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To calculate the torsional rigidity of the bar specimen.

The Main Parts of the Universal Vibration System are mentioned below:
1. Unbalance exciter:
2. Beam:
3. Damper:
4. Exciter Control Unit:
5. Drum for Recording Vibrations:
6. Suspension and Oscillating Spring:
7. Frame:

1. Unbalance Exciter:
An unbalanced exciter is a device used to deliberately introduce imbalance into a rotating system. This
imbalance creates vibrations that can be used to test the structural integrity of the system, its response to
vibrations, and the effectiveness of dampening mechanisms. It typically works by adding unbalanced weights
to a shaft or rotor, often adjustable, to vary the magnitude and location of the imbalance.

2. Beam:
A beam refers to the structural element that is being tested for its vibration characteristics. It could be a simple
beam, a bridge section, or a component of a larger structure. Its properties like length, material, and cross-
section shape play a crucial role in determining its natural frequencies and vibration response.

3. Damper:
A damper is a device designed to dissipate energy from a vibrating system, thereby reducing its amplitude and
preventing excessive movement. Different types of dampers exist, such as viscous dampers, friction dampers,
and tuned mass dampers, each with its working principles and effectiveness in specific situations.
4. Exciter Control Unit:
This is the electronic unit responsible for controlling the operation of the unbalanced exciter. It allows for
setting the desired speed, amplitude, and frequency of the unbalanced forces, enabling controlled and
repeatable testing conditions. Additionally, it might offer features like data acquisition and analysis

5. Drum for Recording Vibrations:

This refers to a specialized drum, often mounted near the beam under test, that captures the vibrations
generated by the unbalanced force. The drum surface typically has sensors attached to convert the vibrations
into electrical signals for recording and analysis. This data helps assess the dynamic behavior of the beam and
the effectiveness of any damping mechanisms.

6. Suspension and Oscillating Spring:

The suspension system holds the beam in place while allowing it to vibrate freely. This might involve springs,
cables, or other flexible elements that isolate the beam from external disturbances while enabling controlled
testing conditions. The oscillating spring could be part of the damper system, contributing to additional energy
dissipation through controlled movement.


A vibration is a mechanical phenomenon where oscillation occurs at an equilibrium position. It can be useful
as well as harmful, so we need to understand this phenomenon quite clearly to avoid it or take advantage of
it. A vibratory system consists of three parts:
1. Basic parts spring (stores potential energy)
2. Mass (stores kinetic energy)
3. Damper (dissipates energy)
There are two types of vibrations:
1. Free Vibration/Natural Vibration.
2. Forced Vibration.

1. Free vibration:
Free vibration is where there is no externally applied vibrating forcing. In free vibration, energy will remain
the same, and energy is not added or removed from the body. The body keeps vibrating at the same amplitude.
The solution to a free vibration is usually roughly sinusoidal.
Free vibration is commonly observed in mechanical systems, such as springs, pendulums, and guitar strings.
When these systems are displaced from their equilibrium position and released, they will oscillate back and
forth with a frequency determined by the system's mass and stiffness.
2. Forced vibration:
This is also called force Oscillation. Forced vibration occurs when motion is sustained or driven by an
applied periodic force in either damped or undamped systems.

 Damped vibrations:
Damped vibration refers to the oscillation of a system where external forces or
internal mechanisms gradually dissipate the energy of the oscillation, causing it to decrease in amplitude
over time until it eventually comes to rest. Unlike free vibration, which happens without external forces,
damped vibration takes into account various factors that reduce the vibration's intensity.
Damping is caused due to friction, energy dissipation, Eddy currents, etc.
 Friction:
Friction between moving parts of the system and its surroundings (e.g., air resistance)
converts the system's kinetic energy into thermal energy, slowing down the vibration.
 Material properties:
Internal friction within the materials themselves can also dissipate energy and
dampen the vibration.
 External dampers:
Devices like shock absorbers or tuned mass dampers are specifically designed
to absorb and dissipate vibration energy, enhancing the damping effect.
 Types of Damping:
There are 3 primary types of damping:
1. Overdamping:
2. Critical damping:
3. Underdamping:
 Undamped vibrations:
“Undamped” means that there are no energy losses with movement (whether intentional, by adding dampers,
or unintentional, through drag or friction). An undamped system will vibrate forever without any additional
applied forces. A simple pendulum has very low damping and will swing for a long time before stopping.

 Torsional Rigidity:
Torsional rigidity refers to a material or structure's resistance to twisting or torsion when subjected to an
applied torque. In simpler terms, it measures how much a material or structure resists being twisted. This
property is particularly important in engineering and structural design, especially in applications where
components or structures may experience torsional loads, such as shafts, beams, and bridges. Torsional rigidity
is typically expressed in units such as Newton meters per radian (N·m/rad) or pounds-force inches per radian

The torsional rigidity of the component can be calculated by using the following formula:
Torsional rigidity = G x J
From the torsional equation, the product G.J can also be written as,

Therefore, for the object subjected to the torque of T, the torsional rigidity can be given by,
Torsional rigidity=
L = Length of a shaft (m)
θ = Angle of twist (Radian)
T = Torque (N.m)
GJ = N/m2.m⁴ = N.m²
 Relationship of torsional rigidity and vibrations
Torsional rigidity profoundly impacts the vibration dynamics of a bar specimen, particularly in torsional
vibrations. Higher torsional rigidity leads to higher natural frequencies and shorter vibration periods, while
lower rigidity results in lower frequencies and longer periods. Additionally, torsional rigidity affects the
stiffness of the bar, influencing the speed of vibration decay and overall vibration durations. Understanding
this relationship is crucial for designing and analyzing systems involving torsional vibrations, such as rotating
shafts and mechanical components, where minimizing vibration effects is often a key consideration.


1. Attach the two mounts with the large wheel to the horizontal section of the frame such that the distance
between the chucks is 500mm.
2. Insert torsion bar Ø 5mm and clamp between the chucks.
3. Tighten the chucks firmly to avoid any slippage of the bar.
4. Position the end of the rope with the ball in the groove and wrap the rope around a large disc.
5. Align a large disc such that the scale is set to zero.
6. Weight can now be added to the free end of the cord.
7. Check chucks. These must be tightened firmly to prevent slipping under heavy loads. Increase load in
increments of 2.5 N up to a total load of 10 N.
8. Read off and note down defection and convert the angle to radian Ø=Øᵒ.ƛ/180.

9. Calculate rigidity. CØ =F.r/Ø.

Observations and calculation:

Rod diameter
Load applied Angle Angle radian Rigidity(exp)


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