NEW Electricity and Circuits Guide
NEW Electricity and Circuits Guide
NEW Electricity and Circuits Guide
“I’ve found out so much about electricity that I’ve reached the point where I
understand nothing and can explain nothing.”
Static Electricity
The word “static” means stationary, it refers to the way electrons behave in an
insulator, static electricity is an accumulation of charge. So how is it created?
• Static electricity can occur when two insulators are rubbed together.
• Although they cannot flow, it is possible for
electrons to be removed from the surface
of an insulator leaving it positive, this is
because the material now has more
• It is also possible to add electrons to the
surface of an insulator making it negative,
because there are now more electrons
than protons.
• Electrons are the only charges that are transferred between materials. Protons
never move!
• It depends on the materials as to which insulator will become positive or negative.
But one will always end up positive and one will always end up negative.
Electric Fields
Anything with a charge has an electric field around it. An electric field is a volume of
space in which an electric charge experiences a force.
If you charge the polythene rod in the section above and then move it close to
something that is positively charged, the positively charged object will experience a
force – it will be pulled towards (attracted to) the rod. If you move the charged rod
close to another negatively charged object, it will experience a force pushing it away
(repelling it).
These forces are a consequence of the electric field around the rod.
Questions: Static
Q5 If two identical balloons were rubbed on two identical jumpers would they attract
each other or repel? Explain your answer.
Q6 Explain why a balloon which has been rubbed on your hair will stick to the ceiling.
Q8 Explain why aeroplanes need to be earthed after long flights before they can be
(i) Explain why the paint droplets are all given a positive charge.
(ii) Explain why the bicycle frame is given a negative charge.
(b) Burning coal produces soot, ash
and waste gases.The diagram Chimney wall
shows an electrostatic
precipitator used to separate the
particles of soot and ash from the Negatively charged
waste gases. grid
Effort Target
Circuit Quantities
The learning outcomes of this lesson are to be able to…
Circuit Equations
Quantity Symbol Unit
Charge Q Coulombs (C)
Current I Amps (A)
Voltage (Potential
V Volts (V)
Time t Seconds (s)
Energy or Work Done W Joules (J)
Resistance R Ohms (Ω)
To calculate the current flowing in a circuit, you need to know how many coulombs of
charge is flowing, and the amount of time it takes to flow.
If there are more electrons (and therefore more
coulombs) moving around a complete circuit in the same Current Law
amount of time, the current is higher. If the same amount
of coulombs move around the circuit faster, the current is 𝑄
higher. 𝐼=
Emf and Potential Difference
Emf and potential difference are very similar. They are
both a measure of ‘amount of energy per unit charge’. Potential
However, there is an important difference which you need
to remember: Difference law
Emf is the amount of energy supplied to a coulomb of
charge by a power source
Potential difference across a component is the amount of
energy supplied to a component by a coulomb of charge
Questions: Circuit Quantities
Q1 What do the symbols stand for in the current equation? Give the units!
𝑰= I=
Q= t=
Q2 Give the two rearrangements of the equation:
𝑰= Q= t=
Q3 What do the symbols stand for in the voltage equation? Give the units!
𝑽= V=
E= Q=
Q4 Give the two rearrangements of the equation:
𝑽= E= Q=
Q5 Combine the equations to get an expression for Energy in terms of current, voltage and
Q6 Calculate the current flowing if 1.2C of charge flows past a point in 3s.
Q7 Calculate the energy used by a bulb in 5s with a current of 3A when there is a potential
difference of 12V across it.
Q10. Draw a circuit that could calculate how much energy was being used by a resistor.
How would you use it?
Effort Target
I-V Graph Analysis
The learning outcomes of this lesson are to be able to…
𝑉 = 𝐼𝑅
V= potential difference (V) I = current (A) R=Resistance (Ω)
The graph is directly proportional because resistance is
constant. We say that a wire or resistor is an ohmic device,
when temperature is constant.
𝑉 = 𝐼𝑅
Fillament Lamp or Bulb Description
To begin with the current vs. voltage graph for a filament lamp
is directly proportional. However, when the voltage is doubled
you do not get double the current. When a large voltage is
applied there is only a small increase in current.
