Tle 8
Tle 8
Tle 8
➢ Introduction:
4. History of Masonry:
3. Characteristics of Masonry:
➢ Introduction:
2. Types of Plumbing:
RAC, or Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, is a) Heat Transfer: RAC involves the transfer of
the branch of engineering that deals with the heat from one area to another using
principles, techniques, and equipment used refrigerants and heat exchange mechanisms.
for cooling, refrigeration, and air conditioning. b) Compression and Expansion: Refrigeration
It involves controlling temperature, humidity, systems rely on the compression and
and air quality to create comfortable expansion of refrigerants to cool the air or
environments, preserve perishable goods, and objects.
maintain the optimal functioning of
equipment. c) Humidity Control: RAC systems can
regulate humidity levels by removing excess
2. Types of RAC: moisture from the air.
a) Refrigeration: Refrigeration systems d) Energy Efficiency: Modern RAC systems
are designed to cool and preserve focus on energy-efficient designs and
perishable items such as food, technologies to minimize environmental
medicines, and other temperature- impact and reduce energy consumption.
sensitive products. Common examples
include refrigerators, freezers, walk-in e) Environmental Considerations: The
coolers, and cold storage facilities. selection and use of refrigerants in RAC
systems play a vital role in minimizing ozone
b) Air Conditioning: Air conditioning depletion and global warming potential.
systems are used to cool and condition
the air in buildings and vehicles, 4. History of RAC:
providing comfort and maintaining The development of refrigeration and air
suitable environments. Examples conditioning technology dates back to the
include central air conditioning early 19th century when scientists and
systems, window units, split air
engineers began experimenting with various Lesson #18: SMAW Welding (Shielded
cooling methods. Notable milestones include Metal Arc Welding)
the invention of mechanical refrigeration by
➢ Introduction:
Jacob Perkins in 1834 and the introduction of
air conditioning for commercial use by Willis SMAW (Shielded Metal Arc Welding), also
Carrier in 1902. Since then, RAC technology known as stick welding, is a widely used
has advanced significantly, with continuous welding process that joins metals by creating
improvements in efficiency, sustainability, and an electric arc between a coated electrode
cooling capabilities. and the workpiece.
Tile setting, also known as tile installation or c) Countertop Tile Setting: Countertop tile
tile laying, refers to the process of placing setting is done on kitchen or bathroom
tiles on surfaces to create a decorative and countertops. It involves ensuring a level and
functional finish. It involves preparing the sturdy surface for the tiles while considering
substrate, applying adhesive or mortar, factors like water resistance and ease of
positioning the tiles, and grouting the joints cleaning.
to achieve a secure and visually appealing
a) Precision: Tile setting requires careful c) Retail Spaces: Retail stores and shopping
measurement, leveling, and alignment to malls utilize tile setting to create attractive
achieve a professional and seamless and durable flooring surfaces in high-traffic
installation. areas.
1. Definition of Automotive: