24 Metcorr 117C-Datasheet

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Industrial metal detector for mining operations,

quarries and facilities with conveyor material.


Excellent Performance

Minimal Maintenance

Rugged Structure for Harsh Conditions

Metcorr 117C is a metal detector, which is able to detect ferrous and non-ferrous Features and Options
metal objects. It is suited for mines, quarries and other industrial facilities, where
unwanted metal objects in conveyed material would cause damage or excessive Reset Switch, Ready and Alarm Lamps
wear on process equipment, e.g. crushers. Coils
The rugged coil systems comprises of
Metcorr 117C comprises of one electronics set, one coil system with intercon-
two electrically and physically identical
necting cables and an optional coil mounting set. The coil system comprises of coil sets, of which one operates as a
two identical coil elements,which are available in five different sizes. The materi- receiver and the other as a transmitter.
al, which is to be screened for tramp metal, travels on the conveyor belt between The coil windings are molded in a fibre
the coils. As the coils in Metcorr 117C are identical, they are also interchangable, glass reinforced enclosure with rubber
which enables a quick and cost-effective repair. However, Metcorr 117C is known edging.
to be an extremely reliable metal detector that is practically maintenance free. Coil Mounting Set (Optional)
Metcorr 117C has customers that have used it for decades without interruptions. For the protection of the upper coil
against damage due to overburden on
The two channel method, used in Metcorr 117C helps reliably detect rod and bar the conveyor. Materials are steel and
shaped metal objects, and can be used on steel corded belts. Unlike many other fiberglass reinforced plastic, impact bar
metal detectors, Metcorr 117C does not cause false alarms when used on metal cushioned with rubber.
reinforced belts. Metcorr 117C can detect metal in any orientation on the belt and
Dye Marker (Optional)
has excellent immunity to vibration.
Marks the area with dye where tramp
Metcorr 117C is easy and quick to install. When needed it can be mounted in a metal is detected.
vertical position. Splice Detector (Optional)
Inhibits detection for a short period
to prevent false alarms due to metal
splices on the belt.

Other Industrial and Mining Products

Satmagan analyzer for fast and accurate measurement of the magnetite
content in a sample.
About Rapiscan Systems
Rapiscan Systems designs, manufactures and markets security and Applications
inspection systems worldwide. The company is a wholly-owned subsidiary
of a Nasdaq-listed OSI Systems, Inc. and headquartered in Hawthorne,
California. It has additional offices and manufacturing in Canada, Finland, Quarries
India, Malaysia, Singapore, United Kingdom and the United States. For more Recycling Plants
information on Rapiscan Systems, please visit www.rapiscansystems.com.
Industrial Facilities

Operating Ambient Temperature Type of Output Relay Tests
-35 °C to +55 °C continuously Socket mounted with 11 pin plug, coil Vibration and bump as per IEC 68-2-6
voltage 110 (120) V DC
Operating Humidity Net Weight
Up to 100% Alarm Relay Contact Electronics: 26 kg
Contact arrangements DPDT, Contact
Power Supply ratings 240V-6A-AC, 120V-10A-AC Coils
115V ± 10%/230V ± 8%, 45 Hz to 65 Hz, Coil size 08 12 16 20 26
Consumption: 60 VA Max Alarm Reset
Automatic or manual reset. Net weight/
5 7 10 12 18
Degree of Protection coil (kg)
Spray water proof, dust tight IP 55 (door Interconnection Cable (from junction box
closed) and IP 22 (door opened) as per to electronics set) CE Compliance
IEC 529 (NEMA 4) Standard cable length supplied 10m. Yes
Maximum recommended length 30m.
Four corner wall mounting

Coils Selection Guide

Type of Angle Actual width WA of screened area as function of troughing angle
conveyor deg. and nominal width WN. WN in mm
650 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400
No side
wall or 0 650 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400
20 624 760 960 1152 1344 1536 1728 1920 2112 2304
Troughed 27,5 605 744 930 1116 1302 1488 1674 1860 2046 2232
belt 35 578 712 890 1068 1246 1424 1600 1780 1958 2136
45 540 664 830 996 1328 1328 1494 1660 1926 1992

Maximum WA 800 mm 1200 mm 1600 mm 2000 mm

Suitable coil size 08 12 16 20

Coil type
Size 08 Size 12 Size 16 Size 20
Typical gap between
270 mm 400 mm 550 mm 750 mm

Rapiscan Systems
16 Rocklea Drive
Port Melbourne, Victoria, 3207
Tel: +61 3 9929 4600
Fax: +61 3 9929 4655

With continual development of our products Rapiscan Systems reserves the right to amend industrial@rapiscansystems.com
specifications without notice. Product pictures are for general reference. Please note that due
to US laws and regulations, not all Rapiscan products are available for sale in all countries WEB
without restriction. Please contact your Rapiscan Systems sales representative for more www.rapiscansystems.com

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9100 708-4HE, rev. 3.00 050313

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