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Located At
Plot No. 98, 99, 100, 101, 136, 138, 139,
140, 141, 142, 144, 146
Tehsil & District -Raipur
State - Chhattisgarh

Project Proponent:
M/s. Ganpati Ispat (Prop. Ganpati Sponge
Iron Pvt. Ltd.)

JULY, 2021

COMPLIANCE STATUS..........................................................................1

ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS REPORT...................................................18


ANNEXURE I: GREEN BELT…………………………………………………………………12



BY MOEF..................................................................................................... 17


TEST REPORT (JANUARY 2021).........................................................20

TEST REPORT (JUNE 2021)................................................................30


M/s. Ganpati Ispat (Prop. Ganpati Sponge Iron Pvt. Ltd.) is manufacturing
Mild Steel Billets Capacity- 59,900 Tons/Years and Re-rolled Steel Product
Capacity-56,905 Tons/Year in 1.66 Ha. at Plot No. 98, 99, 100, 101, 136, 138, 139,
140, 141, 142, 144, 146, Sector-C, Urla Industrial Area, Tehsil & District –Raipur,
State - Chhattisgarh.

This plant has obtained environmental clearance vide letter No. F.No.
562/S.E.I.A.A.C.G./SIA/CG/IND/594/Naya Raipur/dated 26 October, 2017.

EC Conditions compliance status and Environmental monitoring reports for the

period of JANUARY – JUNE 2021 is given below:

Compliance Status of conditions stipulated in Environmental of

M/s. Ganpati Ispat (Prop. Ganpati Sponge Iron Pvt Ltd) are given below:


EC Conditions Action Taken

1. Project authority shall not utilize any Noted and complied.

solid/liquid/gas fuel such as coal,
furnace oil, diesel, producer gas etc. in
any form as a fuel. The hot billets from
continuous casting machine (CCM) shall
be charged to rolling mill for
manufacturing of rolled products.
Reheating furnace(s) (existing if any) shall
be dismantled without any delay for
reheating the ingots/billets. No reheating
furnace(s) shall be installed for reheating
the ingots/billets. No additional induction
furnace(s) /rolling mill shall be installed.
The expansion in capacity shall be
achieved through increase in number of
heat per day and working hour of
induction furnace(s) and increase in
working hour of rolling mill.

2. Plantation shall be completed within first Noted and complied.

year. Incase project proponent fails to
carryout plantation; this environmental

EC Conditions Action Taken

clearance may be cancelled.

3. Project authority shall provide adequate For treatment of domestic

facility for proper treatment of industrial effluent; we have constructed
effluent and domestic effluent. Industrial Septic tanks followed by soak pits
effluent/cooling water shall be recycled and no effluent is remains after
after cooling/treatment. Domestic soak pits for further disposal.
effluents shall be treated in well-designed Effluent from Induction furnaces
septic tank and soak pits. In case of any and hot charged Rolling is being
failure of effluent treatment arrangement, recycled through closed cooling
it shall be immediately rectified or same circuit. Hence no industrial
alternate arrangement shall be provided. effluent generation from the plant.
No effluent shall be discharged out of
plant premises under any circumstances.
Any liquid effluent what so ever generated
shall not be discharged into the river or
any surface water bodies under any
circumstances, and it shall be reused
wholly in the process/plantation within
plant area. The concept of zero discharge
shall be maintained all the time except
during monsoon. Arrangement shall be
made that effluents and storm water do
not get mixed. Project authority shall
ensure the treated effluent quality within
standard prescribed by Ministry of
Environment, Forest and Climate Change,
Government of India. Industrial
Wastewater shall conform to the
standards prescribed under GSR 422 (E)
dated 19th May 1993 and December, 1993
or as amended from time to time.

