1621 7201 2022-11-10 08-54-51 Eng

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[100010] Filing information

Start Date
End Date
Filing information [line items]
Disclosure of entity information [abstract]
Name of reporting entity
Company symbol code| ISIN code
Sector| Industry group
Disclosure of document information [abstract]
Whether entity wants to report opening statement of financial position
Period covered by financial statements
Reporting period start date
Reporting period end date
Description of nature of financial statements
Status of financial statements
Description of presentation currency
Level of rounding used in financial statements
Method of presentation of statement of financial position
Method of presentation of statement of income
[200100] Independent auditors report

Start Date
End Date
Auditors information [line items]
Details of auditors signing report [abstract]
Name of auditor signing report
Details of audit firm [abstract]
Registration number of audit firm
Contact number of audit firm
Address of audit firm

Start Date
End Date
Auditors report [line items]
Disclosures of auditors report [text block]
Contents of auditors report [abstract]
Nature of auditors opinion
Date of signing audit report by auditor
[300200] Statement of financial position, current/ non-current
Start Date
End Date
Statement of financial position [abstract]
Assets [abstract]
Current assets [abstract]
Bank balances and cash
Trade accounts receivable
Other receivables
Total current assets
Non-current assets [abstract]
Property, plant and equipment
Intangible assets other than goodwill, net
Investments in associates and joint ventures
Total non-current assets
Total assets
Liabilities and equity [abstract]
Liabilities [abstract]
Current liabilities [abstract]
Trade accounts payables
Accrued expenses
Due to related parties
Zakat payable
Deferred revenue, current
Total current liabilities
Non-current liabilities [abstract]
Employees' terminal benefits
Total non-current liabilities
Total liabilities
Equity [abstract]
Shareholder's equity [abstract]
Share capital
Statutory Reserve
Retained earnings (accumulated losses)
Equity attributable to owners of parent
Total equity
Total liabilities and equity
[300300] Statement of income, nature of expense
Start Date
End Date
Statement of income [abstract]
Profit (loss) [abstract]
Continuing operations [abstract]
Revenue [abstract]
Sales of goods
Total revenue
Other operating income
Changes in inventories of finished goods and work in progress
Other expenses
Profit (loss) before zakat and income tax from continuing operations
Zakat expenses on continuing operations for period
Profit (loss) for period from continuing operations
Profit (loss) for period
Profit (loss), attributable to [abstract]
Profit (loss), attributable to equity holders of parent company
Earnings per share [abstract]
Basic earnings (loss) per share [abstract]
Basic earnings (loss) per share from continuing operations
Total basic earnings (loss) per share
Weighted average number of equity shares outstanding
[300500] Statement of other comprehensive income, before tax
Start Date
End Date
Statement of other comprehensive income, before tax [abstract]
Statement of comprehensive income [abstract]
Profit (loss) for period
Total comprehensive income (loss) for period
Total comprehensive income (loss) attributable to [abstract]
Total comprehensive income (loss), attributable to equity holders of parent
[300600] Statement of changes in equity

Start Date
End Date
Statement of changes in equity [line items]
Equity balance at beginning of period (before adjustments)
Adjustments for restatements
Equity balance at beginning of period (after adjustments)
Changes in equity [abstract]
Comprehensive income [abstract]
Profit (loss) for period
Total comprehensive income (loss) for period
Total changes in shareholders equity
Equity balance at end of period
[300700] Statement of cash flows, indirect method
Start Date
End Date
Statement of cash flows, indirect method [abstract]
Statement of cash flows [abstract]
Cash flows from (used in) operating activities [abstract]
Profit (loss) before zakat and income tax [abstract]
Profit (loss) before zakat and income tax from continuing operations
Profit (loss) for period before zakat and income tax
Adjustments to reconcile profit (loss) before tax to net cash flows [abstract]
Adjustments for depreciation and impairment (reversal of impairment) of property, plant and equipments
Adjustments for amortization and impairment (reversal of impairment) of intangible assets
Adjustment for provision of employees' terminal benefit
Total adjustments to reconcile profit (loss) before tax to net cash flows
Operating cash flow before working capital changes
Adjustments for working capital changes [abstract]
Adjustments for decrease (increase) in inventories
Adjustments for decrease (increase) in trade accounts receivable, net
Adjustments for decrease (increase) in other receivables
Adjustments for increase (decrease) in trade accounts payable
Adjustments for increase (decrease) in accrued expenses
Adjustments for other current liabilities
Net increase (decrease) due to working capital changes
Net cash flows from (used in) operations
Net cash flows from (used in) operating activities
Cash flows from (used in) investing activities [abstract]
Purchase of property, plant and equipment
Net cash flows from (used in) investing activities
Cash flows from (used in) financing activities [abstract]
Other inflows (outflows) of cash, classified as financing activities
Net cash flows from (used in) financing activities
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents before effect of exchange rate changes
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period
[400100] Notes forming part of accounts

