202004032250571599rajni Gupta Com Value Chain Analysis
202004032250571599rajni Gupta Com Value Chain Analysis
202004032250571599rajni Gupta Com Value Chain Analysis
When a firm takes into account its value chain, it needs to consider its value proposition, or
what sets it apart from its competitors. Value chain analysis is designed to improve profits by
creating a product or service that is so superior that customers are willing to pay more than the
cost to develop it.
But improving a value chain for the sake of improvement should not be the end goal. Instead,
a company should decide why it wants to improve its value chain in the context of its
competitive advantage to differentiate itself among its peers.
Low-cost provider – value chain analysis focuses on costs and how a company can
reduce those costs.
Specialization – value chain analysis focuses on the activities that create a unique
product or differentiation in service.
Thus, there are two different approaches on how to perform the analysis, which depend on what
type of competitive advantage a company wants to create (cost or differentiation advantage).
The table below lists all the steps needed to achieve cost or differentiation advantage using
This approach is used when organizations try The firms that strive to create superior
to compete on costs and want to understand products or services use differentiation
the sources of their cost advantage or advantage approach.
disadvantage and what factors drive those
Step 1. Identify the firm’s primary and Step 1. Identify the customers’ value-
support activities. creating activities.
Step 2. Establish the relative importance of Step 2. Evaluate the differentiation strategies
each activity in the total cost of the product. for improving customer value.
Step 3. Identify cost drivers for each activity. Step 3. Identify the best sustainable
Step 4. Identify links between activities. differentiation.
Step 5. Identify opportunities for reducing
Steps of Cost Advantage
1. Step 1. Identify the firm’s primary and support activities. All the activities (from
receiving and storing materials to marketing, selling and after sales support) that are
undertaken to produce goods or services have to be clearly identified and separated
from each other. This requires an adequate knowledge of company’s operations because
value chain activities are not organized in the same way as the company itself. The
managers who identify value chain activities have to look into how work is done to
deliver customer value.
2. Step 2. Establish the relative importance of each activity in the total cost of the
product. The total costs of producing a product or service must be broken down and
assigned to each activity. Activity based costing is used to calculate costs for each
process. Activities that are the major sources of cost or done inefficiently (when
benchmarked against competitors) must be addressed first.
3. Step 3. Identify cost drivers for each activity. Only by understanding what factors
drive the costs, managers can focus on improving them. Costs for labour-intensive
activities will be driven by work hours, work speed, wage rate, etc. Different activities
will have different cost drivers.
4. Step 4. Identify links between activities. Reduction of costs in one activity may lead
to further cost reductions in subsequent activities. For example, fewer components in
the product design may lead to less faulty parts and lower service costs. Therefore,
identifying the links between activities will lead to better understanding how cost
improvements would affect the whole value chain. Sometimes, cost reductions in one
activity lead to higher costs for other activities.
5. Step 5. Identify opportunities for reducing costs. When the company knows its
inefficient activities and cost drivers, it can plan on how to improve them. Too high
wage rates can be dealt with by increasing production speed, outsourcing jobs to low
wage countries or installing more automated processes.
VCA is done differently when a firm competes on differentiation rather than costs. This is
because the source of differentiation advantage comes from creating superior products, adding
more features and satisfying varying customer needs, which results in higher cost structure.
1. Step 1. Identify the customers’ value-creating activities. After identifying all value
chain activities, managers have to focus on those activities that contribute the most to
creating customer value. For example, Apple products’ success mainly comes not from
great product features (other companies have high-quality offerings too) but from
successful marketing activities.
2. Step 2. Evaluate the differentiation strategies for improving customer
value. Managers can use the following strategies to increase product differentiation and
customer value:
M. Porter introduced the generic value chain model in 1985. He identified several key steps
common among all value chain analyses and determined that there are primary and supporting
activities that when performed at the most optimal levels will create value for their
customers, such that the value offered to the customer exceeds the cost of creating that value,
resulting in higher profit. Porter’s framework groups activities into primary and support
categories Value chain represents all the internal activities a firm engages in to produce goods
and services. The primary activities focus on taking the inputs, converting them into outputs,
and delivering the output to the customer. The support activities play an auxiliary role in
primary activities. Thus, VC is formed of primary activities that add value to the final product
directly and support activities that add value indirectly. When a company is efficient in
combining these activities to provide a superior product or service, then the customer is willing
to pay more for the product than the cost to make and deliver the product which results in a
higher profit margin.
Although, primary activities add value directly to the production process, they are not
necessarily more important than support activities. Nowadays, competitive advantage mainly
derives from technological improvements or innovations in business models or processes.
Therefore, such support activities as ‘information systems’, ‘R&D’ or ‘general management’
are usually the most important source of differentiation advantage. On the other hand, primary
activities are usually the source of cost advantage, where costs can be easily identified for each
activity and properly managed.
Value Chain Analysis is a complex and an industry specific phenomenon which has evolved
over the period of time. It is a continuous process of gathering, evaluating and communicating
information for decision making and will help you to identify all the value-creating activities
and processes within your organisation. Implementing Value chain analysis is highly complex
in nature due to the difficulty and the differences that exist between the Value Chain Analysis
requirements and the existing organizational methods and records. However, integrating the
two on similar lines can enable organizations work smartly reaping greater profits. Today’s
cost accountant must understand many functions of a business’s value chain, from
manufacturing to marketing to distribution to customer service.