4. Closed cycle cooling system shall be Closed cycle cooling system is

provided. Minimum water for makeup installed. Measuring
purpose shall be ensured. Project arrangements for the
authority shall provide adequate measurement of water utilization
measuring arrangements for the is installed in premises.
measurement of water utilized in different
categories and effluent generate before
commissioning of the plant with
expanded capacity. Project authority shall
obtain permission of Central Ground
Water Authority for use of underground

EC Conditions Action Taken

water before start of any expansion


5. Project authority shall provide adequate Complied.

air pollution control arrangements at all
We adopted following Air Pollution
points and non-points sources. Collecting
Control (APC) system:
hoods with bag filters of adequate
capacity and high efficiency shall be a. Fume extraction systems with
installed in induction furnace(s) with Bag Filter
minimum 30 meter stack height to ensure
b. Chimney
particulate matter emission less than 30
mg/Nm3 all the time. Project authority c. Water Sprinklers
shall install suitable and effective air
pollution control equipment’s at all
transfer points, junction points etc. also.
All the conveying system, transfer point,
junction point etc. shall be covered.
Adequate provision shall be made for
sprinkling of water at strategic locations
to ensure dust does not get air borne. For
controlling fugitive dust, regular
sprinkling of water in vulnerable areas of
the plant shall be ensured. Proper
ventilation shall also be provided in
induction furnace and rolling mill plant.
All air pollution control systems shall be
kept in good running conditions all the
time and failure (if any), shall be
immediately rectified without delay;
otherwise, similar alternate arrangement
shall be made. In the event of any failure
of any pollution control system adopted
by the Project authority, the respective
production unit shall not be restarted
until the control measures are rectified to
achieve the desired efficiency. As per
proposed submitted emission of
pollutants from any point of source shall
not exceed the following limits :-

Particulate Matter 30 mg/Nm3

(Thirty Milligram

EC Conditions Action Taken

per Normal Cubic


Project authority shall provide proper

space provision for further retrofitting of
air pollution control systems in case of
further stringency of particulate matter
emission limit. The height of any other
stack(s) shall not be less than 30 meters.

6. Regular monitoring of ground level Noted and being complied.

concentration of SO2, NOx, PM10, and
Air Quality is being monitored at
PM2.5 at at-least four stations shall be
4 locations. As per the monitoring
carried out in the impact zone and
data, the ambient air quality
records maintained. If at any stage these
levels found to be within
levels are found to exceed the prescribed
prescribed standards.
limits, the plant shall cease all operations
till necessary control measures are
provided. The location of the monitoring
stations and frequency of monitoring
shall be decided in consultation with
Chhattisgarh Environment Conservation
Board Naya Raipur. The data so collected
shall be properly analyzed and periodic
reports shall be submitted to
Chhattisgarh Environment Conservation
Board, Naya Raipur, Regional Office,
Chhattisgarh Environment Conservation
Board, Naya Raipur,Regional
office ,Chhattisgarh,Environment
conservation board ,Naya
Raipur,Raipur ,SEIAA, Chhattisgarh and
Regional Office, Ministry of Environment,
Forest and Climate Change, Government
of India, Nagpur.

7. Project authority shall install separate Noted and Complied.

electric metering arrangement with time
A separate logbook has been
totalizer and interlocking arrangement for
maintained for this purpose.
the running of pollution control devices.
These arrangement shall be made in such
a fashion that any non-functioning of
pollution control device/devices shall
immediately stop the electric supply to

EC Conditions Action Taken

the raw materials supply system and

shall remain tripped till the pollution
control device/devices are made
functional again/rectified to achieve
desired efficiency. The record of power
and chemical consumption for running
the pollution control equipment shall be
submitted to Board every month. A
separate logbook shall be maintained for
this purpose.

8. Project authority shall utilize fly ash Noted and Complied.

bricks/blocks etc. in all construction

9. Project authority shall take effective steps Noted and being complied.
for safe disposal of solid wastes and
Furnace slag has been given to
sludge. Furnace slag shall be sold to slag
slag crushing unit.
crushing units. End cutting from rolling
mill shall be used as raw material in own End cutting generated from
Induction Furnace(s) for steel making. rolling mill has been used in own
Mill scales shall be sold to sinter Induction Furnace for steel
plant/Ferro alloys/Casting units. Oily making. Mill scales have been
sludge shall be sold to authorized sold to traders.
recyclers / re-processors for proper
disposal through incineration. Project
authority shall obtain authorization from
Board for management and handling of
hazardous materials as per Hazardous
and Other Wastes (Management and
Trans-boundary Movement) Rules, 2016.

10. All internal roads shall be made pucca All the internal roads are
before commissioning of the plant. Project converted to Cement Concrete
authority shall adopt good housekeeping Road.
practices within plant premises.