Start Date
End Date
Notes forming part of accounts [line items]
Disclosure of notes and other explanatory information [text block]
Disclosure of general information about reporting entity [abstract]
Disclosure of general information about reporting entity [text block]
Disclosure of information about major activities of reporting entity [text block]
Disclosure of other general disclosures about reporting entity [text block]
Disclosure of major shareholders of reporting entity [text block]
Other disclosures about reporting entity [text block]
Disclosure of basis of preparation of financial statements [abstract]
Disclosure of basis of preparation of financial statements [text block]
Disclosure of accounting framework used in preparation of financial statements [text block]
Disclosure of statement of compliance [text block]
Disclosure of basis of measurement [text block]
Disclosure of going concern [text block]
Other disclosures on basis of preparation of financial statements [text block]
Disclosure of critical accounting judgements, estimates and assumptions [abstract]
Disclosure of critical accounting judgements, estimates and assumptions, general [text block]
Disclosure of impairment of non-financial assets [text block]
Disclosure of fair value of unquoted financial instruments [text block]
Disclosure of revaluation and useful lives of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and investment properties [
Disclosure of impairment of financial assets [text block]
Disclosure of provision for inventory obsolescence [text block]
Disclosure of estimates used in revenue recognition [text block]
Disclosure of estimates used in development costs [text block]
Other disclosures on critical accounting judgements, estimates and assumptions [text block]
Disclosure of first-time adoption of IFRS [abstract]
Disclosure of period of adopting of IFRS [text block]
Other disclosures on first-time adoption of IFRS [text block]
Disclosure of summary of significant accounting policies [abstract]
Disclosure of summary of significant accounting policies, general comment [text block]
Description of accounting convention [text block]
Description of accounting policy for cash and cash equivalents [text block]
Description of accounting policy for current/ non-current classification [text block]
Description of accounting policy for financial assets [text block]
Description of accounting policy for inventories [text block]
Description of accounting policy for property, plant and equipment [text block]
Description of accounting policy for intangible assets [text block]
Description of accounting policy for impairment of financial and non-financial assets [text block]
Description of accounting policy for foreign currencies [text block]
Description of accounting policy for trade accounts payable and accruals [text block]
Description of accounting policy for provisions [text block]
Description of accounting policy for debt securities, term loans, borrowings, sukuks and murabahas [text block]
Description of accounting policy for employees' terminal benefits [text block]
Description of accounting policy for zakat [text block]
Description of accounting policy for statutory reserves [text block]
Description of accounting policy for revenue recognition [text block]
Description of accounting policy for selling and distribution expenses [text block]
Description of accounting policy for general and administrative expenses [text block]
Description of accounting policy for segment reporting [text block]
Description of accounting policy for accounting of leases [text block]
Description of accounting policy for research and development costs [text block]
Description of accounting policy for contingent gains or loss [text block]
Description of accounting policy for fair value measurement [text block]
Description of accounting policy for cash dividend and non-cash distribution to equity holders of the parent [text block]
Description of accounting policy for borrowing costs [text block]
Description of accounting policy for derivative financial instruments and hedge accounting [text block]
Description of accounting policy for financial liabilities[text block]
Description of other accounting policies relevant to understanding of financial statements [text block]
Disclosure of changes in accounting policies, changes in estimates, changes in reporting entity and errors correction [abst
Description of changes in accounting policies [text block]
Description of changes in accounting estimates [text block]
Disclosure of new and amended standards and interpretations [text block]
Disclosure of other notes forming part of accounts [abstract]
Disclosure of bank balances and cash [text block]
Disclosure of financial assets [text block]
Disclosure of trade account receivables [text block]
Disclosure of other receivables [text block]
Disclosure of intangible assets [text block]
Disclosure of other non-current assets [text block]
Disclosure of trade account payable [text block]
Disclosure of accrued expenses [text block]
Disclosure of due to related parties [text block]
Disclosure of zakat [text block]
Disclosure of deferred revenue [text block]
Disclosure of employees' terminal benefits [text block]
Disclosure of other non-current liabilities [text block]
Disclosure of share capital [text block]
Disclosure of statutory reserves [text block]
Disclosure of foreign currency translation adjustments [text block]
Disclosure of retained earnings/ accumulated losses [text block]
Disclosure of sales [text block]
Disclosure of cost of sales [text block]
Disclosure of selling and distribution expenses [text block]
Disclosure of general and administrative expenses [text block]
Disclosure of other operating expenses [text block]
Disclosure of provisions [text block]
Disclosure of other income, net [text block]
Disclosure of other expenses, net [text block]
Disclosure of earnings per share [text block]
Disclosure of leases [text block]
Disclosure of related party transactions [text block]
Disclosure of segments reporting [text block]
Disclosure of risk management [abstract]
Disclosure of credit risk [text block]
Disclosure of liquidity risk [text block]
Disclosure of interest rate risk [text block]
Disclosure of currency risk [text block]
Disclosure of subsequent events [text block]
Disclosure of comparative figures and restatements [text block]
Disclosure of board of director's approval of the financial statements [text block]
Disclosure of capital management [text block]
Disclosures of component of other comprehensive income [text block]
Disclosure of other notes relevant to understanding of financial statements [text block]
English [member]

