Bornface Otieno Odero
Bornface Otieno Odero
Bornface Otieno Odero
This research project is my original work and has never been presented for an award in
any other University or Institution of Higher Learning.
This project has been submitted for presentation with my approval as the Student‟s
I wish to express my gratitude to all the people who made my research project a
success. Special thanks goes to God the Almighty for granting me favour and
protection for the entire research period. Finally, I am grateful to my supervisor, Dr.
Benjamin Ombok for his guidance as this research project could not have been
successful without his contribution.
I dedicate this research project to my family for being supportive throughout the study
Available information reveal that financial performance of Public Universities has
continued to dwindle despite implementation efforts to their budgets with its inherent
control features. Budgetary Control refers to how well managers utilize budgets to
monitor and control costs and operations in a given accounting period. It is a process
for managers to align financial performance goals with budgets, compare actual results
and adjust performance. Sound financial performance is a core objective of every
successful organization. Financial performance of Public Universities in Kenya still
remain a challenge as often reported by Office of the Auditor General where a
majority have been found to; be operating on negative working capital, excessive
outstanding fees, uncontrolled capital expenditutre, fraud among others. The main
objective of the study is to establish the Effect of Budgetary Control Uses on Financial
Performance of Public Universities in Kenya. The specific objectives guiding the
study were; to establish the relationship between Planning and Financial Performance
of Public Universities in Kenya, to establish the association between Coordination and
Financial Performance of Public Universities in Kenya and, to establish the
relationship between Control and Financial performance of Public Universities in
Kenya. It was guided by a conceptual framework relating the variables of study. The
study was premised on theories such as; Punctuated Equilibrium Theory of Budgeting,
Theory of Budgeting, Budgetary Control Theory and Accounting Theory. A census
survey was conducted in all the five main Public Universities located in Nairobi
County. A sample size of 40 respondents were considered, targeting; Finance Officers,
Deputy Finance Officers, Accountants and Accounts Assistants. Choice of Nairobi
County was influenced by the number of main Public Universities and their
constituents in favourable proximity. Data was elicited from selected respondents
using structured questionnaire whose content validity was checked through an
expertise opinion and reliability through Cronbach (0.7 Alpha – α) model. Secondary
data necessary for computation of measures of Financial Performance were obtained
from audited financial statements of the Public Universities for the three financial
periods falling between 2014 and 2017. Descriptive and correlation methods were
used to analyze data. Regression Analysis was used to determine existence of
significant relationship between independent and dependent variables at alpha value of
0.05 (95% confidence level). The results indicated existence of a significant
relationship between Budget Planning, Budget Coordination, Budget Control and and
Financial Performance of public universities in Kenya as exemplified by p values of;
0.000, 0.025 and 0.006 respectively. The findings of the study may guide policy
makers in underscoring the value of Budgetary Control uses on Financial Performance
of public universities and other organizations. It would also go a long way in forming
a basis for future similar research studies. In future similar studies should be carried
out for both public and private entities in Kenya as Budgetary Control is a vital
financial control tool for all organizations.
TITLE PAGE ……………………………………………………………………….….i
DECLARATION ............................................................................................................ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................................................iii
DEDICATION ............................................................................................................... iv
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................... v
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................... vi
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ......................................................................................... x
DEFINITION OF TERMS ............................................................................................ xi
LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................xii
LIST OF FIGURES .....................................................................................................xiii
3.6 Data Analysis Techniques....................................................................................... 35
3.6.1 Model Specification ............................................................................................. 35
3.6.2 Variables, Variable Measurement and Specification ........................................... 36
3.7 Ethical Considerations ............................................................................................ 36
ANOVA - Analysis of Variance
BC - Budgetary Control
FP - Financial Performance
GP - Gross Profit
VA - Variance Analysis
Financial Performance :This refers to the extent to which financial goals are
Figure 1.1: Conceptual Framework…………………………………………………...16
This section entails background information from previous researches done that are
Universities in Kenya.
Moses, N., 2016). Public institutions of higher learning resources are limited and
budgets provide one means to allocate resources among competing uses (Ronald,
Michael & Frannk, 2008). Most public institutions of higher learning have not
Miller, 2008). In the absence of budgetary control, too many managers spend all of
their time dealing with daily demands (Nyongesa et al, 2016). According to Garrison
& Norren (2000), the budgeting process provides a means of allocating resources to
those parts of the organization where they can be used most effectively. Most Public
both parallel programmes and Government capitation (Rajab & Nyaundi, 2018). They
suggested that Public Universities are broke and in deep financial crises that would
soon grind them to a halt. They asserted further that most public institutions of higher
learning are hardly surviving and unable to meet financial obligations, including
submitting statutory deductions, inability to pay lecturers and other university staff,
throwing the future of some of them into disarray. The financial crises have been
compounded further by ballooning wage bills and upsurge in utility bills. To sustain
their operations,a majority of Public Universities resort to bank loans and overdrafts,
making them technically insolvent in the long run (Rajab & Nyaundi, 2018).
According to Mukhwaya (2018), players in the higher education sector agreed that
universities, especially the big and older ones are in dire financial crunch, and if not
bailed out soon will have massive ramifications on University education. He suggested
that none of the Public Universities has a sound financial base and that the bigger ones
are hardest hit because they mount expensive academic programmes run by a huge
can use assets from its primary mode of business and generate revenue (Ashok, 2009).
