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Agri Crop Tle10 Afa-Acp q3 m2

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Quarter 3 – Module 2
Applying Fertilizer
TLE – ACP- Agri Crops Production - Grade 10
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 3 – Module 2: Applying Fertilizer
First Edition, 2021

Introductory Message

This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners, can continue
your studies and learn while at home, Activities, questions, directions, exercises, and
discussion are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-step as you
discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each SLM. This will
tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you need to ask your
facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of the lesson. At the end of
each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-check your learning. Answer keys are
provided for each activity and test. We trust that you will be honest in using these.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part of this SLM.
Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and test. Read the instructions
carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the tasks in this
module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.

Thank you

Published by the Department of Education, SDO AURORA

Schools Division Superintendent: Catalina P. Paez PhD, CESO V
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent: Danilo M. Jacoba

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Therence Jeffermin F. Concepcion

Editors: Jonalyn O. Colado
Ma. Roselle S. Fajanilbo
Reviewers: Cherrybel P. Gaspar
Erbert B. Villareal
Illustrators: Suzette M. Mingua
Therence Jeffermin F. Concepcion
Layout Artist: Harold T. Tecson
Management Team: Erleo T. Villaros PhD
Esmeralda S. Escobar PhD
Estrella D. Neri
Milagros F. Bautista PhD

Printed in the Philippines by Department of Education – Region III –

Schools Division of Aurora
Office Address: Sitio, Hiwalayan, Brgy. Bacong San Luis Aurora
E-mail Address: aurora@deped.gov.ph
What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written for the learners to help them
know the proper way on applying fertilizer. After going through this module,
the learner is expected to:
1. identify different types of fertilizers;
2. differentiate the method of fertilizer application; and
3. perform calculation of fertilizer rates based on crop requirements.

What I Know

Directions: Read the following test items below. Choose the letter of the
correct answer. Write the letter of your answer on your activity notebook.

1. Which chemical compounds are added to the soil to supplement the plant
A. fertilizers C. pesticides
B. inducers D. water

2. These are derived from minerals, atmospheric gases, water and other
A. band application C. inorganic fertilizer
B. foliar application D. organic fertilizer

3. Which of the following is not an organic fertilizer?

A. bat manure C. green manure
B. compost D. urea

4. What type of inorganic fertilizer contains only one major element?

A. incomplete fertilizers C. pesticides
B. inducers D. single element fertilizer

5. It is a mixture of excretion and soil beddings that are accumulated from

poultry houses, swine houses, and animal stables.
A. bat manure C. crop residues
B. compost D. farm manure

Applying Fertilizer
This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required in
growing fruit-bearing crops. In this module, you will also know the proper
method in applying fertilizer.

What’s In

Directions: Identify and differentiate the picture below. Write your answer on
your activity notebook.


What’s New
Directions: What can you say on the quotation written by Eartha Kitt? Write
at least two sentences. Write your answer on your activity notebook.

“I have used all the manure

that has been thrown
on me as a fertilizer
to make me stronger.”

- Eartha Kitt

What Is It


Crop nutrition is a very important factor in order to increase

production. Plants absorb significant amount of macro-nutrients (N, P, K, Ca,
Mg, and S) and minute quantities of micro-nutrients (Fe, Mn, B, Cu, Zn, Mo,
Cl) from the soil during their growth period. These nutrients should be
present in proper proportion in the soil to attain maximum yield. Soil fertility
management, therefore, aims to maintain the fertility level of the soil through
various manipulative ways, such as, the use of organic and inorganic
fertilizers, corrections of soil acidity, and the correct methods and timing of
fertilizer application.

