New Pamphlet - 060804

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Best Training Center

Languages training center

Lesson zero (0): Basic questions and answers

1. How are you? I am fine thanks, and you?
2. What is your name? My name is ......., and you? My name is
3. Who are you? I am Ben, what about you?
4. Where do you come from? I come from house, and you? I come
5. Where do you go? I go to school, what about you? I go
6. Where do you learn English? I learn English at Best Training Center
7. What is the name of your father? The name of my father is……………
8. How is your family? My family is very well, and yours?
9. Do you speak English? Yes, I do No, I don’t A little
10. Why do you learn English? I learn English to become a teacher.
11. Where do you live? I live on Nebasa street, number 12,
Talangayi quarter in N’sele Township.
12. Do you eat rice? Yes, I do No, I don’t
13. Do you know me? Yes, I do, your name is Jethro. No, I don’t
May you tell me who you are?
14. What are you? I am a doctor, and you?
15. How many teachers do you we have eight teachers.
Have in your center?
16. What do you do English? I do nothing. I work. I teach. I learn English
I sweep. I brush my teeth. I write. I read.

Lesson one (1): English alphabet

There are twenty six letters (26) in English alphabet, which are:
A /ei/ B/bi: / C/si: / D/di: / E/i: / F/ef/ G/dzi: /
H/eitch/ I/ai/ J/dzei/ K/kei/ L/el/ M/em/ N/en/ O/eu/ P/pi:/

Q/Kju/ R/a:/ S/es/ T/ti:/ U/ju:/ V/vi:/

W/dablju:/ X/eks/ Y/wai/ Z/zed, zi/
 The capital letters are big letters(also called upper letters)
E.g: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
 The lower letters are small ones:
E.g: a b c d e f g h I j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
 We have twenty consonants and
 Six vowels

Conversation one (1): SPELLING NAMES

Section one: Ben and Samuel
B: Hello brother, how are you today?
S: I’m fifty-fifty, what about you?
B: What’s your name?
S: Samuel is my name.
B: Can you please spell your name?
S: Yes, I can, it is S-a-m-u-e-l, and you, what’s your name?
B: My name is Ben.
S: Can you spell it?
B: Why not, it’s B-e-n
S: That’s nice. Happy to meet you Mister Ben.
B: Happy to meet you too dear Samuel.
Section two (2): God given and Biton
G: Good evening
B: Evening
G: How are you this evening?
B: Wonderful, how are you?
G: Great. How can I call you please?

B: Call me Biton
G: How do you spell it?
B: I spell it in this way: B-I-T-O-N
G: Oh, thanks. I’m delighted to see you.
B: So am I.

Lesson two (2): Sorts of names

The official name comprises:
 The first name or Christian name or Given name
 The middle name and
 The last name or family name or surname
First name Middle name Last or family name
Ben Mosizo Kambungu
Jordan Mukeba Kabengele

Some other names are:

 Nickname Note: English name is your name translated in
 College name English and the American name is the name
 English name from Americans
 American name

Lesson three (3): Reading abbreviations

Questions Answers
 What does …………. mean? - It means ………………..
 What does ………….. stand for? - It stands for …………….
E.g.: what does D.R.C mean? It means the Democratic Republic of Congo
These are some English abbreviations
 V.I.P: Very important person

 G.M.T: Greenish mean time

 B.T.C: Best Training Center
 W.H.O: World health organization
 B.B.C: British broadcasting corporation
 U.N.E.S.C.O: United nations educational scientific and culture
 U.S.A: United States of America
 U.K: United Kingdom
 U.S.A.I.D: United States Agency International Development
 I.P.A : International Phonetic Alphabet
 U.L.C: United Land College

Lesson four (4): How to ask questions

 May I ask a question?
 Yes, you may. No, you may not.
 What is the English for
 The English for ……………………….. is
 What is the French for
 The French for ……………………….. is
 What do you mean by
 It means
 What do you mean by
………………………………………………..into English?
 It mans
 What do you mean by
…………………………………………….….into French?
 It means

 Sorry, I don’t know, it is very tricky. (it is very difficult)

 Can you please help me translating this sentence into English?
 Yes, I can. You may say

Conversation two (2): Asking about the family

Grace and Matthew
G: Hi there! How’s life been treating you?
M: Life is going well, and yours?
G: Ditto. How’s your family?
M: My family is doing well by the grace of God, how is yours?
G: No more than yours.
M: Where are you going?
G: I’m going to center.
M: What center precisely?
G: B.T.C, do you know it?
M: Yes, I do. It is an evening training center.
G: Yes, you’re right. Bye!
M: Bye!

Lesson five (5): Asking for repetition or

1. Do you understand?
Yes, I do. No, I don’t. Not really
2. Do you understand what I’m saying?
Yes, I do No. I don’t. Not really
3. Do you catch/grasp/ me?
Yes, I do. No, I don’t. Not really.
4. Please sir, can you come again to you said?
Why not, I know that you don’t catch me well
5. Please sir, can you speak back?
Yes, I can. No way to speak back again brother/sister
6. Speak slowly sir because you are speaking quickly.
7. Speak up please because we don’t listen to what you’re saying.
8. Would please speak word by word?