It is the measurement of the results of the company‟s performance in form of ROA and
business concern (Kennedy and Macmillan,1986). They stated further that financial
statement analyses attempt to unveil the meaning and significance of the items
composed in profit and loss account and balance sheet. The importance of financial
stability ranges from enabling an organization to have sufficient resources for quality
service delivery, maximizing the potential of service delivery, enhancing the ability to
pay staff, vendors and creditors on time and maintenance of good credit risk
(Anderson, 2011).
enterprise at the end of every financial year. Financial statements are end products of
financial accounting. They are capsulated periodical reports of financial and operating
data accumulated by a firm in its books of accounts - the General Ledger. Other non
financial indicators of performance measurement include; employment generation,
research and development, health education and economic development among others.
(Allis, 2004). This means that it must be effectively and efficiently managed to bring
about the needed change and results from activity for which the funds have been made
misappropriated by those put in charge (Rosen & Gayer, 2010). According to Venanci
such as; Profitability – return on Investments, earnings before interest and tax, gross
profit margins, Growth – market share growth, sales growth, Efficiency – return on
sales, return on equity. In an attempt to address the critical issues affecting Financial
performance. A study carried out by Skandalis (2008), examined the effect of export
and qualitative data, authors often emphasize their completeness (Kothari &
Barone,2006). However, Financial statements can serve „not only as a map but a
there has been a shift in government laws and regulations dealing with Public
Universities in the last decade or two in which Public Universities have transformed
from simple governmental agencies into public corporations, giving the management
new authority and sometimes corporate style governing boards with new
reflected in audit findings by the office of Auditor General from audit of such
among others. The Auditor General has on several occasions reported that most Public
Universities in Kenya are technically insolvent and cannot meet their financial
obligations as their current liabilities exceed current assets (Rajab & Nyaundi, 2018).
According to Mukhwaya (2018), none of the Public Universities in Kenya has sound
financial base. He alluded to the fact that all are in the „red‟ and the worst affected are
older ones which mount expensive academic programmes run by huge workforce
1.1.2 Budgetary Controls
Budgetary Control is a system of controlling costs which embraces; preparation of
actual performance with budgeted and acting upon results to achieve maximum
profitability (Brown & Howard, 2002). Budgetary Control is the process of developing
a spending plan and periodically comparing actual expenditure against that plan to
2009). It refers to how well managers utilize budgets to monitor and control costs and
for managers to align financial and performance goals with budgets, compare the
actual results and adjust performance (Maina, 2017). Budgetary control therefore
standard output, income and expenditure are compared with actual attainment so that if
necessary, corrective action may be taken before it is too late (Nwoye, 2015). The
Institue of Cost and and Management Accountants (1999), defines budgetary control
sees budgetary control as the process of comparing the actual outcomes with planned
outcomes and reporting on the variations. According to Stedry (2002), control is the
information upon which corrective action can be taken either to alter future
As a tool for measuring performance, Budgetary Control provides comparisons
between the budget targets and actual targets and deviations determined; performance
management by exception (Thuita & Kibati, 2016). According to Carr and Joseph
(2000), budgetary controls help management teams in making future plans through
those plans. They opined further that effective implementation of budgetary control
identifying the amount, quantity and timing of resources needed (Shields & Young,
1993). Management in various organizations should put in place measures to solve the
budgetary control techniques, their behavior and institutional dynamics among the
engagement between organizational leaders, managers and finance staff with proper
planning and co-ordination of different functions, proper control over various capital
and revenue expenditure and putting resources into best use. Waren (2011), noted that
specific time aims, the plans, policies and goals are decided by the top management.
All efforts are put together to reach the common goal of the organization. Every
department is given a target to be achieved. The efforts are directed towards achieving
between the budget targets and actual targets and deviations determined; performance
important tools for a country‟s economy. This is because it allows planning for
expenditure thus facilitating systematic spending. Finances are put to optimum use,
extending the benefits to industry and national economy. He opined that this reduces
budgeted and actual performance will enable determination of weak spots. This
forced to look ahead, set targets, anticipate problems and give the organization
purpose and direction, to communicate ideas and plans to everyone affected by them
the organization. This implies that for example, purchasing department should base its
budget on production requirements, and that production budget should in turn be based
actual results can be progressively compared and finally, to motivate employees to
budgets are rarely strategically focused and often contradictory, they add little value
especially given the time required to prepare them, they concentrate on cost reduction
and not value addition, they do not reflect emerging network structure that
organizations are adopting, they encourage gaming and perverse behaviours, they
reinforce departmental barriers rather than encourage knowledge sharing and make
life cycles and rapidly changing business environment. Finally, there is the extent of
budget gamesmanship. He argues that over the years, budgets have resulted in a
conflict between top management and their subordinates. While top management
attempts to „get the most out of their staff‟, subordinates on the other hand work to
build slack in their budgets in an effort to make budget numbers easier to attain. This
which calls for continuous administration (Proctor, 2006). According to Jones et al.
(2009), Budgetary Controls in government entities entail financial planning,
achieve the public finance management goal, on proper allocation as per proposed
Hemsing and Baker (2013), carried out a study on effect of Tight Budgetary Control
Sweden. The findings established that majority of local Managers in Swedish Public
Sector experienced tight budgetary controls. The study never captured the effect of
sample of 40 government parastatls were selected for the exercise. Secondary data was
used and a period of ten years considered. A regression model was used for data
analysis. The results revealed a positive relationship between Budgetary Control and
Europe and Public Universities in Kenya have different revenue streams, financing
Universities in Kenya.