11. Project authority shall take proper action Noted and being complied.
to control the noise pollution. Project
Noise levels are being monitored
authority shall install appropriate noise
barriers/control measures including
acoustic hoods, silencers, enclosures etc. Following measures have been
on all sources of noise generation to implemented to control noise
control the noise. Earplugs/ear muffs etc. pollution:

EC Conditions Action Taken

shall be provided to the employee working 1. Whenever possible the noise is

in the high noise areas. Leq of noise levels controlled at the source.
emanating from machines shall be limited
2. DG sets provided with acoustic
to 75 dBA. The noise level shall not
exceed the limits 75 dBA (A) during the
daytime and 70 dBA (A) during the night 3. Use of Earmuffs/Ear plugs are
time within the factory premises. Project provided to work as per the list of
authority shall take adequate measures mandatory PPEs for operational
for control of noise levels below 85 dBA workforce engaged in high noisy
(A) in the work environment. Workers areas.
engaged in noisy areas shall be
periodically examined to maintain
audiometric record and for treatment for
any hearing loss including rotating them
to non-noisy/less noisy areas.

12. First aid and sanitation arrangement Noted and being complied.
shall be made for the drivers and other
contract workers during construction

13. The construction of effluent treatment Noted and complied.

system and installation of air pollution
control equipment shall be taken up
simultaneously with other
civil/mechanical works of expansion unit.
The progress of the activities related to
the project shall be submitted periodically
to Chhattisgarh Environment
Conservation Board, Naya Raipur,
Regional Office, Chhattisgarh
Environment Conservation Board, Raipur,
SEIAA, Chhattisgarh and Regional Office,
Ministry of Environment, Forest and
Climate Change, Government of India,

14. Adequate safety measures shall be Noted and complied.

provided in the plant area to
As per Norms of Factory Act we
check/minimize spontaneous fires. Copy
have provided Personal Protection
of the these measures with full details
Equipment (PPE) to workmen who
along with locations plant layout shall be
work in high temperature work
submitted to Chhattisgarh Environment
Conservation Board, Naya Raipur,

EC Conditions Action Taken

Regional Office, Chhattisgarh

Environment Conservation Board, Raipur,
SEIAA, Chhattisgarh and Regional Office,
Ministry of Environment, Forest and
Climate Change, Government of India,

15. A wide green belt of broad leaf local Noted and complied.
species shall be developed in at least 33%
We are maintaining good greenery
of the project area. As far as possible
within plant premises.
maximum area of open spaces shall be
utilized for plantation purposes. Project Green belt has been developed,
authority shall abide by the decisions which is about 33% of the total
taken by Ministry of Environment, Forest acquired area with a native tree
and Climate Change, Government of species in accordance with CPCB
India/Central Government/Central guidelines. The greenbelt covered
Pollution Control Board from time to time the entire periphery of the plant.
in this regard. Central Pollution Control Preference given to local species of
Board guidelines shall be followed in broad leaf.
planning and developing green belt and
selection of species etc. Photographs of green belt are
given in Annexure I.

16. Project authority shall provide garland Noted and complied.

drains with appropriate check dams all
along the raw materials/ product storage
areas etc. to avoid any possibility or
erosion (earing away) during rain. Sump
capacity shall also provide adequate
retention period to allow proper settling of
silt material. Sedimentation pits shall be
constructed at the corners of the garland
drains. Project authority shall provide
adequate collection and treatment
arrangement for proper management of
storm water. The surface run-off shall be
de-silted through a series of check dam
and drains.

17. Project authority shall develop rainwater- Rainwater harvesting system is

harvesting structure for 100% harvesting already implemented in the plant.
of rainwater in the premises for Surface run-off from the plant
recharging the ground water table. premises is collected and cleaned
water is being utilized to recharge

EC Conditions Action Taken

ground water table.

Construction of roof top rain
water harvesting structure is
already constructed.

18. Provision shall be made for the housing of Not applicable being we have
construction labour within the site with deployed local persons.
all necessary infrastructure and facilities
such as fuel for cooking, mobile toilets,
mobile STP, safe drinking water, medical
health care, crèche etc. The housing may
be in the form of temporary structures to
be removed after the completion of the

19. Occupational Health Surveillance of the Being complied.

workers shall be done on a regular basis
All the employees undergo
and records maintained as per the
periodical medical examination
Factories Act.
(PME) in hospital every year.
Records of the medical
examination are being maintained
properly as per the conditions
stipulated. We are maintaining
health records. Health Reports
Enclosed as Annexure II.

