. 1991
D. 1971
A. Joel
B. Mathias
C. Barsbas
D. Joshua
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1. Who wouldn’t take offence at such a A. am
______ comment? B. was
A. Ludicrous C. were
B. raucous D. be
C. notorious
D. ridiculous Choose the interpretation you consider
most appropriate for each expression.
2. Insulting your elders means
_______troubles for yourself. 9. The sales man tried to pull the wool over
A. creating my eyes. This implies that the salesman tried
B. inviting to___.
C. producing A. force me to buy his goods
D. increasing B. offer me cotton wool
C. makes me buy his wool
3. He went to see ____ at the door. D. dupe me
A. whos’ E. cover my eyes with wool
B. whose
C. who’s 10. Donatus counted his chicken before they
D. whom are hatched. This means that he____.
A. regarded each egg as a chicken
6. Many students were ______ into rioting by 12. My friend will hate his uncle forever
the more radical ones. because he left him in the lurch in his hour of
A. guided need. A. abandoned him
B. gathered B. punished him
C. guarded C. disrespected
D. goaded D. disinherited him
E. despised
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14. Gabriel will soon get to the zenith of his C. Baggage
profession. D. property
A. peak E. bagagges
B. low
C. nadir 21. The society would be the better for it, if
D. bottom we desist _______ rumour-mongering.
E. foot remarked the Speaker.
A. from
15. The antonym of the word verbose is____. B. away
A. Lose C. into
B. concise D. away from
C. Intractable
D. overdue Choose the best of the options from the
E. heterodox questions below
16. The judge blamed the plaintiff for 22. Conditions for forming a federation do not
17. The demonstrators have refused to call 23. Citizenship can be terminated by____.
off their action. A. Election
A. Consolidate B. Denaturalization
B. start C. Preregistration
C. resume D. Birth
D. end
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26. The 1963 constitution in Nigeria is known 33. ‘Pacification’ refers to the process through
as the____. which some areas in Nigeria were acquired by
A. presidential constitution _____.A. military conquest
B. independence constitution B. gunboat diplomacy
C. republican constitution C. signing of treaties
D. federal constitution D. peaceful negotiation
27. One most important achievement of the 34. Federalism was introduced in Nigeria
military is____. under the____.
A. creation of states A. Richards constitution
B. elimination of corruption B. Lyttleton constitution
C. preserving Nigerian unity C. Macpherson constitution
D. decongesting the ports D. Independent constitution
28. Which of the following political parties in 35. The first black African state to gain
Nigeria formed the opposition in the House of political independence from a colonial power
Representatives during the First Republic? was _____.
A. NCNC and AG A. Nigeria
B. NCNC and UMBC B. Liberia
C. NPC and AG C. Ghana
D. AG and UMBC D. Ethiopia
E. Guinea
29. Which of the following is permanent in
international politics? 36. A long narrative in which the fate of a
A. Bilateral relationship community is dependent on the life and
B. Economic aid activities of the hero is _____.
C. Friendship A. A tragedy
D. Permanent interest B. A legend
C. An epic
30. Which organ of the government is D. A historical narrative
referred to as the last hope of the common
man? 37. A blank verse ______.
31. The law of libel limits a citizen’s right of 38. The most distinctive element of drama is
freedom of _____. _____.
A. association A. Setting
B. movement B. Action
C. worship C. Dialogue
D. expression D. Plot
32. One of the major sources of constitution 39. The struggle of the protagonist with
is _____. forces that threaten to destroy him is known
A. judicial precedence as _____.
B. politics debate A. conflict
C. opinion poll B. confrontation
D. executive order C. battle
D. connotation
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40. The dramatic convention in which an 48. Convert 3.1415926 to five decimal places.
actor alone on the stage speaks his thoughts A. 3.14200
aloud is? B. 0.1415
A. aside C. 3.14159
B. speak D. 3.14160
C. overstatement
D. soliloquy 49. By how much is the mean of 30, 56, 31,
55, 43 and 44 less than the median?
41. In a novel, the antagonist is _____. A. 0.17
A. a fully developed character B. 0.33
B. a flat character C.0.50
C. the female character D. 0.75
D. the arch rival of the hero
50. The type of activity which turns processed
Identity the figure of speech used in raw materials into consumer and industrial
each sentence goods is described as _____.
A. extractive
42. Mr Johnson is a mad lion. B. manufacturing
A. simile C. constructive
B. comedy D. processing
C. oxymoron
D. Metaphor
ANSWERS TO 2017/2018
43. The Sun has gone to rest.
C. personification
D. comedy
1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. A 6. D 7. B 8. C 9. D
44. More hands are needed for the project. 10. C 11. B 12. A 13. C 14. C 15. B 16. A
A. tragedy
B. metaphor 17. C 18. B 19. D 20. C 21. A 22. A 23. B
C. alliteration
D. synecdoche 24. B 25. B 26. C 27. C 28. D 29. D 30. D
45. O Lord bless this house.