Nwoye (2015), sought to study Budgeting and Budgetary Control as the metric for
involving the study of budgetary control activities in 30 organizations selected from a
number of States in the Federation, Nigeria. He posited that making efforts to achieve
operational targets and objectives without effective budgeting and budgetary control
majority of firms were guilty of preparing initial budgets only to over-shoot the budget
limits during implementation stage due to poor budgetary control measures. The study
budgeting and budgetary controls. The study only examined budgeting and budgetary
control and its merit as a predictor of general corporate performance without focusing
on any specific measure of financial performance, a gap this study sought to explore.
techniques of budgetary controls used in Kigali Serena Hotel, analyze the indicators of
financial performance of Kigali Serena Hotel and to establish the relationship between
Hotel. The study adopted analytical research design. The study findings depicted a
positive relationship between Budgeting and Budgetary Control system and Financial
Performance of the Hotel. The study considered both planning and control as measures
departments which is equally important. Besides, Serena Hotel in Rwanda and Public
Adongo and Jagongo (2013), did a study which investigated the relationship between
establish the Human factors within budgetary controls, establish the process of
budgetary controls. A descriptive survey design was used to gather data from
population of 138 to participate in the study. Purposive sampling was used to selelct
42 corporate services managers, finance managers and budget officers from each
within BC, processes of BC and challenges of BC which are different form those
considered by this study. A literature gap therefore still exists on effect of budgetary
Thuita & Kibati (2016),did a study on the influence of Budget Management Practices
considered campuses within Nakuru town and used exploratory research design. The
upheld and the financial controls in place. The research focused majorly on Budget
Management Practices and financial controls other than on Budgetary Control uses
and their effect on Financial performance of Public Universities in Kenya which this
Kerosi (2018), sought to determine association between Budgetary Control Practices
and the Management of Micro and Small Enterprises at Kangemi Town in Kenya. A
of the study population. A sample size of 75 out of 160 registered micro and small
enterprises in Kangemi, Kenya was taken. The study established that management of
micro and small entreprises is positively related to Budgetary Control Practices. There
function under budgetary control which this study seeks to also consider. Besides, it
focused on micro and small enterprises other than on Public Universities in Kenya
which have different financing systems, revenue streams, methods of operations and
Chirchir and Simiyu (2017), did a study on Influence of Budgetary Control System on
adopted descriptive design and sampled 126 out of a target population of 147, using
literature gap as the study focused on four variables such as planning, human factors,
considered by this study. Besides, ALMASI Beverages Group has different streams of
revenue sources, operations, systems and objectives from those of Public Universities
counties. Finance Officers, Accountants, Bursars and Principals were the respondents.
Descriptive survey design was used in the study with a target population of 109. The
research findings established that budgetary control had a statistically significant effect
literature gap as the study looked at budgetary control measures such as; Budget
Process, Projected income, Allocation of funds and Variance Analysis whereas this
study considered budgetary control uses such as; Planning, Coordination and Control
and their effect on Financial performance of Public Universities in Kenya. Besides, the
Liquidity and Capital Improvements which are totally different from the ones
rate has been attributed to increased intake of students. Audit reports by Office of the
excessive outstanding fees, flaws in procurement procedures and lack of value for
money in their expenditures. This therefore underscores the need for Public
Literature reviewed largely depict Kenya as having made attempts to adopt budgetary
Planning, Control and Coordination against financial performance measures such as;
Surplus, Liquidity and ROA.This study therefore sought to fill this gap.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
Universities in Kenya.
Universities in Kenya.
Universities in Kenya.
budgetary control uses and how they could be manipulated to influence financial
method was adopted where all the five main Public Universities located in Nairobi
County were considered for three financial periods from 2013 to 2017. The sample for
the study constituted Finance Staff concerned with budgeting and budgetary controls
of selected Public Universities. Possible limitations that affected the study included;
management control their costs, avoid wastages and realize maximum returns from
their limited financial resources. The study was aimed at guiding policy makers in
factors, constructs or variables and presumes relationships among them. The study
The dependent variables were Financial Performance measured by; Surplus, Liquidity
and Return On Assets. Funds availability and prevailing economic conditions were the
Independent Variables Dependent variables
Uses of Budgetary Controls Measures of Financial Performance
Planning Surplus
Coordination Liquidity
Control ROA
Intervening Variables
Funds Availability
Government Policies
Management Support
The conceptual framework in this research proposal implies that if Budgetary Control
functions like; Planning, Coordination and Control are adopted in Public Universities
2.1 Introduction
This chapter reviewed relevant existing literature from other researchers who carried
out their research in the same field of study. Specific emphasis was put on issues
Universities in Kenya.
and performance (Anthony & Goviandarajan, 2007). Budgets are considered to be the
core elements of an efficient control process and consequently vital part to the
umbrella concept of an effective MCS (Davila & Foster, 2007). As a forward looking
set of numbers, budgets project future financial performance which enable evaluating
the financial viability of a chosen strategy (King, Clarkson & Wallace, 2010). In most
performance against budgets (Silva & Jayamaha, 2012). Budgets are therefore a mere
collection of plans and forecasts. They reflect the financial implication of the business
plans, identifying the amount, quantity and timing of resources needed (Innes, 2005).
Budgeting can further influence the behavior and decisions of employees by
alternative causes of action becomes an integral part and leads to increased rationality.
comparison of actual results with the created standard. It requires those involved to be
Shields and Young (1993), opined that budget acts as a detector of variances between
organizational objectives and performance and vital part of the umbrella concept of an
with budgeted plans and to take corrective action if necessary (Sharma, 2012).