20. Project authority shall establish an The environmental Management

environmental management cell to Cell is headed by the Director and
carryout function relating to Head (Environment) at the
environmental management under the corporate levels and supported by
supervision of senior executive who shall Manager, who directly reports to
directly report to the head of organization. the head of the organization.
A Full-fledged laboratory with qualified
technical/scientific staff to monitor the
influent, effluent, ground water, surface
water, soil, stack emission and ambient
air quality etc. shall be provided.

Manager Manager Manager

Admin Production

EC Conditions Action Taken

21. The issuance of this environmental Agreed.

clearance does not convey any property
rights in either real or personal property,
or any exclusive privileges, nor does not
authorize any injury to private property or
any invasion of personal rights, nor any
infringement of Central, State or Local
laws or regulation.

22. SEIAA, Chhattisgarh reserves the right to Agreed.

amend/cancel any of the conditions and
add new conditions and make further
stringent the emission / effluent limit as
and when deemed necessary in the
interest of environment protection,
change in the project profile or non-
satisfactory implementation of the
stipulated conditions etc.

23. Local persons shall be given employment We have deployed local persons.
during development and operations of the

24. The project proponent shall advertise in The advertisement of grant of

at least in two local newspaper that are environmental clearance was
widely circulated in the region one of published in local widely
which shall be in the vernacular language circulated newspapers;
of the locality concerned within seven “Deshbhandu" & “The Hitvada”
days form the date of this clearance letter, dated 3rd November 2017.
informing that the project has been
Advertisement photo is enclosed
accorded environmental clearance and
in Annexure III.
copies of the clearance letter area
available with the Chhattisgarh
Environment Conservation Board and
may also seen at Website of SEIAA,
Chhattisgarh at

25. Half yearly report on the status of Noted and being complied.
implementation of the stipulated
conditions and environmental safeguards
shall be submitted to the Chhattisgarh
Environment Conservation Board, Naya
Raipur, Regional Office, Chhattisgarh
Environment Conservation Board, Raipur,

EC Conditions Action Taken

SEIAA, Chhattisgarh and Regional Office,

Ministry of Environment, Forest and
Climate Change, Government of India,

26. Regional Office of the Ministry of Noted and Complied.

Environment, Forest and Climate Change,
Government of India at Nagpur shall
monitor the implementation of the
stipulated conditions. A complete set of
documents including Environment
Management Plan along with the
additional information submitted from
time to time shall be forwarded to the
Regional Office for their use during

27. Full cooperation shall be extended to the Noted and Agreed.

Scientists/Officers from the SEIAA,
Chhattisgarh, Ministry of Environment,
Forest and Climate Change, Government
of India, Nagpur/CPCB/Chhattisgarh
Environment Conservation Board, who
would be monitoring the compliance of
environment status.

28. In case of any deviation or alteration in Agreed.

the proposed project from those
submitted to this SEIAA, Chhattisgarh for
clearance, a fresh reference should be
made to the SEIAA, Chhattisgarh to
assess the adequacy of the conditions(s)
imposed and to add additional
environment protection measures
required, if any. No further expansion or
modifications in the plant should be
carried out without prior approval of the
Ministry of Environment, Forest and
Climate Change, Government of
India/SEIAA, Chhattisgarh.

29. Concealing factual data or submission of Agreed.

false/fabricated data and failure to
comply with any of the mentioned above

EC Conditions Action Taken

may result in withdrawal of this clearance

and attract action under the provisions of
the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.

30. The project authorities must strictly Noted and agreed.

adhere to the stipulation made by the
Chhattisgarh Environment Conservation
Board (CECB) and the State Government.

31. The above stipulations would be enforced Agreed.

among others under the Water
(Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act,
1974, the Air (Prevention and Control of
Pollution) Act, 1981, the Environment
(Protection) Act, 1986 and rules there
under, Hazardous and Other Wastes
(Management and Trans boundary
Movement) Rules, 2016 and its
amendments, the Public Liability
Insurance Act, 1991 and its amendments.

32. Chhattisgarh Environment Conservation Noted and agreed.

Board shall display a copy of the
clearance letter at the Regional Office,
District Trade and Industries Centre and
Collector’s Office/Tehsildar’s Office for 30

33. Any appeal against this environmental Noted and agreed.

clearance shall lie with the National
Green Tribunal, if preferred, within a
period of 30 days as prescribed under
section 16 of the National Green Tribunal
Act, 2010.


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