Kinds of Fertilizer

1. Organic fertilizer. This includes materials

which are derived from plants and animal
origin such as animal manure and crop
a. Farm manure is a mixture of excretion
and soil beddings that accumulated from
poultry houses, swine houses, and
animal stables.
b. Crop residues include rice straws and
similar materials which can be used in
the field by plowing them before planting
crops to allow decomposition. The use of green manure by planting
crops such as mungo and other low-costs crops is a cheaper way of

fertilizing the field. Green manure is produced by allowing legumes
to bear flower and plowing them under the soil to undergo

2. Inorganic fertilizers. These are derived from

minerals, atmospheric gases, water and other
materials. Inorganic fertilizers are classified
according to the number of major elements
present. These include the following:
a. Single element fertilizers. These contain only
one major element. Examples of these are:
• nitrogen – ammonium sulfate –
(NH4)2 SO4 (21-0-0)
• phosphorous – ordinary super phosphate – P2O5 (0-20-0)
• potassium – muriate of potash – K2O (0-0-60)
b. Incomplete fertilizers. These contain only two essential fertilizer
elements. Examples:
• ammonium phosphate (16-20-0)
c. Complete fertilizers. These contain all the three major elements N
(nitrogen), P (phosphorous) and K (potassium) in percentages
indicated by the three numerals designating the fertilizer grade.
Complete fertilizers are available in granular and water soluble

Methods of Fertilizer Application

1. Ring method. This is done by making a ring within the

canopy drip line of the tree and digging it deeply
enough to where you broadcast the fertilizer after
which the fertilizer is covered with a layer of soil.

2. Band application. This is the application of

fertilizer in which a trench is dug around the
canopy drip line of the tree and fertilizer is
applied and covered with soil.

Determining the kind and rate of fertilizer to be applied in the
different stages of growth of fruit-bearing crops

Fruit-bearing crops, when properly fertilized, grow well and yield more
fruits abundantly. The plants will show some visual signs whether they are
receiving an adequate or a deficient supply of the major elements such as N, P
and K:

1. Plants that are deficient in nitrogen will show varying degrees of

yellowing of the canopy and stunting appearance.

2. A deficiency of phosphorous is manifested by a violet discoloration at the

leaf midrib and as the deficiency intensifies, the leaf color becomes dull
grayish green and a burning appearance along the leaf margin.

3. A deficiency in potassium shows a discoloration of leaves to pale green.

Brown spots developed from tip to the margin of the leaves result to
drying of the margins.

To determine the kind and rate of fertilizer to be applied in an area

depends upon the composition of fertilizer to be used. One way of expressing
the rate of fertilizer application is in kg of NPK per hectare of land. It is
important that a crop grower knows how to compute or convert fertilizer
recommendations from one form to another.

In a previews lesson in vegetable production, fertilizer computation has

already been taught. The following sample problems in fertilizer computation
will help you recall your lesson for you to use now in fruit-bearing crop
production. Refer to the following formula:

weight of nutrient recommended × 100

weight of fertilizer material = % nutrient of fertilizer

Sample Problem

Calculate the number of kilograms of ammonium sulfate (21% N) needed

ordinary super phosphate (20% P2O5) and muriate of potash (60% K2O) to
meet the 90-60-30 recommendation.

90 × 100
a. weight of ammonium sulfate = = 429 kgs

60 × 100
b. weight of ordinary super phosphate = = 300 kgs

30 × 100
c. weight of muriate of potash = = 50 kgs

The kind and rate of fertilizer to be applied in fruit-bearing crops is not
only considered based on the deficiency symptoms for lack of the three major
elements. The specific stages of growth of the plant should also be considered.
Based on the results of soil analysis, or any visual indication of deficiency
signs, rates can be used as a starting point. Adjustments in rates can be
made in later stages of crop development depending on the actual appearance
of the plants.

Recommended Fertilizer Guide for Some Fruit-bearing Crops

The following table shows the kind and rate of fertilizer application in
terms of NPK in the different growth stages of some fruit-bearing crops
including the method and time of application.

Crop NPK in Method of Time of

g/tree/year Application Application
Start of rainy
(non-bearing) 160-70-70 band application
(bearing) 210-210-210
band application
Banana 160-160-120 at radius of 60 2-4 splits
1 month 60-50-150
4 months 55-0-0 band application
7 months 60-50-150
10 months 55-0-0
1-2 years 84-40-180
onset of rainy
3-4 years 168-0-360 band application
5 years and 336-40-480

What’s More

A. Directions: Identify the following. Read and understand carefully the

sentences. Write your answer on your activity notebook.

______________1. It is a kind of fertilizer produce from decayed plants and

______________2. It is a substance that nourishes and promotes growth.
______________3. This is the application of fertilizer in which a trench is dug
around the canopy drip line of the tree and fertilizer is
applied and covered with soil.