Budgets have therefore been identified as playing a number of roles which include
making goals explicit, coding learning, facilitating control and contracting with
that addresses both incremental and large budget changes. It asserts that there is a state
Thus, in order to establish equilibrium in terms of budget changes, the budget and
budgetary control measures put in place by an entity become pivotal to the overall
incrementalism but also accounts for large punctuated changes that occur in budgetary
changes. The theory predicts that the distribution of policy changes will have mostly
small changes located in the central part of the distribution and many large, punctuated
changes in the tails of distribution. Baumgartner and Jones (2009), borrowed this
theory from the physical sciences that describe earthquakes and landlides. In short,
PET states that small changes will build up demand and pressure within a system that
will eventually give way as massive changes. The theory demonstrates the presence of
incremental and punctuated changes in many contexts from local, state, federal
According to Robinson and Last (2009), budgeting is used by firms as a framework for
budgeting systems in order to ensure that their resources are not wasted. Budgeting
systems help in ensuring that outputs produced and services delivered achieve their set
maintain in any given time (Robinson, 2009). The firm has to put clear controls that
ensure the budget is well maintained and allocated as required and strictly followed so
that variances can be explained and mitigated as much as possible. Robinson and Last
( 2009), assert that, if a firm has less income however, it might have to find a way to
fund its estimated budget by borrowing and tax restructuring. According to Sawhill
are competent in administering their national goals through good resource use. It is
therefore very crucial that an organization should understand its budgeting systems as
well as giving priority to urgent matters that require attention for firm‟s control tools.
of a coherent set of logical principles that form the general frame of reference for
Norreklit and Mitchell (2010), suggest that the purpose in developing a theory of
methods. The theory has assisted in making predictions of the likely outcome of
Horvath (2009), argues that the accounting methods that do not meet the set standards
budget (Horvath & Seiter, 2009). Qi (2010), suggests that accounting theory views a
firm as a separate entity in which its activities are distinct from its owners. This
principle serves as an impetus to the generall philosophy of budget itself as a tool for
principles are an impetus to the general philosophy of budget itself as a tool for
effective management.
Budget as a tool uses accounting concepts to a great extent. It is under the accounting
theory that financial standards can be set to guide a firm towards achieving its
financial goals. Management accounting theory also provides several yardsticks to be
used for control such as variance analysis. Budgeting provides a feedback mechanism
determined by the match between the plans and actual status upon implementation of
budgets. Financial statements are prepared by use of historical data which helps in
and revenue maximization has provided a basic insight and blue print in budget and
from its primary mode of business and generate revenue (Powers, 2010). According to
profitability and financial strength of any business concern. They state further that
financial statements analyses attempt to unveil the meaning and significance of the
items found in profit and loss account and balance sheet. This in turn assists
or profit, share value and growth index. Different methods used to measure financial
Margins. Growth – Market share growth, Sales growth. Efficiency – ROS, ROE.
2.3.1 Profitability
Profitability involves the capacity to make benefits from all the business operations of
extent to which a business generates a profit from factors of production such as labour,
capital and management. Profit is also used as an index for performance measuring of
2.3.2 Liquidity
According to Ross et al. (2009), liquidity refers to the ease and quickness with which
assets can be converted to cash, without significant loss in value. Liquidity is defined
firm‟s current assets by its current liabilities (Gitman, 2012). The formula of current
ratio is as follows;
Current Ratio =
According to Fields (2002), a ratio below 1.0 means that current assets are less than
current liabilities, a clear indication that the company has liquidity problems.
per dollar by relating net income to total assets. Return on Assets indicates how a firm
is in relation to all the company‟s assets (Poznanski et al., 2013). It gives an idea of the
income from all the resources of the institution (Khrawish, 2011). It is determined by
Return on Assets =
2.3.4 Return On Investments
According to Fields (2002), ROI is a financial performance measure that assists an
within the context of the company‟s business objectives and financial constraints. It is
calculated as follows;
ROI = x 100
A high ROI implies that investments gains compare favourably to investment costs.
2.3.5 Solvency
Jackson et al., (2002), defines solvency of a firm as when the total assets of the firm
are higher than its current liabilities; thus it can pay its debts. Solvency measures the
amount of borrowed capital used by the business relative to the amount of owner‟s
equity capital invested in the business. This implies that solvency measures provide
indication of the business‟ ability to repay all indebtedness if all of the assets were
sold. Such measures also indicate the business ability to withstand risks by providing
information about its ability to continue operating after a major financial adversity.
operating expenses to sales revenue ratio, operating cashflows, total assets turnover,
total debts to total assets ratio, firm size and operating risk impact the future
comparing actual performance with budgeted and acting upon results to achieve
time. For effective budgetary control, an organization needs to prepare a detailed plan
in both financial and quantitative terms for the coming financial period (Robinson &
Last, 2009). According to Premchand (2004), the first step in budget process is
planning for budget preparation and setting out goals and timelines for its production.
organization and ends at the apex of the hierarchy. The basic reason for requiring
estimates from subordinates is that higher officials do not have enough detailed
information, time or specialized skills to prepare the plans themselves (Lewis, 2005).
