On Call Radiology
On Call Radiology
On Call Radiology
On Call Radiology presents case discussions on the most common and important clinical
emergencies and their corresponding imaging findings encountered on-call. Cases are
divided into thoracic, gastrointestinal and genitourinary, neurological and non-traumatic
spinal, paediatric, trauma, interventional and vascular imaging. Iatrogenic complications are
also discussed.
Each case is presented as a realistic clinical scenario and includes a clinical history
and request for imaging. Multi-modality imaging examples and a case discussion on the
diagnosis and basic management, with emphasis on important radiological findings, are
also presented.
This book combines a case-based discussion format with practical advice on imaging
decision making in the acute setting. It also offers guidance on radiology report writing and
techniques, with a focus on relevant positive and negative findings to pass on to referring
clinicians. On Call Radiology offers invaluable knowledge and practical tips for any
on-call radiologist.
This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. While all reasonable efforts have
been made to publish reliable data and information, neither the author[s] nor the publisher can accept any legal respon-
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opinions expressed in this book by individual editors, authors or contributors are personal to them and do not neces-
sarily reflect the views/opinions of the publishers. The information or guidance contained in this book is intended for
use by medical, scientific or health-care professionals and is provided strictly as a supplement to the medical or other
professional’s own judgement, their knowledge of the patient’s medical history, relevant manufacturer’s instructions and
the appropriate best practice guidelines. Because of the rapid advances in medical science, any information or advice on
dosages, procedures or diagnoses should be independently verified. The reader is strongly urged to consult the relevant
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websites, before administering or utilizing any of the drugs, devices or materials mentioned in this book. This book
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Systemic reactions1
Renal impairment1
Anaphylactic reaction2
Contrast extravasation2
References and further reading2
Radiological investigations3
Radiological findings4
Computed tomography4
Key points6
Report checklist7
Radiological investigations7
Radiological findings8
Computed tomography8
Plain films8
Key points9
Report checklist9
Radiological investigations11
Radiological findings13
Computed tomography pulmonary angiogram13
Key points16
Report checklist16
Radiological investigations17
Radiological findings17
Computed tomography and plain films17
Key points18
Report checklist19
Radiological investigations20
Radiological findings20
Computed tomography20
Key points22
Report checklist22
Radiological investigations25
Radiological findings25
Computed tomography 25
Key points28
Report checklist28
Radiological investigations29
Radiological findings29
Computed tomography29
Key points32
Report checklist32
Radiological investigations32
Radiological findings33
Plain films33
Computed tomography34
Gastroduodenal perforation34
Small bowel perforation34
Large bowel perforation34
Key points35
Report checklist35
Radiological findings54
Computed tomography54
Plain films56
Key points56
Report checklist56
Radiological investigations57
Radiological findings 58
Computed tomography 58
Plain films 59
Key points 59
Report checklist 59
Radiological investigations 60
Radiological findings 60
Computed tomography 60
Key points 62
Report checklist 62
Radiological investigations 64
Radiological findings 65
Computed tomography 65
Key points 67
Report checklist 67
Radiological investigations 68
Radiological findings 68
Computed tomography 68
Key points 70
Report checklist 70
Radiological investigations 71
Radiological findings 71
Computed tomography 72
Key points 73
Report checklist 73
Radiological investigations 74
Radiological findings 74
Computed tomography 74
Abdominal plain film imaging 76
Key points 76
Report checklist 77
Radiological investigations 78
Radiological findings 78
Computed tomography 79
Key points 80
Report checklist 80
Radiological investigations 81
Radiological findings 81
Computed tomography 83
Key points 84
Report checklist 84
Radiological investigations 85
Radiological findings 85
Computed tomography 87
Key points 87
Report checklist 87
Radiological investigations 88
Radiological findings 88
Computed tomography 88
Key points 90
Report checklist 90
Radiological investigations 91
Radiological findings 91
Computed tomography 91
Key points 92
Report checklist 92
Radiological investigations 93
Radiological findings 93
Key point 95
Report checklist 95
Radiological investigations 97
Radiological findings 98
Computed tomography 98
Magnetic resonance imaging 100
Key points 102
Report checklist 102
Radiological investigations 102
Radiological findings 103
Computed tomography 103
Magnetic resonance imaging 104
Key points 104
Report checklist 104
Radiological investigations 105
Radiological findings 106
Computed tomography 106
Key points 110
Report checklist 110
Clinical radiology is at the centre of modern medicine The purpose of this book is to try to assist junior
and a high-quality service has repeatedly been shown radiology trainees who are starting their on calls.
to significantly improve patient outcomes. Over the We have presented here the commonest cases that
last 10 years there has been a significant increase in trainees are likely to encounter in an on-call situation.
demand for radiology services, resulting in a 26.5% An almost limitless number of cases could have been
increase in radiology examinations in England, from included, since virtually anything can present in an
just over 30 million in 2004/5 to almost 39 million on-call situation. We have, however, tried to present
in 2010/11. Since 2004/5 the number of computed some of the most common cases as well as a host of tips
tomographic (CT) examinations has increased by on how to approach emergency imaging situations.
86% (Department of Health, 2011). On-call work, Multiple images, as well as tips about reporting, have
unsurprisingly, has followed this same trend with an been included with each case. The majority of on-call
increase in both the number and the complexity of work is CT work, and for this reason we have included
scans now being performed out of hours as emergency CT scan protocols where appropriate. Although
imaging. Understandably, starting on calls in radiology Radiology Departments have standard protocols for
can be a very daunting prospect. It marks a turning imaging of non-emergency work, the out of hours types
point from having very few responsibilities within a of pathology sometimes require fine tuning of these
department to being integral to the work of both the protocols to ensure that appropriate sequences have
Radiology Department and to the Hospital as a whole. been obtained.
On-call work presents a myriad of complex issues We hope that this text will assist junior radiology
including: identifying pathology that may never have trainees in gaining some confidence as they start their
been seen before; coordinating scans and deciding scan on calls and will help assuage some of their fears.
protocols; and communicating with clinicians at all
levels of seniority. Perhaps most importantly, on-call Gareth Lewis
work carries a significant amount of responsibility since Hiten Patel
frequently, a decision on whether a patient needs to Sachin Modi
go to theatre or whether he/she requires immediate Shahid Hussain
intervention will be dependent upon the findings of the
radiology examination.
The authors acknowledge the following colleagues who kindly contributed images for use in this book:
Dr Ben Miller, Dr John Henderson, Dr Sarah Cooper, Dr Michelle Christie-Large, Dr Helen Williams,
Dr Adam Oates, Dr Martin Duddy, Dr Peter Riley, Dr Peter Guest and Dr Osama Abulaban. Special thanks
to Eloise Lewis, who provided the medical illustrations.
Gareth Lewis: To my wife Eli, thanks for all your help and support.
Hiten Patel: Special thanks to my parents for their continued support.
Sachin Modi: For my Mum, Dad and my wife Kaveeta.
Shahid Hussain: To my family and friends.
ACUTE AORTIC SYNDROME the diagnosis. The mortality rate depends on both
the underlying pathology and the extent of aortic
Acute aortic syndrome encompasses three closely involvement. However, the potential complications
related pathologies: aortic dissection, intramural are severe; as such, the on-call radiologist should have a
haematoma and penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer. The high index of suspicion for this pathology.
wall of the aorta consists of three layers: the innermost
intima, the middle media and the outermost adventitia. Radiological investigations
Dissections can be caused both by an intimal tear CT angiography (CTA), with corresponding
leading to propagation of blood within the media or by unenhanced imaging to identify intramural
primary intramural haematoma with resultant intimal haematoma, has a high sensitivity and specificity for
perforation (Macura et al., 2003). As this progresses, acute aortic syndrome and is the modality of choice.
an intimal flap is lifted away from the media, resulting The scanning area should extend from just above the
in two channels within the aortic lumen, referred to as aortic arch to the femoral heads to prevent missing the
the true and false lumens. Propagation of the flap and true extent of a dissection. Chest plain film imaging
false lumen thrombosis can ultimately result in end- may show signs such as an abnormal aortic contour or
organ ischaemia. Intramural haematoma is thought widened mediastinum; however, plain film imaging is
to be the result of spontaneous bleeding of the vasa neither sensitive nor specific for aortic dissection. (See
vasorum into the media. A penetrating atherosclerotic Table 1.1.)
ulcer is defined as ulceration within atherosclerosis
that herniates into the media. This can also result in
intramural haematoma. Penetrating aortic ulcers and
intramural haematoma can both progress to aortic
dissection (Macura et al., 2003).
Spontaneous aortic dissection is usually seen in the
middle aged to elderly population, with spontaneous
cases commonly associated with hypertension and Table 1.1 Acute aortic syndrome.
atherosclerosis. Secondary causes include trauma Imaging protocol.
(usually preceded by intramural haematoma) and
collagen vascular diseases such as Marfan and MODALITY PROTOCOL
Ehlers–Danlos syndromes; these conditions should CT Unenhanced. No oral contrast. Scan from
be considered in younger patients presenting with just above aortic arch to diaphragm level.
dissection. Aortic angiogram: 100 ml IV contrast via
Typical symptoms and signs of aortic dissection 18G cannula, 4 ml/sec. Bolus track centred
on the descending thoracic aorta. Scan from
include upper limb blood pressure asymmetry and just above aortic arch to femoral head level.
‘tearing’ chest pain that radiates through to the back,
although an absence of these findings does not exclude
(a) (b)
Figures 1.1a, b Axial images: unenhanced and IV contrast enhanced scans of the aortic arch in the arterial
phase. The unenhanced image demonstrates a hyperdense crescenteric rim outlining the aortic arch, representing
intramural haematoma (arrow). On the contrast enhanced image, this is difficult to appreciate.
(a) (b)
Figures 1.2a, b Axial images: IV contrast enhanced CT scans of the thorax in the arterial phase. There is a
serpiginous, linear structure within the aortic arch containing flecks of calcification consistent with an aortic
dissection flap (arrow). Figure 1.2b demonstrates the importance of appropriate window width and level, as the
dissection flap is barely visible without image manipulation.
Figure 1.3 Coronal image: IV contrast enhanced Figure 1.4 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced CT scan
CT scan of the thorax in the arterial phase. A dissection of the thorax in the arterial phase. A dissection flap is
flap can be seen extending from the aortic root and shown within the aortic root. In addition, hyperdense
involving the brachiocephalic trunk, which may material is seen in the pericardium consistent with
compromise distal blood flow into the right common haemopericardium (arrow). This may occur in coronary
carotid artery and right subclavian artery. artery rupture as a result of dissection.
required. Cardiac motion artefact, which commonly A penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer is usually
occurs in the region of the aortic root, can be associated with marked atherosclerotic disease and
misinterpreted as a dissection flap. Familiarity with this appears as a focal bulging or out-pouching of the aortic
artefact can prevent a false-positive result (Figure 1.5). wall, usually separating atherosclerotic calcification
The dissection can also extend caudally into the (Figure 1.6). Although sometimes subtle, this is an
descending thoracic and abdominal aorta; the coeliac important finding and can ultimately progress to
axis, SMA and IMA should be closely inspected for intramural haematoma, aneurysm and aortic rupture.
involvement. Furthermore, it is useful to identify which Comparison with previous imaging is useful to help
of the main abdominal aortic branch vessels arise from identify this important pathology.
the false lumen, as these are at risk of ischaemia. Coeliac
axis involvement can result in liver or splenic ischaemia, Key points
which typically presents as reduced enhancement. SMA • Acute aortic syndrome is a spectrum of
or IMA involvement can result in bowel ischaemia (see abnormality comprising aortic ulceration,
Chapter 2: Gastrointestinal and genitourinary imaging, intramural haematoma and dissection.
Bowel ischaemia and enterocolitis). • Contrast enhanced CT is the imaging
Both intramural haematoma and aortic dissection modality of choice to characterise aortic
should be classified according to the Stanford or dissection. Unenhanced CT imaging should be
DeBakey model; this has important prognostic and performed to aid identification of intramural
management implications (Table 1.2). haematoma.
Stanford A Involving thoracic aorta Surgical.
proximal to origin of
left subclavian artery.
Stanford B Involving the aorta Conservative.
distal to the left
subclavian artery.
DeBakey I Involving ascending Surgical.
aorta, aortic arch and
descending aorta.
DeBakey II Involving ascending Surgical.
DeBakey III Involving descending Conservative.
aorta only.
Figure 1.5 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced CT scan
of the thorax in the arterial phase. Normal appearance
of the heart. An apparent, linear defect structure can be
seen in the ascending aorta. This is a normal appearance
in non-ECG-gated studies resulting from cardiac
motion during the scan.
Radiological investigations
CT is the most sensitive and specific modality for
aortic trauma. Both enhanced and unenhanced phases
should be performed, the latter aiding in identification
of intramural haematoma, although often the precise
protocol is determined by departmental polytrauma
guidelines. Depending on the clinical presentation
of the patient, chest plain film imaging can be used as
an initial screening test, although this modality is not
reliable enough to exclude more subtle injury and can
appear normal in up to 7% of significant aortic injuries
(Fabian et al., 1997). (See Table 1.3.)
CT Unenhanced. Scan from aortic arch to
diaphragm level.
Figure 1.6 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced Aortic angiogram: 100 ml IV contrast via
CT scan of the thorax in the arterial phase. A small 18G cannula, 4 ml/sec. Bolus track centred
on the aortic arch. Scan from aortic arch to
outpouching of contrast can be seen through a defect
diaphragm level.
in the distal aspect of the aortic arch, representing an
atherosclerotic ulcer (arrow).
(a) (b)
Figures 1.7a, b Axial and coronal images: IV contrast enhanced CT scans of the thorax in the arterial phase. Both
cases demonstrate contour abnormality of the thoracic aorta, in keeping with aortic injury (arrows).
(a) (b)
Figures 1.8a, 8b Axial images: IV contrast enhanced CT scans of the thorax in the arterial phase. There is
increased density material in the para-aortic regions consistent with haematoma (arrows). This can be seen tracking
inferiorly in the posterior mediastinum along the descending thoracic aorta. An aortic dissection flap can be seen
within the aortic lumen (1.8a).
Respiratory effects include increased alveolar dead Lower limb problems Fracture.
space, hypoxaemia, hyperventilation and pulmonary Varicose veins.
infarction. Cardiovascular effects include an increase Malignancy Abdominal/pelvic.
in pulmonary vascular resistance, which also results Advanced/metastatic.
in an increase in right ventricular afterload and right Reduced mobility Hospitalisation.
ventricular failure (compounded by reflex pulmonary Institutional care.
arterial constriction). Symptoms and signs include Miscellaneous Previous proven venous
chest pain, dyspnoea, haemoptysis and collapse. Chest thromboembolus.
pain is typically pleuritic in nature, although this classic MINOR RISK FACTORS (RELATIVE RISK 2–4)
type of pain is only usually present in small peripheral
Cardiovascular Congenital heart disease.
emboli that cause pleural inflammation and irritation.
Congestive cardiac failure.
Hypoxaemia is frequently, but not universally, present
on arterial blood gas analysis. Large emboli causing
Superficial venous
proximal occlusion of the pulmonary arterial system thrombosis.
can result in profound haemodynamic instability, Indwelling central vein
leading to cardiac arrest. Because of this variable clinical catheter.
presentation, it can be useful to clinically separate cases Oestrogens Oral contraceptive.
into suspected massive and non-massive pulmonary Hormone replacement
embolism, which in turn dictates further investigation therapy.
and urgency of diagnosis. Miscellaneous Chronic obstructive
It is important to appreciate that radiology only pulmonary disease.
plays one part in the investigation pathway of suspected Neurological disability.
non-massive pulmonary embolism, which also includes Occult malignancy.
clinical pre-test probability scoring and laboratory Thrombotic disorders.
D-dimer analysis. The National Institute for Health Long-distance sedentary
and Clinical Excellence (NICE) in the UK has travel.
published revised guidelines for the investigation and Obesity.
management of pulmonary embolism based on a 2-level Other (inflammatory
Wells Score rather than a 3-level Wells Score (Table 1.5; bowel disease, nephrotic
syndrome, chronic dialysis,
Figure 1.10, NICE, 2012). D-dimer analysis should be
myeloproliferative disorders,
performed only on patients with a low or intermediate paroxysmal nocturnal
pre-test probability of pulmonary embolism; a normal haemoglobinuria, Behçet’s
D-dimer test in this scenario has almost a 100% negative disease).
predictive value and excludes the diagnosis. A positive
Adapted from Wells PS, Anderson DR, Rodger M et al. (2000) Derivation of a simple clinical model to categorize patients probability of
pulmonary embolism: increasing the model’s utility with the SimpliRED D-dimer. Thromb Haemost 83:416–420, with permission.
DVT = deep pain thrombosis; PE = pulmonary embolism.
result necessitates further radiological investigation to performed within 24 hours (Campbell et al., 2003).
exclude pulmonary embolism; however, false-positive CTPA is now considered the initial imaging modality
results can be seen secondary to infection, malignancy, of choice in suspected cases of non-massive pulmonary
pregnancy and recent surgery. D-dimer analysis should embolism. The advantages of CTPA include its
generally not be performed in patients with a high relatively high sensitivity and specificity, availability out
pre-test probability, since a false-negative result can of hours and ability to identify alternative intrathoracic
occur in over 15% of cases (Stein PD et al., 2007). In pathologies. A negative CTPA study of diagnostic
stable patients with suspected non-massive pulmonary quality effectively excludes the diagnosis of pulmonary
embolism, treatment in the form of anticoagulation embolism. Limitations of CT include indeterminate
can be started prophylactically prior to radiological results owing to suboptimal contrast opacification
confirmation or exclusion. The investigation pathway within the pulmonary arterial system, and a breathing
is different for suspected cases of massive pulmonary artefact, which can both limit interpretation of the
embolism, since urgent diagnosis is vital in order to more distal arterial system. Isotope lung scanning
facilitate urgent thrombolytic therapy. can be used as an alternative or adjunct to CT in the
absence of a co-existing structural lung abnormality,
Radiological investigations although this modality is not readily available out of
Due to the often non-specific presentation of hours in most centres. While a low probability result
pulmonary embolism, all stable patients with suspected from an isotope scan effectively excludes the diagnosis,
pulmonary embolism should have chest plain film a high probability study can still yield a significant false-
imaging prior to further imaging. While this modality positive rate.
cannot confirm the diagnosis, it may diagnose Both CTPA and echocardiography are considered
alternative pathologies that can account for the patient’s diagnostic for suspected cases of massive pulmonary
symptoms. British Thoracic Society (BTS) guidelines embolism. The exact modality often depends on local
recommend that diagnostic imaging should ideally be protocol; however, it must be emphasised that imaging
Other causes excluded by assessment of general medical history, physical examination and chest X-ray
PE suspected
D-dimer test
Is CTPA* suitable** and available immediately?
Was the D-dimer test positive?
Yes No
Yes No
Offer CTPA Immediate interim parenteral
(or V/Q anticoagulant therapy
planar Is CTPA* suitable** and available immediately?
scan) CTPA (or V/Q SPECT or
planar scan)
Was the CTPA (or V/Q SPECT or planar scan) positive?
Immediate interim
parenteral anticoagulant
No Offer CTPA
(or V/Q
Yes SPECT or
Is deep vein thrombosis suspected?
scan) CTPA (or V/Q SPECT or
Yes planar scan)
Figure 1.10 Suggested algorithm for the diagnosis of acute pulmonary embolism (PE).
should never delay urgent thrombolysis if massive opacified blood to be introduced into the pulmonary
pulmonary embolism is suspected clinically. (See arterial system, resulting in the mixing and dilution of
Table 1.6.) contrast. The precise sensitivity of CTPA studies varies
according to both the quality of contrast opacification
Radiological findings and the degree of artefact (e.g. breathing). It may be the
Computed tomography pulmonary angiogram case that contrast opacification centrally is adequate;
Interpretation of CTPA studies should begin with however, emboli more distal in the pulmonary arterial
an assessment of the quality of the study, namely the system cannot be excluded. It is good practice to
degree of pulmonary artery contrast opacification quantify to what arterial level emboli can be excluded:
and any potential breathing artefact. An average lobar, segmental or subsegmental.
attenuation of at least 250 Hu is required in the main The pulmonary arterial system should be scrutinised
pulmonary trunk to accurately diagnose more distal systematically using multiplanar reformatting. A
emboli. Opacification depends on the size and site of rounded intraluminal filling defect within a pulmonary
IV access, rate of injection and exact scan protocol; artery, which may also cause slight vessel expansion, is
inspiration just prior to scanning can cause poorly consistent with an acute embolus (Figure 1.11). It can be
difficult to appreciate emboli if the pulmonary arteries
are inspected on standard soft tissue window settings,
Table 1.6 Pulmonary embolus. since they can be obscured by the dense IV contrast.
Imaging protocol. Inspection on a relatively wide window setting (width
700, level 100) can alleviate this. A gradual decrease
MODALITY PROTOCOL in opacification of the distal segmental and sub-
CT Pulmonary angiogram: 100 ml IV contrast segmental pulmonary arteries on a suboptimal study
via 18G cannula, 4 ml/sec. Bolus track should not be confused with multiple emboli. Poorly
centred on main pulmonary artery. Scan
opacified pulmonary veins can also be misinterpreted
from thoracic inlet to diaphragm level.
as emboli within the arterial system. Findings seen
in association with pulmonary embolism include
pleural effusions, atelectasis and pulmonary infarcts. narrowing due to recanalisation (Figures 1.14). A focal
The latter present as peripheral wedge-shaped areas of linear intraluminal filling defect within a pulmonary
consolidation, which in the subacute phase may cavitate artery is suggestive of an arterial web, which can be seen
(Figures 1.12a–c, 1.13). as a result of chronic emboli. Secondary pulmonary
Chronic pulmonary embolism can provide a artery hypertension can result from multiple chronic
diagnostic challenge for the radiologist, although several emboli. The main sign of pulmonary hypertension
findings can be observed that imply this diagnosis. on CT is enlargement of the main pulmonary artery
Calcification of a filling defect suggests chronicity. (greater than 34 mm or larger than the corresponding
Other radiological signs include filling defects that cause ascending aorta; Figure 1.15). Mosaic attenuation of the
narrowing (as opposed to expansion), eccentric filling lung parenchyma can also be seen in cases of chronic
defects that form an obtuse (as opposed to acute) angle pulmonary emboli, although this appearance has a wide
with the pulmonary artery wall and an abrupt artery differential diagnosis (Figure 1.16).
(a) (b)
Figure 1.15 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced Figure 1.16 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced
CT pulmonary angiogram. The diameter of the main CT scan of the thorax in the arterial phase. Mosaic
pulmonary trunk is greater than the diameter of the attenuation of the right upper lobe is shown as a result
ascending aorta at that same level, suggesting pulmonary of abnormal pulmonary perfusion in chronic embolic
hypertension. The cause is chronic pulmonary emboli disease.
completely occluding the right main pulmonary artery.
CT studies can also yield information regarding • Pulmonary emboli appear as intraluminal filling
the severity of cardiovascular compromise secondary defects on CTPA.
to pulmonary emboli. Right ventricular dysfunction • The severity of cardiovascular compromise
and adverse outcome is indicated by a short-axis right secondary to a large pulmonary embolus is best
ventricle:left ventricle ratio of greater than 1.5 or assessed by the short-axis right ventricle:left
convex bowing of the interventricular septum towards ventricle ratio.
the left (Figure 1.17). This is an important finding and
if present may necessitate thrombolysis, although this Report checklist
ultimately depends on the clinical condition of the • The presence or absence of any evidence of right
patient. heart strain.
Whenever the scan is negative it is important to look
for another cause for chest pain or shortness of breath to References
explain the patient’s symptoms. The aorta and the heart Campbell IA, Fennerty A, Miller AC (2003) British
should be assessed for aortic pathology or myocardial Thoracic Society guidelines for the management
infarction. A septal infarct on a CTPA scan is shown of suspected acute pulmonary embolism. Thorax
(Figure 1.18). 58:47–484.