A flow of current causes the wire to heat up, atoms gain kinetic
energy and collisions with electrons are more frequent. This has
the effect of increasing resistance, so current no longer
increases in proportion. A filament lamp is a non-ohmic
Resistance of a wire
Resistance is caused by atoms getting in the way of the flowing electrons. A longer wire
has more atoms and so higher resistance. A wire with a bigger diameter has more space
for the electrons to pass through, so lower resistance.
Questions: IV Graph Analysis
Q1 What is Ohm’s law in words?
Q2 What happens to the temperature of a wire or resistor when the current is increased?
Q3 What happens to the resistance of a wire or resistor when the current is increased?
Q4 Explain your answer to Q3 using the Notes & Keywords “ions” and “electrons”.
Ohmic Filament
resistor lamp
Q6 Explain why people are more likely to use LEDs than a traditional filament lamp.
Q7. What two factors affect the resistance of a wire? How do they affect it?
Which one of the components A, B or C could be a 3 volt filament lamp? Explain the
reason for your choice.
(b) Using the correct symbols draw a circuit diagram to show how a battery, ammeter and
voltmeter can be used to find the resistance of the wire shown.
Thin wire
(c) When correctly connected to a 9 volt battery the wire has a current of 0.30 amperes
flowing through it.
(i) Give the equation that links current, resistance and voltage.
(ii) Calculate the resistance of the wire. Show clearly how you work out your answer and
give the unit.
Resistance = .........................................................
(iii) When the wire is heated, the current goes down to 0.26 amperes. State how the
resistance of the wire has changed.
Effort Target
Components: HWK Lesson
You’ll be tested on these in class
The learning outcomes of this lesson are to be able to…
Resists flow of
Resistor Limits current.
Changes resistance
and thereby changes Dimmer switch.
Q3 Draw a circuit which would increase the brightness of a bulb when it got dark and vice
Q5 Draw a circuit which would turn the heating up when it got cold and turn it down if it
got hot.
Effort Target
Series and Parallel Circuits
The learning outcomes of this lesson are to be able to…
𝐼𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 = 𝐼1 = 𝐼2 = 𝐼3
𝑉𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙= 𝑉1 + 𝑉2 + 𝑉3
𝑅𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 = 𝑅1 + 𝑅2 + 𝑅3
• CURRENT - In a series circuit there is only one loop for the current to pass around so it is the
same everywhere, always 3A.
• RESISTANCE - The current has to pass through the first 2Ω resistor and then the second 2Ω
resistor, the total resistance it experiences is 4Ω.
• VOLTAGE – Because the resistances are the same it takes the same amount of energy to
push current through either of them, so voltage is 6V across both. A resistor twice as big
would take twice the voltage, but the total that can be supplied is still 12V.
𝑉𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙= 𝑉1 = 𝑉2 = 𝑉3
Q2 What will the readings on the voltmeters be? Write next to the meters.
a b c
Q3 What is the total resistance of the circuit in Q1b?
Q7 (i)Work out the total resistance in question 2b. (ii)Now do the same for 2c.
Ammeter Reading on
A5 ammeter in amps
R1 A1 Al 0.2
A4 A2 0.6
R2 A2 A3 0.3
R3 A3 A5
(b) The reading on the voltmeter is 12 V.What is the resistance of R2?
Show your working and include the correct unit.
Resistance = .......................................
(c) In the circuit above, the resistor R2burned out and current stopped flowing in it. There
was no other change to the circuit.
Complete the table below to show the readings on the ammeters after this took place.
Al 0.2
A2 0.0
Effort Target
Potential Dividers and Relays
The learning outcomes of this lesson are to be able to…
Sensing Circuits
A potential divider can be used to sense changes around us
such as heat and light, then turn on a light or AC unit. The most
important thing you need to remember is how your sensors
resistance changes. The LDR increases its resistance in the dark,
R is constant. If asked to explain how this circuit works structure
your answer like this.
• As light intensity decreases LDR resistance increases.
• The resistance of R is unchanged.
• Causing more of VIN to be dropped across the LDR.
• Eventually VOUT would be high enough to turn on a bulb.
Be aware that the sensing resistor could also be at the top of the resistor chain and this
will affect how the potential divider behaves.