Detailed plans relating to production, sales, raw material requirements, labour needs,
capital additions among others should be formulated. By planning, many problems are
anticipated long before they arise and solutions sought through careful study thus,
with the objectives of its divisions. Effective planning in organization contributes a lot
activity which requires coordinated efforts from different departments and at various
budget, and so on. To ensure staff become involved and participate in a useful and
meaningful manner, all efforts need to be coordinated. Since different departments are
involved, conflicts are likely to arise. The organization should develop mechanisms to
resolve such conflicts without affecting the basic objectives. Management must ensure
that people actively participate in the budget process. It is only through active
participation that staff feel committed, motivated and encouraged to work towards the
measures and determines where deviation or shortfall is occurring (Egan, 2010). Egan
intenal and external forces that can disrupt its efficiency. According to Koontz et al.
operates through standards and also measures the work performance according to these
standards and correct deviations from standards. It presumes that there is a standard or
plan against which performance is compared. Lucey (2003), in support of the above,
opined that control concerns itself with efficient use of resources to achieve a
above steps, extraction of variances between the planned and actual performance,
investigation of the causes leading to the variances and correcting the variances or
plan should be clearer and more accurate, the financial resources readily available and
sufficient, while actively involved staff in the budget making should be motivated to
participate in budget preparation and are convinced that that their personal interests are
closely associated with the success of the organization, they will be motivated to
objectives for effective budgetary control. Budgets are the basis of performance
Most managers are interested to know what is expected of them so that they monitor
performance against a budget rather than against results of previous year when
2.4.6 Monitoring
Once the budgets have been implemented they need to be monitored and controlled to
ensure effectiveness in aligning budgets over a given period of time (Horngren et al.,
and enact corrective action if necessary. It allows an evaluation of activities in terms of
effectively manage their always limited financial resources. According to Jones et al.
achieve the public finance management goal, on proper allocation as per proposed
Sweden. The findings established that majority of local Managers in Swedish Public
Sector experienced tight budgetary controls. The study never captured the effect of
sample of 40 government parastatls were selected for the exercise. Secondary data was
used and a period of ten years considered. A regression model was used for data
analysis. The results revealed a positive relationship between Budgetary Control and
Europe and Public Universities in Kenya have different revenue streams, financing
methods, systems of operations and objectives. Therefore a gap in literature exists in
number of States in the Federation, Nigeria. He posited that making efforts to achieve
operational targets and objectives without effective budgeting and budgetary control
majority of firms were guilty of preparing initial budgets only to over-shoot the budget
limits during implementation stage due to poor budgetary control measures. The study
budgeting and budgetary controls. The study only examined budgeting and budgetary
control and its merit as a predictor of general corporate performance without focusing
on any specific measure of financial performance, a gap which this study sought to fill.
techniques of budgetary controls used in Kigali Serena Hotel, analyze the indicators of
financial performance of Kigali Serena Hotel and to establish the relationship between
Hotel. The study adopted analytical research design. The study findings depicted a
positive relationship between Budgeting and Budgetary Control system and Financial
Performance of the Hotel. The study considered both planning and control as measures
of budgetary control but left out coordination of activities amongst various
departments which this study included. Besides, Serena Hotel in Rwanda and Public
establish the Human factors within budgetary controls, establish the processof
budgetary controls. A descriptive survey design was used to gather data from
population of 138 to participate in the study. Purposive sampling was used to selelct
42 corporate services managers, finance managers and budget officers from each
corporations. The study focused on independent variables such as; human factors
within BC, processes of BC and challenges of BC which are different from those
considered by this study. A literature gap therefore still exists on effect of budgetary
Thuita & Kibati (2016), did a study on the influence of Budget Management Practices
considered campuses within Nakuru town and used exploratory research design.The
upheld and the financial controls in place. The research focused majorly on Budget
Management Practices and financial controls other than on Budgetary Control uses
and their effect on Financial performance of Public Universities in Kenya which this
and the Management of Micro and Small Enterprises at Kangemi Town in Kenya. A
of the study population. A sample size of 75 out of 160 registered micro and small
enterprises in Kangemi, Kenya was taken. The study established that management of
micro and small entreprises is positively related to Budgetary Control Practices. There
function under budgetary control which this study did. Besides, it focused on micro
and small enterprises other than on Public Universities in Kenya which have different
financing systems, revenue streams, methods of operations and objectives, a gap this
study explored.
Chirchir and Simiyu (2017), did a study on Influence of Budgetary Control System on
adopted descriptive design and sampled 126 out of a target population of 147, using
literature gap as the study focused on four variables such as planning, human factors,
resource availability, monitoring and evaluation. Of the variables only planning was
considered by this study. Besides, ALMASI beverages has different streams of
revenue sources, operations, systems and objectives from those of Public Universities
counties. Finance Officers, Accountants, Bursars and Principals were the respondents.
Descriptive survey design was used in the study with a target population of 109. The
research findings established that budgetary control had a statistically significant effect
literature gap as the study looked at budgetary control measures such as; Budget
Process, Projected income, Allocation of funds and Variance Analysis whereas this
study considered budgetary control uses such as; Planning, Coordination and Control
and their effect on Financial performance of Public Universities in Kenya. Besides, the
Liquidity and Capital Improvements which are totally different from the ones
Budgetary Control uses such as; Planning, Control and Coordination and their effect
3.1 Introduction
This chapter discusses the approaches and techniques the researcher used when
collecting data. It presents the research design, sampling, data collection methods,
carry out research (Mugenda and Mugenda, 2003). It relates to the overall strategy
chosen to integrate different components of the study in a coherent and logical way,
blueprint for the collection, measurement and analysis of data. The study will adopt a
study population. A descriptive study is concerned with finding what, where and how
problems. Sekaran (2003), further opined that descriptive studies are designed to
obtain current phenomenon and whenever possible to draw varied conclusions from
facts as discussed. Sekaran (2003), asserted that descriptive research design is easy to
sample is drawn. Sekran (2003), defines target population as the population in which
the researcher wants to generalize the study results. The study was be conducted in
five Main Public Universities located in Nairobi County. These include; University of
and the Co-operative University of Kenya. The study targeted population comprising
as; Finance Officers, Deputy Finance Officers, Accountants and Accounts Assistants.