Arab Sea Information System Co.

7201 | SA1520CJGGH7
Information Technology | Software

Quarter 3
Saudi Arabia, Riyals
Current, non-current
Nature of expense

Primary auditor [member]

English [member]

Allied Accountants Professional ( RSM)

Riyadh - Saudi Arabia
English [member]


Unmodified opinion















Share capital [member]











English [member]

The Arab Sea Information Systems Company was registered in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as a Saudi joint stock company u
The company is engaged in wholesale and retail trade in computers, machines and office equipment, importing and distributin
Based on the decision of His Excellency the Minister of Commerce and Industry No. (128 / M) dated 04/14/1429 AH correspon
Muhammad Saleh Muhammad Al-Suhaibani 22.05% Bg Company Ltd. 15.04
A Saudi joint stock company with a capital of one hundred million riyals, started its activities in 1980

The financial statements are prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards approved in the Kin
he financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the appropriate accounting framework and in compliance with
These condensed interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard No.
The financial statements are prepared on the historical cost basis, which is generally determined on the basis of the fair value
The company is bound by the principle of continuity when preparing the financial statements and our attention has not been pa
in this company of condensed Primary financial statements, IFRS 16 was applied, which had no effect on the financial stateme

he significant estimates made by management when applying the Company’s accounting policies and the significant sources o
There is and is clarified in the report
The fair value of non-financial assets is measured by taking into account the ability of market participants to achieve economic
The fair value of non-financial assets is measured by taking into account the ability of market participants to achieve economic
The decline in the value of financial assets is reviewed periodically (if any), and this decrease is caught in the financial stateme
The inventory aging is reviewed periodically to assess the need to create a provision for the advanced goods
Revenue is recognized to the extent that it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the company. Revenue can be m
The significant estimates made by management when applying the group's accounting policies and the significant sources of e
The significant estimates made by management when applying the group's accounting policies and the significant sources of e

All periods in the lists follow international standards

international Standard No. 16 was followed for the first time, and there is no significant accounting impact for its application

The company follows accounting policies in accordance with the accounting framework of the International Financial Reporting
The financial statements have been prepared using the measurement bases defined by IFRS
Cash and cash equivalents include bank balances, cash in hand, short-term deposits, demand deposits, and highly liquid inve
The company shows the assets and liabilities in the balance sheet as "current / non-current". Assets are considered current: w
‫ ُيحتفظ باألصل المالي ضمن نموذج أعمال ه‬- :‫ يتم قياس االصل المالي بالتكلفة المستنفدة إذا تم استيفاء كل من الشرطين التاليين‬.‫ أو بالقيمة العادلة من خالل قائمة الربح أو الخسارة‬،‫و بالتكلفة المستنفدة‬
the inventory consists of computer equipment and accessories. Inventories are stated at cost and net realizable value, whiche
property and equipment are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses, if any. This cos
Intangible assets acquired separately are measured on initial recognition at cost. Intangible assets acquired in the acquisition
‫ يعتبر األصل المالي أو مجموعة من االصول المالية منخفضة القيمة فقط إذا كان هناك دليل موضوعي علي وقوع الھبوط في القيمة كنتيجة لوقوع حدث أو أكثر بعد اإلثبات األولي أللصل وأن‬.‫االخر‬
In principle, foreign currency transactions are converted by the company at the spot rates prevailing in the functional currency
These amounts represent the obligations related to the goods and services provided to the company before the end of the fina
Provisions are recognized when there are current obligations (legal or anticipated) on the company resulting from previous eve
Loans and receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not traded in an active
The end of service indemnity provision for employees is calculated according to the expected unit cost method in accordance
The company calculates and records zakat provision on the basis of the Zakat base in its financial statements in accordance w
Statutory reserve is formed in accordance with the articles of association of the company
Revenue from contracts with customers is recognized using a five-step model: 1. Determining the contract 2. Fulfilling perform
This item includes the costs incurred to implement or facilitate all selling activities in the company. These costs usually include
This item relates to operating expenses that are not directly related to selling any goods or providing services. It also includes
The operating sectors of the company are determined based on internal reports that are reviewed regularly by the company’s
It is accounted for leases in accordance with Standard No. 16
Research costs related to internally developed programs and technical and innovative assets are expensed as incurred. Deve
Within the framework of international financial reporting standards
The fair value is the price that will be received when an asset is sold or paid upon transferring a liability according to an orderly
Within the framework of international financial reporting standards
The costs of the loans that are used directly to finance the constructions during the daily period are capitalized to complete tho
Within the framework of international financial reporting standards
Financial liabilities are recognized upon initial recognition at fair value less, in the case of a financial commitment not at fair val
Within the framework of international financial reporting standards

Changes are reviewed periodically at the end of each period

Changes are reviewed periodically at the end of each period
International Financial Reporting Standard No. (16) - Lease Contracts The International Accounting Standards Board issued a

Bank matches were made and certificates extracted from the relevant banks
International Standard 9 applies to customer ages
An inventory of the goods was taken and the goods were matched on the system
They are indicated in the budget for the period
The explanation is in the report
The explanation is in the report
The explanation is in the report
The explanation is in the report
The explanation is in the report
The explanation is in the report
The explanation is in the report
The explanation is in the report
The explanation is in the report
The explanation is in the report
The explanation is in the report
The explanation is in the report
The explanation is in the report
The first period, in addition to inventory purchases and amortization direct expenses minus stock last period
The explanation is in the report
The explanation is in the report
The explanation is in the report
The explanation is in the report
The explanation is in the report
The explanation is in the report
The explanation is in the report
The explanation is in the report
The explanation is in the report
The explanation is in the report
The explanation is in the report

The explanation is in the report

The explanation is in the report
The explanation is in the report
The explanation is in the report
The explanation is in the report
The explanation is in the report
The explanation is in the report
The explanation is in the report
The explanation is in the report
The explanation is in the report