9. Once more please, can you? Okay I do it to please you

10. Repeat for the second time please would you?
11. Right? Yes, right Not all right
12. Finished? Yes, we finished No, we didn’t finish yet.
13. Shut up! = be quiet = keep quiet = close your mouth
14. Can you please clarify what you are explaining? Yes, not matter
15. Would you help me to be like you? Yes, no matter

Conversation three (3): Being in Expectation of

someone at the airport
Mboyo and Kibunga
M: Good evening sir, how are you this morning?
K: I’m very well thank you, and you?
M: So cool, how is your sister? I can’t see her anymore.
K: She wasn’t here, she went to the United States of America and she is going to
Come back today.
M: Oh! It’s interesting. And where are you going?
K: Nowhere, I’m just waiting for her here, and you?
M: I’m also waiting for someone here in the waiting room.
K: Ah! You are in expectation of somebody!
M: Yes, this’s what I should say
K: Thanks, let’s wait for them together.

Lesson six (6): Some useful expressions

1. May I get in? May I come in? May I go in?
Yes, you may. No, you may not.
2. May I go out? May I get out? May come out?
Yes, you may. No, you may not.
3. Can I please go to relieve myself?

I mean to go shit (to pass water to piss water) to poo
Ok do as you want
4. May say something? May I interrupt you?
Don’t mention it don’t worry never mind
Leave me alone let me myself let me easy
5. Why?
Because you disturb me(us) or because you are unserious
I’m in bad temper today (you’re sad today)
I’m angry ( the anger)
I’m hungry (the hunger)
6. May I be excused?
No problem
I beg your pardon
Forgive me sir
My apology
Apologize for sir
Excuse me sir
Look at me./ Look at him/ Look at her
Trust me sir
7. Would you please move over?
I can’t see move aside please/ You prevent me to see move aside

Conversation four (4): A long name

Steady eddy and Gentle spirit
S: Hey. How are you this morning?
G: I’m well thank you. And you?
S: I’m like a fish in water. May I have your name?
G: No problem I’m called by the name of Samuel Gentle spirit Kibunga.
S: Oh it’s a long name and it will be tough to memorize. May you abbreviate it?
G: No way to abbreviate an official name because it’s forbidden
S: No that’s not true. You’re a liar
G: Why do you call me a liar? Impolite you are

S: I am sorry forgive me
G: Ok no matter.

Lesson five (5): Talking about occupations

Job titles/work titles
What’s your job title?
I’ m secretary at la Reference school
I’m an English student at best training center
I’m a civil servant
I’m a pilot
I’m lawyer
I’m doctor
I’m a trainee doctor
I’m a nurse
I’m a musician
I’m hustler/ a spiteful man
What does your father do?
He is a jobless man
He is car driver (Rick show man)
He is a soldier/ Policeman
What does your mother do?
She is a house wife
She is a trade woman
She is a sales woman
She is a seller
What is his job title?
He is nothing to me just a simple usher
He is a chairman
He is an engineer
What is her job title?

She is a director in one big school

She is typist
She is a computer scientist
She is a teacher

Conversation five (5) : Going to buy something to market

Grace and Biton

G: Hello Biton. Where do you off to?

B: I off to market
G: What for?
B: For buying a meat of beef and vegetables
G: Ah you shall eat well today I think! Keep some for me
B: No way, it will only be sufficient for our family. Unfortunately.
G: No way to thank you in anticipation. But never mind bye.
B: A beggar you are. Shame on you

Lesson eight (8): Introductions

A.Basics questions and answers
1. Who are you? / What’s your name?
I’m Ben steady eddy
2. What are you? / What do you do? / What is your profession?
I’m a pupil
I’m an English student at best training center
I’m a jobless man
I’m an English teacher
I’m an unemployed
I’m a pastor in one awake church

3. Where do you live? / Where do you dwell on?

I live on Nebasa street n° 10 Talangayi quarter in N’sele township
4. What do you like the most in your life?
I like American music
I like speaking English
I like the word of God
I like teaching English and French
5. What do hate in your life?
I hate lies and injustices
I hate insulting people
6. What is your marital status?
I’m fiancé
I’m single with no child
I’m married
I’m engaged
7. What is your favorite food?
I like to eat cassava leaves, cassava bread with fish
I like rice and beans so much.
8. What do you do for living?
I go to sell in the big market every morning
I do nothing but I think to be a dress maker
9. What sport do you practice better?
I like to play football/ Hand ball
I practice karate and judo
I’m boxer
10. What nationality are you?
I’m Congolese from blood
I’m Congolese by birth
I am an American by spirit
I’m an English by naturalization
11. What language do you speak better?

I speak Lingala, French and my mother tongue better but my English is

too poor because I’m still a beginner in elementary level.