3.4.1Sample Size
The survey was conducted in all the five Main Public Universities located in Nairobi
technique in which the researcher relies on his or her own judgement when choosing
members of population to participate in the study. A sample was drawn from each
subgroup from the five main Public Universities and the distribution was as follows;
From table 3.2 above it is evident that the obtained Cronbach alpha value of 0.783 is
above the acceptable standard value of 0.7 hence indicative that the data collection
instrument was likely to yield reliable and valid results.
α = Constant term
X1 = Planning
X2 = Coordination
X3 = Controlling
ɛ = Standard Error
4.1 Introduction
This chapter presents the findings, interpretation and discussion of the study. It is
sequenced into five main sections comprising response rate, demographic information
Universities in Kenya.
response rate. This return rate was good enough for the study because Saunders and
Gay (2003) stated that a return rate of more than 50% was acceptable in research.
Table 4.1: Distribution of Respondents by Demographic Characteristics
Characteristic F %
Job Title
Accounts Assistants 21 55.3
Accountants 17 44.7
Male 25 65.8
Female 13 34.2
Age bracket
31-40 years 32 84.2
41-50 years 4 10.5
18-30 years 1 2.6
Over 50 years 1 2.6
Level of education
Undergraduate 22 57.9
Postgraduate 15 39.5
Certificate 1 2.6
Terms of employment
Permanent and pensionable 26 68.4
Contract 10 26.3
Temporary 2 5.3
Duration in the current position.
Less than 5 years 27 71.1
5- 10 years 10 26.3
More than 10 years 1 2.6
Years of service in a Public University in Kenya
Less than 5 years 19 50.0
5-10 years 11 28.9
More than 10 years 7 18.4
Not stated 1 2.6
Source: Research Data 2019
Table 4.1 shows that when distributed by job titles, majority (55.3%) of the
being males while 34.2% were females. The findings demonstrate efforts by the
When distributed by age bracket, the table depicts most (84.2%) of the respondents
were aged between 31-40 years, 10.5% ranged from 41-50 years while 2.6% each
On education level, the table demonstrates that majority( 57.9%) of the respondents
2.6% were certificate holders. The findings signify that most of the respondents had
When categorized by their terms of employment, the table illustrates that majority
(68.4%) were permanent and pensionable, 26.3% were on contract while 5.3% were
With regard to the question that sought information on duration in their current
positions, table 4.1 shows that majority (71.1%) of the respondents stated they had
served for less than 5 years, 26.3% reported 5 to 10 years while 2.6% indicated they
Subsequently, when asked how long they had worked in a public university in Kenya,
majority (50.0%) of the respondents reported having spent less than 5 years, 28.9%
stated 5 to 10 years, 18.4% had been working for more than 10 years while 2.6% did
not comment.
4.4 Planning
4.1 below.
Figure 4.1 Period, Annual Budgeted Revenue and Expenditure
Annual Budgeted
Over 10 Billion
Kshs. 5 to 10 Billion
Annual Budgeted
Over 10 Billion
Kshs. 5 to 10 Billion
Covered by
1 year
Responses in Percentages
Source: Research Data, 2019
From figure 4.1 above, it is evident that all (100.0%) the respondents reported that
With regard to approximate level of annual budgeted revenue, the figure illustrates that
majority (60.5%) of the respondents indicated that their respective universities had
reported Over Kshs. 10 Billion. Similarly, the figure portrays majority (57.9%) of the
annual budgeted expenditure within the range of Kshs. 5 to 10 Billion while 42.1%
4.4.2 Budget Planning Process
When asked to indicate their level of agreement /disagreement with the statements
relating to budget planning aspects, the responses obtained are summarized in table
Table 4.2 above shows that most (92.1%, 84.2%, 86.8%, 84.2%) of the respondents
confirmed that; each department in their respective universities prepare budget plans
prior to budget periods, the universities had both short and long term budget plans,
they incorporate both development and recurrent plans in their budgets and that their
each and 10.5% were not sure while 2.6% respectively disagreed this was not the case.
These findings demonstrates a general consensus among the respondents with regard
formulation of both of short and long term budget plans, incorporation of both
4.5 Budget Control Process
10.0% 2.6% 2.6%
Quarterly Annually Bianually
Review Interval
From figure 4.2, it is evident that most (94.8%) of the respondents reported their
budgets were reviewed on quarterly basis while 2.6% each stated annualy and
biannually respectively.