National Institute of Health and Care Excellence
Key points (NICE) Clinical Guideline 144 (2012) Venous
• Radiology is only a part of the investigation thromboembolic diseases: the management of
pathway for pulmonary embolism, which includes venous thromboembolic diseases and the role of
pre-test probability scoring and D-dimer analysis thrombophilia testing.
where appropriate. Stein P, Woodard P, Weg J et al. (2007) Diagnostic
• CTPA is the out of hours imaging modality of pathways in acute pulmonary embolism:
choice in the investigation of pulmonary emboli. recommendations of the PIOPED II Investigators.
• A Hu of greater than 250 in the main pulmonary Radiology 242:15–21.
artery is required for an optimal study.
Figure 1.17 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced Figure 1.18 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced
CT scan of the thorax in the arterial phase. The right CT scan of the thorax in the arterial phase. There is
ventricle:left ventricle ratio is increased with bowing of focal hypoenhancement in the LV septum suggestive of
the interventricular septum to the left. an acute septal infarct (arrow).
interstitium (resulting in smooth interlobular septal interlobular septal thickening and visualisation of the
thickening). secondary pulmonary lobule (Figures 1.20a, b). This,
Interpretation of chest plain films should begin in combination with ground glass opacity, may form a
with an assessment of the quality and radiographic ‘crazy paving’ appearance. This has a wide differential
technique. Anterior-posterior studies can overestimate diagnosis, which includes:
the size of the cardiac silhouette due to X-ray beam • Alveolar proteinosis.
divergence. Supine images, as opposed to erect images, • Oedema (heart failure/ARDS).
can cause redistribution of blood to the upper zones and • Pulmonary haemorrhage.
widening of the vascular pedicle, important signs of left • Infection (e.g. mycoplasma, Legionella,
ventricular failure and pulmonary venous hypertension, Pneumocystis carinii/jiroveci pneumonia).
respectively. Poorly inspired images (<6 anterior ribs) • Organising pneumonia.
can cause crowding of the pulmonary vasculature • Acute interstitial pneumonitis/non-specific
and apparent lung congestion. Therefore, a PA chest interstitial pneumonitis.
radiograph is the best for identifying the appropriate
features. As PCWP continues to increase, alveolar oedema will
The spectrum of findings seen on both plain films occur, appearing as multifocal areas of ground glass and
and CT in pulmonary venous hypertension can be airspace opacity in perihilar and dependent regions of
correlated with a progressive increase in PCWP. A the lungs (Figure 1.21).
mild increase in PCWP results in upper lobe blood Distinguishing the underlying cause of pulmonary
diversion. As PCWP increases, additional findings oedema is helpful clinically, although often difficult.
such as peribronchial cuffing, loss of vascular definition Upper lobe blood diversion and Kerley lines are
and Kerley lines can be seen, all of which indicate most suggestive of pulmonary venous hypertension
excess fluid in the interstitium (Gluecker et al., 1999) secondary to cardiac failure. Associated findings such
(Figure 1.19). On CT, the normal interstitium should as cardiomegaly and bilateral pleural effusions are also
be imperceptible. Excess fluid can result in smooth suggestive of underlying left ventricular failure. In the
absence of cardiomegaly, other causes of pulmonary
oedema should be considered, such as fluid overload
or ARDS, although it should be noted that acute
myocardial infarction can cause pulmonary oedema
with a normal heart size in the absence of pre-existing
left ventricular failure. It is always useful to look at the
myocardial enhancement and attenuation of the left
ventricle on CT. This should be uniform; however,
in myocardial infarction the myocardium may
demonstrate decreased attenuation. This represents
decreased enhancement in acute infarction and fatty
deposition in chronic infarction (Figure 1.22).
Key points
• Pulmonary oedema is a medical emergency and
can cause rapid-onset respiratory failure.
• The commonest cause of pulmonary oedema is
Figure 1.19 AP portable chest radiograph. Fluid pulmonary venous hypertension secondary to left
can be seen in the horizontal fissure, as well as within ventricular failure, although other causes include
the interstitium along the periphery of the thorax. fluid overload and ARDS. In the absence of
There is also loss of vascular definition due to venous associated cardiomegaly, non-cardiogenic causes
hypertension. should be considered.
(a) (b)
Figures 1.20a, b Axial images: IV contrast enhanced CT scans of the thorax. There is a combination of
interlobular septal thickening and patchy ground glass opacity, resulting in a crazy paving appearance.
Figure 1.21 AP chest radiograph. There are bilateral, Figure 1.22 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced
perihilar airspace opacities consistent with alveolar CT scan of the thorax in the arterial phase. There is
oedema. The costophrenic angles are not visible due to subendocardial fat deposition at the LV apex in keeping
bilateral pleural effusions. with previous myocardial infarction.
SUPERIOR VENA CAVA OBSTRUCTION familiarity with the wide variation of appearances of the
‘normal’ SVC is important. Any large extrinsic mass
Superior vena cava (SVC) syndrome refers to a spectrum significantly compressing the SVC is easily evident on
of clinical findings that occur secondary to obstruction CT (Figures 1.23a–c). Difficulty comes in identifying
of the SVC. The most common causes of SVC intrinsic SVC thrombus or tumour infiltration, since
obstruction are pulmonary and mediastinal malignancy. flow in the SVC can often be turbulent. This is made
Other causes include thrombosis of the SVC secondary even more challenging by the dilution of IV contrast
to central line placement, benign mediastinal tumours, material in the SVC by unenhanced blood from the
vascular aneurysms, mediastinal fibrosis and radiation IVC, which can simulate intraluminal thrombus.
fibrosis. Symptoms and signs include neck and upper Thrombus should be suspected in the presence of a
limb swelling, distended superficial veins in the SVC focal filling defect in the SVC lumen, which may also
territory, dyspnoea and headache (secondary to cerebral cause expansion of the lumen with localised stranding
oedema from impaired venous drainage). The severity of the adjacent fat. Thrombus may extend into the
of symptoms has been shown to depend on the level of brachiocephalic and subclavian veins, which should
obstruction (above or below the azygous arch) and the also be inspected. Regardless of the cause, the length
presence of a collateral network (Plekker et al., 2008). and severity of obstruction should be considered; total
Although the severity of the presentation often depends occlusion of the SVC lumen may require more urgent
on the duration of obstruction, urgent diagnosis is treatment than partial occlusion. Complete obstruction
necessary to facilitate treatment such as radiotherapy of the SVC results in a significant hold up of contrast in
and interventional stenting. the venous system proximal to the level of obstruction.
Knowledge of the potential collateral pathways in
Radiological investigations SVC obstruction is necessary in order to assess the
Contrast enhanced CT allows visualisation of the SVC, severity and duration of the obstruction. The main
venous collateralisation and the potential cause of the collateral systems include the azygous-hemiazygous
obstruction, and is considered the modality of choice for (most important), internal mammary, long thoracic
initial assessment. Catheter venography is reserved for and vertebral venous pathways (Sheth et al., 2009). In
therapeutic stent placement in confirmed cases. While normal conditions, antegrade blood flow should be seen
chest plain films have value in identifying potential
mediastinal and lung masses that may be a cause of
SVC obstruction, this modality cannot confirm venous
obstruction. Ultrasound with Doppler analysis of the
upper limb, subclavian brachiocephalic and internal
jugular veins can also be helpful. Dampening of the
normal venous waveform and loss of normal respiratory
variation are indirect signs of SVC obstruction. Because Table 1.9 Superior vena cava obstruction.
of the limited acoustic window, the SVC itself cannot be Imaging protocol.
imaged in its entirety with ultrasound. (See Table 1.9.)
Radiological findings CT Post IV contrast: 100 ml IV contrast via
Computed tomography 18G cannula, 3 ml/sec. Scan at 30 seconds
after initiation of injection. Scan from lung
Analysis of CT imaging should begin with the SVC
apices to diaphragm level.
itself. The cross-sectional morphology of the SVC
varies according to circulating volume; as such,
in the azygous and hemiazygous veins, which provide Table 1.10 Causes of azygous distension.
an accessory pathway of blood to the SVC and right
atrium. Collateral flow in the azygous system should be • Congestive heart failure.
suspected with abnormal venous distension, although • SVC obstruction.
this can also be seen with other conditions (Table 1.10). • Azygous continuation of the IVC.
Venous collateral vessels appear as enlarged serpiginous • Portal hypertension.
vessels containing dense IV contrast; these can be • Constrictive pericarditis.
seen in the chest wall, mediastinum, intercostal and
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
Figures 1.25a, b Axial images: IV contrast enhanced CT scans of the thorax in the arterial phase. Both cases
demonstrate reflux of IV contrast from the SVC into the azygous vein. A hypoattenuating mass can be seen in the
anterior mediastinum causing obstruction of the SVC proximally (1.25a).
An AAA is confirmed when the maximum diameter Degenerative aneurysms are usually fusiform in
of the abdominal aorta exceeds 3 cm (Figure 2.1). shape. Small, focal dissections within degenerative
The size, morphology and location of the aneurysm is AAAs are not uncommon (Figure 2.2). A saccular
best characterised on the arterial phase. Aneurysms can aneurysm or lobulated contour should prompt a
be infrarenal (originating below the level of the renal suspicion of infection (mycotic aneurysm). Additional
arteries) or suprarenal/renal; the location determines findings suggestive of infection include significant
potential treatment. In infrarenal cases, the distance periaortic inflammation, local fluid collections,
between the renal arteries and the most cranial aspect vertebral body destruction and fistulation with adjacent
of the aneurysm should be measured; this information structures (Figure 2.3).
can dictate if a case is suitable for endovascular repair. The presence of retroperitoneal or periaortic
For aortic ruptures where the aneurysm involves the haematoma is indicative of aneurysmal rupture and
renal arteries, endovascular repair is less suitable than should be urgently communicated to the referring team
an open approach, since an adequate ‘landing zone’ (Figure 2.4). It is sometimes possible to identify the
is required for stent placement. Further relevant exact site of rupture; this appears as a focal discontinuity
contraindications of an endovascular approach include in the aortic wall. Active contrast extravasation can
angulated, tortuous or narrowed (<8 mm) iliac arteries also sometimes be identified in the presence of IV
or tapering of the aneurysmal neck. contrast.
Figure 2.1 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced CT scan Figure 2.2 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced CT scan
of the abdomen in the arterial phase. The abdominal of the abdomen in the arterial phase. The abdominal
aorta is aneurysmal, with contrast seen within the lumen aorta is aneurysmal, and a linear dissection flap can be
of the vessel. Hypodense thrombus can also be seen seen traversing the lumen.
along the left aortic wall, in addition to a thin rim of
calcification around the vessel.
Figure 2.4 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced CT scan Figure 2.5 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced CT
of the abdomen in the arterial phase. There is large scan of the abdomen in the arterial phase. The aorta
volume retroperitoneal haematoma, which can be seen is aneurysmal and contains thrombus. Ill-defined,
outlining the right Gerota’s fascia, extending into the crescenteric high attenuation material can be seen
paracolic spaces. within the thrombus consistent with contained contrast
extravasation/fissuring into the thrombus (arrow).
this can also be seen with mycotic aneurysms. Active • Anatomical location of the aortic aneurysm:
extravasation of aortic contrast into the bowel, or a infrarenal or juxtarenal.
history of melaena, can be useful distinguishing factors • Renal vessel involvement or renal hypoperfusion.
(Figures 2.6a, b). • Signs of significant intravascular volume depletion
e.g. IVC flattening.
Key points • Patency of coeliac axis/SMA/IMA/renal arteries.
• CT is the optimum imaging modality in the
assessment of potential AAA rupture. References
• An aneurysm is confirmed when the maximum Bengtsson H, Bergqvist D, Sternby NH (1992)
diameter of the aorta exceeds 3 cm. Rupture is Increasing prevalence of abdominal aortic
confirmed in the presence of retroperitoneal or aneurysms: a necropsy study. Eur J Surg 158:19–23.
periaortic haematoma. Gonsalves CF (1999) The hyperattenuating crescent
• More subtle signs of impending aneurysm rupture sign. Radiology 211:37–38.
include increasing pain, an increase in size greater Halliday KE, Al-Kutoubi A (1996) Draped aorta: CT
than 10 mm per year and crescenteric high sign of contained leak of aortic aneurysms. Radiology
attenuation within aortic thrombus. 199:41–43.
Rakita D, Newatia A, Hines J et al. (2007) Spectrum
Report checklist of CT findings in rupture and impending rupture
• Presence or absence of haemorrhage and active of abdominal aortic aneurysms. Radiographics
contrast extravasation. 27:497–507.
• Presence or absence of dissection flap.
(a) ( b)
Figures 2.6a, b Axial images: IV contrast enhanced CT scans of the abdomen in the arterial phase. Ill-defined
contrast can be seen extending from the aorta into a loop of bowel anteriorly, consistent with an aortoenteric fistula
(arrow). The aorta is seen to be aneurysmal more cranially.
This is usually more apparent and accumulates on serpiginous enhancing vessels in the region of the distal
the delayed phase (Figures 2.7, 2.8). It is vital to oesophagus. Findings suggestive of liver cirrhosis
scrutinise the unenhanced phase to assess for pre- and portal hypertension, such as an irregular liver
existing foci of high attenuation within the bowel outline and splenic enlargement, should prompt
lumen that may lead to false positives; these can the search for oesophageal varices ( Table 2.4;
include ingested tablets, foreign bodies and suture Figures 2.9, 2.10).
material. Previous imaging should also be reviewed in If GI bleeding is identified, it is important to consider
this regard. Cone beam artefact is another common an underlying cause. Mural thickening can be malignant,
false positive, occurring at interfaces between fluid and inflammatory, ischaemic or infective in nature, all of
air within the bowel. which can be complicated by bleeding. It is also important
Bleeding in the distal oesophagus may be secondary to appreciate that GI bleeding is often intermittent and
to oesophageal varices, a complication of portal it is not uncommon for CTA to be normal, even in
hypertension. These may be visualised as dilated, haemodynamically compromised patients.
Figure 2.7 Axial image: contrast enhanced CT scan of Figure 2.8 Axial image: contrast enhanced CT scan of
the abdomen in the arterial phase. Hyperdense material the abdomen in the delayed phase. On delayed imaging,
can be seen in a dependent position within the lumen of further contrast has accumulated within the lumen
the ascending colon (arrow), consistent with an acute, of the ascending colon as a result of continued, active
arterial haemorrhage. haemorrhage at this site.
• Splenomegaly.
• Ascites.
• Varices: splenic/oesophageal.
• Underlying cause (i.e. liver cirrhosis with atrophy and
nodular/irregular contour).
• Contrast enhancement of para-umbilical vein.
(a) ( b)
( b)
Plain film imaging AP supine abdominal radiograph to include the liver. A left lateral decubitus film can be performed with
the patient lying on their left and the right side up.
Erect chest radiograph to include the diaphragms. Patient should be upright for at least 10 minutes
prior to image acquisition.
CT Post IV contrast, portal venous phase: 100 ml IV contrast, 4 ml/sec via 18G cannula. Scan at 70 seconds.
Scan from above diaphragm to femoral head level.
Radiological findings
Plain films
The presence of free air under the diaphragm
on an erect chest plain film is diagnostic of free
intraperitoneal air (Figure 2.11). As little as 1 ml of air
can be identified under the diaphragm. Care should be
taken not to confuse the stomach bubble under the left
hemidiaphragm with free air.
A plain abdominal film can reveal a bowel perforation,
with the presence of Rigler’s sign (gas outlining both
sides of the bowel wall) (Figure 2.12). Other abdominal
plain film signs of free air include football sign (oval-
shaped peritoneal gas), which is more common in
children (Figure 2.13), increased lucency over the right
upper quadrant (gas accumulating anterior to the liver)
or the triangle sign (gas accumulating between three
loops of bowel). Free gas can also be seen outlining
ligaments in the abdomen, such as the falciform
ligament (Figure 2.14). A left lateral decubitus film can Figure 2.11 AP semi-erect chest radiograph. Large
also be used in the detection of small amounts of free volumes of gas can be seen underneath the diaphragm
air that may be interposed between the free edge of the consistent with pneumoperitoneum.
liver and the lateral wall of the peritoneal cavity.
Figure 2.12 AP supine abdominal radiograph. Gas Figure 2.13 AP supine abdominal radiograph.
can be seen within the peritoneum on both sides of the A large, rounded lucency is seen projected in the
bowel wall (Riggler’s sign), highlighting multiple loops mid-abdomen representing free intra-abdominal gas in a
of dilated small bowel. non-dependent location. The falciform ligament is also
seen outlined clearly by free gas (arrow).
Computed tomography
The first aim of the radiologist when interpreting an
abdominal CT should be to identify the extraluminal
air. Free air can be seen as small locules around the liver
edge or within the peritoneum or as large collections of
air that are difficult to identify as separate from bowel.
Often, using a wide window (such as lung window
settings) can help identify free air and distinguish
between intra- and extraluminal gas.
The next consideration is the location and
distribution of air. The peritoneal cavity is divided
into supra- and inframesocolic compartments by the
transverse colon, and this distinction can be useful
in radiological differentiation of upper and lower GI
perforations. Subsequently, upper GI tract perforation
(stomach or duodenal bulb) results in supramesocolic
compartment gas and distal small and large bowel
perforation in the inframesocolic compartments.
Sections of the GI tract, such as stomach, first part of Figure 2.14 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced
duodenum (5 cm), jejunum, ileum, caecum, appendix, CT scan of the abdomen in the portal venous phase.
transverse colon, sigmoid colon and upper third rectum, Free intra-abdominal gas is seen anteriorly. A large
are found within the peritoneal cavity; perforation of defect is seen along the anterior wall of the stomach
these sections results in intraperitoneal free air. The as a result of peptic ulcer disease, causing perforation
second and third parts of the duodenum, ascending (arrow).
and descending colon and middle third of rectum are
retroperitoneal and fixed; they may therefore present
with gas within the retroperitoneal compartment. Small bowel perforation
Small bowel perforation is rare; small amounts of free
Gastroduodenal perforation air along the anterior peritoneal surfaces of the liver
Peptic ulcer disease is a major cause of gastroduodenal and mid-abdomen and among the peritoneal folds
perforation, followed by necrotic or ulcerated are usually indicative. Non-specific CT findings,
malignancies and iatrogenic and traumatic causes. such as mural thickening and abnormal enhancement
Gastroduodenal perforation secondary to peptic ulcers of the small bowel, mesenteric fluid and mesenteric
is usually found in the gastric antrum and duodenal stranding, should be considered suspicious in patients
bulb. The descending and horizontal segments of the with suspected small bowel perforation.
duodenum are common sites of perforation caused by
blunt trauma because of their fixed attachment and/or Large bowel perforation
compression against the vertebral column. Perforation sites in colonic loops can frequently be
Perforation sites can be demonstrated by the correlated with their causes. Malignant neoplasm,
CT findings of ulceration or focal defect in the diverticulitis (Figure 2.15), blunt trauma and ischaemia
gastroduodenal wall (Figure 2.14), free air bubbles in are common causes of perforation on the left-sided
contact with the stomach or duodenum, abrupt wall colon. Inflammatory bowel disease and penetrating
thickening associated with adjacent inflammatory trauma tend to be seen in the right-sided colon. The
fat stranding and localised free fluid between the caecum is especially prone to perforate in patients with
duodenum and the pancreatic head. mechanical colonic obstruction.
Key points
• Plain films (erect CXR and AXR) are useful for
suspected bowel perforation and they can detect
free intra-abdominal air.
• The main aim of CT imaging is to identify free air
Figure 2.15 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced and associated inflammatory stranding in order to
CT scan of the pelvis in the portal venous phase. locate the site of perforation. The distribution of
Locules of extraluminal gas are seen adjacent to the air can help to achieve this.
sigmoid colon at the site of diverticular perforation, in • Be aware that free air within the peritoneal
addition to a contained abscess at this site. cavity may be from sources other than bowel
(e.g. iatrogenic). A review of the clinical history is
When perforation occurs owing to diverticulitis or • Bowel perforation is an urgent finding that may
colorectal malignancy without bowel obstruction, the necessitate surgical intervention. Findings should
quantity of free air is usually small and locules of air tend be communicated promptly and directly to the
to be concentrated in close proximity to the involved clinical team.
colonic loops. The presence of free air, phlegmon
and/or an abscess, an extraluminal collection and the Report checklist
underlying colonic abnormality (neoplasm) should be • In the presence of free gas, identify the potential
carefully evaluated on CT scans. perforated site.
A review of the clinical history is important when • Presence or absence of underlying causes such
reviewing CT for suspected bowel perforation. as diverticulitis, bowel malignancy and bowel
A history of recent surgery (laparoscopic or open), ischaemia.
need for further imaging. Chest plain films can also absent or diminished bowel wall enhancement on
be performed in order to identify free gas, evidence of arterial and portal venous phased imaging (Figure 2.16).
associated perforation. (See Table 2.6.) Although this is not seen in other causes of colitis, it
is not always present in cases of ischaemia. Bowel wall
Radiological findings hyperenhancement can also be seen (in hyperacute
Computed tomography iscahemia), although it is non-specific and can be seen
Bowel wall abnormality is the hallmark of enterocolitis in any cause of enterocolitis (Sung et al., 2000). Normal
on CT. The most specific sign of bowel ischaemia is bowel wall should be 3–6 mm in thickness. Bowel wall
thickening and thinning can occur, although the former
is non-specific and can also be seen in both ischaemic
Table 2.6 Bowel ischaemia and enterocolitis. and non-ischaemic causes (Figure 2.17). It should
Imaging protocol.
be noted that bowel wall thickening can also occur
secondary to primary bowel malignancy, although this
is typically less diffuse and involves only a short segment
CT Aortic angiogram: 100 ml IV contrast via 18G
cannula, 4 ml/sec. Bolus track centred on mid
of bowel. When assessing for bowel wall thickening, the
abdominal aorta. No oral contrast. Scan from degree of luminal distension must always be taken into
just above diaphragm to femoral head level. account. Bowel collapse can often be misinterpreted as
Portal venous phase: IV contrast as above, scan wall thickening and is a common false positive.
at 70 seconds. No oral contrast. Scan from just The superior and inferior mesenteric arteries and
above diaphragm to femoral head level. corresponding veins should be inspected on the arterial
and portal venous phase in order to identify filling
defects, which may represent thrombus (Figures 2.18, venous engorgement (Figure 2.23), mesenteric fat
2.19). Multiplanar reformatting on wider window stranding, bowel dilatation and ascites, can also be
settings and maximum intensity projections (MIPs) seen, regardless of the cause of the colitis.
can be helpful in this regard. In the context of embolic There is significant overlap between the imaging
disease, splenic or hepatic infarcts may also be seen, findings seen in ischaemia and other causes of colitis,
typically appearing as a peripheral, wedge-shaped although there can be some discriminating factors. The
focus of low attenuation (Figure 2.20). Utilisation of distribution of bowel affected is one of the most useful
lung and bone window settings (window 600, level factors to distinguish between different causes. If bowel
1,600 and window 300, level 2,000, respectively) can wall abnormality corresponds to a segmental arterial
aid in the identification of pneumatosis and portal territory (most commonly the descending colon), then
venous gas, both more specific signs of ischaemia ischaemia must always be considered. Conversely,
when seen in the presence of bowel wall abnormality bowel abnormality involving multiple arterial
(Figures 2.21, 2.22). It should be noted that portal territories is more likely to be due to an inflammatory
venous gas and pneumobilia both present as linear, low or infective cause. Involvement of the terminal ileum
attenuation branching structures within the liver. Gas is highly typical of Crohn’s disease, although this can
within the portal venous system often extends to the also be seen in infective causes. Bowel involvement in
liver periphery, whereas gas within the biliary system ulcerative colitis typically starts at the rectum, extends
does not. Additional findings, such as mesenteric proximally and spares the small bowel (allowing for
Figure 2.18 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced Figure 2.19 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced CT
CT scan of the abdomen in the portal venous phase. scan of the abdomen in the portal venous phase. There
There is a filling defect identified within the SMA is a large filling defect within the aorta extending into
(arrow), with colitic changes affecting the caecum. the SMA (arrow). Free gas is seen anterior to the liver.