Second primary auditor [member]

English [member]

2021-01-01 2021-01-01
2021-09-30 2021-12-31 Note No.
5,713,506 19,515,770
15,026,786 8,535,754
270,748 980,560
16,477,272 1,958,915
37,488,312 30,990,999
37,488,312 30,990,999

491,521 681,615
120,477,290 133,861,441
122,218,811 134,543,056
159,707,123 165,534,055

2,102,915 2,734,275
4,525,428 7,264,930
974,913 1,023,977
1,047,236 2,703,500
9,049,296 13,726,682
9,049,296 13,726,682

4,126,794 4,591,534
4,126,794 4,591,534
13,176,090 18,318,216

100,000,000 100,000,000
15,385,505 16,501,562
31,145,528 30,714,277
146,531,033 147,215,839
146,531,033 147,215,839
159,707,123 165,534,055

2021-07-01 2022-01-01 2021-01-01

2021-09-30 2022-09-30 2021-09-30 Note No.

11,719,972 27,201,579 33,954,115

11,719,972 27,201,579 33,954,115
4,194 1,375,456 37,713
5,738,453 17,912,625 15,762,827
4,303,771 17,424,249 11,991,452
1,681,942 -6,759,839 6,237,549
200,813 765,681 306,906
1,481,129 -7,525,520 5,930,643
1,481,129 -7,525,520 5,930,643

1,481,129 -7,525,520 5,930,643

0.15 -0.75 0.59

0.15 -0.75 0.59
10000000 10000000 10000000

2021-07-01 2022-01-01 2021-01-01

2021-09-30 2022-09-30 2021-09-30 Note No.

1,481,129 -7,525,520 5,930,643

1,481,129 -7,525,520 5,930,643

1,481,129 -7,525,520 5,930,643

Share premium [member] Treasury shares [member] Statutory reserve [member] General reserve [member]
2021-01-01 2022-01-01 2021-01-01 2022-01-01 2021-01-01 2022-01-01 2021-01-01 2022-01-01
2021-09-30 2022-09-30 2021-09-30 2022-09-30 2021-09-30 2022-09-30 2021-09-30 2022-09-30

100,000,000 16,501,562 15,385,505

100,000,000 16,501,562 15,385,505

100,000,000 16,501,562 15,385,505

2021-09-30 Note No.






Note No.
General reserve [member] Retained earnings (accumulAsset revaluation reserve Available-for-sale [member] Employee share based plan
2021-01-01 2022-01-01 2021-01-01 2022-01-01 2021-01-01 2022-01-01 2021-01-01 2022-01-01
2021-09-30 2022-09-30 2021-09-30 2022-09-30 2021-09-30 2022-09-30 2021-09-30 2022-09-30

30,714,277 20,941,453
30,714,277 25,214,885

-7,525,520 5,930,643
-7,525,520 5,930,643
-7,525,520 5,930,643
23,188,757 31,145,528
Employee share based planReserve of exchange differ Cash flow hedges reserve Reserve of disposal group he
Miscellaneous other reserv
2021-01-01 2022-01-01 2021-01-01 2022-01-01 2021-01-01 2022-01-01 2021-01-01 2022-01-01
2021-09-30 2022-09-30 2021-09-30 2022-09-30 2021-09-30 2022-09-30 2021-09-30 2022-09-30
Miscellaneous other reserv Total other reserves [memb Equity attributable to owner Non-controlling interests [ Total equity [member]
2021-01-01 2022-01-01 2021-01-01 2022-01-01 2021-01-01 2022-01-01 2021-01-01 2022-01-01
2021-09-30 2022-09-30 2021-09-30 2022-09-30 2021-09-30 2022-09-30 2021-09-30 2022-09-30

147,215,839 136,326,958 147,215,839

147,215,839 140,600,390 147,215,839

-7,525,520 5,930,643 -7,525,520

-7,525,520 5,930,643 -7,525,520
-7,525,520 5,930,643 -7,525,520
139,690,319 146,531,033 139,690,319
otal equity [member]
2021-09-30 N



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