Non Volatile Ether Extract
Non Volatile Ether Extract
Non Volatile Ether Extract
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies a method for the determination of the non-
volatile ether extract in spices and condiments.
It is applicable to most spices and condiments. In view of the number and variety of
such products, however, it may be necessary in particular cases to modify the method or
even to choose a more suitable method.
2 Normative references
The following standards contain provisions which, through references in this text,
constitute provisions of this International Standard. At the time of publication, the
editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to
agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below.
Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.
ISO 2825: 1981 Spices and condiments – Preparation of a ground sample for analysis.
3 Definition
For the purposes of this International Standard, the following definition applies.
4 Principle
Extraction of the material with diethyl ether, removal of the volatile fractions,
removal of the insoluble substances, drying of the non-volatile residue and weighing.
5 Reagent
24th November 2008, Rex Hotel, HCM City, Vietnam
Report of the 14th Meeting of the Committee on Quality Annex 09.2
6 Apparatus
Rotary evaporator.
7 Sampling
Sampling shall have been carried out in accordance with ISO 948.
Prepare the test sample using the method specified in ISO 2825
9 Procedure
Test portion
Weigh, to the nearest 1 mg, approximately 2 g of the test sample (clause 8).
Extract the test portion (9.1) with the diethyl ether (5.1) in the continuous-extraction
apparatus (6.1) for 18 h. Eliminate the diethyl ether by distillation, using the extractor
flask connected to a rotary evaporator (6.3), taking care to rinse the extractor with
approximately 20 ml of diethyl ether. Dry the flask in the oven (6.2) set at 110oC, until
the difference in mass between two successive weighing is not more than 2 mg.
Mix, shaking gently, the residue in the flask with 2 ml to 3 ml of the diethyl ether at
laboratory temperature; allow to settle and decant the supernatant solution.
Repeat the extraction procedure and eliminate the diethyl ether as before, until no
more of the residue dissolves. Dry the flask again as before until the difference in mass
between two successive weighing is not more than 2 mg.
24th November 2008, Rex Hotel, HCM City, Vietnam
Report of the 14th Meeting of the Committee on Quality Annex 09.2
10 Expression of results
The non-volatile ether extract, expressed as a percentage by mass on the dry basis,
is equal to
m1 is the mass, in grams, of the flask plus residue obtained after drying
in 9.2.1;
11 Test report
The test report shall specify the method used and the result obtained. It shall also
mention all operating details not specified in this International Standard, or regarded as
optional, together with details of any incidents which may have influenced the result.
The test report shall include all information necessary for the complete
identification of the sample.
24th November 2008, Rex Hotel, HCM City, Vietnam