Client Copy From PRD To QTY
Client Copy From PRD To QTY
Client Copy From PRD To QTY
For the large system is not any other way - just do system copy.
In few words:
make backup, remove Quality system from transport system and from CUA, resore on
Quality system, re-create control files - to change the SID( Oracle), startup DB,
several post-copy steps.
Generally � follow note 147243. The difference in this procedure is that DB Load is
not interrupted as is proposed in the note, but I wait for the initial
installation to fully complete and then do the next steps.
1. Adjust memory parameters (Oracle, SAP) and page file of source system. If
necessary adjust also number of work processes. This step is optional. Most often
it is not done, instead of it the adjustments of the profiles are done later in the
target system.
2. Trace the control file Control<SID>.sql of source system � note 147243
3. Adjust created control file as for the target system � note 147243
4. Create new user with admin rights (put this user in ORA_DBA group)
5. Logon as this user (local/domain) and perform a new installation as per inst.
6. Do this only if this is a second SAP instance installed on the same host:
See note 576919 (Ora-12505). Oracle listener is changed during the installation.
Adjust listener.ora
- if system fails on DBCONNECTTEST step (can occur if you install more than one
instance on the same host), check if environment variable Local is defined. If it
is, it should have the correct value for the SID and it must be defined as User
variable, not as System variable. Also restart the computer. Then start the
database of the new SID.
- Terminal services also can impact this error � note 441518. Note 556232 explains
the environment settings.
- If error occurs on DIPGNTAB_NT see note 162266 and especially note 400241 (ora-
1403 or ora 1017)
7. Patch Oracle of the target system, if necessary (to have the same patch level as
in the source system)
8. Update Kernel of Target system (use the newest kernel available)
9. Stop Oracle <SID> Service
10. Delete on Target system <DRIVE>:\ORACLE\<SID> (Online redo log directories must
stay, just the files in them have to be deleted). Redo log directories must be on
the same drives as they are on the Source system (because Online Redo logs are
recreated by the Control<SID>.SQL). Otherwise adjust appropriate the traced control
file from the sourse system
11. Copy or restore <DRIVE>:\ORACLE\<SID> (SAPDATA 1-6) from Source to the target
12. Delete all copied in previous step Control files on the Target system !
13. Copy Oracle init<SID>.ora , .sap , .dba from source system and adjust them to
the situation in Target system (<SID>, paths, etc)
14. Adjust SAP profiles to the status of Target system (memory parameters, number
of workprocesses, language parametrs, etc.)
15. Start Oracle Services
16. Modify Control<SID>.sql as per Guide (Note 147243)
17. Database must be down. Execute Control<SID>.sql . This must recreate the
control file and open that database
18. Start DB, Start SAP
19. If the system does not start, delete old OPS$ user and create it again (Note
50088) � only for R/3 4.6C
In the examples below IPW is the source system, GRB is the target system.
20. If the system does not start yet, apply note 8179
- SE38 -> execute report RSBTCDEL (mark field delete with force mode). This deletes
old batch jobs by your criteria
- SP12 � Tempse Consistency
- Execute DB02
- Configure STMS
- RZ10 � import new profiles
- SE61 � adapt the logon text
- Adapt the picture after logon
- Delete unnecessary clients
- Import necessary requests
- Add the system CUA ?
- Install Documentation