Ischaemic, perforated small bowel is seen more caudally
on the scan.
Figure 2.20 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced Figure 2.21 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced
CT scan of the abdomen in the portal venous phase. CT scan of the abdomen in the portal venous phase.
There is a wedge-shaped low attenuation within the Multiple locules of gas can be seen within the wall of the
spleen in keeping with an infarct. bowel, secondary to bowel ischaemia.
Figure 2.22 Axial images: IV contrast enhanced Figure 2.23 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced
CT scan of the abdomen in the portal venous phase. CT scan of the abdomen in the portal venous phase.
Large volumes of portal venous gas are seen within the The mesenteric vessels are engorged and the mesenteric
liver extending to the periphery. fat has a hazy appearance.
CT IV contrast, portal venous phase: 100 ml
IV contrast, 4 ml/sec via 18G cannula. Scan
at 70 seconds. Scan from just above the
diaphragm to just below the pubic symphysis. Figure 2.26 AP radiograph of the abdomen. Dilated
Plain film Erect CXR to include the diaphragm. loops of large bowel are seen in the right abdomen,
imaging Abdominal plain film imaging to include the indicated by the lack of valvulae conniventes. The
liver to the pubic symphysis. ileocaecal valve is patent, resulting in reflux of gas into
small bowel loops seen centrally and in the left abdomen.
Typical Coffee bean sign. Dilated caecum may be
plain film Large bowel dilatation seen in the mid abdo-
findings proximally. men or LUQ.
Ahaustral closed loop. Haustrations usually
Inferior convergence in
the LIF. Associated small
bowel dilatation.
Left flank overlap sign.
In cases of malignant obstruction, a soft tissue mass Large bowel volvulus has a distinctive appearance
can often be seen occluding the lumen (Figure 2.28). on CT imaging. Proximal loops of dilated large bowel
Subtle tumours can be easy to miss, manifesting as are visible, as seen with other causes of obstruction;
concentric or eccentric mural thickening. Advanced however, the transition point is seen as a tapering of the
tumours may also demonstrate extension through bowel lumen to a point of completely collapsed bowel.
the serosa, adjacent lymphadenopathy or distant It is vitally important to scrutinise the extraluminal
metastases (usually to the liver, appearing as ill-defined appearance in these cases. The underlying cause of
flow attenuation lesions). Obstruction secondary to volvulus (both caecal and sigmoid) is a twisting of the
stricture formation may be seen as a narrowed segment mesentery. On CT, this can be seen as a ‘swirling’ of
of bowel at the point of calibre transition (Figure 2.29). vessels that appear to rotate about the axis of torsion
This can be a difficult diagnosis to make on a single (Figure 2.30) at the site of the involved loop of bowel.
study since physiologically collapsed bowel can have a The axis of twisting may not be easily seen on axial
similar appearance; correlation with previous imaging imaging, and coronal and sagittal reformats should
is useful in this regard. In general, malignancies tend to therefore be used to confirm the diagnosis.
be shorter segment areas of mural thickening, whereas In cases where there is large bowel dilatation without
strictures tend to be longer segments of collapsed a mechanical cause of obstruction, colonic pseudo-
bowel; however, it can often be difficult to exclude the obstruction may be present. Pseudo-obstruction
presence of a small malignant obstructing lesion within is diagnosed when there are symptoms of bowel
a stricture (particularly in the absence of adequate obstruction and there is large bowel dilatation on
bowel preparation). Colonoscopy is therefore often imaging, but no identifiable mechanical obstruction.
needed and should be recommended in order to assess Often there is a gradual tapering of the bowel rather
the abnormal segments of bowel in further detail. than an immediate point of transition. Alternatively,
Figure 2.28 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced CT Figure 2.29 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced CT
scan of the abdomen and pelvis in the portal venous scan of the abdomen in the portal venous phase. There
phase. A solid mass lesion is seen within the mid- is a long stricture of the mid-sigmoid colon with a
sigmoid colon (arrow), occluding the lumen and massively dilated loop of proximal sigmoid colon shown.
resulting in upstream dilatation of the bowel. A single diverticulum is shown in this image. The
stricture was due to chronic diverticulitis.
Figure 2.30 Coronal image: IV contrast enhanced CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis in the portal venous phase.
A loop of sigmoid colon can be seen in the midline, which comes to an abrupt stop (arrow). The adjacent vessels
demonstrate a swirling appearance, s uggestive of twisting of the mesentery.
Radiological investigations
A plain abdominal radiograph is useful as a first-line
investigation in patients with suspected SBO. Suspicion
of gallstone ileus on plain film imaging necessitates
CT imaging of the abdomen, which has a sensitivity,
specificity and accuracy of diagnosing gallstone ileus
of 93%, 100% and 99%, respectively (Yu et al., 2005).
Ultrasound is useful in assessment of patients with
right upper quadrant pain to identify the presence of
gallstones or cholecystitis. (See Table 2.10.)
Radiological findings
Plain films
The classic findings on an abdominal radiograph are of
SBO (dilated loops of small bowel >2.5 cm), gas within Figure 2.31 AP abdominal radiograph. Multiple loops
the biliary tree (linear branching lucencies projected of dilated small bowel can be seen, consistent with
over the right upper quadrant) and a gallstone (usually SBO. Linear, branching lucencies can be seen at the
in the right iliac fossa) (Figure 2.31). This is known as right upper quadrant consistent with biliary gas (arrow).
Rigler’s triad. The findings are consistent with gallstone ileus. No
radiopaque gallstone can be seen on the radiograph.
Figure 2.32 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced CT Figure 2.33 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced CT
scan of the abdomen and pelvis in the portal venous scan of the abdomen in the portal venous phase. Gas
phase. A rounded, hyperdense gallstone is seen within is seen within the biliary tree (arrow). There is a small
the lumen of a small bowel loop in the right iliac fossa. volume of fluid around the liver.
Loops of fluid-filled, dilated small bowel can also
be seen.
Inflammatory changes may be seen around the • A fistulous tract may be seen between the
gallbladder and second part of the duodenum, with gallbladder and the duodenum and this may be
thickening of the gallbladder wall, pericholecystic fluid associated with surrounding inflammation and
and surrounding inflammatory fat stranding. There locules of free gas.
may also be locules of free gas and evidence of the fistula • It is important to distinguish between portal
between the gallbladder and duodenum. Occasionally, venous gas and biliary air, which appear similar on
the inflamed gallbladder can adhere to ascending CT, the latter not extending to the periphery of
colon and the gallstone can pass into the large bowel. the liver.
This may then lead to passage of the stone or it can
become obstructed, depending on the size of the stone Report checklist
(Figures 2.34, 2.35). • Degree of bowel obstruction/dilatation associated
If gallstone ileus is present, the surgical team with gallstone ileus.
should be informed; treatment options are usually • Presence or absence of associated collections in
surgically based, although some patients are managed the gallbladder bed.
conservatively. • Presence or absence of overt free
intraperitoneal gas.
Key points
• An AXR showing Rigler’s triad is diagnostic for References
gallstone ileus. Lassandro F, Romano S, Ragozzino A et al. (2005)
• CT features are similar to those seen on plain Role of helical CT in diagnosis of gallstone ileus and
film images. The entire bowel should be carefully related conditions. Am J Roentgenol 185:1159–1165.
inspected to identify the transition point or Yu CY, Lin CC, Shyu RY et al. (2005) Value of CT in
gallstone(s). the diagnosis and management of gallstone ileus.
World J Gastroenterol 11:2142–2147.
Figure 2.34 Axial image: unenhanced CT scan of the Figure 2.35 Axial image: unenhanced CT scan of the
abdomen. There is thickening of the gallbladder wall, abdomen. There is an impacted gallstone in the sigmoid
consistent with acute cholecystitis. colon.
large bowel on plain film studies because of the presence loops (diameter >3 cm from outer wall to outer wall)
of valvulae conniventes and its central location. (Figure 2.37). Only a portion of the small bowel may be
Signs of perforation of the bowel can be assessed dilated, with collapsed bowel often seen distal to the site
for by looking for free air, either under the diaphragm of obstruction.
on an erect CXR or within the abdomen. The various In cases of proximal SBO, the stomach may also be
signs of perforation were discussed in detail earlier (see distended. If this is the case, a recommendation can be
Bowel perforation). made for the placement of an NG tube, which serves
Other areas to assess on a plain film are the hernial to decompress the stomach and provide symptomatic
orifices. The presence of bowel loops below the relief.
inguinal ligament on a plain film is always abnormal and The next aim should be to trace the entire length of
indicates a hernia. If this is associated with features of small bowel to identify the cause of the obstruction; this
SBO, then the most likely cause is a strangulated hernia. can often be very tricky, especially if there are multiple
The presence of pneumobilia, SBO and a calcified collapsed loops in the pelvis. The use of multiplanar
intraluminal lesion is likely to indicate gallstone ileus as reformats in this situation can be of use. A transition
a cause (see Gallstone ileus). point is determined by identifying a calibre change
between the dilated proximal and the collapsed distal
Computed tomography small bowel loops (Figure 2.38).
CT criteria for SBO are the same as for plain film
imaging, with the presence of dilated small bowel
Figure 2.37 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced Figure 2.38 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced
CT scan of the pelvis in the portal venous phase. There CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis in the portal venous
are multiple loops of dilated, fluid-filled small bowel phase. There are multiple loops of dilated, fluid-filled
consistent with SBO. No cause of obstruction is visible small bowel consistent with SBO. A clear transition
on the selected image. point is seen between the dilated proximal and collapsed
distal bowel loops (arrow). The cause in this case was a
small bowel volvulus.
Figure 2.39 Coronal image: IV contrast enhanced Figure 2.40 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced
CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis in the portal venous CT scan of the pelvis in the portal venous phase.
phase. An obstructed right inguinal femoral hernia can There is a loop of incarcerated small bowel within
be seen causing SBO (arrow). a right inguinal hernia (arrow). The bowel wall is
poorly enhancing and there is adjacent fat stranding
and free fluid.
(a) ( b)
(a) ( b)
oesophagus and distal bowel collapse (Figures 2.45, window settings) and poor gastric enhancement should
2.46). In studies where oral contrast is administered, all raise the suspicion of gastric ischaemia, an important
complete hold of contrast signifies complete complication that should be urgently communicated
obstruction, although it should be emphasised that to the referring team. Free gas is indicative of
some contrast passage can still occur in cases of severe perforation and can be seen in both the peritoneum and
obstruction. Gastric wall thickening, pneumatosis mediastinum, depending on the site of the perforated
(gas within the gastric wall, best appreciated on lung portion of the stomach.
Figure 2.45 Oblique coronal image: IV contrast Figure 2.46 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced
enhanced CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis in the CT scan of the thorax in the arterial phase. The
portal venous phase. The stomach is significantly dilated proximal stomach is dilated and fluid filled as a result of
and demonstrates an abnormal configuration, suggestive obstruction. The distal stomach beyond the obstruction
of obstruction secondary to gastric volvulus. is collapsed.
Report checklist
• Characterise the type of gastric volvulus.
• Degree of associated obstruction.
• Presence or absence of complications, such as
gastric ischaemia and aspiration pneumonia.
• Emphasise that some gastric volvulae may be
long-standing; clinical correlation is required in
these instances.
Feldman M, Friedman LS, Brandt LJ (2010) Sleisenger
and Fordtran’s Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease:
Pathophysiology/Diagnosis/Management, 9th edn.
Figure 2.47 PA chest radiograph. There is a large Saunders/Elsevier, St. Louis.
hiatus hernia with the stomach extending into the Peterson C, Anderson J, Hara A et al. (2009)
thoracic cavity. A large gas fluid level is seen within the Volvulus of the gastrointestinal tract: appearances
stomach representing fluid within the volvulus contained at multimodality imaging. Radiographics
in a hiatus hernia. 29:1281–1293.
OESOPHAGEAL PERFORATION for patients who are unable to swallow oral contrast
media. Some studies have estimated that fluoroscopy
Oesophageal perforation is most commonly iatrogenic can be associated with a significant 10–20% false-
in nature and can be seen secondary to endoscopy, negative rate (Tonolini & Bianco, 2013), although this
oesophageal dilation, myotomy and stent placement, depends on fluoroscopic technique and the experience
foreign body extraction, gastric fundoplication and of the interpreter. CT imaging with oral contrast is
anterior cervical discectomy. Perforation can also occur increasingly being utilised as the initial modality of
secondary to tumours and severe ulceration resulting choice in suspected cases of oesophageal rupture. CT is
from gastro-oesophageal reflux disease. Spontaneous often more appropriate in unstable patients because of
oesophageal rupture, termed Boerhaave syndrome, its speed and the ease with which it can be performed.
is usually associated with vomiting. It is believed that It gives accurate anatomical information regarding
incomplete cricopharyngeal muscle relaxation during the structures adjacent to the oesophagus and can,
vomiting results in a sudden increase in oesophageal in addition, assess for other underlying pathologies.
intraluminal pressure, which can result in perforation. CT can also be performed without oral contrast, unlike
This should be distinguished from a Mallory–Weiss fluoroscopy, although sensitivity will be decreased.
tear, which is also associated with protracted vomiting (See Table 2.14.)
but is not transmural and therefore does not result in
oesophageal perforation. The most common site of
spontaneous perforation is the thoracic oesophagus,
particularly the distal left posterior wall. Symptoms and
signs include sudden onset chest pain, haematemesis Table 2.14 Oesophageal perforation.
and fever. Blood tests may show raised inflammatory Imaging protocol.
markers or, alternatively, may be normal. Oesophageal
perforation has a high mortality rate and early diagnosis MODALITY PROTOCOL
and surgical intervention is vital. CT Post IV contrast, portal venous phase: 100 ml
IV contrast via 18G cannula, 4 ml/sec. Scan
at 30 seconds after initiation of injection.
Radiological investigations
Oral contrast: 50 ml water soluble oral
Chest plain film imaging is a useful initial tool in the contrast diluted in 500 ml water. Administer
assessment of suspected oesophageal rupture to exclude just prior to scanning. Scan from level of
alternative pathologies, although it is rarely diagnostic thoracic inlet to below diaphragm.
of oesophageal rupture. Definitive diagnosis often Fluoroscopy Water soluble contrast swallow: water
requires either a contrast swallow fluoroscopic study soluble oral contrast (iodine concentration
or CT imaging. While fluoroscopy has traditionally 300mg/l) administered orally.
been thought of as the modality of choice to investigate Barium can cause mediastinitis and in
general should not be used (although
oesophageal perforation, it has inherent limitations. advocates argue barium increases sensitivity
Fluoroscopy is not always suitable in acutely unwell of detecting small leaks when water-soluble
patients, is time-consuming to perform and may not be contrast has failed to do so).
available out of hours. Fluoroscopy is also not suitable
Radiological findings and left anterior oblique, right and left lateral and prone
Computed tomography positions, although this depends on patient tolerance.
The presence of extraluminal oral contrast in the Ideally, the patient should swallow the oral contrast
posterior mediastinum (which can also track into the medium from a cup on demand. Boluses of oral contrast
left-sided pleural cavity) is indicative of oesophageal
perforation (Figures 2.48, 2.49). An additional helpful
sign is pneumomediastinum; utilisation of lung window
settings aids visualisation of this (Figure 2.50). It should
be noted that this is a non-specific sign and if seen
in isolation, additional causes should be considered
(Table 2.15). Concentric or eccentric oesophageal
mural thickening can also be seen in cases of oesophageal
perforation, although it is also non-specific and can be
seen with oesophagitis or malignancy; the presence of
associated para-oesophageal lymphadenopathy is more
suggestive of the latter. Para-oesophageal enhancing
fluid collections may also be seen. Note: Small
oesophageal leaks may be missed on CT, especially in
the absence of oral contrast; this should be emphasised
in the report.
Figure 2.48 Axial image: oral and IV contrast
Fluoroscopy enhanced CT scan of the thorax in the arterial phase.
Contrast swallow fluoroscopy should be performed Oral contrast is seen collecting in the right pleural space
with the patient in a semi-supine (20°) position, right with locules of gas. Left pleural effusion is also noted.
Figure 2.49 Axial image: oral contrast CT scan of Figure 2.50 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced
the thorax. Contrast can be seen within the stomach. CT scan of the thorax in the arterial phase. Viewed on
Contrast has collected around the oesophagus within lung window settings, gas can be seen surrounding the
the posterior mediastinum (arrow). A left-sided pleural superior mediastinal structures.
effusion is also present, containing locules of gas.
Plain films
Chest plain film findings are all non-specific but can
suggest the diagnosis of oesophageal perforation.
The most common sign of oesophageal perforation
seen on chest plain film imaging is a left-sided pleural
effusion and atelectasis/consolidation, reflecting
the fact that the most common site of oesophageal
perforation is the distal left-sided posterior wall.
Pneumomediastinum should always raise suspicion of
oesophageal perforation, especially in the presence of
associated symptoms. Pneumomediastinum has many
appearances on chest plain film imaging, although
all rely on the presence of abnormal gas outlining Figure 2.51 PA chest radiograph. Streaky linear
the normal mediastinal structures ( Figure 2.51 ). lucencies are seen within the superior mediastinum
Note: Pneumomediastinum on plain film imaging and outlining the left heart border. Subcutaneous
has a low sensitivity and specificity for oesophageal emphysema is also seen in the supraclavicular fossa
rupture and can be seen in many other conditions bilaterally.
(Table 2.15).
Figure 2.53 Axial image: oral and IV contrast Figure 2.54 Axial image: oral and IV contrast enhanced
enhanced CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis in the CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis in the portal venous
portal venous phase. A thick-walled appendix can be phase. A relatively well-defined mass is seen in the
seen in the right iliac fossa containing a round calcified right iliac fossa just anterior to the right psoas muscle
appendicolith (arrow). (arrow). An abscess has formed around the appendix,
with inflammatory changes visible around the mass.
involve adjacent structures (Figures 2.55a–c). Free may also be increased echogenicity of the mesenteric
intraperitoneal gas is suggestive of appendicular fat that surrounds the appendix. Adjacent hypoechoic
perforation without abscess formation, and is best free fluid may also be seen, in addition to focal abscess
appreciated on lung or bone window settings. formation.
As with any cause of intra-abdominal inflammation,
acute appendicitis can cause localised small bowel Key points
ileus, suggested by small bowel dilatation without • Appendicitis is primarily a clinical diagnosis.
an associated transition point. Sagittal and coronal Radiology should only be used in situations where
reformats can help to identify the appendix when it the clinical diagnosis is uncertain.
is difficult to find. They can also be used to identify • Ultrasound can be used in cases where CT is less
where abscesses are tracking, and the nature of their favourable (i.e. children and pregnant women), but
relationship to the appendix. it is is user dependent.
• Key CT features include a thickened appendix
Ultrasound (>6 mm), surrounding inflammatory mesenteric
Appendicitis is diagnosed on ultrasound when the total changes and the presence of an appendicolith.
appendix diameter is greater than 6 mm or individual
wall thickness is greater than 3 mm (Brown, 2008). Report checklist
The diagnosis is also suggested by a n on-compressible • Document the diameter of the appendix and the
appendix during scanning ( Figures 2.56a, b ). A degree of appendicular thickening.
technique of graded compression should be adopted. • Presence or absence of complications, such as
This requires the operator to gradually increase appendicular abscesses and perforation.
pressure on the patient during the scan over the site
of tenderness, in order to displace loops of bowel and References
demonstrate the appendix. In normal patients, it can be Brown M (2008) Imaging acute appendicitis. Semin
difficult to visualise the appendix. Ultrasound CT 29:293–307.
An appendicolith appears as a focal hypoechoic Curtin K, Fitzgerald S, Nemcek A et al. (1995) CT
structure within the tubular appendix, which usually diagnosis of acute appendicitis: imaging findings.
demonstrates posterior acoustic shadowing. These are Am J Roentgenol 164:905–909.
often present in patients with acute appendicitis. There
(a) ( b)
(a) ( b)
Figures 2.56a, b Transverse and longitudinal ultrasonograms of the appendix. The appendix has a diameter of
8 mm and is non compressible consistent with acute appendicitis. No appendicolith or surrounding fluid collections
are seen. The mesenteric fat surrounding the appendix is echogenic, which is a non-specific feature often seen in
acute appendicitis.
Figure 2.57 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced Figure 2.58 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced
CT scan of the abdomen in the portal venous phase. CT scan of the abdomen in the portal venous
The pancreatic tail is ill-defined and oedematous with phase. The pancreas is ill defined with surrounding
surrounding inflammatory changes consistent with inflammatory changes consistent with acute pancreatitis.
focal p
ancreatitis. A filling defect can be seen within In addition, there are focal areas of non-enhancing
the portal vein near the pancreatic head, representing tissue within the body of the pancreas, consistent with
non-occlusive thrombosis (arrow). pancreatic necrosis.
the CT Severity Index (CTSI) constructed by Balthazar collection with a uniformly thick wall (Figure 2.59),
et al., 1990 (Table 2.19). the degree of enhancement of which can vary.
Peripancreatic fluid collections can consist of All peripancreatic collections can be complicated by
exudative fluid, necrotic tissue or haemorrhage, infection. The presence of locules of gas within any
all of which can be complicated by infection. The collection should raise the suspicion of infection;
appearance of enhancing fluid collections on however, CT imaging cannot readily differentiate
CT imaging can vary, ranging from uniform low infected from non-infected collections and ultimately
attenuation collections to heterogeneous mixed aspiration and microbiological analysis may be
density collections. It is important to differentiate required. Peripancreatic collections can be drained
these acute collections from pancreatic pseudocysts. percutaneously by ultrasound or CT; discussion with
The latter are common sequelae of acute pancreatitis an interventional radiologist is advised in these cases.
and represent organisation of leaked pancreatic fluid. The portal, splenic and superior mesenteric
Pancreatic pseudocysts develop at least 4 weeks after veins should be inspected for thrombosis, appearing
the onset of acute pancreatic inflammation and the as focal filling defects within the veins on portal
term ‘pseudocyst’ should be avoided in the early venous phased imaging (see Figure 2.57). Arterial
period. Pancreatic pseudocysts generally appear pseudoaneurysms can also occur, most commonly
as a uniform low attenuation peripancreatic fluid involving the splenic artery. Pseudoaneurysms manifest
Normal pancreas 0
Enlargement of pancreas 1
Inflammatory changes in pancreas and 2
peripancreatic fat
Ill-defined single fluid collection 4
Two or more poorly defined fluid collections 5
None 0
Less than or equal to 30% 2
Between 30% and 50% 4
Greater than 50% 6
OVERALL SCORE AND SEVERITY OF ACUTE Figure 2.59 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced CT
PANCREATITIS scan of the abdomen in the portal venous phase. There
0–3 points Mild is a round, thick-walled pseudocyst that lies between the
4–6 points Moderate pancreatic neck and the stomach.
Radiological findings
Computed tomography
Diverticulae appear as multiple small sacular out-
pouchings arising from the bowel wall. They are Figure 2.60 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced
more common on the mesenteric side of the colon, CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis in the portal venous
where nutrient arteries enter. Acute diverticulitis is phase. The sigmoid colon is abnormally thickened in
suggested by a segment of colonic wall thickening the presence of multiple diverticula. The surrounding
(>3 mm) and pericolonic fat stranding (Figure 2.60). mesentery is hazy due to local inflammation.