Conversation seven (7): Being absent mind

Jethro and Matthew
J: Hello dear sir. How are getting on?
M: Up and down yourself?
J: Oh many problems
J: What problem again? I think it’s not serious
M: It is! No money for fees/ No fees for the center
J: Is that a problem? Take this.
M: You are joking with me I see!
J: Am I joking? But anyhow it’s all I have
M: Oh that’s unbelievable! God curse you!
J: What?
M: Eh! Sorry God bless you! So long!
J: So long and take it easy, never be mind out when you are speaking
M: Yes, I shall present minded next and I beg your pardon because I’ve
Mistaken and let me remind that I was in joking mood
J: Okay, I didn’t turn my attention to that.

Lesson (9): Let me introduce myself

Questions: Can you introduce yourself?
Can I ken you?
Answers: Yes, I can.
Yes, you can
Ladies and gentlemen, dear classmates, hello!

My name’s Samuel but my official name is Samuel Kibunga Kimvula. My

American name is Gentle Spirit. I’m Congolese by birth not by naturalization
because my parents are Congolese too. I live on Nebassa Street, number 12,
Talangayi Quarter, in N’sele Township. I learn my English at Best Training
Center. I like the word of God, I speak Lingala, French and my mother tongue
better. But my English is too poor because I’m in elementary level which is for
beginners. I don’t like people who lie and I can’t stand injustices.
That’s all and thanks a lot.

Lesson (10): Some useful wishes

1. Wishes
To wish is to hope that you will get something or that something will
Here are some wishes:
 God bless you all/ God bless you
 God curse you
 May God curse you
 Enjoy your meal
 Good appetite
 Good hunger
 Have a nice day
 Have a good trip/journey/travel
 Happy birthday
 Happy anniversary
 Merry Christmas
 Happy new year
 Have a good time
 Have a good weekend
How to answer:
 God bless you too
 The same to you
 God curse you too
 Thanks
 Thank you very much
 Glory to God
 You’re welcome

Lesson eleven (11): To take an English appraisal exam

My name is Ben Kambungu, I learn my English at B.T.C. I’ve totalized plus or
minus two month of courses and soon I shall face my test called: “an English
appraisal exam” before joining the first level. So, I’m not afraid of it because
I’m sure that I will succeed on it with good point or result. But if it arrives that I
don’t pass on it, it’ll be normal and I’ll be obliged to resume the level may be it
will help to ameliorate my English, but I’ll do my best to read all my lessons
from the beginning till the last lesson in view to avoid the failure, I submit my
success to God.

Lesson twelve (12): The point of view

 What is your point of view?
 What can you say about this/ or that?
 Do you have an idea about this/that?
 What do you think about this/That?
 Can you add something?
 What are your view on this?

 My point of view is………………………………………………
 I want to say that…………………………………………………
 My idea is focused on……………………………………………
 According to what I know, I can say…………………………….
 According to what I think, I can say……………………………..
 In my opinion, I can say………………………………………….
 I can’t argue with you about that (= I agree with you)
How to introduce an opposite point of view
 I don’t share the same point of view with you.
 I’m not in your point of view.
 We can’t agree to get her.
 In my opinion I can say…………………………..………………
 I argue with you about that.

Lesson thirteen (13): Grammar focused

A. Some prepositions
At ( Peter is at home)
To (he is going to the center)
In ( we study in this school)
Into ( I go into the classroom)
On ( the hand out is on the desk)
From ( she is coming from the school)
Behind ( he is behind me)
Under ( your sandal is under the table)
Above ( God is above all)
Next to ( we are next to Mr. Sam’s place)
Across from ( I’m across from the center)
Opposite ( see me this afternoon opposite my school)
In front of ( look in front of you)
Near ( he is near me)
In back of ( I’m in back of you)
Between ( I put it between your school bag with yours)
On the corner of ( they are selling on the corner of the street)
In the middle ( Mr. Ben is the middle of the classroom)
Onto ( I throw it onto the table)
Inside ( it is inside the can)

B. The compass points

North Note: compasses: compat

West East


c. Asking questions:
1. Where are students?
 They are in the classroom
2. Where is Zambia located?
 Zambia is located in south Africa
3. Where are you now?
 In the classroom
4. What nationality are you?
 I’m Congolese but I’m living on Grand Bretagne
5. Where is sandal?
 It is behind the chair
6. Where is my pen?
 It is in my bag under books and copybooks
7. Is a pay phone around here?
 Yes it is on Bolozi street opposite some houses
8. Are there any restaurants on masina bus station/ Bus stop?
 Yes, there are some In back of street
9. Is there a Laundromat near here?
 No, there is not but there is one far from here
10.Do you know Kinshasa?
 Yes, I do. it is the capital city of the DRC
11.Are you sure?
 Yes, I think so.

D.The parts of body


 The face The chest The arms
 The hair The shoulder The hands
 The ears The breast The fingers
 The nose The belly The legs
 The neck The navel The kneels
 The eyes The back The thighs
 The chin The hip The calves
 The teeth (a tooth) The feet(foot)

The heel

The for fingers, the tongue, the cheeks, the for head, the beard,
Home work: Look for one design of human body and show each parts
E. At home
Some parts of house:
The bedroom
The bathroom
The living room
The dining room
The basement
The office
The kitchen
The garage

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