______________4. It is a kind of fertilizer made up of chemical elements from
mineral origin.
______________5. It is any material of natural or synthetic origin which is
added to the soil to supply certain elements needed for
normal plant growth and development.

B. Match Column A to Column B. Write the correct letter of your answer on

your activity notebook.

Column A Column B

1. It is a deficiency that shows a A. Crop nutrition

discoloration of leaves to pale green.
2. It includes rice straws and similar B. Crop residues
materials which can be used in the
3. It is a deficiency in plants that show C. Hydrogen
varying degrees of yellowing of the
canopy and stunting appearance.
4. It is a deficiency that manifested by a D. Nitrogen
violet discoloration at the leaf midrib
and as the deficiency intensifies.
5. It’s a very important factor in order to E. Phosphorous
increase production.
F. Potassium

C. Directions: Given the table below, fill in the missing data to complete the
table based on the recommended fertilizer guide for the fruit-bearing
crops. Write your answer in your activity notebook.

Crop NPK in Method of Time of

g/tree/year Application Application
(non-bearing) 160-70-70 1. 2.
(bearing) 210-210-210
band application
Banana 160-160-120 at radius of 60 3.
1 month 60-50-150
4 months 55-0-0 band application
7 months 4.
10 months 55-0-0
1-2 years 84-40-180
band application 5.
3-4 years 168-0-360
5 years and up 336-40-480

What I Have Learned

Directions: Fill in the missing word/s to complete the sentences that

summarize our topic. Write your answer on your activity notebook.

To have an excellent _______________ it is necessary for a

_______________ to determine and _______________ the kind of _______________
and rate of applying it. Everything must be done according to the needs and
stages of _______________.

What I Can Do

Directions: Solve the following problem to determine the weight in kg of

fertilizer to be applied. Write the solution in your activity notebook.

Calculate the number of kilograms of ammonium sulfate (16% N),

ordinary super phosphate (24% P2O5) and muriate of potash (60% K2O) per
hectare to meet the 90-40-40 recommendation.


Directions: Read and understand carefully the questions below. Select the
best answer. Write your answer on your activity notebook.

1. Which of the following fertilizers contains only two of the three major
A. commercial fertilizer C. incomplete fertilizer
B. complete fertilizer D. single fertilizer

2. Which fertilizer is derived from minerals, atmospheric gases, water and

other materials?
A. crop residues C. inorganic fertilizer
B. farm manure D. organic fertilizer

3. Digging the soil within the canopy of the plants is called __________.
A. band application C. ring method
B. broadcasting D. side dressing

4. Which of the following is NOT an example of an organic fertilizer?

A. animal manure C. green manure
B. compost D. muriate of potash

5. Which nutrient is lacking if the plant shows varying degrees of yellowing

of the canopy and stunting in growth?
A. Hydrogen (H) C. Phosphorous (P)
B. Nitrogen (N) D. Potassium (K)

What I Know What’s More What I Have Learned
1. A (A) 1. yield
2. A 2. farmer
1. Organic fertilizer
3. D 2. Nutrient 3. practice
4. D 3. Band application 4. fertilizer
5. D 4. Inorganic fertilizer 5. plant growth
5. Fertilizer
1. F
2. B
3. D
4. E
5. A
1. Band application
2. Start of rainy season
3. 2-4 splits
4. 60-50-150
5. Onset of rainy season
What I Can Do Assessment
a. 562.5 kg 1. C
b. 166.67 kg 2. C
6. 66.67 kg 3. C
4. D
5. B
Answer Key
Competency Based Learning Modules in Horticulture NC II Fourth Year.
Philippines: Department of Education, n.d.

Curriculum Guide. AFA Agricultural Crop Production 9-12 NC II. Philippines:

Department of Education, n.d.

K to 12 Basic Education. Technology and Livelihood Education Home

Economics, Agri Crop Production 9-12 NC II. Philippines: Department of
Education, n.d.

Self Assessment Guide Horticulture NC II Assessment II

Training Regulations. Agricultural Crop Production NC II. Philippines:

Technical Education Skills and Development Authority, n.d.


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