Indeterminate cases may ultimately require further is important since this can guide potential treatment.
evaluation with endoscopy. For accessible abscesses, percutaneous radiologically-
An important complication of diverticulitis is guided drainage can be suggested. Fistulation can occur
perforation, confirmed on CT by the presence of free (suggesting a subacute to chronic course), commonly
gas (Figure 2.61). This is better appreciated on both between the bladder and cervix, and should be
lung and bone window settings. Other complications suspected in the absence of a clear fat plain between the
include abscess formation, presenting as a pericolonic two structures. Gas within the vaginal vault and bladder
fluid-containing focus with or without air and an (without prior instrumentation) should also raise the
enhancing wall (Figure 2.62). Interloop abscesses suspicion of fistulation. A thin track of oral contrast
may also occur (Figure 2.63). The size of the abscess can occasionally be seen between the two fistulating
structures, confirming the diagnosis (Figure 2.64). • The main findings of diverticulitis include the
Diverticulitis can also be complicated by hepatic presence of diverticulae, bowel wall thickening
abscess formation, appearing as a ring enhancing and pericolonic fat stranding.
hypoattenuating focus within the liver (DeStigter & • Short segment bowel wall thickening can also be
Keating, 2009). seen in primary colorectal malignancy and should
There is a classification that is intermittently used always be considered as an alternative diagnosis.
for staging diverticulitis according to its severity: The
Hinchey Classification of Diverticulitis (Table 2.21). Report checklist
This classification is useful in guiding management • Presence or absence of complications (e.g. abscess
since localised disease (i.e. stages 1 and 2) is managed formation, perforation, fistulation and post-
conservatively with IV fluid rehydration, IV antibiotics inflammatory strictures).
and, if the abscess collections are large, with image- • Consider the differential diagnosis of underlying
guided percutaneous drainage. Surgical management is colonic malignancy.
recommended for stages 3 and 4, and for patients that • Emphasise that in indeterminate cases, direct
do not improve under medical management or have visualisation via colonoscopy is advised at a
fistula formation. It is also recommended where there clinically appropriate time
is uncertainty as to whether there may be underlying
malignancy. References
Baker M (2008) Imaging and interventional techniques
Key points in acute left-sided diverticulitis. J Gastrointest Surg
• CT is the imaging modality of choice to assess 12:1314–1317.
for the presence of, severity and complications of DeStigter K, Keating D (2009) Imaging update:
acute diverticulitis. acute colonic diverticulitis. Clin Colon Rectal Surg
Stage 1a Phlegmon.
Stage 1b Diverticulitis with pericolic or mesenteric abscess.
Stage 2 Diverticulitis with walled off pelvic abscess.
Stage 3 Diverticulitis with generalised purulent peritonitis
Stage 4 Diverticulitis with generalised faecal peritonitis.
Ultrasound 1–5MHz curvilinear probe.
CT Post IV contrast, portal venous phase: 100
ml IV contrast, 4 ml/sec via 18G cannula.
Scan at 70 seconds. Scan from just above
diaphragm to femoral head level.
• Cholecystitis.
• Hepatitis.
• Cirrhosis.
• Congestive heart failure.
• Hypoalbuminaemia.
• Renal failure.
• Sepsis.
Figure 2.67 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced Figure 2.68 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced
CT scan of the abdomen in the portal venous phase. CT scan of the abdomen in the portal venous phase.
The gallbladder contains air, as does the gallbladder The gallbladder wall is thickened with large volumes of
wall, in keeping with emphysematous cholecystitis pericholecystic fluid consistent with acute cholecystitis.
A defect is seen in the anterior gallbladder wall (arrow),
consistent with a gallbladder perforation.
(a) (b)
Figures 2.70a, b Axial and coronal images: IV contrast enhanced CT scans of the abdomen in the portal venous
phase. Gas is seen within the left renal parenchyma and there is heterogeneous parenchymal enhancement.
Figure 2.71 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced Figure 2.72 Axial image: unenhanced CT scan of the
CT scan of the abdomen in the portal venous phase. abdomen. Locules of gas are seen within the left renal
Abnormal left renal parenchymal gas and enhancement collecting system and upper ureter.
is once again shown. There is further retroperitoneal
free gas and fluid.
Various systems have been proposed to stage should be actively excluded. In the presence of diffuse
the spectrum of findings seen in emphysematous retroperitoneal gas, the kidney can be difficult to
pyelonephritis and pyelitis; these have prognostic visualise (Figures 2.74a. b).
importance (Tables 2.25 and 2.26: Huang & Tseng,
2000; Wan et al., 1996). Abdominal plain film imaging
Emphysematous cystitis is a rare separate entity Abdominal plain films can demonstrate abnormal lucent
where a gas forming infection occurs in the bladder gas collections. The diagnosis is suggested by mottled
wall. It may be caused by bacterial or fungal infections lucencies overlying the renal outlines, which may
with E. coli being the most common causative agent also correspond to the outline of the renal pyramids.
(Figure 2.73) Curvilinear lucencies may indicate subcapsular or
perinephric gas. Retroperitoneal gas is indicated by
Ultrasound increased definition of the psoas shadows, representing
Gas within the renal parenchyma has the appearance a gas–muscle interface. Note: Retroperitoneal gas is
of high-amplitude echogenic foci, commonly with not specific for emphysematous pyelonephritis and can
associated reverberation artefact and comet tail ‘dirty’ also be seen in perforation of retroperitoneal bowel
shadowing. Calculi can also give a similar appearance, (duodenum, ascending colon, descending colon and
although they characteristically produce more uniform rectum).
posterior acoustic shadowing. Hydronephrosis
Key points
• Emphysematous pyelonephritis is a life-
threatening infection of the kidney and should be
Table 2.25 Emphysematous pyelonephritis. suspected in any diabetic patient presenting with
Huang–Tseng CT classification flank pain or sepsis of unknown origin.
• CT is the most sensitive and specific radiological
investigation. Emphysematous pyelonephritis
Class 1 Gas limited to collecting system.
is confirmed when gas is identified in the renal
Class 2 Gas limited to renal parenchyma (without
parenchyma, whereas in emphysematous pyelitis,
extrarenal extension).
the gas is limited to the collecting system only.
Class 3a Extension of gas or abscess to perinephric space.
Class 3b Extension of gas or abscess to pararenal space.
Class 4 Bilateral emphysematous pyelonephritis or solitary
kidney with emphysematous pyelonephritis.
(a) (b)
Figure 2.74a, b Ultrasonograms of the kidney. Cortical echogenicity is seen in the interpolar region of the kidney,
representing parenchymal gas, resulting in an irregular acoustic shadow, which obscures the normal renal contour.
Ultrasound Curvilinear probe 1–5MHz.
CT Non-contrast, nephrographic phase and
delayed phase CT post IV contrast: initial
scan unenhanced. 100 ml IV contrast via
18G cannula, 4 ml/sec. Scan at 120 seconds
(nephrographic phase) and 12 minutes
(delayed phase). Scan from above
diaphragm to femoral head level.
Figure 2.75 Ultrasonogram of the right kidney in
the longitudinal plane. The renal pelvis and intrarenal
calyces are dilated and contain anechoic fluid.
Ultrasound should be the only modality used for This easily identifies calcified renal tract calculi and
suspected hydronephrosis in pregnancy, which can hydronephrosis (Figure 2.77). It is sometimes difficult
be physiological if present. CT should otherwise be to differentiate between phleboliths and distal ureteric
performed if acute hydronephrosis is detected on calculi in the pelvis; the use of multiplanar reformatting
ultrasound. in sagittal and coronal planes can help. Thickening or
mesenteric fat stranding around the ureters can indicate
Computed tomography recent passage of stones.
Hydronephrosis is readily visible on unenhanced and Contrast enhanced CT can be performed in the
contrast enhanced CT, shown as a dilated pelvicalyceal portal venous phase. This can be useful for assessing for
system (Figure 2.76). In younger patients presenting pelvic/retroperitoneal/gynaecological malignancies,
with pain/haematuria and hydronephrosis, the most inflammatory aortic aneurysms, and retroperitoneal
likely cause is calculi. In these cases, a plain low- fibrosis (Figure 2.78) as well as large bladder tumours
dose kidney–ureter–bladder CT can be performed. as a cause for hydronephrosis. Retroperitoneal fibrosis
Figure 2.76 Axial image: CT scan of the abdomen Figure 2.77 Axial image: CT scan of the abdomen
without IV contrast. The right pelvicalyceal system without IV contrast. A rounded, hyperdense calculus is
is dilated compared with the left side. Right renal seen occluding the lumen of the right ureter.
parenchymal volume is preserved. There are mild right
perinephric inflammatory changes.
Ultrasound Curvilinear, 4 MHz probe. Doppler and wave-
form sampling of renal vessels.
CT Aortic angiogram: 100 ml IV contrast via 18G
cannula, 4 ml/sec. Bolus track centred on
mid-abdominal aorta. Scan from just above
diaphragm to femoral head level.
Portal venous phase: IV contrast as above,
scan at 70 seconds. No oral contrast. Scan
from just above diaphragm to femoral head
Figure 2.79 Longitudinal image: colour Doppler
ultrasonogram of the transplant kidney. Colour flow is
seen at the renal hilum, which extends through the renal
sinus and into the medulla uniformly.
waveform is essential (Figures 2.80, 2.83) – this should collecting system can remain mildly dilated post renal
demonstrate a rapid systolic upstroke and positive transplantation, therefore it is essential to compare with
diastolic flow. A ‘parvus tardus’ waveform (a broadening previous imaging for evidence of progressive dilatation.
of the waveform, with an increase in the acceleration Echogenic material within the collecting system can
time of the systolic upstroke) is commonly seen in renal indicate pyelonephrosis.
artery stenosis (Figures 2.81, 2.84). Elevation of flow
in the main renal artery (>200cm/sec) may also be seen
in this condition. Reversal of arterial flow in diastole
is often an indicator of renal vein thrombosis or acute
tubular necrosis, both common early postoperative
complications (Figure 2.82). The Resistive Index (RI;
Figure 2.85) should be calculated for the main and
interlobar renal arteries and should be less than 0.8;
any elevation of the RI is again an indication of graft
dysfunction (Brown et al., 2000). Pseudoaneurysms can
complicate renal biopsy, appearing as focal hypoechoic
lesions, distinguished from cysts by a turbulent internal
flow on Doppler analysis. Ultimately, if there is doubt as
to whether any vascular abnormality is due to technical
factors, further assessment with CT is advisable.
Ureteric obstruction and hydronephrosis can be
caused by postoperative ureteric fibrosis, usually at
the site of ureteric and bladder anastomosis, although
other causes include infection or compressing fluid Figure 2.80 Diagram of a normal renal artery
collections. Note: Because of denervation, the waveform.
Figure 2.81 Diagram of abnormal ‘parvus-tardus’ renal Figure 2.82 Diagram of abnormal renal artery
artery waveform. waveform demonstrating reversed diastolic flow.
LIVER TRANSPLANT DYSFUNCTION and inferior margins of the IVC are usually end-to-end
anastomoses (Crossin et al., 2003).
Liver transplantation has long been an accepted
treatment for end-stage liver failure, with innovative Radiological investigations
techniques such as living donor and split liver Ultrasound is the initial modality of choice. Patients
transplantation now commonplace. A wide variety in the immediate postoperative period may be unwell
of complications can occur after transplantation, and immobile and in such cases a portable scan may
some more common in the early postoperative be necessary. Colour Doppler imaging is essential in
period. Symptoms and signs vary according to the the assessment of liver transplants and allows dynamic
precise pathology; however, one of the most common evaluation of flow through the hepatic vasculature, with
presentations is delayed or deteriorating liver function. individual assessment of the hepatic artery, IVC and
Assessment of a transplanted liver can often be portal vein required for a complete assessment.
a difficult task, especially in the emergency setting. Further evaluation may be performed with contrast
Urgent diagnosis, particularly of vascular complications enhanced CT in situations where ultrasound has
in the early postoperative period, is vital since some yielded an indeterminate result. Dual phase imaging
complications can result in loss of the graft. There (arterial and portal venous phase) is often performed
are numerous non-vascular complications, including through the upper abdomen in order to fully evaluate
biliary stenosis, biliary leakage and acute and chronic the vascular supply to the liver in addition to the hepatic
graft rejection. The urgency of diagnosis should be parenchyma. (See Table 2.29.)
dictated by the urgency of management, and as such
not all complications require out of hours imaging. Radiological findings
A thorough understanding of the surgical anatomy is Ultrasound
crucial in order to aid image interpretation and identify The parenchymal echogenicity of the hepatic graft
abnormalities. Variations in vascular supply and local should be scrutinised on grey scale imaging. Diffuse
preferences for particular surgical techniques should abnormalities have a wide differential, which include
be taken into consideration, as they may determine the rejection and ischaemia. The appearances can be
type of surgery performed. There are also anatomical
differences between adult and paediatric liver Table 2.29 Liver trasplant assessment. Imaging
transplants (e.g. split versus whole liver transplant), protocol.
which are important when identifying structures on
imaging. It is therefore advisable to become familiar MODALITY PROTOCOL
with the surgical history of individual patients prior to Ultrasound Low frequency curvilinear probe (e.g.
imaging, to better interpret the anatomical findings. 1–5MHz) for assessment of the liver vascula-
ture, subphrenic space and upper abdomen.
In general, the donor common bile duct is
A high frequency linear probe (e.g. 6–9MHz)
anastomosed to the recipient common hepatic duct. may be useful for higher resolution parenchy-
However, if this is not possible, the common bile mal images.
duct may be anastomosed directly into a loop of CT Arterial phase: 100 ml IV contrast via 18G
jejunum (Bhargava et al., 2011). Donor transplants will cannula, 4 ml/sec. Bolus track centred on mid-
routinely undergo cholecystectomy. There can be some abdominal aorta. No oral contrast. Diaphragm
to iliac crests. Helical acquisition, 1 mm slice
variability in the type of hepatic artery anastomosis,
thickness. Scan on inspiration.
but it is usually formed by the union of the donor
Portal venous phase: IV contrast as above,
coeliac axis and the recipient hepatic artery. The site scan at 70 seconds post contrast. No oral
of anastomosis is important to identify in order to contrast. Diaphragm to pubic symphysis.
accurately perform and interpret Doppler studies. The Helical acquisition, 1 mm slice thickness. Scan
on inspiration.
portal vein anastomosis is an end-to-end anastomosis
provided the vessels are patent. Finally, the superior
non-specific, but may be seen as a heterogeneous narrowing. Similarly, an increase in the peak systolic
echotexture. In cases of rejection, there are often no velocity may also be observed. Severely stenotic arteries
correlating features with Doppler studies. Liver infarcts may eventually thrombose and show no flow. Pulse-wave
occur most commonly in the early postoperative period, Doppler classically shows a ‘parvus-tardus’ waveform in
and present as focal, wedge-shaped areas of decreased stenosed vessels (i.e. increased peak systolic acceleration
echogenicity. Abnormal Doppler waveforms may be time [>0.08 sec] with a slow deceleration) (Figure 2.89).
recorded in cases of infarction. The RI is a measure of the resistance to blood flow
Hepatic artery complications account for the largest and can also be a useful tool in the assessment of the
proportion of vascular complications, which include post-transplant liver (see Figure 2.85, p. 83). Normal RI
thrombosis and stenosis. Hepatic artery thrombosis is values range between 0.5 and 0.8. In the postoperative
a surgical emergency due to the high risk of ischaemia period, RI values may be elevated for several days, but
and infarction to the transplant. In addition to this, they should generally reduce to normal limits. Elevated
the bile ducts receive their blood supply solely from RI values may be a sign of organ rejection or venous
the hepatic artery, and so thrombosis of the vessel may outflow obstruction.
lead to biliary duct ischaemia and stricture formation. Portal vein abnormalities are relatively rare. The
An appreciation of the normal hepatic artery flow and commonest complications include portal vein stenosis
waveform is useful in order to identify abnormalities. and thrombosis. The normal portal vein is anechoic
The normal hepatic artery demonstrates a pulsatile with thin, regular walls and uniform calibre. Acute
waveform with a rapid systolic upstroke and continuous thrombus within the portal vein may present as
diastolic blood flow (Figure 2.88). echogenic material within the lumen of the vessel with
Absent flow within the hepatic artery with colour reduced or no flow on colour Doppler.
and pulse-wave Doppler imaging allows for correct Complications involving the IVC are uncommon
diagnosis of hepatic artery thrombosis in the majority of but include thrombosis and IVC stenosis at the
cases. Assessment should be made of the extrahepatic, anastomotic site. Clinical features are those of Budd–
intrahepatic and right and left branches of the artery. Chiari syndrome and include hepatomegaly, ascites and
Hepatic artery stenosis tends to occur at the site of pleural effusions, which may be seen on ultrasound.
the anastomosis. Colour flow may demonstrate post- Biliary complications are relatively common
stenotic turbulent flow depending on the degree of following transplant and include leaks and stricture
Figure 2.88 Doppler ultrasonogram of the hepatic Figure 2.89 Doppler ultrasonogram of a stenotic
artery. The waveform demonstrates a sharp systolic hepatic artery. The deceleration time of the waveform is
upstroke and short deceleration time with c ontinuous prolonged resulting in a ‘parvus-tardus’ waveform.
diastolic flow. Measurements have been made
documenting the peak systolic and end diastolic values
with the calculated Resistive Index of 0.63.
Key points
• Assessment of the transplanted liver should
be performed with reference to the surgical
procedure and correlated appropriately. Figure 2.90 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced CT
• Ultrasound with use of colour and pulse-wave scan of the abdomen in the portal venous phase. The
Doppler is vital to assess the hepatic vascular hepatic artery is thready and poorly opacified at the
supply and drainage. porta hepatis due to thrombosis. A wedge-shaped area of
• CT may help to clarify anatomical details, but non-enhancing liver is shown on the right, representing
should be used in addition to ultrasound to assess infracted parenchyma as a result of the thrombosed
flow dynamics. hepatic artery (arrow).
Figure 2.91 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced CT Figure 2.92 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced CT
scan of the pelvis in the portal venous phase. There are scan of the pelvis in the portal venous phase. There is
enhancing, tubular structures within both adnexa, which a significant amount of stranding of the fat around the
contain low density material consistent with bilateral uterus due to local inflammation.
pyosalpinx (arrow). There is stranding of the adjacent fat
due to local inflammation.
Figure 2.93 Coronal image: IV contrast enhanced CT Figure 2.94 Sagittal image: IV contrast enhanced CT
scan of the pelvis in the portal venous phase. There are scan of the pelvis in the portal venous phase. There is
enhancing, tubular structures within both adnexa, which a rounded structure seen posterior to the mid uterus
contain low density material consistent with bilateral in keeping with pyosalpinx, with a second collection
pyosalpinx. There is stranding of the adjacent fat due to seen more superiorly, which would be consistent with a
local inflammation. tubo-ovarian abscess (arrow).
Radiological investigations seen. The presence of arterial flow does not exclude
The often non-specific presentation of ovarian torsion torsion, as sporadic flow may be seen in an intermittent
can make diagnosis difficult, and as a result the most torsion.
appropriate form of imaging may not always be clear.
However, in cases where ovarian torsion is suspected, Computed tomography
ultrasound is the initial imaging modality of choice. CT of the pelvis may be performed for the assessment
A transabdominal scan should be adequate to establish of abdominal pain. The principal finding, as seen on
the diagnosis with a well distended urinary bladder, ultrasound, is a unilateral enlarged heterogeneous
but in more difficult cases a transvaginal scan may be
necessary. CT imaging may be performed, although
the findings are more non-specific and it is not
recommended in the first instance. (See Table 2.31.) Table 2.31 Ovarian torsion. Imaging protocol.
Figure 2.96 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced Figure 2.97 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced CT
CT scan of the pelvis in the portal venous phase. scan of the pelvis in the portal phase. There is a large,
A heterogeneous fat-containing adnexal mass is non-enhancing left adnexal mass with adjacent fluid
shown in the midline, representing a torted dermoid and inflammatory changes within the adjacent tissues
cyst (arrow). consistent with a left ovarian torsion.
time from symptom onset, the affected testicle shows When blood flow is absent in the affected testicle, the
decreased echogenicity and appears heterogeneous diagnosis of testicular torsion is clear (Figures 2.100a, b,
compared with the other side, which is a sign of poor 2.101a, b). Occasionally, decreased blood flow seen in
viability. A transverse view showing both testicles is early torsion can be erroneously diagnosed as normal.
useful for comparison. Comparison with the contralateral side is therefore
(a) (b)
Figures 2.100a, b Ultrasonogram of the left testicle in the transverse plane. The testicle demonstrates abnormal,
coarsened heterogeneous echotexture. There is absent flow within the testicle on colour Doppler imaging.
(a) (b)
Figures 2.101a, b Ultrasonograms of the left testicle in the transverse and longitudinal planes. There is an
abnormal area of central low echogenicity within the testicle. On colour Doppler imaging, peripheral flow can be
seen within the epididymis and surrounding structures, but is absent within the testicle itself.
Key point
• Testicular torsion is primarily a clinical diagnosis.
Ultrasound should only be used in situations
where the clinical diagnosis is uncertain.
although their exact use depends upon local protocol haemorrhage’ often has a predisposition for the basal
and availability. (See Table 3.1.) ganglia region, brainstem and cerebellum (Figure 3.1).
If haemorrhage is identified in a less typical location, it is
Radiological findings always important to consider alternative causes such as
Computed tomography underlying mass lesions, arteriovenous malformations
Unenhanced CT imaging is primarily used to exclude or venous sinus thrombosis (Figures 3.2, 3.3). In this
intracranial haemorrhage, which contraindicates scenario, contrast enhanced CT imaging should
potential therapies for ischaemic stroke. The be obtained to further characterise any possible
attenuation of blood products varies according to age. underlying cause. The size of any haemorrhagic focus
Acute haemorrhage appears as high attenuation material should be documented, as well as any evidence of mass
within the brain parenchyma. Typical ‘hypertensive effect; the latter is indicated on CT by surrounding low
attenuation representing vasogenic oedema, midline
Table 3.1 Stroke. Imaging protocol. shift and descent of the cerebellar tonsils below the
level of the foramen magnum (Figure 3.4).
MODALITY PROTOCOL Subtle CT signs of an acute ischaemic stroke include
CT Unenhanced. Scan from skull base level focal hyperdensity in a cerebral artery representing
to vertex. acute thrombus (hyperdense cerebral artery sign,
MRI Sagittal T1 weighted, axial T2 and proton Figure 3.5 ) and subtle loss of grey–white matter
density weighted, axial gradient echo and differentiation, which represents early cytotoxic
diffusion weighted imaging and coronal oedema (insular ribbon sign, Figure 3.6). Careful image
FLAIR sequences of the brain.
windowing (width 8 Hu, centre 32 Hu) has been shown
to increase detection of the latter subtle sign.
Figure 3.1 Axial image: unenhanced CT scan of the Figure 3.2 Axial image: unenhanced CT scan of the
brain. Ill-defined hyperdense material centred on the brain. There is a small focal haemorrhage in the right
right frontal deep white matter, consistent with an acute frontal lobe with mild adjacent vasogenic oedema. This
hypertensive haemorrhage. is in an unusual position for a ‘hypertensive bleed’.
Figure 3.3 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced CT scan Figure 3.4 Axial image: unenhanced CT scan of the
of the brain. After IV contrast administration, a small brain. There is a focal area of low attenuation centred
abnormal vessel is seen underlying the haemorrhage, in on the right basal ganglia. This causes effacement of
keeping with a vascular malformation (arrow). This is the right lateral ventricle and midline shift to the left.
the same patient as in Figure 3.2. Dependent intraventricular haemorrhage is also noted.
Figure 3.5 Axial image: unenhanced CT scan of the Figure 3.6 Axial image: unenhanced CT scan of the
brain. There is a large area of low attenuation involving brain. There is subtle loss of the grey-white matter
the right parieto-occipital lobes with loss of grey-white differentiation of the right-sided insular ribbon (arrow),
matter differentiation consistent with acute stroke. consistent with acute right middle cerebral artery
The right middle cerebral artery is hyperdense due to infarction.
thrombus (arrow).