4.5.2 Level of Agreement/Disagreement with Budget Control Statements
Table 4.3 Level of Agreement/Disagreement with Control Statements
were respectively in agreement with regard to; existence of budgetary committees that
policies that help in monitoring budget spending limits, periodically prepare reports
performance, tabulating variances at the end of the budget cycle. A further 2.6%,
7.9%,10.5% and 18.4% respectively were not sure while 2.6% each reported this was
Similarly, majority (71.1% and 73.7%) of the respondents agreed that their
corrective actions taken to address the adverse effects respectively, 26.3% and 23.7%
4.6 Budget Coordination Process
Table 4.4 Level of Agreement/Disagreement with Coordination Statements
departments, Finance Office is responsible for centralized control over the budget
process and closely works with Senior Management and departmental heads, the
consensus of ideas, strategies and direction in addition to there being some level of
respectively; 5.3%,5.3%, 10.5%,13.5% were not sure whether this was the case while
Table 4.5 above shows existence of correlation between planning and financial
than 0 hence signifying a positive association. Thus as the value of budget planning
Table 4.6 above shows that t value of 4.549 is greater than 1.92 signfying a general
Universities in Kenya as does the p value, 0.000< alpha value of 0.05 (confidence
0.207 and 0.366 relating to; the University incorporating both development and
recurrent plans in their budgets.and the University's budget at Planning level factors in
universities and vise versa. Despite the negative Z-order (-0.396) for approximate
level of annual budgetted expenditure, the observed aggregate positive effect is thus
ranging from 1.005 to 1.441. Organizations should therefore adopt Planning as a tool
Universities. This differed from the study carried out by Nwoye (2015), who studied
Budgeting and Budgetary Control as metric for corporate performance with no focus
Table 4.7 above illustrates there being association between budget Coordination and
greater than 0, signifying a positive association. It can thus be deduced from these
a correspondending positive effect in the Financial Performance of public universities.
Table 4.8 above illustrates t value of 2.343 as greter than than 1.92 signfying a general
universities in Kenya which is further exhibited by the p value, 0.025< alpha value of
positive zero orders ranging from .398 to .492, hence an increase in the variables will
vise versa. Besides, the VIF of 1.629 indicates weak multicollinearity among the
as earlier shown by the moderate positive association, R value of the model summary.
as the above results depict a positive significant relationship between Cordination and
Financial Performance of Public Universities. This differed from the study carried out
by Hemsing and Baker (2013) who studied the Effect of Budgetary Control in
Swedish Public Sector but never explored Effect of Budgetary Control Uses on
Table 4.9 above demonstrates an association between Budget Control and Financial
0, signifying a positive association, albeit a weak one. These findings evince that an
Table 4.10 Pearson Correlation Cofficientsa for Budget Control Process
Table 4.10 above envinces t value of 2.924 to be greater than 1.92, signfying a general
universities in Kenya, with p value, 0.006< alpha value of 0.05 (confidence level at
public universities in Kenya. This is further validated by the positive zero orders for
all the three variables namely; existence of a Budgetary Committee that periodically
meets to review budget performance, the institution periodically prepares reports for
budget performance evaluation and the institution takes corrective action to address
and vise versa. It is also noteworthy that the aggregate positive effect depicted is
value that had signified a weak association. Organizations should therefore adopt
Control as a tool under Budgetary Control as the above results illustrate a positive
Universities. This differed from the study carried out by Thuita and Kibati (2016),
Y= β0 + β 1X1+ β 2X2
Y= 3.698(-0.639) + 1.438(1.475) + 2.353 (0.514)
= -2.363+ 2.121+ 1.209
= 0.967
The equation above depicts a value of 0.967 thus it is deducable from findings that an
From the foregoing all the p values denoted as (sig) of 0.000, 0.025 and 0.006 for
Budget Planning, Budget Coordination and Budget Control respectively are less than
the alpha value of 0.05 (confidence level of 5%). The following conclusions can thus
be made in relation to the three null hypotheses assumed under chapter one sub
section 1.4;
Reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis that states: There is a
Universities in Kenya.
Reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesiss that states: There is a
Reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis that states: There is a
From the foregoing, it is evident that indeed there exists a significant relationship
Universities in Kenya.
5.1 Introduction
This section presents the summary arising from the foregoing results, conclusions
Assistants while 44.7% were Accountants, thus all respondents were accountants.
In relation to gender, majority (65.8%) of the respondents were males while 34.2%
respondents had the requisite competence and knowledge as depicted by their job
and pensionable, 26.3% were on contract while 5.3% were engaged on temporary
basis. With regard to duration in their current positions, majority (71.1%) of the
respondents reported they had served for less than 5 years, 26.3% had worked for 5 to
10 years while 2.6% indicated they had served for more than 10 years. Subsequently,
majority (50.0%) of the respondents reported having spent less than 5 years of work
experience in public universities in Kenya, 28.9% stated 5 to 10 years, 18.4% had
5.2.3 Planning
With regard to approximate level of annual budgeted revenue, majority (60.5%) of the
budgeted revenue ranging from 5 to 10 Billion while 39.5% reported Over Kshs. 10
Billion. Similarly, majority (57.9%) of the respondents reported that their respective
universities had approximate level of annual budgeted expenditure within the range of
periods, the universities had both short and long term budget plans, they incorporate
both development and recurrent plans in their budgets, budgets at planning levels do
preparation of budget plans prior to budget periods, formulation of both short and
long term budget plans, incorporation of both development and recurrent plans and
quarterly basis. Most (94.8%,89.5%,86.8%,79.0%) of the respondents were also in
review budget performance, the institutions have budget policies that help in
performance evaluations and they do compare actual and budgeted performance and
tabulates variances at the end of the budget cycle. Similarly, majority (71.1% and
73.7%) of the respondents reported that their institutions‟ adverse budget deviations
are reported to Budget Committees and corrective actions are taken to address the
adverse effects respectively while 26.3% and 23.7% were not sure.
