Higher Education Undergrad Tuition & Fees SY2024-25
Higher Education Undergrad Tuition & Fees SY2024-25
Higher Education Undergrad Tuition & Fees SY2024-25
1st year
1. Tuition may be paid in installments. The schedule of tuition payments are as follows:
2. Basic, Miscellaneous, and Other Applicable Fees/Additional Fees should be paid in full upon registration (in addition to
the tuition amount)
3. Students are responsible for settling installment payments on or before the due dates. For those who elected to pay in
installments, no other notice of payment will be given except this schedule.
4 For failure to pay on time, a fine will be imposed as follows:
PhP400.00/month - for tuition on two-installment basis
PhP200.00/month - for tuition on four-installment basis
5. Payments may be done online via internet banking facilities or over the counter at the following banks:
a. BPI b. BDO c. Metrobank d. Unionbank
6. Payments may also be done by (a)using any Visa or Mastercard via online payment in AISIS and
(b) using the online payment portal using your OBF account, log in to: https://webpay.ateneo.edu/loyolaschools
7. Tuition receipt is downloadable from AISIS after two (2) banking days from the time payment is made.
8. A service fee of PhP250.00 will be charged for a check returned by the bank for any reason whatsoever.
9 Bank charges for out of town checks will be collected from the students concerned.