As an ischaemic stroke evolves, there is an increase vessel ischaemia (Figure 3.9). However, this should
in the degree of cytotoxic and vasogenic oedema, which not be confused with acute transependymal oedema,
has a typical CT appearance of wedge-shaped low which produces a similar appearance. Lacunar infarcts
attenuation that extends to involve the cerebral cortex present as small focal areas of low attenuation and
(Figure 3.7). It can be useful to classify the infarction in are another common finding in chronic small vessel
relation to its arterial territory. If the oedema does not ischaemia.
correspond to a particular arterial territory, alternative
causes should be considered (e.g. an underlying mass Magnetic resonance imaging
lesion). Haemorrhagic transformation of a formerly The principles of MRI interpretation mirror those
ischaemic stroke can also occur, which typically has the of CT. The signal characteristics of haemorrhage
appearance of petechial haemorrhage on a background on MRI characteristically alter with age (Table 3.2).
of cytotoxic oedema corresponding to a typical arterial Blood products characteristically cause a pronounced
territory. susceptibility artefact on gradient echo sequences,
Chronic infarcts can be identified by their typical CT which can increase sensitivity. Hyperacute to acute
appearance; wedge-shaped regions of cerebrospinal infarction is best identified on diffusion weighted
fluid (CSF) density (encephalomalacia), with secondary sequences as increased signal on diffusion imaging
signs of parenchymal volume loss such as ex-vacuo with corresponding decreased signal on ADC
ventricular dilatation (Figure 3.8). Periventricular mapping (Figures 3.10a, b); however, typical imaging
low attenuation often represents coexisting small characteristics of infarcts vary with time on these
(a) (b)
Figures 3.10a, b Axial images: diffusion and ADC map of the brain. (3.10a) High signal is seen in the left frontal
lobe on diffusion images. (3.10b) The corresponding area on the ADC map is low signal, signifying restricted
diffusion as seen in acute stroke.
on the age of blood products) and the intracranial haematoma include eccentric/concentric mural
hyperacute signs of stroke. MRI is, however, more thickening causing narrowing of the lumen and an
time-consuming and may not be available out of hours. increase in the external calibre of the vessel (Rodallec
CTA is quick, can be incorporated into polytrauma CT et al., 2008). As cases progress, complete occlusion of
protocols in the context of a traumatic aetiology and the lumen can occur.
in most centres is considered the initial modality of
choice. The addition of unenhanced imaging increases
the CT sensitivity for intramural haematoma. Catheter
Table 3.3 Carotid artery dissection. Imaging
angiography has traditionally been used in the initial protocol.
assessment for CAD, but this is invasive, carries a
small risk of complications and should be reserved for MODALITY PROTOCOL
indeterminate CT and MRI cases where there is still a CT Unenhanced phase. Scan from aortic arch to
strong clinical suspicion of dissection. (See Table 3.3.) Circle of Willis.
Carotid angiogram: 100 ml IV contrast via
Radiological findings 18G cannula, 4 ml/sec. Bolus track centred
Computed tomography on aortic arch. Scan from aortic arch to
Unenhanced imaging should first be scrutinised for acute Circle of Willis.
(a) (b)
Figures 3.14a, b Axial images: unenhanced CT scans of the brain. Hyperdense material is seen within the
suprasellar, pre-pontine and interpedicular cisterns consistent with acute SAH.
(a) (b)
1 (a)
7 (b)
9 8
(a) (b)
Ant/Lft Post/Rt
Figures 3.18a, b 3-D reconstructed MIP images showing a right internal carotid artery aneurysm (arrow).
(a) (b)
Figures 3.19a, b Axial T2 weighted MR image (3.19a) and MRA MIP image (3.19b) showing a right occipital
arteriovenous malformation. On the axial T2 image this is shown as multiple, serpiginous flow voids in the right
occipital lobe.
CT Unenhanced. Scan from level of foramen
magnum to vertex.
Radiological findings
Computed tomography
Subdural collections appear on CT as crescenteric
extra-axial collections adjacent to the surface of
the brain. The attenuation of the collection varies
with the age of the blood products within. Acute
haematomas present as high attenuation in relation
to brain parenchyma (Figure 3.20). The sensitivity
for identifying subtle SDH can be increased by
using blood window settings (width 175, level 50).
In comparison, chronic haematomas demonstrate
decreased attenuation in relation to brain parenchyma
and may contain calcification, another useful clue
to assess age (Figures 3.21a, b). Acute on chronic
haematomas display mixed attenuation and can often
demonstrate dependent layering of acute blood
products within, referred to as a haematocrit level. Figure 3.20 Axial image: unenhanced CT scan of the
brain. There is a crescenteric rim of hyperdense material
overlying the left cerebral hemisphere consistent with
acute SDH. This causes effacement of the left cerebral
hemisphere with midline shift to the right. Further areas
of parenchymal haemorrhage can also be seen in the
frontal lobes.
(a) (b)
Figures 3.21a, b Axial images: unenhanced CT scans of the brain. Hypodense crescenteric collections are seen
overlying the right cerebral hemispheres representing chronic subdural collections. There is mass effect with
effacement of the underlying cerebral sulci, but no midline shift.
(a) (b)
Figures 3.22a, b (3.22a) Axial image: unenhanced CT scan of the brain. Hyperdense material is seen tracking
along the falx, which should normally be pencil thin, as a result of an acute parafalcine SDH. (3.22b) Coronal image:
unenhanced CT scan of the brain. There is an SDH overlying the right cerebral hemisphere. In addition, there is a
more subtle parafalcine SDH.
Subtle subdural bleeds can often be missed, especially difficult. Subdural hygroma presents as a CSF density
those that track along the falx cerebri and tentorium subdural collection through which vessels may be seen
cerebelli (Figures 3.22a, b). The use of multiplanar traversing; however, it does not extend into the sulcal
reformats, especially coronal images, is useful in this spaces.
The extent and size of the SDH should be assessed. Key points
This can be described in terms of the maximum depth • SDH can occur following head trauma and can
and the extent of cerebral convexity that the haematoma occur in the elderly following more minor injury.
abuts. Of more importance, although related, is the In paediatric patients, always consider non-
degree of mass effect, which is indicated by local sulcal, accidental injury.
ventricular and basal cistern effacement, midline shift, • CT is the imaging modality of choice. SDHs
and tonsillar descent (Figure 3.23). MRI can sometimes demonstrate a crescenteric morphology and can
be useful to age the bleeds or to differentiate chronic cross suture lines.
bleeds from cerebral atrophy resulting in a large CSF • Visualisation of subtle SDHs can be aided by
space (Figure 3.24). utilising blood window settings (width 175,
The main differential diagnoses include extradural level 50) and multiplanar reformats.
haematoma (EDH) and subdural hygroma. SDHs
are crescenteric in morphology and can cross sutures; Report checklist
conversely, extradural haematomas are lenticular • Comment on the age of the haematoma; acute,
and are bound by sutures (however they can cross acute on chronic, or chronic.
the midline and venous sinus reflections). Extradural • The degree of mass effect (i.e. midline shift/
haematomas are also more commonly associated cerebellar tonsillar descent).
with skull vault fractures, although this finding does • Presence or absence of a skull fracture.
not preclude a subdural collection. Differentiation • Recommend urgent neurosurgical opinion.
between chronic SDH and subdural hygroma can be
CT Unenhanced. Scan from level of foramen
magnum to vertex.
(a) (b)
Figure 3.25a Axial image: unenhanced CT scan of the Figure 3.25b Axial image: unenhanced CT scan of the
brain. A hyperdense, lenticular extra-axial collection is brain. The extradural haematoma seen in Figure 3.25a
seen overlying the left frontal lobe, consistent with an is indenting the underlying parenchyma, causing sulcal
acute extradural haematoma. effacement and mild midline shift to the right of up
to 4 mm.
CEREBRAL VENOUS SINUS THROMBOSIS often less appropriate in the out of hours setting. While
far less sensitive, venous sinus thrombosis can also be
Although rare, cerebral venous sinus thrombosis is a identified on unenhanced CT, therefore systematic
potentially life-threatening neurological emergency. scrutiny of the venous sinus system should be a review
While up to 25% of cases are idiopathic (Stam, 2003), area on any CT head study. (See Table 3.11.)
any cause of a pro-thrombotic state can predispose
a patient to venous sinus thrombosis. Such causes Radiological findings
include malignancy, sepsis, dehydration, pregnancy, The principles of interpreting venogram imaging are
oral contraceptive pill use and clotting abnormalities. the same regardless of the modality used, although
Localised infection, such as sinusitis, is also a common there are common pitfalls specific to both CT and MRI,
potential cause. Symptoms and signs depend on which are discussed subsequently. Knowledge of the
the site and extent of the thrombosis and include
headache, seizures, focal neurology and reduced GCS.
Complications of venous sinus thrombosis include Table 3.11 Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis.
venous haemorrhage and infarction. Prompt diagnosis Imaging protocol.
is essential to facilitate urgent treatment with IV
CT Intracranial venogram: 100 ml IV contrast via
18G cannula, 2 ml/sec. Scan at 45 seconds
Radiological investigations
after initiation of injection. Scan from skull
Contrast enhanced CT venography is the modality of base to vertex level.
choice in the acute setting. MRI is also utilised in the
investigation of venous sinus thrombosis; however, it is
normal anatomy of the venous sinus system is essential, is arachnoid granulations, which are physiological
and both the superficial veins and deep sinus system structures that protrude into the normal dural sinus
should be scrutinised in their entirety. The appearance lumen. These are characteristically found laterally in
of thrombus varies with age, although for the purposes the transverse sinus and in the superior sagittal sinus
of this chapter acute and subacute thrombosis are and appear as rounded, very well-defined filling defects.
considered. If there is diagnostic uncertainty on contrast enhanced
modalities, correlation with unenhanced imaging
Computed tomography can be helpful, since arachnoid granulations often
Venous sinus thrombosis presents on contrast display a similar attenuation to CSF. Acute to subacute
enhanced CT as a filling defect within the venous sinus venous sinus thrombosis should be suspected on an
(Figures 3.27a–c). The venous sinus system should be unenhanced study where there is high attenuation
scrutinised in axial, sagittal and coronal planes with corresponding to a segment of the venous sinus system
wide window settings to avoid missing subtle thrombus. (Figures 3.28, 3.29a). Common false positives on
A common false positive on contrast enhanced CT unenhanced CT include transverse sinus physiological
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
Typical characteristics include irregular, flame- (Table 3.12). When seen in association with venous
shaped haemorrhage involving both the cortex and sinus thrombosis, increased parenchymal signal on
subcortical regions. The identification of this type of T2 weighted and FLAIR sequences is suggestive of
‘atypical’ haemorrhage on a unenhanced study should associated oedema. Corresponding restricted diffusion
always prompt suspicion of venous sinus thrombosis. on diffusion weighted sequences is indicative of
A common cause of venous sinus thrombosis is complicating infarction (Figures 3.31–3.33a, b).
sinusitis. The paranasal air spaces and mastoid air cells
should be well aerated – any opacification of these Key points
spaces is suggestive of sinusitis. • CT venography is the imaging modality of choice
for diagnosing venous sinus thrombosis in the out
Magnetic resonance imaging of hours setting.
As with CT, venous sinus thrombosis is suggested on • The hallmark of venous sinus thrombosis on
contrast enhanced and time of flight MRI sequences as contrast enhanced CT is a filling defect in the
a filling defect within the venous sinus (Figure 3.30). venous sinus system.
Interpretation of time of flight MRI can be
more challenging than contrast enhanced imaging. Report checklist
A common false positive is flow gap phenomenon, • Document the venous sinuses involved.
which occurs when the plane of acquisition is not • Presence or absence of any complications of
perpendicular to the sinus (for example axial image venous sinus thrombosis (e.g. oedema, infarction
acquisition of the superior sagittal sinus). Knowledge or haemorrhage).
of this limitation, along with correlation with additional
sequences, can help prevent this pitfall. The venous Reference
sinus system should also be scrutinised on T1 and Stam J (2003) Cerebral venous and sinus thrombosis:
T2 weighted sequences, although the precise signal incidence and causes in ischemic stroke. Adv Neurol
characteristic of the thrombus is dictated by its age 92:225–232.
Figure 3.31 Axial T2 weighted MR image showing Figure 3.32 Axial FLAIR MR image demonstrating
high signal within both thalamic nuclei as well as within high signal within both thalamic nuclei as well as within
the heads of both caudate lobes and the right basal the heads of both caudate lobes and the right basal
ganglia. ganglia.
(a) (b)
Figure 3.33a, b These axial true diffusion and ADC map images show high signal within the affected areas and this
would therefore be in keeping with a subacute infarct within these regions.
hydrocephalus. The earliest radiological sign of ventricular system should prompt the suspicion
hydrocephalus is dilatation of the temporal horns of the of communicating hydrocephalus. In contrast,
lateral ventricles. In normal individuals, these should be non-communicating hydrocephalus can manifest
slit-like or conform to a ‘tear drop’ shape (Figure 3.34). as dilatation of a proximal part of the ventricular system.
However, in patients with hydrocephalus the horns For example, dilatation of the lateral and third ventricles
dilate and may become enlarged with added convexity in isolation infers obstruction at the level of the cerebral
(Figure 3.35). If the hydrocephalus continues, dilatation aqueduct, commonly seen in aqueduct stenosis. Space-
of the remainder of the ventricles ensues, with increased occupying lesions can cause pressure and obstruction
ventricular size demonstrated on CT imaging. of the ventricular system. These are best visualised with
It is important to consider which parts of the IV contrast, which should be administered if there is a
ventricular system are dilated. Dilation of the entire suspicion of an underlying mass lesion.
Figure 3.34 Axial image: unenhanced contrast Figure 3.35 Axial image: unenhanced CT scan
CT scan of the brain. Normal appearances of the of the brain. The temporal horns are dilated with
temporal horns of the lateral ventricles with a slit-like loss of the normal tear drop morphology indicating
morphology. hydrocephalus.
As a result of the increasing ventricular volume, there useful way to assess for any acute changes is to compare
may be considerable mass effect on the brain tissues, with any previous imaging.
which may be seen as effaced sulci and obliterated extra- As with VP shunts, the tips of EVDs should traverse
axial CSF spaces (Figure 3.36). The pressure within the ventricular system. EVDs may be misplaced at
the ventricles may also damage the ependymal lining the time of insertion or subsequently; this results
of the ventricles. If this occurs, the pressure within the in ineffective drainage of the ventricular system. It
ventricles may force CSF into the periventricular tissues. is useful to document the position of the VP shunt,
This is known as transependymal oedema (Figure 3.37). since any movement in the position of the tip can be
This can have a similar appearance to small vessel relevant in the future. It is not uncommon to identify
ischaemia; however, associated ventricular dilatation is mild parenchymal haemorrhage around the tract of the
the key to distinguishing the two entities. EVD in the acute period, although this should not be
Parenchymal atrophy is a normal consequence of excessive.
ageing; compensatory ventricular dilatation often
occurs as a result of this. It is therefore important to Plain films
take the degree of cerebral atrophy into account when VP shunts are used to treat hydrocephalus, and are
assessing the calibre of the ventricular system. In young particularly common in children. The lines used
patients with completely preserved parenchyma, are radiopaque and their position and integrity can
any dilatation of the temporal horns should rouse therefore be assessed fairly well on plain film imaging.
suspicion, but in elderly patients with large amounts The cranial portion of a VP shunt is usually attached
of parenchymal atrophy, the ‘normal’ appearance may to an extracranial port, which lies within the scalp
be prominence of the ventricles. Therefore, the most tissues. At the attachment distal to this port, there is
Figure 3.36 Axial image: unenhanced CT scan of the Figure 3.37 Axial image: unenhanced CT scan
brain. There is effacement of the normal sulcal pattern of the brain. The lateral ventricles are dilated, and
and extra-axial CSF spaces due to raised intracranial periventricular low attenuation changes can be
pressure. seen representing transependymal oedema in acute
Figure 3.39 AP chest and upper abdomen radiograph. Figure 3.40 Lateral skull radiograph. The normal
The shunt can be seen descending from the neck lucency can be seen representing the valve of the
projected through the thorax, where a clear break can be shunt. However, inferior to this, there is a break in
seen just lateral to the left heart, with separation of the the continuity of the shunt consistent with shunt
proximal and distal fragments. fracture.
Computed tomography
When interpreting CT imaging for shunt
complications, it is important to compare with previous
CT studies. CT imaging allows assessment of the shunt
position – the tube should ideally traverse the ventricular
system (Figure 3.42). Migration of the proximal shunt
tip when compared with previous imaging can occur.
With careful image windowing, the proximal aspect of
the extracranial component of the shunt tubing can be
inspected for discontinuity.
The hallmark of VP shunt obstruction
on CT is progressive ventricular dilatation
(Figure 3.43). The ventricles may remain dilated
despite effective shunting, again highlighting
the importance of comparison with previous CT
head imaging. Ancillary signs of hydrocephalus
include basal cistern effacement, peripheral sulcal
effacement and transependymal oedema; the latter Figure 3.42 Axial image: unenhanced CT scan of the
appears as periventricular low attenuation change. brain. The shunt can be seen entering the right parietal
lobe into the right lateral ventricle, with the tip lying in
the midline in the third ventricle near the foramen of
CT Unenhanced. Scan from level of foramen
magnum to vertex.
Post IV contrast: 100 ml IV contrast via 18G
cannula, 4 ml/sec. Scan at 40 seconds after
start of injection. Scan from level of foramen
magnum to vertex.
MRI Sagittal T1 weighted, axial PD, T2 and
diffusion weighted, coronal FLAIR and pre-
and post-IV contrast T1 weighted sequences.
distinguish between an abscess and a malignant lesion. Subdural empyemas appear similar to SDHs in
Perilesional low attenuation change often represents their shape and their relationship to sutures and dural
associated vasogenic oedema, which is also seen in reflections. They demonstrate a crescenteric shape (in
association with malignant lesions. The degree of mass contradistinction to extradural collections, which are
effect is important, indicated by sulcal or ventricular convex) and can also be seen tracking along the tentorium
effacement and midline shift. Cerebritis may appear as and falx. Loculation of any subdural collection should
an ill-defined focus of low attenuation and can be difficult always prompt the suspicion of infection. Subdural
to differentiate from areas of ischaemia. The enhanced empyemas are usually hypoattenuating and similar
phase may show absent or patchy enhancement as in density to chronic SDHs; however, they generally
opposed to the typical rim enhancement of cerebral display dural enhancement on the contrast enhanced
abscess. Subependymal enhancement can indicate phase (Figure 3.46). As with any subdural collection,
associated ventriculitis, although this can also be seen the depth and degree of associated mass effect are
with malignant infiltration (Figure 3.45). useful findings and often dictate the urgency of surgical
Figure 3.45 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced CT Figure 3.46 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced CT
scan of the brain. There is subependymal enhancement scan of the brain. A subdural collection is demonstrated
(arrow), secondary to ventriculitis and meningitis. overlying the right frontal lobe and tracking along the
anterior falx with peripherally enhancing meninges,
consistent with an empyema (arrow). A further subdural
empyema is seen posteriorly tracking along the
tentorium cerebelli.
Magnetic resonance imaging usually signifies vasogenic oedema, although this can
The principles of MRI interpretation mirror that of sometimes represent tumour infiltration if secondary
CT. Cerebral abscesses usually demonstrate central to malignant lesions. Cerebritis may appear as a non-
hyperintensity on T2 weighted and FLAIR sequences specific focus of increased signal on T2 weighted and
(typically less intense than CSF signal – Figure 3.47). FLAIR sequences. Subdural empyemas generally show
This corresponds to central hypointensity on T1 similar signal characteristics to the central component
weighted sequences (typically of higher signal than of a cerebral abscess and, as with CT, may show
CSF). A thin, regular hypointense to isointense associated dural enhancement on post-contrast T1
capsule can usually be seen on T2 weighted sequences, weighted sequences.
with corresponding enhancement on post-contrast Diffusion weighted sequences allow differentiation
T1 weighted sequences (Figure 3.48). Perilesional of infective and malignant aetiologies; the latter
increased signal on T2 weighted and FLAIR sequences typically does not demonstrate restricted diffusion,
although there are exceptions to this rule. Restricted malignancy. Parenchymal abscess can be
diffusion is confirmed by an increased signal on the differentiated due to the associated presence of
diffusion weighted sequence and corresponding restricted diffusion on MRI.
decreased signal on ADC mapping (Figures 3.49a, b). • Intracranial empyema appears as a crescenteric
subdural collection. Associated dural
Key points enhancement and restricted diffusion is
• Intracranial infection in the form of parenchymal characteristic.
abscess or subdural empyema is a neurosurgical
emergency. Report checklist
• MRI with IV contrast and diffusion weighted • Document the degree of surrounding oedema and
sequences is the most sensitive and specific mass effect/midline shift.
modality, although may not be readily available. • Consider other differential diagnoses for multiple
Pre- and post-contrast enhanced CT is a useful ring enhancing lesions including metastases,
alternative out of hours. demyelination, multicentric glioma, lymphoma,
• Parenchymal abscess presents as a ring enhancing embolic infarcts.
lesion on both modalities; however, similar • Consider whether the patient could be
appearances can be seen with intracranial immunocompromised.
(a) (b)
Figure 3.49a, b Axial images: diffusion imaging (3.49a) and ADC map (3.49b) of the brain. The contents of the
abscess are high signal on diffusion imaging and low signal on the ADC map (i.e. the abscess restricts diffusion).
Note how the capsule of the abscess does not restrict diffusion.
(a) (b)
Figure 3.50a, b Axial T2 and FLAIR MR images from a patient with progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy.
These demonstrate asymmetrical but diffuse white matter signal change with sparing of the cerebral cortex and no
mass effect.
Cerebral atrophy is not a feature. Cytomegalovirus signal on T2 and FLAIR sequences and corresponding
infection is usually only seen in immunocompromised decreased signal on T1 weighted sequences.
patients and presents with patchy periventricular signal Abnormality can be unilateral or bilateral. In cases
change. causing unilateral abnormality of the insular cortex,
the differential of a middle cerebral artery territory
Radiological investigations infarct should be considered. This usually involves the
MRI is the most sensitive and specific imaging modality basal ganglia structures, which are characteristically
for the changes of herpes simplex encephalitis, although spared in HSV encephalitis, although in practice
this modality can be normal early on in the course of differentiation between the two entities can be difficult.
infection; as such, a normal scan should not exclude the These characteristic findings are normally seen in
diagnosis. Utilisation of diffusion weighted sequences immunocompetent patients. In immunocompromised
increases sensitivity. The main limitation with MRI patients, a more diffuse pattern of involvement is
lies in its limited out of hours availability. CT is less seen. Similar imaging findings can also be seen in
sensitive than MRI. CT imaging is often normal; as limbic encephalitis. Restricted diffusion may precede
with MRI, a normal study cannot exclude the diagnosis. T2 and FLAIR abnormalities. Viral encephalitis can
However, CT is often performed prior to MRI because be complicated by haemorrhagic transformation,
of the non-specific presentation of HSV encephalitis which typically demonstrates increased signal on
and is still useful in excluding alternative pathologies, T1 sequences in the subacute phase. Gyriform (or,
such as stroke. The exact order of imaging depends on less commonly, localised leptomeningeal or ring)
the clinical index of suspicion and local availability of enhancement on post-contrast T1 weighted sequences
MRI. (See Table 3.16.) in affected areas can also be seen subacutely; however,
its absence should not dissuade from the diagnosis.
Radiological findings Generalised leptomeningeal and subependymal
Magnetic resonance imaging enhancement can be seen in cases of meningitis, which
HSV encephalitis typically causes oedema in the medial can present with similar symptoms, although it should
aspect of the temporal lobes, inferolateral frontal lobes be noted that imaging does not routinely form part of
and insular cortex. Oedema presents as increased the investigation pathway for meningitis.
Computed tomography
The temporal and inferior aspect of the frontal lobes
Table 3.16 Herpes simplex encephalitis. should be scrutinised for low attenuation abnormality,
Imaging protocol. suggestive of oedema (Figures 3.51a, b). It should be
noted that assessment of these areas, particularly the
MODALITY PROTOCOL temporal lobes, is hampered on CT by beam hardening
MRI Axial T1 and T2 weighted, sagittal T1 weighted, artefact. This typically causes streaky low attenuation,
coronal FLAIR, diffusion weighted and pre-/ which can be mistakenly interpreted as oedema.
post-contrast T1 weighted sequences.
Familiarity with the ‘normal’ spectrum of appearances
CT Unenhanced. Scan from skull base to vertex.
of these regions on CT is vital to avoid false positives.