centralized control over the budget process and closely work with Senior Management
5.2.7 Association between Co-ordination and Financial Performance of Public
There is a moderate positive association between budget Coordination and Financial
consistent with the p value, 0.000< alpha value of 0.05 (confidence level at 95%) an
The positive zero orders of 0.207 and 0.366 relating to the universities incorporating
both development and recurrent plans in their budgets.and the University's budget at
performance of the Universities and vise versa. Despite the negative Z-order (-0.396)
positive effect is thus attributable to the weak multicollinearity among the variables
that tend to overshadow the negative effects as depicted by Variance Inflation Factors
Kenya which is further exhibited by the p value, 0.025< alpha value of 0.05
zero orders ranging from .398 to .492 hence an increase in the variables will result in
Besides, the VIF of 1.629 indicates weak multicollinearity among the variables hence
p value, 0.006< alpha value of 0.05 (confidence level at 95%) an indication that there
This is further validated by the positive zero orders for all the three variables namely;
evaluation and; the institutions take corrective action to address adverse variances
corresponding increase in Financial Performance of the Universities and vise versa. It
is also noteworthy that the aggregate positive effect depicted is corroborated by the
weak multicollinearity among the variables as shown by values ranging from 1.319 to
1.736 which is in line with the findings on model summary, R value that had signified
a weak association.
5.3 Conclusions
The following conclusions can be drawn from the foregoing summary in line with the
research study objectives and the three null hypotheses assumed under chapter one,
i. Reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis that states:
ii. Reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis that states:
iii. Reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis that states:
targets with actual performance and adverse deviations thereof are corrected in time.
ahead, set targets, anticipate problems and give the organization purpose and direction.
the accomplishments of the organization‟s objectives. For attainment of financial
research studies should be carried out on Private organizations with profit orientation
as this study only delved in Public Universities in Kenya. In future similar studies
should be carried out in both public and private entities in Kenya as Budgetary
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Bornface Otieno,
Dear Respondent,
a) Less than 5 years [ ]
b) Between 5 and 10 years [ ]
c) More than 10 years [ ]
9. Please indicate the period covered by your budget;
a) Less than 1 year [ ]
b) I year [ ]
c) More than 1 year [ ]
10. What is your approximate level of annual budgeted revenue?
a) Less than Kshs. 5 Billion [ ]
b) Between Kshs. 5 and 10 Billion [ ]
c) Over Kshs. 10 Billion [ ]
11. What is your approximate level of annual budgeted expenditure?
a) Less than Kshs. 5 Billion [ ]
b) Between Kshs. 5 and 10 Billion [ ]
c) Over Kshs. 10 Billion. [ ]
12. Please tick the following statements by indicating your level of agreement
with the listed activities as; (i) Disagree (ii) Not Sure (iii) Agree (iv)
Strongly Agree
Statements (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
a) Each department of the University prepares budget
plans prior to budget periods.
b) The University has both short and long term budget
c) The University incorporates both development and
recurrent plans in their budgets.
d) The University‟s budget at planning level factors in
the priorities of different departments.
13. How often is your budget reviewed?
a) Annually [ ]
b) Biannually [ ]
c) Quarterly [ ]
d) None [ ]
14. Please tick the following statements by indicating your level of agreement
with the listed activities as; (i) Disagree (ii) Not Sure (iii) Agree (iv)
Strongly Agree
15. Please tick the following statements by indicating your level of agreement
with the listed activities as; (i) Disagree (ii) Not Sure (iii) Agree (iv)
Strongly Agree
Statements (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
a) The University harmonizes budgets of various
b) The University‟s Finance Office is responsible for
centralized control over the budget process, who
must work closely with Senior Management and
departmental heads.
c) The budgetary process communicates to staff what
is expected of them as it allows for a consensus of
ideas, strategies and direction.
d) Within the institution there is some level of
interdependence between departments and
activities considered in the budget
1.25 (0.20)
Multimedia University
0.29 (0.07)
Technical University of Kenya
0.58 (0.00)
The Co-operative University of
258,657,862.33 1.94 2.48
University of Nairobi
(Source: Commssion For University Education, Kenya)
Main Public Universities located within Nairobi County
(Source: Commission for University Education, Kenya)
1. Kenyatta University
2. Multimedia University
3. Technical University of Kenya
4. The Co-operative University of Kenya
5. University of Nairobi
Jagongo Control as a survey Control process variables such as; human
(2013) Measure of design. exhibited a factors within BC, Process
Financial Sample of 14 positive of BC and Challenges of BC
Performance of corporations significant which are different from this
State from 138 influence on study.
Corporations population financial
in Kenya performance of
Thuita & Budget Explanatory Financial Delved majorly on Budget
Kibati Management Research Performance of Management practices and
(2016) Practices and Design. Public Financial Controls rather
Controls on Sample of 76 Universities than on Budgetary Control
Effective from target was Uses.
Management population of significantly
of Finances in 328. affected by the
Public extent to which
Universities in budget
Kenya management
practices were
upheld and
controls in
Kerosi Analysis of Descriptive Management of Independent variables never
(2018) Budgetary Survey Micro and included coordination as a
Control design. Small function under BC. Besides,
Practices and Sample size enterprises is it only focused on the effect
the of 75 out of a positively of BC variables on Micro
Management population of related to the and Small Enterprises other
of Micro and 160 Budgetary than on Public Universities
Small registered Control which have different systems
Enterprises at micro and Practices. of operations and objectives.
Kangemi small
Town in enterprises in
Kenya Kangemi,