The Relay
As exciting and amazing as potential divider circuits are they
have a problem. In the example above VOUT gets gradually
higher and higher, if a bulb was connected to it, it would get
gradually brighter and brighter. This is often not what we want.
We usually want a device to be either on or off! Here comes the
super relay to save the day!
Another main advantage of a relay is we can supply our sensing potential divider with
a small voltage but connect the relay to a big voltage. So a 2V temperature sensor
can be used to turn on a 100V AC unit. A relay is used to separate your motorbike key
from the 120V that starts the engine.
Questions: Potential Dividers and Relays
Q1 What does a potential divider do?
Q2 A potential divider needs a sensing resistor. Give 2 examples of sensing resistors, draw
their symbols, give their names, and what change makes their resistance increase.
Q3 Look at the first diagram in the lesson notes. Each of the resistors is doubled, R1 = 2Ω
and R2 = 8Ω. What is the new VOUT? Explain your answer.
Q5 Look at second diagram in the notes. If the LDR is at the top and R is at the bottom
explain how VOUT changes as it gets darker. Redraw the diagram to help you follow the
Q6 Draw the potential divider that could be used to turn on a heater when it gets cold.
Effort Target
Electrical Power
The learning outcomes of this lesson are to be able to…
The Equations
You should already be familiar with some of the equations used below. Electrical
power questions often require you to use two or three different equations to get to your
answer, expect to rearrange and substitute values. Voltage is the energy per unit of
charge, current is the charge per unit of time therefore...
𝑷 = 𝑰𝑽 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑬 = 𝑰𝑽𝒕
Equations can be combined and all these combinations are given in the table below.
TIP: When approaching a question look at all your equations, put a tick next to the terms
you know. Look for an equation with only one unknown, you can solve it. You may then
need to substitute your answer into a second equation. DO NOT TRY AND REMEMBER ALL
OF THE EQUATIONS BELOW! Learn the equations for voltage, current and power, then work
out the rest in the exam if you need it.
𝐸 𝑉2
Power, P (W) 𝑃= 𝑃 = 𝐼𝑉 𝑃= 𝑃 = 𝐼2 𝑅
𝑡 𝑅
Current, I (A) 𝐼= 𝐼= 𝐼= 𝐼= √
𝑡 𝑅 𝑉 𝑅
Voltage (V) 𝑉= 𝑉 = 𝐼𝑅 𝑉 = √𝑃𝑅 𝑉=
𝑉2 𝑉 𝑃
Resistance (Ω) 𝑅= 𝑅= 𝑅= 2
I= V=
Q3 What do the symbols stand for in Ohm’s law? Give the units!
𝑬= 𝑽×𝑸 E=
V= Q=
Q4 Calculate the power of a light bulb which transfers 400J of energy in 10 seconds.
Q5 Calculate the current flowing in the bulb from Q4 if it operates at a voltage of 230V.
Q6 Calculate the charge which flows through the bulb in Q4 & 5 over the 10 seconds.
Q7 Explain why a consumer may choose compact fluorescent lamps (CFL’s) over
traditional filament bulbs.
Q8 Calculate the voltage required to transfer 1.8kJ of energy if a charge of 200C passes
through a motor.
Q9 Calculate the energy transferred if a current of 5 Amps flows for 3 minutes at a voltage
of 9V.
Exam Question
When a mains lamp is switched on it takes 0.5 seconds for the filament to reach its normal
operating temperature. The way in which the current changes during the first second
after switching on is shown in the sketch graph below. Mains voltage is 240 V.
(A) 0.2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
time (s)
(b) Describe how the resistance of the lamp changes after the current has reached its
maximum value.
(c) Calculate the maximum power taken by the lamp.
(d) Calculate the power of the lamp in normal use.
(e) Calculate the energy used by the lamp in six hours of normal use.
Effort Target
Electrical Safety
The learning outcomes of this lesson are to be able to…
There are many things that can increase your risk of injury or death from electricity.
Safety Features
There is a specific safety feature of most circuits that you need to be aware of:
Q4 Which of these fuses would you select for use in an appliance rated to 4 Amps? Explain
your choice.
Q5 Would an appliance rated to 13 Amps have thicker or thinner cabling than one rated to
5 Amps?
Q6 Explain why using a fused extension cable is better than using one with no fuse.