Post IV contrast: 100 ml IV contrast via 18G Haemorrhage in involved areas is readily identified
cannula, 4 ml/sec. Scan at 40 seconds after
on CT. As with MRI, gyriform enhancement can be
start of injection. Scan from skull base to
vertex. seen on post-contrast images and suggests subacute
infection. Note: CT cannot exclude viral encephalitis;
this should be emphasised in the report.
(a) (b)
Figure 3.51a, b Axial images: unenhanced CT scans of the brain. Low attenuation changes can be seen in the left
temporal lobe consistent with oedema. The sulci in the affected region are effaced compared with the unaffected
right side.
Cerebral oedema can also be seen in the presence • MRI is more sensitive than CT; however, neither
of underlying parenchymal lesions, such as cerebral can exclude the diagnosis. Typical findings include
abscess and malignancy. These underlying diagnoses oedema in the temporal and inferior frontal lobes.
should always be considered whenever oedema is Haemorrhagic transformation and subacute
identified on CT. Distinguishing features include gyriform enhancement can be seen.
the acute history and typical fever of encephalitis
and the more convincing ring enhancement seen in Report checklist
parenchymal mass lesions. • Consider differential diagnoses (e.g. infarct).
• Consider whether the patient may be
Key points immunocompromised.
• HSV encephalitis should be suspected in patients • Presence or absence of signs of raised intracranial
presenting with fever, headache, seizures, pressure (e.g. cerebellar tonsillar descent and basal
focal neurological deficits and altered level of cistern/sulcal effacement).
• Diagnosis is made with polymerase chain reaction Reference
analysis of CSF obtained via LP. Antiviral agent Bulakbasi N, Kocaoglu M (2008) Central nervous
treatment can be started prophylactically prior to system infections of herpes virus family.
imaging. Neuroimaging Clin North Am 18:53–84.
SPINAL CORD COMPRESSION AND level of abnormality within the spine. Cauda equina
CAUDA EQUINA SYNDROME syndrome is a clinical triad of symptoms occurring
secondary to compression of the cauda equina nerve
Spinal cord compression and cauda equina syndrome roots within the spinal canal. This clinical syndrome
are acute neurological emergencies that require urgent is comprised of lower limb motor dysfunction, saddle/
diagnosis and treatment. They occur as a result of perineal anaesthesia and urinary or bowel dysfunction.
compression of either the spinal cord or cauda equina Patients may also have reduced anal tone on rectal
nerve roots; this causes an acute neurological deficit examination.
which, if left untreated, may be irreversible. Prompt
diagnosis requires imaging and is necessary to facilitate Radiological investigations
urgent intervention. MRI is the imaging modality of choice for suspected
Common causes of spinal cord or cauda equina nerve cases of cord or cauda equina nerve root compression.
root compression include malignancy, intervertebral MRI provides accurate assessment of the neurological
disc prolapse and trauma. Malignant cord compression structures, spinal anatomy, bone marrow, intervertebral
most commonly occurs as a result of metastatic discs and soft tissues. Note: Not all centres offer an
infiltration of the vertebral body bone marrow, with MRI service out of hours, therefore some patients may
resulting expansion and encroachment of the spinal require transfer to other centres. (See Table 3.17.)
canal. Less commonly, it can be the result of metastatic
disease to the spinal cord or meninges. Depending on Radiological findings
the severity of symptoms, malignant cord compression Magnetic resonance imaging
may be treated with urgent radiotherapy. In normal patients, the spinal cord runs through
Disc dehydration is a normal part of ageing; the spinal canal and is surrounded by CSF. The cord
however, it can be complicated by herniation of disc terminates at the conus medullaris, above the L1/2 level
contents into the spinal canal. This can compress the in adults. Beyond the conus, cauda equina nerve roots
spinal cord and cauda equina nerve roots, resulting in descend through the spinal canal, exiting through the
neurological compromise. This most commonly occurs intervertebral foramina.
in the lumbar spine.
In the context of trauma, spinal cord or cauda equina
nerve root compression may be due to a combination of
spinal malalignment, fracture with bony retropulsion
or compressing haematoma. In contradistinction to Table 3.17 Spinal cord compression and
malignant cord compression, compression secondary to cauda equina syndrome. Imaging
disc prolapse or traumatic injury is usually more acute,
and treatment involves urgent surgical decompression.
Compression may also occur as a complication of spinal
MRI Sagittal T1, sagittal T2 and axial T2 weighted
surgery; such complications include epidural abscess
sequences. In patients with suspected meta-
and haematoma. static disease and postoperative patients,
Typically, patients with spinal cord compression additional sagittal STIR and post IV contrast
present with a loss of motor function below the level axial and sagittal T1 images should also be
of compression and a distinct sensory, dermatomal
deficit, which clinically can be used to anticipate the
Regardless of the cause of the cord compression, within the spinal canal (Figure 3.53). It is important to
imaging findings include loss of the normal CSF space distinguish this from unilateral compression of a nerve
around the cord and compression, usually indicated root, either in the lateral recess or the intervertebral
by a contour abnormality of the cord. In acute cases, foramina. The latter is a common result of degenerative
compression of the cord may lead to oedema within disc disease and typically presents with radicular
the spinal cord; this appears as increased signal within symptoms.
the cord on T2 weighted sequences (Figure 3.52). An underlying disc prolapse causing cord or cauda
In cases of cauda equina nerve root compression, there equina nerve root compression is readily evident
is obliteration of the CSF space, which may result in on MRI. Normal intervertebral discs demonstrate
significant crowding or displacement of the nerve roots increased signal centrally on T2 weighted sequences;
however, this signal decreases with advancing In patients who have undergone recent spinal
dehydration and degeneration ( Figures 3.54a, b). surgery, post IV contrast T1 imaging is useful in
Malignant cord compression may be caused by a soft identifying enhancing collections within the spinal
tissue or expansile mass arising from the vertebral canal that may be causing cord compression.
body, causing anterior compression of the spinal cord
or cauda equina nerve roots. In adults, the vertebral Key points
bodies typically demonstrate increased signal (relative • Spinal cord compression and cauda equina
to the intervertebral discs) on T1 weighted sequences, syndrome are neurological emergencies
representing normal fatty marrow. Malignant requiring prompt diagnosis and neurosurgical
infiltration typically appears as decreased signal on intervention.
T1 and T2 weighted sequences (Figure 3.55). In • Potential causes include malignancy, intervertebral
cases of metastatic disease, multiple lesions may be disc disease, trauma and epidural abscess/
seen throughout the spine. Diffuse metastatic spinal haematoma.
infiltration may be difficult to appreciate on first
inspection; however, it should be suspected if the Report checklist
vertebral bodies demonstrate diffusely decreased signal • Document the degree of cord compression.
on T1 weighted sequences. Subtle lesions that may be • Presence or absence of myelopathy.
difficult to appreciate on T1 images may be seen more • Consider the underlying cause; for example,
easily on fat suppressed/STIR sequences. disseminated malignancy or degenerative disc
Epidural haematomas can occur as a complication disease.
of spinal surgery or secondary to trauma. They • In cases of cord compression, recommend urgent
demonstrate a variable signal according to their age; neurosurgical opinion.
however, if acute, they typically appear as a lenticular-
shaped collection of increased signal on T1 weighted
(a) (b)
Figure 3.54a, b Sagittal and axial images: T2 weighted MR images of the thoracic spine. A large central posterior
disc prolapse is shown, which is obliterating the spinal canal. Cord signal abnormality is also seen.
Radiological investigations
Plain film imaging of the spine is useful as a first-
line assessment for discitis; however, it is relatively
insensitive in the initial phases and as such cannot
exclude the diagnosis. Plain film imaging can, however,
be helpful in excluding alternative pathologies that
may cause back pain; for example, osteoporotic wedge
Figure 3.55 Sagittal image: T1 weighted MR image of fractures. MRI with IV contrast is sensitive and specific
the lumbar spine. There are multiple low attenuation and is the modality of choice, although both CT
lesions within the lumbar spine consistent with multiple imaging and nuclear imaging can be helpful in cases
metastases. Compression fractures are also noted. where MRI is contraindicated. Even in the presence of
characteristic plain film findings, further imaging with
MRI is usually necessary in order to assess the extent
of bony involvement and the degree of neurological
SPONDYLODISCITIS compromise. (See Table 3.18.)
(a) (b)
Figures 3.56a, b Sagittal images: T2 weighted and STIR MR images of the lumbar spine. There is high signal
within the L2/3 intervertebral disc shown on both sequences. In addition, abnormal marrow signal can be seen
extending into the L2 and L3 vertebral bodies on the STIR sequence (3.56b).
Discitis can be complicated by paravertebral and can also involve the paravertebral and psoas major
collections and epidural abscess formation; the latter muscles. Paraspinal collections have similar signal
typically appears as a focus of increased signal on T2 characteristics as epidural abscesses (Figure 3.57).
weighted and STIR sequences in the epidural space,
demonstrating ring enhancement on post-contrast Plain films
sequences. As with any spinal pathology, it is important Typical plain film findings of discitis include loss of
to assess whether any abscess compresses the spinal disc space initially, progressing to irregular, ill-defined
cord or nerve roots (see Spinal cord compression and endplate erosions and eventually bony destruction
cauda equina syndrome). Acute cord compression (Figure 3.58; Jallo & Keenan, 2011; Varma et al.,
requires urgent neurosurgical decompression and 2001). In cases of extensive bony involvement, it can be
should be promptly communicated to the referring difficult to distinguish discitis from other processes that
team. Collections typically spread both superiorly and cause aggressive bony destruction, such as malignancy.
inferiorly under the anterior longitudinal ligament
Figure 3.57 Axial image: T2 weighted MR image of Figure 3.58 AP lumbar spine radiograph. The L2/3
the thoracic spine. There is a paravertebral collection endplates are eroded and ill defined, with loss of disc
(see arrow) as a result of discitis. and vertebral body height at these levels.
In cases of discitis with an associated paravertebral and nerve roots can occur and should be
abscess, widening or convexity of the normal paraspinal communicated urgently to the referring team.
lines can be seen on AP views of the thoracic spine
(Figure 3.59). Any suspicion of discitis on plain film Report checklist
imaging should prompt further assessment with MRI. • Presence or absence of complications, such as
epidural abscess or paravertebral collection.
Key points • Document whether there is any evidence of spinal
• Spondylodiscitis should always be suspected in cord or cauda equina nerve root compression.
cases of pyrexia of unknown origin. • In cases of neurological compromise, recommend
• MRI with IV contrast is sensitive and specific urgent neurosurgical opinion.
for the changes of discitis and is considered the
modality of choice. Typical findings include disc References
and endplate oedema and enhancement. Jallo GI, Keenan MA (2011) Diskitis. Medline Feb.
• Complications of spondylodiscitis include bony Varma R, Lander P, Assaf A (2001) Imaging of pyogenic
destruction, epidural abscess and paravertebral infectious spondylodiskitis. Radiologic Clin North
collections. Compression of the spinal cord Am 39:203–213.
Radiological investigations
The diagnosis of intussusception utilises several
imaging modalities; however, it differs slightly for
paediatric and adult cases. A plain AXR is inevitably
performed, followed by ultrasound +/− fluoroscopic air
enema (in paediatric cases). An ultrasound scan should
be performed in an attempt to localise and identify
the intussusception. An air enema using fluoroscopy
is both diagnostic and therapeutic. This requires
insufflation of the bowel with air via a rectal catheter
with a good seal, up to a pressure of 120 mmHg.
Contrast enhanced CT is reserved for the investigation
of intussusceptions in adults; this modality should not Figure 4.1 Ultrasonogram of the bowel in the
form the routine investigatory pathway in paediatric transverse plane. Typical ‘target’ sign appearance with
cases. (See Table 4.1.) alternating hyper- and hypoechoic rings representing the
hypoechoic bowel wall and the hyperechoic mesenteric
fat telescoping into the intussuscipiens (arrow).
The ultrasound appearance has also been likened abdominal symptoms should be made (Donnelly
to a ‘pseudokidney’, with the combination of et al., 2005). Contraindications to air enema reduction
hypoechogenic bowel wall and hyperechogenic include bowel perforation, haemodynamic instability
mesenteric fat (Figure 4.2). In patients where no or signs of peritonism/bowel ischaemia.
evidence of intussusception is seen, other pathology
that may mimic the presenting features should be
considered (e.g. appendicitis).
Figure 4.6 AP image from a single contrast Figure 4.7 AP abdominal radiograph. There are
water soluble enema. The colon is small in calibre multiple dilated loops of bowel consistent with a distal
(microcolon) as a result of non-use. Multiple filling bowel obstruction. There is no free intraperitoneal
defects can be seen in the left colon, hepatic flexure, free gas or peritoneal calcifications to suggest bowel
right colon and distal ileum as a result of inspissated perforation or meconium peritonitis.
meconium within the bowel (arrows).
Radiological investigations
A plain AXR can usually diagnose duodenal atresia. For
duodenal webs/stenosis, an upper GI contrast study
using barium is usually performed to demonstrate
passage of contrast through the abnormal segment
of bowel into the normal distal loops. This can be
easily performed either by instilling barium into the segment ( Figure 4.8 ). Because of the complete
stomach via an NG tube or administering it orally. obstruction, there is also an absence of bowel gas in the
(See Table 4.4.) distal bowel loops. These two features are diagnostic
of duodenal atresia and no further imaging is necessary
Radiological findings to confirm the diagnosis. If the plain abdominal film
Plain films demonstrates only minimal distension of the stomach
A plain abdominal film is often all that is required to and duodenum in addition to distal bowel gas, this
make the diagnosis of duodenal atresia. The typical appearance may be due to duodenal stenosis/web or
finding of a ‘double bubble’ represents the gas-filled small bowel malrotation. In these cases, an upper GI
stomach and duodenal bulb proximal to the obstructed contrast study is indicated.
Abdominal plain AP supine abdominal radiograph to include
film imaging the diaphragms and iliac crests.
Fluoroscopic Standard formulation barium (e.g. Baritop)
upper should be instilled into the stomach either
gastrointestinal orally or via a nasogastric tube. Contrast
contrast study should be followed and observed to pass
into the duodenum and proximal small
Ultrasound Medium to high frequency linear probe (e.g.
6–9 MHz). Images should be acquired in both
the long and short axis of the pylorus.
Radiological findings extraconal soft tissue mass (which may or may not
Computed tomography demonstrate post-IV contrast enhancement), stranding
The findings of periorbital cellulitis on CT imaging of the intraconal fat and thickening of the intraorbital
include periorbital soft tissue swelling and inflammatory musculature ( Figures 4.12a, b ). The intraorbital
fat stranding, which are both limited to the pre- structures and intraconal fat are best visualised on
septal soft tissues (Figure 4.11). Orbital cellulitis may appropriate image window settings (width 400, level
demonstrate similar findings to periorbital cellulitis, 40). Post-contrast images should be reviewed in order
but with post-septal involvement. Post-septal to identify any enhancing subperiosteal collections
involvement may be indicated by an intraconal or that may require surgical drainage (Figures 4.13a, b).
CT Helical acquisition from the supraorbital ridge
to the base of the maxillary sinuses. 0.625–
1.25 mm slick thickness with sagittal, coronal
and bony algorithm reformatted images. Post
contrast images (e.g. 50 ml Omnipaque 300)
should also be acquired at 90–120 seconds.
Figure 4.11 Axial image: unenhanced CT scan of the Figures 4.12a, b Coronal images: IV contrast
orbits. There is a pre-septal fluid collection involving enhanced CT scans of the orbits in the delayed phase.
the right eye with marked inflammatory changes in the A right subperiosteal collection is seen overlying
surrounding tissues, but not extending into the orbit. the right zygoma, with extension into the lateral
Locules of gas can be seen adjacent to the lateral orbital orbit abutting the lateral rectus muscle. Ill-defined
wall as a result of gas forming infection (arrow). inflammatory changes can be seen in the intraconal
fat (arrow).
Key points
• It is important to distinguish simple periorbital
cellulitis from orbital cellulitis, as true orbital
involvement may necessitate surgical intervention.
• CT scans should be reviewed in axial, coronal and
sagittal planes to scrutinise for any post-septal
• Review of images on bone window settings is vital
to look for signs of underlying sinus disease.
Report checklist
• Presence or absence of intraorbital involvement or
subperiosteal abscess.
• In cases of subperiosteal abscess, assess the degree
of proptosis.
• Consider an underlying cause, such as sinus
disease. Inspect for bony destruction.
• In cases of orbital involvement, recommend
urgent ophthalmology review.
Figure 4.14 Axial image: unenhanced CT scan of the Figure 4.15 Axial image: unenhanced CT scan of the
brain. The middle ear clefts and mastoid air cells are brain. The right middle ear cleft and mastoid air cells
pneumatised with no fluid opacification evident. are opacified with fluid due to infection. There is also
coalescence of the right mastoid air cells (arrow).
Key points
• AOM is a common childhood infection that can
usually be managed conservatively for the majority
of patients.
• Patients whose symptoms persist despite treatment
or who develop signs of complications may require
cross-sectional imaging.
Report checklist
• Evidence or otherwise of bony erosion.
• Presence or absence of mastoid air cell
opacification and coalescence.
• Presence or absence of intracerebral infection/
abscess and venous sinus thrombosis.
Figure 4.16 Axial image: post IV contrast CT scan of
the brain. There is a thick-walled, enhancing collection Reference
overlying the right temporal bone consistent with an Lissauer T, Clayden G (2012) Illustrated Textbook of
abscess as a result of underlying mastoiditis. Paediatrics, 4th edn. Mosby Elsevier, London, p. 278.
carotid space and sheath laterally. Abscesses may significantly compress the pharynx, leading to
cause significant compression and displacement respiratory compromise. It is important to appreciate
of adjacent structures; this should be commented that infection may spread to different compartments
upon. For example, a retropharyngeal abscess may within the neck (Figures 4.17a–d).
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 4.17a–d Axial images: IV contrast enhanced CT scans of the neck in the arterial phase. Multiple images
demonstrating ring enhancing collections/abscesses in the parapharyngeal region in the neck (arrows). Note the
varying degrees of airway compromise secondary to mass effect.
Distinguishing tumours from abscesses in the demonstrate linear enhancing densities within. If
deep compartments of the neck can be difficult. imaged, the mandible may demonstrate periodontal
Higher attenuation and more solid components lucencies or bone destruction, suggestive of periodontal
of the abnormality are more suggestive of tumour; abscess formation.
however, tumours may become significantly necrotic
with a more cystic appearance, mimicking abscesses. Key points
While pharyngeal tumours may also invade the • Parapharyngeal or retropharyngeal abscesses are
parapharyngeal or retropharyngeal spaces, they are common in the paediatric population, usually
expected to centre on the pharyngeal mucosal space occurring secondary to oral pharyngeal or
(as opposed to the parapharyngeal or retropharyngeal periodontal infection.
spaces). Parapharyngeal or retropharyngeal cellulitis • In the emergency setting, CT is the imaging
typically appears as low attenuation soft tissue swelling; modality of choice.
however, it lacks the focal cystic collection and rim • Knowledge of the deep neck anatomy is vital in
enhancement of an abscess. aiding interpretation of CT imaging.
In the presence of infection within the neck, the
jugular veins should be scrutinised for filling defects, Report checklist
which suggest thrombosis. Cervical lymphadenopathy • Anatomical location and size of any abscess.
is often seen secondary to abscesses. In the case of a • Document the relationship with adjacent
retropharyngeal abscess involving the danger space, structures.
mediastinitis can also occur, manifesting as fat stranding • Degree of mass effect and airway compromise.
or focal collections within the mediastinum; this carries
a significant mortality. Reference
The cause of any potential abscess should be Craig FW, Schunk JE (2003) Retropharyngeal abscess
considered. Tonsillitis may appear as unilateral or in children: clinical presentation, utility of imaging,
bilateral enlargement of the tonsils, which can also and current management. Pediatrics 111:1394–1398.
patients warrant imaging; these protocols should method of imaging. In paediatric patients, there is a
be used as guidelines, with each case assessed on an greater need to consider the effect of ionising radiation
individual basis. The clinical history/mechanism of and its long-term effects. In these patients, a bedside
injury and clinical findings on the primary survey ultrasound may be helpful as an initial triage tool before
of the patient should be considered. In severely proceeding to CT. The Royal College of Radiologists
haemodynamically unstable patients, it may be in the UK has published guidelines advocating the use
appropriate to proceed to surgery without imaging. of CT rather than ultrasound in major trauma patients
Imaging should be performed in a timely fashion (Royal College of Radiologists, 2014).
to provide an accurate assessment of the patient, Many major trauma patients are unable to provide
facilitating the most appropriate management. In an accurate medical history and a clinical decision
general, the primary aim of imaging is to evaluate may need to be made in the best interest of the patient
known injuries that are apparent clinically, as well as given the potential for significant internal injury.
identify those injuries that are not apparent on clinical Departmental guidelines should be consulted where
examination and which may have a bearing on the appropriate. Where there is a significant mechanism
clinical course of the patient. of injury, IV contrast is used to accurately assess the
The Royal College of Radiologists in the UK solid organ parenchyma and vasculature and to identify
provides several standards for Trauma Radiology in sources of active haemorrhage. A compromise may be
Severely Injured Patients (see Appendix 2). made by administering contrast agents with a lower
A whole body polytrauma CT is indicated when: incidence of contrast-induced nephropathy. The
• There is haemodynamic instability. exact CT protocol often depends on local guidelines;
• FAST (if used) has demonstrated intra-abdominal however, most centres advocate both an arterial and
fluid. portal venous phase. The arterial phase facilitates
• If plain films suggest significant injury, such as identification of active arterial haemorrhage, which
pneumothorax/pelvic injuries. may require immediate surgical treatment. The portal
• Obvious severe injury on clinical assessment. venous phase is essential to allow accurate assessment of
• The mechanism of injury or presentation suggests the solid abdominal organs. Acquisition of these images
that there may be occult severe injuries that may be either as separate phases or as a combined
cannot be excluded by clinical assessment or plain dual phase single acquisition, depending on local
films. For example: departmental guidelines.
• Ejection from vehicle. Patient positioning on the CT table should be
• Entrapment in vehicle for >30 minutes. optimised to produce diagnostic quality images.
• Fatality at scene. Monitoring leads should be moved to the periphery
• Injury to more than one body region. where possible. Scanning the head and neck with
• Fall from >10 feet (>3 metres). the arms down helps to acquire images with reduced
• Gunshot wound. artefact. Similarly, scanning the body with the arms
• High speed rollover. up reduces beam hardening artefacts through the
• Pedestrian versus car travelling at >30 mph. abdomen and pelvis that may mimic injuries.
• Fall downstairs (>5 steps) and age >65 years. In all types of injury, the CT scout images should
be reviewed routinely. These often image areas outside
Once the decision has been made to perform imaging, of the imaged region of the main CT scan, and can
the correct modality must then be selected. In adult provide valuable information regarding peripheral
patients with a high suspicion of injury, CT is the initial injuries such as long bone fractures, which may not
imaging modality of choice. Other modalities such as otherwise be included on the CT. It may also allow early
ultrasound, MRI and plain film imaging may be used identification of pathology, which can be relayed to the
as an adjunct; however, the ease of access and relatively referring team (e.g. presence of haemo/pneumothorax,
short scan times for CT make it a practical first-line free intra-abdominal gas).
(a) (b)
Figures 5.1a, b Axial images: IV contrast enhanced CT scans of the pelvis in the arterial and delayed phases.
There is active arterial contrast extravasation into subcutaneous haematoma overlying the right anterior pelvis (5.1a,
arrow). On the delayed image (5.1b), the extravasated contrast has dispersed into the haematoma (arrow).
(a) (b)
Figures 5.3a, b Axial images: IV contrast enhanced CT chest scans in the arterial phase. This is on soft tissue
windows. Two tiny fragments of bone are seen at the level of the right rib head. There is high attenuation material
layered in the right pleural effusion consistent with active contrast extravasation (arrows). When re-windowed (5.3b)
it is possible to see the extravasation of contrast from a right intercostal vessel. The trajectory of the knife can be
calculated from the injuries – the path crosses through the spinal canal.
The patient was unconscious and unable to give any trajectory of the wound. A left rectus sheath haematoma
clinical information. On MRI, the appearance of the from a stab wound is shown (Figures 5.5a, b). The
thoracic spine with focal high signal within the cord is direction of the stab wound is easily visible on the
consistent with a cord injury (Figures 5.4a, b). sagittal reformat.
Sagittal and coronal reformat assessment is essential
in cases of penetrating trauma to correctly identify the
(a) (b)
Figure 5.4a, b Sagittal and axial T2 weighted MR images of the thoracic spine. There is high signal seen within
the centre of the thoracic spinal cord consistent with cord transection (5.4a, arrow).
(a) (b)
Figure 5.5a, b Axial and sagittal images: unenhanced CT scans of the abdomen and pelvis. There is a left rectus
sheath haematoma with the trajectory of the knife easily identifiable on the reformatted image.
Figure 5.6 Axial image: unenhanced CT brain scan on Figure 5.7 Coronal image: unenhanced CT brain scan
bone windows. There is a depressed left parietal vault on bone windows. There is a depressed left parietal vault
fracture. fracture, which is more clearly visible than in Figure 5.6.
(a) (b)
MAJOR TRAUMA: THORAX threatening. It can also highlight any acute arterial
haemorrhage, which may necessitate urgent surgical
Thoracic trauma can result in severe, life-threatening or interventional input.
injuries that need rapid diagnosis and treatment. Chest plain film imaging may be performed in
The myriad of pathology can be variable, resulting some centres where CT is not readily available or
in problems with both respiratory and cardiovascular prior to transferring a patient to a dedicated trauma
function and leading to a rapid deterioration in the unit. Although gross pathology may be seen on chest
patient’s condition. Mortality rates have been reported plain film imaging, significant pathologies may be
in the region of 10–15% as a result of thoracic trauma, missed. Images are inevitably acquired in an AP supine
which is second only to head injuries in the context of position, which may obscure important pathologies
major trauma patients (Shorr et al., 1987; Kaewlai et al., such as pneumothorax and haemothorax in addition to
2008). The mechanism of injury, clinical parameters great vessel injuries. (See Table 5.1.)
and examination findings all provide important
information to the radiologist and can often be used to
predict patterns of injury and the underlying pathology.
Table 5.1 Major trauma: thorax. Imaging
Radiological investigations protocol.
In most dedicated trauma centres, patients with MODALITY PROTOCOL
significant chest trauma should ideally be assessed with
CT Arterial phase: 100 ml IV contrast via 18G
contrast enhanced CT. Not only does this allow a rapid cannula, 4 ml/sec. Bolus track centred on the
diagnosis of any acute pathology that may be present, aortic arch. Scan from the thoracic inlet to
it also assists in ascertaining the adequacy of placement the inferior border of liver. Slice thickness of
of support lines and tubes. Contrast enhanced CT 0.625–1.25 mm to allow accurate multiplanar
reformats of the images.
gives an accurate depiction of the aorta to assess for
any acute aortic injury, which may potentially be life
Figure 5.9 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced CT Figure 5.10 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced CT
scan of the thorax in the arterial phase. Ill-defined, hazy scan of the thorax in the arterial phase. There is large
linear densities can be seen in the medastinal fat anterior volume, homogenous fluid within the pericardium
to the aortic arch as a result of mediastinal contusional surrounding the heart, which in the context of trauma is
injury (arrow). No active haemorrhage is seen. likely to represent haemopericardium.
density of pericardial fluid suggests haemorrhage, during respiration. In a pneumothorax, gas within the
and the Hu of any pericardial fluid should always be pleural space causes the lung to separate from the chest
sampled. The normal pericardium should be pencil thin wall and collapse. This in itself may reduce respiratory
and not contain any significant volume of fluid, with a capacity and compromise function. Gas may collect
normal fat plane seen between the cardiac chambers within the pleural space by several means. The most
and the pericardium. Simple pericardial effusions are common cause is air leakage from traumatic alveolar
not uncommon, and can be seen in pre-existing heart rupture. Other causes include blunt and penetrating
disease. Large pericardial effusions can result in cardiac chest wall injury.
tamponade, whereby the excess fluid around the heart On CT, a pneumothorax is seen as a collection of
impairs cardiac function, resulting in impaired venous gas surrounding the lung within the pleural space
return to the heart. (Figure 5.11). Other features include an absence of
vascular lung markings that reach the chest wall and
Pneumothorax a well-defined lung edge seen within the thorax away
A pneumothorax is the result of gas collecting within from the chest wall. Findings on chest plain film
the pleural space. In normal individuals, the pleural imaging are similar, with a lung edge visible and an
space is a potential space between the visceral and absence of vascular markings at the lung periphery in
parietal pleura. It normally contains a small volume an erect/semi-erect patient (Figure 5.12). In supine
of fluid to lubricate the pleura and allow movement patients, however, findings may be more subtle. In this
Figure 5.11 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced CT Figure 5.12 AP portable chest radiograph. A large
scan of the thorax in the arterial phase. Viewed on right pneumothorax is demonstrated, with no vascular
lung window settings, gas is illustrated as areas of low markings visible. The collapsed right lung is seen as a
attenuation. There are bilateral pneumothoraces. In soft tissue mass adjacent to the right heart. There is no
addition, there is marked pneumomediastinum and mediastinal shift to suggest tension.
surgical emphysema, which can be seen tracking within
and around the muscles of the chest wall.
position, gas collects in the most dependent position defect in the pleura (e.g. broken rib) and through the
(anteroinferiorly against the diaphragm), appearing as fascial planes into the subcutaneous tissues. It may also
a deep sulcus sign (Figure 5.13). occur as a result of direct penetrating injury to the chest,
The main complication of a pneumothorax is the resulting in a tract between the subcutaneous tissues and
development of a tension pneumothorax. This occurs the outside. On imaging, this is seen as gas overlying
when gas is able to collect within the pleural space but the chest within the subcutaneous tissues. This is often
is not able to escape. This results in a large volume of a fairly self-limiting condition with treatment aimed
gas within the pleural space, which exerts considerable at the underlying pneumothorax. However, it may
mass effect, resulting in shifting of mediastinal contents occasionally progress and become extensive resulting
to the contralateral side. The mass effect of this raises in airway compromise.
the pressure within the thorax and compromises
venous return to the heart, leading to cardiac failure. Haemothorax
A tension pneumothorax ideally should not be seen on Haemothorax is defined as the presence of blood
imaging as it is a clinical diagnosis requiring immediate within the pleural space. The underlying cause may
intervention. However, if it is seen on imaging, it should be any cause of haemorrhage within the thorax, such
be immediately decompressed. as pleural injury, rib fracture or lung injury. On CT
Pneumothoraces in the context of chest trauma may imaging, haemothoraces appear as fluid within the
also result in subcutaneous emphysema. This occurs pleural spaces, which is usually denser than simple
when gas within the pleural space tracks through a pleural effusions (Figure 5.14). It should be noted
Figure 5.13 AP chest radiograph. There is a left Figure 5.14 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced CT
pneumothorax. In the supine position, gas within the scan of the thorax in the arterial phase. Dependent
pleural space collects within the most superior part of fluid can be seen in the right pleural space. A right
the thorax, which is the costophrenic recess antero- pneumothorax is also seen, and this is therefore a
inferiorly (arrow). pneumohaemothorax.
that a small amount of blood within simple pleural painful for the patient, and so can result in splinted
fluid can be difficult to appreciate visually, and the Hu breathing and inadequate ventilation, which can lead to
of pleural fluid should be sampled in the context of atelectasis and infection. They are therefore important
trauma (a value >40 Hu is suggestive of haemorrhage). to identify in order to prevent complications.
The chest wall and mediastinum should be scrutinised A flail segment is defined as two or more contiguous
for causes of haemorrhage and for any signs of active ribs that are fractured in at least two places. The result
contrast extravasation. is a separated segment of the chest wall, which moves
independently and paradoxically to the rest of the
Rib fracture and flail chest thoracic cage (Figures 5.15, 5.16) during inspiration and
Rib fractures are very common in patients with chest expiration. Flail segments may be difficult to manage
trauma. Isolated, non-displaced fractures may result due to inadequate respiration and pain, and patients
in a small amount of local lung contusion or small may require sedation. Furthermore, patients with
haemothoraces, but otherwise they do not cause a large flail chest may often have underlying lung contusions,
amount of direct damage. However, they can be very which can further impair respiratory function.
Figure 5.15 Coronal image: IV contrast enhanced CT Figure 5.16 3-D rendered image of the left
scan of the thorax and abdomen in the arterial phase. posterolateral thoracic cage. There are multiple
Viewed on bone window settings, a left-sided flail fractures visible along contiguous ribs consistent with a
segment is seen with multiple posterior rib fractures flail segment.
(arrow). Right lung contusions are also shown.
Lung contusion and lung laceration tearing. The left dome is more commonly injured than
Lung contusions represent small areas of haemorrhage the right side. Defects within the diaphragm may result
within the alveoli. They may occur as a result of direct, in herniation of abdominal contents into the thorax,
blunt or penetrating injury, but are also often seen in with the potential for strangulation (Figure 5.18). On
deceleration type injuries (Figure 5.17). On CT, they imaging, diaphragmatic defects can be subtle. Images
are usually only visible on lung window levels and should be reviewed in the sagittal and coronal planes,
have a non-specific appearance of patchy, ill-defined and the diaphragmatic contour should be traced
areas of ground glass or air space opacities in a non- carefully, paying particular attention to any defects.
segmental distribution. Lung lacerations represent Other subtle signs include the presence of free fluid
shearing injuries of the lung parenchyma. These have on either side of the diaphragm, which should raise
a very characteristic appearance and manifest on CT suspicions. Diaphragmatic hernias are usually fairly
imaging as linear opacities extending through the obvious to see on CT; however, patients may not
lung parenchyma. As these evolve, cavities form, often develop these until a long time after the initial injury.
containing gas-fluid levels within. Lacerations usually
heal without complication but may take many weeks to Key points
months to fully resolve. • Trauma to the thorax can result in a wide
range of pathologies, many of which can be life
Diaphragmatic injury threatening.
Injuries to the diaphragm can be difficult to identify and • Compromise of the airway, respiratory or
if left untreated, may result in significant complications. cardiovascular functions are all potential problems
Injury may occur from either blunt or penetrating injury with thoracic injuries, and require prompt
to the abdomen. In blunt injuries, a sudden increase diagnosis and treatment.
in intra-abdominal pressure results in the diaphragm
Report checklist
• Think ABCDE when considering chest trauma.
• A = airway. Is the endotracheal (ET) tube in the
right place? Is there a foreign body obstructing
the airway (e.g. blood)? Is there trauma to the
• B = breathing. Is there a tension
• C = circulation. Is there an aortic injury? Is
there cardiac tamponade or haemopericardium?
Is there a large haemothorax?
• D = diaphragm. Is there diaphragmatic injury?
• And once all of these are excluded, then one
can look at E = everything else.
Figure 5.17 Axial image: contrast enhanced CT scan Kaewlai R, Avery L, Asrani A et al. (2008) Multidetector
of the thorax in the arterial phase. Ill-defined, ground CT of blunt thoracic trauma. Radiographics 28:1555–
glass changes in the left lung anteriorly represent lung 1570.
contusions. In addition, a rounded lesion is seen within Shorr RM, Crittenden M, Indeck M et al. (1987) Blunt
the left lung, which contains a gas-fluid level consistent thoracic trauma: analysis of 515 patients. Ann Surg
with a pulmonary laceration. 206:200–205.
imaging of the abdomen and pelvis, and has been shown acquisition of the abdomen and pelvis, may be used to
to be a useful tool in identifying free fluid in unstable reduce the radiation dose to the patient.
patients (Smith & Wood, 2013; Figure 5.19). It can be Bladder injuries may occur when adjacent pelvic
performed at the patient’s bedside, which may be more injuries are present. Imaging of bladder ruptures can
appropriate for critically unstable patients who cannot be performed as either direct or indirect cystography.
be transferred safely to the CT scanner. Ultrasound A direct cystogram is obtained by instilling contrast
may also be more suitable for paediatric patients with media into the urinary bladder via a urethral catheter
a low clinical suspicion of significant injury. While a and then imaging the patient. This method allows
useful adjunct, it should be emphasised that ultrasound a larger volume of contrast to be instilled under
is not as sensitive or specific as CT for traumatic intra- greater pressure, allowing smaller defects to become
abdominal and pelvic injury. apparent. An indirect cystogram is obtained by carrying
Full assessment with CT imaging should include out delayed imaging of the patient following the
both an arterial and portal phase of the abdomen administration of IV contrast, which is subsequently
and pelvis. The arterial phase is useful for all trauma excreted into the renal collecting systems and bladder.
patients, as it helps to identify active, arterial contrast The volume of contrast within the bladder is often
extravasation (i.e. active bleeding), which may require less than that seen in direct cystography and is under
immediate intervention. The portal venous phase less pressure. As a result, smaller injuries may be
allows accurate assessment of the abdominal viscera. overlooked. In practice, a repeat CT scan at a delayed
On an arterial phase, some of the viscera (in particular interval is often easier to perform acutely. Alternatively,
the spleen) typically demonstrate heterogeneous fluoroscopic assessment via a cystogram study may be
enhancement. It can therefore be difficult to fully performed. (See Table 5.2.)
exclude underlying visceral injuries, such as contusions
or lacerations, when assessing the arterial phase in Radiological findings
isolation. Split bolus techniques, in which a combined As with all trauma imaging, it can be useful to perform an
arterial and portal venous phase is obtained on a single initial survey of CT imaging of the abdomen and pelvis,
with an aim of identifying serious life-threatening
injuries, which may require urgent intervention and
immediate communication to the referring team. Such
injuries include traumatic aortic rupture and active
arterial contrast extravasation leading to significant
haemorrhage. The attenuation of any intra-abdominal
pelvic free fluid should be precisely measured, as
intermediate or high-density fluid is suggestive of
haemoperitoneum. This can be a useful localising sign
on an initial survey; for example, haemoperitoneum
localised around the spleen is suggestive of a splenic
injury. Once significant life-threatening injury has
been excluded, a systematic approach to inspection
of the remaining structures should take place. It is
also useful to look initially for signs that the patient
is compromised/in distress. A significantly flattened
Figure 5.19 Ultrasonogram of the liver and right IVC (Figure 5.20) would suggest a significant loss of
kidney in the longitudinal plane. Anechoic free fluid intravascular volume. Hyperattenuatting adrenal
is seen in the right hepatorenal space. In the context glands (Figure 5.21) suggest that they are overactive,
of abdominal trauma, this most likely represents which is a significant stress response. These features
haemoperitoneum. can reflect the severity of the injuries.
CT Arterial and portal phase acquisition: 100 ml IV contrast via 18G cannula, 4 ml/sec. Scan at 25–30 seconds
(arterial phase) and 65 seconds (portal phase) after initiation of injection. Image acquisition from just above
the diaphragm to just below the pubic symphysis, to include the femoral necks. Helical acquisition, slice
thickness of 0.625–1.25 mm to allow accurate multiplanar reformats of images. Bony algorithm reformatted
images should also be produced through the imaged region.
Ultrasound 1–5 MHz curvilinear probe on general abdominal settings should be used to assess the abdomen and pelvis.
CT/fluoroscopy Indirect cystography: delayed imaging of the pelvis when assessing for the presence of bladder wall
rupture. Indirect imaging should be performed between 15 and 30 minutes following the IV contrast
Direct cystography: the urinary bladder should be distended with water soluble contrast via a urethral
catheter until the patient feels full. Suggested concentration: 50 ml water soluble contrast in 1,000 ml of
water, although this depends on the concentration of contrast. The catheter should be clamped in order
to prevent bladder emptying, and the patient’s pelvis should be imaged.
Figure 5.20 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced CT Figure 5.21 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced
scan of the abdomen in the portal venous phase. There CT scan of the abdomen in the portal venous phase.
is marked flattening of the IVC, suggesting a significant Hyperattanuating adrenals suggest a significant stress
reduction in the intravascular volume. Intra-abdominal response.
free fluid can be seen around the liver and loops of
Both laceration and contusions can be complicated by haematomas can also be seen around the liver and
active bleeding, appearing as a high attenuation contrast spleen, appearing as a hypoattenuating crescenteric or
blush (present on both an arterial phase and a dual phase, lenticular rim in comparison with the enhancing visceral
split bolus study) (Figures 5.23, 5.24a–c). Subcapsular parenchyma (Figures 5.25–5.27). In contradistinction to
free intra-abdominal fluid or haematoma, subcapsular
haematoma typically causes contour abnormality of the
visceral parenchyma. Major vascular injury, including
transection, dissection and avulsions, can result in end
organ ischaemia and infarction (Figure 5.28). Low
attenuation defects in a wedge shape or corresponding
to a vascular territory should raise suspicion of vascular
injury. Pseudoaneurysms can also occur following
traumatic injury. These appear as rounded, well-
defined hyperattenuating lesions (corresponding to the
density of contrast in the arterial vessels), apparent on
both an arterial and dual phase study. These typically
demonstrate washout of enhancement on the portal
venous phase.
Figures 5.24a–c Axial images: unenhanced (5.24a) and IV contrast enhanced CT scans of the abdomen in the
arterial (5.24b) and portal venous (5.24c) phases. On the non-contrast image it is possible to appreciate the slightly
hyperdense rim of material related to the spleen consistent with a subcapsular haematoma. On the arterial phase
images it is possible to make out a splenic artery traumatic pseudoaneurysm (5.24b, arrow), which shows further
contrast filling in the portal venous phase (5.24c, arrowhead). Pseudoaneurysms and active extravasations should be
immediately referred to the interventional radiologist on call for embolisation/coiling of the bleeding vessel.
Figure 5.27 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced CT Figure 5.28 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced CT
scan of the abdomen in the portal venous phase. The scan of the abdomen in the arterial phase. The left renal
right adrenal gland is thickened and does not enhance artery has been avulsed from its pedicle at the aorta and
normally when compared with the left adrenal gland. can be seen as an irregular contrast blush at its origin
The appearance is consistent with a right adrenal gland (arrow). There is end organ ischaemia, seen as a non-
contusion (arrow). enhancing left kidney (arrowhead).
Figure 5.29 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced CT Figure 5.30 Coronal image: IV contrast enhanced
scan of the abdomen in the portal venous phase. There CT scan of the pelvis in the portal venous phase. The
are multiple loops of thickened, hyperenhancing bowel urinary bladder is thickened with an irregular contour
as a result of mesenteric injury, producing a shocked due to blunt abdominal injury. A defect in the wall of the
bowel appearance. bladder can be seen at its superior border (arrow). Pelvic
fractures can also be appreciated.
Figures 5.31a, b Axial and coronal images: IV contrast Figure 5.32 Sagittal image: direct CT cystography scan
enhanced CT scans of the abdomen in the portal venous following intravesical contrast injection. The superior
phase. Intraperitoneal bladder rupture as shown by a bladder wall has an abnormal contour with evidence
left lateral bladder wall defect with fluid density material of contrast leakage seen within the posterior abdomen
leaking into the abdomen (arrows). (arrow).
Brofman N, Atri M, Epid D et al. (2006) Evaluation
of bowel and mesenteric blunt trauma with multi-
detector CT. Radiographics 26:1119–1131.
Moore EE, Cogbill TH, Malangoni M et al. Scaling
system for organ specific injuries. American
Association for the Surgery of Trauma. www.aast.
aspx Accessed on 22nd February 2014.
Ramchandani P, Buckler PM (2009) Imaging of
genitourinary trauma. Am J Roentgenol 192:1514–
Smith ZA, Wood D (2014) Emergency focused
assessment with sonography in trauma (FAST) and
haemodynamic stability. Emerg Med J 31:273–277.
Online First 10.1136/emermed-2012-202268.
Yoon W, Jeong YY, Kim JK et al. (2005) CT in blunt
trauma. Radiographics 25:87–104.
Figure 5.33 Axial image: unenhanced CT scan of the
cervical spine. Each vertebra can be divided into three
columns. The anterior column encompasses the anterior
two-thirds of the vertebral body including the anterior
longitudinal ligament. The middle column encompasses
the posterior one-third of the vertebral body including
the posterior longitudinal ligament. The posterior
column encompasses the remaining structures including
the pedicles, lamina and spinous processes.
comprises the anterior two-thirds of the vertebral body evidence of bony injury on CT imaging may still have
(to include the anterior longitudinal ligament), the significant ligamentous injury, and in these cases MRI
middle column comprises the posterior one-third of the may be indicated.
vertebral body (to include to the posterior longitudinal The majority of the vertebrae within the spine have
ligament) and the posterior column comprises the a similar anatomical configuration, with the vertebral
posterior elements (pedicles, lamina, spinous process, body connected to the spinous processes via the lamina.
ligamentum flavum and interspinous ligaments). With The exceptions to this are C1 and C2, which are
this approach, injury to a single column is deemed to discussed later.
be stable (Figure 5.34), while injuries to two or more
columns should be considered as unstable. Radiological investigations
Evaluation of the soft tissues is paramount when The choice of imaging modality varies across centres,
assessing the spine for bony injury. Significant soft tissue depending on local specialties and access to imaging.
injury, including damage to the major ligamentous In general, patients may have plain film imaging as a
complexes, can be present in the absence of bony injury. first line of investigation, but those who have sustained
CT imaging is both sensitive and specific for acute bony significant trauma or who cannot be accurately
injuries involving the spine; however, soft tissue injuries assessed clinically may proceed immediately to CT.
may not be seen. The limits of CT imaging should This is the modality of choice to assess the bony detail
therefore be appreciated by both the radiologist and the of the spine; however, soft tissue and ligamentous
referring clinician to ensure that radiological findings, structures are poorly assessed. MRI is usually reserved
or the lack there of, are interpreted in conjunction with for patients who may have a suspicion of ligamentous
the clinical examination findings. Patients with no or spinal cord injuries. (See Table 5.6.)
CT Helical acquisition with images acquired at
least one vertebral level above and below the
area of interest. Images should be acquired
as thin slices (i.e. 0.625–1.25 mm) with bony
algorithm reconstructions. Images should
be reformatted to include the sagittal and
coronal planes.
MRI Sagittal T1 weighted, T2 weighted, STIR and
axial T2 weighted images through the region
of interest.
Figure 5.34 Axial image: unenhanced CT scan of the
abdomen. There is a minimally displaced fracture of
the right transverse process of the L1 vertebra (arrow).
No other fractures are seen, therefore this is a single
column injury.
examination findings; if there is a discrepancy between STIR imaging. It is therefore important to scrutinise
the two, an MRI scan should be considered to assess for T1 images for any evidence of traumatic haematoma
an underlying soft tissue injury. Radiological clearance both within and outside the spine, as this may result in
of the spine may be reassuring to clinicians, but it should spinal cord compression.
not replace the clinical examination findings. As with
plain film imaging, significant degenerative changes Examples of spinal fractures
may make it difficult to fully exclude underlying bony Jefferson fracture
injury, even on CT imaging. Depending on the index This describes an unstable burst fracture of the C1
of suspicion of injury, in these cases further assessment vertebra. It occurs as a result of a significant axial load
with MRI may by prudent. type injury (e.g. diving injury). Radiologically, the
fracture can be seen on an open-mouth peg view as
Magnetic resonance imaging lateral displacement of the lateral masses away from the
Definitive assessment of the spinal cord and odontoid peg. On CT imaging, the fracture appears as
ligamentous structures is performed with MRI. Patients a disrupted ring in comparison with the normally intact
with suspected spinal injuries with neurological deficits vertebra (Figure 5.35). This is considered an unstable
benefit from early scanning and spinal surgical input, injury.
which can prevent lasting damage. In all patients, an
assessment of the spinal cord and canal should be made
to identify any evidence of spinal cord compression
(see Chapter 3: Neurology and non-traumatic spinal
imaging, Spinal cord compression and cauda equina
syndrome). This is best performed on T2 weighted
axial and sagittal imaging.
In trauma patients, it is prudent to perform STIR
imaging to assess for bone marrow and soft tissue
oedema. In the context of trauma, underlying bone
marrow oedema is suggestive of fracture, although the
precise morphology of the fracture is better assessed
with CT imaging. The presence of oedema within the
ligaments is important in assessing the stability of an
injury. Typically, injury to the interspinous ligaments
is inferred by the presence of oedema within these
tissues on STIR imaging. Assessment of the anterior
and posterior longitudinal ligaments is best appreciated
on T2 and STIR imaging; ligaments should appear as
a continuous low signal structure. Any focal defect or
signal change in the ligament is suggestive of injury. Figure 5.35 Axial image: unenhanced CT scan of the
T1 weighted images also have a role in assessing cervical spine. There is a comminuted, burst fracture
injured patients. Acute haematoma appear as high of the C1 vertebra, with fractures seen through the
signal on T1 images and do not suppress signal on anterior arch and left posterior arch.
Type 3
Facet joint dislocation (Figure 5.38a) and CT imaging (Figure 5.38b) typically
Rotational flexion injuries of the cervical spine may shows anterolisthesis at the level of dislocation on the
result in unilateral or bilateral facet joint subluxation lateral view, less than 25% of the width of the vertebral
or dislocation. Unilateral injuries are stable but body. In bilateral facet dislocations, the affected level
bilateral injuries should be treated as unstable. In is shown as ‘perched’ facets, with anterolisthesis of
unilateral facet dislocation, cervical spine plain film >25% at the affected level. Bilateral injuries may result
Figures 5.38a, b Lateral cervical spine radiograph (5.38a) and parasagittal CT image (5.38b) of the cervical spine.
The lateral cervical spine radiograph demonstrates an abnormal step between C5 and C6 along the anterior margin
of the vertebral bodies. The CT scan of the same patient demonstrates a C5/6 facet joint dislocation with loss of the
normal articulation and a typical ‘perched’ facet appearance (arrow).
in ligamentous injury affecting all three columns injuries. These are unstable, three column injuries. On
(Figure 5.39). plain film imaging, the injuries are seen as irregular,
comminuted fractures involving the vertebral body
Burst fracture (Figure 5.40). Typically, there is retropulsion of fracture
Burst fractures typically occur in the thoracolumbar fragments into the spinal canal, which may cause cord
spine as a result of significant axial loading type compression (Figure 5.41).
Figure 5.39 Sagittal image: STIR sequence MR image Figure 5.40 Lateral lumbar spine radiograph. The
of the cervical spine. The normal low signal anterior L2 vertebral body is abnormal, with loss of height
longitudinal ligament is not visible anterior to the and irregular margins as a result of a burst fracture.
C5/C6 intervertebral disc. The posterior longitudinal Sclerotic areas within the vertebral body are due to
ligament is also disrupted and can be seen as an areas of impaction. There is mild retropulsion of the
irregular structure within the spinal canal (arrow). High fragments into the spinal canal. A further fracture can
signal changes can be seen in the C5/C6 interspinous be seen involving the anterosuperior corner of the
ligaments posteriorly, also consistent with ligamentous L5 vertebral body.
disruption (arrowhead). The appearance therefore
suggests three-column ligamentous disruption.
Radiological findings
Computed tomography
A good CTA enables the radiologist to fully assess the
arterial tree; however, windowing may be useful to
reduce the glare from the bright contrast within the
vessel and therefore allow more accurate assessment.
The blood vessels must be carefully scrutinised from a
proximal to distal direction.
It is important to first assess the heart for valve
abnormalities, such as vegetation or thrombus within
any of the cardiac chambers. The whole aorta should
then be assessed for the presence of any aneurysms. Figure 6.2 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced CT scan
If an aneurysm is present, comment should be made as of the lower limbs in the arterial phase. The lumen of
to the amount of intramural thrombus and also as to the right superficial femoral artery does not opacify
whether there is any leak. with contrast, while the corresponding artery on the
All the major vessels should be assessed carefully left does. No collateral vessels are seen around the right
in a systematic fashion, one side at a time. Features superficial femoral artery, suggesting acute arterial
suggestive of acute arterial occlusion are an abrupt thrombosis.
cut-off of the arterial opacification, with a lack of
surrounding collaterals ( Figure 6.2). In the acute
thrombosis, the presence of clot leads to a smooth but
abrupt cut-off. The affected arteries may be expanded
with clot and may show subtle peripheral enhancement
(Figure 6.3).
CT Angiogram: 100 ml IV contrast via 18G
cannula, 4 ml/sec. Bolus track centred on
the descending thoracic aorta (if assessing
lower limbs)/centre on ascending aorta (for Figure 6.3 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced CT scan
upper limbs). Scan from just above aortic of the pelvis in the arterial phase. An intraluminal filling
arch to ankles for lower limbs or C2 to hands defect can be seen in the right common iliac artery
depending on side. (arrow). A small amount of peripheral enhancement is
seen around the periphery of the occluded vessel.
Report checklist
• The quality of vessels proximal and distal to
any occlusion; whether they are patent and/or
how good they are. This has implications for
management options such as bypass/thrombolysis.
• Degree of collateralisation.
• Recommend urgent vascular surgical opinion.
Figure 6.4 PA chest radiograph. A nasogastric tube is Figure 6.5 PA chest radiograph. A nasogastric tube
seen passing centrally and coursing to the left under the is seen passing into the right lower lobe bronchus and
left hemidiaphragm. A tunnelled left-sided central line is coiled in the right lower zone. An endotrached tube is
also noted. also sited.
Figure 6.6 PA chest radiograph. A nasogastric tube is Figure 6.7 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced CT
seen passing into the left lower lobe bronchus. There is scan of the thorax, which shows a significant left
evidence of a left lower lobe pneumonia. lower lobe pneumonia with a left lower lobe abscess,
secondary to feeding via an incorrectly sited nasogastric
tube (removed prior to imaging).
Figure 6.10 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced CT Figure 6.11 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced CT
scan of the abdomen in the arterial phase. Contrast is scan of the thorax in the arterial phase. Contrast is seen
seen in the aneurysm sac at the proximal aspect of the in the aneurysm sac at the mid aspect of the covered
graft (arrow). This was not present on the plain scan and stent (arrow). This was not present on the plain scan and
the features are in keeping with a Type 1 endoleak. the features are in keeping with a Type 3 endoleak.
Figure 6.12 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced CT Figure 6.13 Axial image: IV contrast enhanced CT
scan of the abdomen in the arterial phase. Contrast is scan of the abdomen in the arterial phase. Contrast
seen in the aneurysm sac at the mid aspect of the graft is seen in the aneurysm sac at the periphery on the
(arrow). This is in keeping with a Type 3 endoleak. right. A vessel can be seen superiorly adjacent to the
sac, which is a branch of the inferior mesenteric artery.
The features are in keeping with a Type 2 endoleak.
clinical concern, further evaluation with CTA may be as both these factors play a role in deciding treatment
helpful. This can help to delineate vascular anatomy options.
as well as identify focal areas of active haemorrhage. Following this, the soft tissues surrounding the
(See Table 6.6.) blood vessels should be assessed for haematoma. The
ultrasound features for haematoma are non-specific,
Radiological findings and usually appear as hypo- or mixed echoic areas,
Ultrasound which have variable definition (Figure 6.14). These
Ultrasound of the affected groin should be performed should be assessed for colour Doppler flow, to look for
with a linear transducer. First, the CFA should be active bleeding.
identified and assessed for patency. Colour Doppler
flow and signal should be assessed for normal arterial Computed tomography
waveforms. The same should then be carried out CT assessment for CFA puncture complications is
for the superficial femoral artery, profunda femoris reserved for cases where patients are unstable and/or
artery and the visible external iliac vessel. The arteries ultrasound fails to provide a diagnosis. Unenhanced
should be assessed in longitudinal and transverse CT should be performed in the first instance. This
planes. Any focal outpouchings containing flow and/ not only provides a baseline image for comparison,
or discontinuity of the vessel wall must be considered but it can detect haematomas in the soft tissues and
a pseudoaneurysm. The size of the pseudoaneurysm retroperitoneum. Retroperitoneal haematomas on CT
must be measured as well as the neck of the aneurysm, appear either as linear streaky opacities in the fat or
CT Unenhanced. No oral contrast. Scan from just
above the diaphragm to below the femoral
Aortic angiogram: 100 ml IV contrast via 18G
cannula, 4 ml/sec. Bolus track centred on
mid-abdominal aorta. No oral contrast. Scan
from the diaphragm to below the femoral
Delayed phase: IV contrast as above, scan at
120 seconds after start of contrast injection.
Scan from the diaphragm to the femoral
Ultrasound High frequency linear probe (e.g. 6–9 MHz)
Figure 6.14 Ultrasonogram showing a mixed
with use of colour Doppler imaging. echogenicity mass in the upper thigh consistent with an
evolving haematoma.
as well-defined high attenuating soft tissue masses or are seen as a focal contrast-filled outpouching of the
collections. artery in the arterial phase. In the portal venous phase,
It is important to perform an arterial phase study if these outpouchings show a washout of contrast, which
the plain scan confirms a retroperitoneal haematoma. is diagnostic of pseudoaneurysms. There is often
This allows for assessment of active arterial bleeding, surrounding haematoma and or/inflammatory change
which is seen as an ill-defined high attenuation blush (Figure 6.15).
of contrast adjacent to the blood vessel or within the
collections. Delayed phase imaging often shows an Key points
increase in the high attenuation area, in keeping with • A combination of ultrasound and CT imaging
haemorrhage. If active bleeding is detected, urgent should be utilised to identify common
discussion with the clinical team is necessary. complications of CFA puncture.
Pseudoaneurysms can also be seen on CT, although • In unstable patients, triple-phase CT is a useful
most can be detected on ultrasound. Pseudoaneurysms method to characterise the puncture site.
[1] For adults who have sustained a head injury and have any of the following risk factors, perform a
CT head scan within 1 hour of the risk factor being identified:
• GCS less than 13 on initial assessment in the emergency department.
• GCS less than 15 at 2 hours after the injury on assessment in the emergency department.
• Suspected open or depressed skull fracture.
• Any sign of basal skull fracture (haemotympanum, ‘panda’ eyes, cerebrospinal fluid leakage from the
ear or nose, Battle’s sign).
• Post-traumatic seizure.
• Focal neurological deficit.
• More than 1 episode of vomiting.
• A provisional written radiology report should be made available within 1 hour of the scan being
[2] For children who have sustained a head injury and have any of the following risk factors, perform
a CT head scan within 1 hour of the risk factor being identified:
• Suspicion of non-accidental injury.
• Post-traumatic seizure but no history of epilepsy.
• On initial emergency department assessment, GCS less than 14, or for children under 1 year GCS
(paediatric) less than 15.
• At 2 hours after the injury, GCS less than 15.
• Suspected open or depressed skull fracture or tense fontanelle.
• Any sign of basal skull fracture (haemotympanum, ‘panda’ eyes, cerebrospinal fluid leakage from
the ear or nose, Battle’s sign).
• Focal neurological deficit.
• For children under 1 year, presence of bruise, swelling or laceration of more than 5 cm on the head.
• A provisional written radiology report should be made available within 1 hour of the scan being
[3] For children who have sustained a head injury and have more than one of the following risk factors
(and none of those listed under [2] above), perform a CT head scan within 1 hour of the risk factors
being identified:
• Loss of consciousness lasting more than 5 minutes (witnessed).
• Abnormal drowsiness.
• Three or more discrete episodes of vomiting.
• Dangerous mechanism of injury (high-speed road traffic accident either as pedestrian, cyclist or vehicle
occupant, fall from a height of greater than 3 metres, high-speed injury from a projectile or other
[4] Children who have sustained a head injury and have only 1 of the risk factors listed under [3]
above (and none of those listed under [2] above) should be observed for a minimum of 4 hours after
the head injury. If during observation any of the risk factors below are identified, perform a CT head
scan within 1 hour:
• GCS less than 15.
• Further vomiting.
• A further episode of abnormal drowsiness.
• A provisional written radiology report should be made available within 1 hour of the scan being
performed. If none of these risk factors occur during observation, use clinical judgement to determine
whether a longer period of observation is needed.
Standards of practice and guidance for trauma radiology • What quality indicators can be used in the
in severely injured patients. (Taken from The Royal provision of diagnostic imaging and interventional
College of Radiologists (2011) Standards of Practice radiology for trauma
and Guidance for Trauma Radiology in Severely Injured • The provision of protocols for imaging and
Patients. Royal College of Radiologists, London, with reporting that can be adapted according to
permission.) loco-regional service requirements and equipment.
calculate a figure representing the severity of injury. • Imaging in SIPs more accurately delineates the
An ISS greater than 15 is defined as major trauma. extent of injury than clinical examination.
This would include serious injuries such as bleeding in • The imaging technique of choice is the one
the brain or a fracture of the pelvis and cases of multiple which is definitive in the trauma setting. In SIPs
injuries, especially where the risk of haemodynamic this will most often be head-to-thigh contrast-
instability is a consideration. enhanced multidetector computed tomography
The acute trauma setting is not the place for (MDCT).
disagreements about the patient pathway. Immediate • Definitive imaging should not be delayed by other,
management decisions must be made by the designated less accurate, investigations.
trauma team leader. • The imaging environment requires all the life
support facilities available in the emergency room.
Standard 1. The trauma team leader is in This will include monitoring and gases. The
overall charge in acute care. room design should allow visual and technical
monitoring of the patient by anaesthetic staff.
Quality indicator
MTCs and TUs will have multidisciplinary Standard 3. MDCT should be adjacent to,
debriefings about SIPs on a regular basis to assess or in, the emergency room. Where this is
the process and adjust pathways if necessary. not the case:
A radiologist involved in trauma management • Transfers must be rehearsed and performed
should attend such meetings. In addition, individual according to protocol
cases should be considered in the radiology • Radiology departments in MTCs and TUs should
department on a regular basis. plan to make this available in the near future.
Digital radiography
Imaging and intervention Digital radiography (DR) must be present in the
Radiologists emergency room. A chest X-ray (CXR) might precede a
Just as the trauma team leader must be an experienced MDCT scan if there is doubt about the side or presence
consultant, there must also be consultant-delivered of a pneumothorax in a patient with respiratory
input for imaging and intervention. compromise. Once the decision is taken to request
an emergency MDCT, plain films of the abdomen
Standard 2. Protocol-driven imaging or pelvis are usually irrelevant and extremity imaging
and intervention must be available and should be delayed until life-threatening injuries have
delivered by experienced staff. Acute care been diagnosed and treated. The British Orthopaedic
for SIPs must be consultant delivered. Association and British Society of Spine Surgeons do
Location and facilities not recommend plain films of the C-spine in a SIP
The location of imaging facilities, their design and and their standard of practice for C-spine clearance
the equipment they contain should be based on the is CT.6
following principles. Cervical spinal injury precautions and pelvic binders
• Speed is of the essence – time is tissue, time is should remain in place until the MDCT has been fully
organs, time is life; delay is deterioration, disability assessed.
and death. Where severe injury is to the spine only, MDCT or
• Moving a severely injured patient introduces MRI scan might be required but a plain film series of
delays and can exacerbate blood loss. The less the the cervical spine might also be indicated.
patient is moved and the shorter the distance, the
greater will be the chance of survival.
Examples of polytrauma CT protocols are listed should involve on-call consultant radiologists as soon
in Appendix 2. An MDCT protocol should be agreed as possible.
across a trauma network to ensure consistency and Reporting follows the Advanced Trauma Life
obviate the need for repeat scanning if transfer is Support (ATLS)12 system in that there should be an
necessary. initial primary survey followed by a secondary survey.
The NHS CAG document2 refers to the patient
who is ‘stable enough to undergo MDCT’. The phrase Initial primary survey review
used reflects the difficulty in being too prescriptive The aim of this is to give an immediate indication
in giving guidance about the stability of a SIP and of the major life-threatening injuries while active
fitness for investigation. It can be argued that the management continues. The initial images should be
greater the haemodynamic instability, the greater the reviewed looking for thoracic injuries that might impair
requirement for accurate diagnosis to allow targeted breathing, vascular injuries that might cause bleeding
surgery/intervention. In the perfect emergency and neurological injuries that might cause disability if
room environment where all imaging is immediately not treated rapidly. A suggested CT primary survey pro
co-located, there should only be a very small minority forma is provided in Appendix 3. Such a form should
of patients who are too unstable for MDCT. Such be filled in at the time, signed and dated. A copy should
patients would probably require open procedures in be handed to the trauma team leader and a duplicate
the emergency room environment. However, local scanned into the radiology information system (RIS).
circumstances will vary and undoubtedly such decisions The clinical team should fill in their contact details so
have to be made at the time by the trauma team leader that when the full trauma pro forma report is completed,
after consultation. all the necessary points of contact are available.
Protocols for unstable patient transfer should take
account of unit geography and be rehearsed to maximise Standard 11. The primary survey report
the proportion of patients who can access CT. should be issued immediately to the
trauma team leader. It should be signed
Standard 9. Whole-body contrast- and designated and a copy should be
enhanced MDCT is the default imaging retained in the CT department (or RIS).
procedure of choice in the SIP. Imaging Secondary/definitive survey
protocols should be clearly defined Once the initial scan results and pro forma have been
and uniform across a regional trauma communicated to the trauma team, the scan should be
network. carefully reviewed against a written set of criteria and
the secondary trauma report completed (Appendix 4).
Standard 10. Future planning and design This should be performed by a consultant radiologist or
of emergency rooms should concentrate in consultation with a consultant radiologist who may
on increasing the number of SIPs stable provide this report via a teleradiology link of suitable
enough for MDCT and intervention. quality.13
NOTE: Radiologists working remotely for
Quality indicator teleradiology companies have imaging equipment
Imaging and reporting protocols should be agreed that allows diagnostic reports in real time and the UK
across referral regions and written protocols must military have reporting facilities in the UK that allows
be available. accurate reporting of trauma scans from field hospitals
anywhere in the world, although they do deploy
radiologists on site to cope with rapid fluctuations in
Reporting patient care.
The initial MDCT should be attended by an All the areas listed in Appendix 4 should be reported
appropriately trained on-call radiologist. Trainees on. This report should be completed within one hour
to ensure there is no unnecessary delay to clinical
management. Any significant findings, particularly A checklist of quality indicators for IR is provided in
where there is a variance to the initial primary survey Appendix 6.
report, should be telephoned through to relevant
clinicians. Again, the list of contact details will be Endovascular theatres
invaluable where there is a change in findings.14 When IR is indicated in SIP management, rapid access
to endovascular intervention is essential. Therefore,
Standard 12. On-call consultant angiography facilities should be located as close as
radiologists should provide the final possible to the emergency department and should
report on the SIP within one hour of MDCT certainly be in the same building and on the same floor.
image acquisition. In future, angiography suites should be co-located
within an acute theatre complex/emergency room that
Standard 13. On-call consultant provides surgical and anaesthetic support to acutely
radiologists must have teleradiology ill patients. Such facilities are not yet available in
facilities at home that allow accurate the UK.
reports to be issued within one hour of
MDCT image acquisition. Standard 14. IR facilities should be
co-located to the emergency department.
Quality indicator Facilities
All imaging should be discussed at debriefing Angiography suites must have modern (installed within
meetings and errors of protocol or fact discussed at the last ten years) fixed C-arm imaging equipment.
discrepancy meetings.15 Rooms need to be large enough to handle the numerous
individuals who accompany the very unstable trauma
Interventional radiology (IR) They should have the same facilities as an operating
The role of IR in the SIP is to stop haemorrhage as theatre and ideally should have positive pressure air
quickly as possible with minimal interference to the change.
patient’s already damaged physiology. It is as much Portable C-arm equipment should only be used in
a form of damage control as pressing on a bleeding the context of immediate stabilisation by occlusion
artery or surgical packing. Information supplied by balloon inflation. Portable units do not offer the same
MDCT is key to informing the decision-making imaging quality as fixed units and there is evidence
process and guiding a catheter to the haemorrhage of patient harm occurring with the use of such units,
site. It is likely that there will never be Level 1 evidence principally due to poor image quality.16
for endovascular techniques in trauma but, with this In addition, portable units can only operate for a
caveat, there are no significant contraindications to limited time before overheating.
the use of IR to arrest haemorrhage in major trauma.
There is a growing body of Level 2/3 evidence for its Standard 15. Angiographic facilities and
safety, efficacy, speed and cost-effectiveness. endovascular theatres in MTCs should be
The decision on whether a patient with traumatic safe environments for SIPs and should be
haemorrhage undergoes endovascular treatment, open of theatre standard.
surgery, a combination of the two or non-operative Protocols
management (NOM) is typically a decision made by Local services should take particular care to develop
both the trauma team leader and the interventional transfer protocols for both internal and external
radiologist after consultation with other consultants anaesthetic supported transfer. A frequent source
involved (Appendix 5). Decisions must be made of delay in many centres is the internal transfer of
quickly and should be driven by agreed algorithms. haemodynamically compromised patients for CT
Establishing routes of communication between the imaging or embolisation. Agreed pathways and
services is paramount. improvements to local environment should be
CT scanning in trauma patients in the bi-located 14. The Royal College of Radiologists. Standards for
trauma center North-West Netherlands (REACT the communication of critical, urgent and unexpected
trial). BMC Emerg Med 2008; 8: 10. significant radiological findings. London: The Royal
11. Huber-Wagner S, Lefering R, Qvick LM College of Radiologists, 2008.
et al. Effect of whole-body CT during trauma 15. The Royal College of Radiologists. Standards for
resuscitation on survival: a retrospective, Radiology Discrepancy Meetings. London: The Royal
multicentre study. Lancet 2009; 373: 1455–1461. College of Radiologists, 2007.
12. http://www.facs.org/trauma/atls/about.html (last 16. MHRA. Joint Working Group to produce guidance
accessed 26/4/11) on delivering an Endovascular Aneurysm Repair
13. The Royal College of Radiologists. Standards for the (EVAR) Service. London: MHRA, 2010. http://
provision of teleradiology within the United Kingdom. www.mhra.gov.uk/Publications/Safetyguidance/
London: The Royal College of Radiologists, 2010. Otherdevicesafetyguidance/CON105763 (last
accessed 26/4/11)
Decisions regarding IR or DCS will be modified according to the facilities and staff available and the
patient’s stability at presentation. (After Dr D Kessel)
Liver Subcapsular or intraperito- Active arterial bleeding. Packing if emergency laparotomy needed
neal haematoma or lacera- Focal embolisation if possible. with subsequent repeat CT and embolisation
tions without active arterial if required.
Non-selective embolisation if multiple
bleeding sites as long as portal vein is
Pelvis Minor injury with no active Focal embolisation for arterial injury External compression and subsequent fixa-
bleeding. (bleeding, false aneurysm or cut-off). tion if bleeding from veins or bones.
Intestine Focal contusion with no Focal bleeding with no evidence of Ischaemia or perforation requiring lapa-
evidence of ischaemia, per- ischaemia or perforation. Or, to stabilise rotomy +/- bowel resection.
foration or haemorrhage. patient, allowing interval laparotomy
pending treatment of other injuries.
Patient name
Hospital ID
Reporting radiologist
Adapted from a preliminary report by The Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Radiology Department, June 2014, with
permission. A full report will be available on CRIS® (Computerised Radiology Information System).
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On Call Radiology presents case discussions on the most common and important clinical
emergencies and their corresponding imaging findings encountered on-call. Cases are
divided into thoracic, gastrointestinal and genitourinary, neurological and non-traumatic
spinal, paediatric, trauma, interventional and vascular imaging. Iatrogenic complications are
also discussed.
Each case is presented as a realistic clinical scenario and includes a clinical history
and request for imaging. Multi-modality imaging examples and a case discussion on the
diagnosis and basic management, with emphasis on important radiological findings, are
also presented.
This book combines a case-based discussion format with practical advice on imaging
decision making in the acute setting. It also offers guidance on radiology report writing and
techniques, with a focus on relevant positive and negative findings to pass on to referring
clinicians. On Call Radiology offers invaluable knowledge and practical tips for any
on-call radiologist.