En PS AmmonitDatalogger Series32 General
En PS AmmonitDatalogger Series32 General
En PS AmmonitDatalogger Series32 General
Features of Data Logger - Series 32: Overview of Channels WICOM-32 METEO-32 METEO-32X
1. Recording measurement series at Anemometers (*1) 16-bit Counters 3
Measuring Wind Power to the highest Standards
4 (*1) 6 (*1)
programmable intervals
2. Producing wind statistics for estimating
Wind Vanes (*2+*3 +*4) 12-bit ADC 2 2 (*4) 2 (*2 +*3+*4)
energy potential Thermometer (*3) 12-bit ADC 1 1 (*3)
3. Slow-motion recording (SMR) of wind data
Hygrometer (*3) 12-bit ADC 1 1 (*3)
for special events
4. User-friendly 3 buttons and 2 line display Barometer (*3) 12-bit ADC 1 1 (*3)
Pyranometer (*4) 12-bit ADC 1 (*4) 1 (*3+*4) High Quality
5. Designed for use in temperatures ranging from
-40 to + 85 degree celsius Precipitation (*1) 16-bit Counter (*1) (*1) Measurement Equipment for
6. Low-power electronics and stand-by operations Wind Site Assessments, Wind Farm Monitoring and Climate Research
12-bit ADC (*3) 12-bit ADC 4 (*3)
7. Internal clock with a deviation of < 5 ppm
over the entire temperature range (approx. Status (0 or 1) 2
12 seconds / months)
Total number of channels 5 channels 10 channels 18 channels
8. Emergency power supply from standard 9 V
block battery, lithium type optional *1) A precipitation sensor can be connected instead of a 4th anemometer (Meteo-32) and 6th anemometer (Meteo-32X).
*2) Up to 7 wind vanes can be connected, refer to (*3) & (*4)
9. Socket for external power supply 10...26 V DC *3) 4 additional analogue sensors can be connected: wind vanes, thermometer, hygrometer, barometer
Installation and Maintenance: ultra-sonic, pyranometer, propeller anemometer.
10. Separate power supply for wind sensors
with trip switch *4) A 3rd wind vane could be connected, instead of a pyranometer
All Ammonit data loggers are enclosed in IP65
11. GSM/GPRS option for data transfer and protective housings and bear the CE-mark of the
email / SMS European Commission. The data logger should Benefit from our global partner network:
12. Remote control and data transmission be installed in a lockable, earthred metal cabi-
through world wide web net. This not only provides protection against With our partners we provide full service packages for a successful measurement campaign, from
13. Internal monitor of power source and weather and lightning, but also protects from offer through to construction of the mast & measuring system and operation and maintenance.
internal temperature theft and vandalism. Ammonit has developed To find a partner near you, please refer to the contact section of our website: www.ammonit.com
14. Plausibility checks of measurement values solid steel cabinets for its dtaa loggers,
which can also accommodate additional
15. Generation of warnings (GSM option)
components so that installation and
16. Non volatile 4000 KB memory maintenance of equipment is comfortable.
(approx. 2 000 000 measurements)
17. Update of user software via serial interface All Ammonit measurement systems are de-
and GSM
signed for permanent automatic operation in
18. RS-232 interface for data transfer (38400 baud) exposed positions. If the system is provided
19. Data compression to accelerate data transfer with a remote monitoring facility and a small
up to 30% solar system as power supply, the only main-
20. RS-485 interface, e.g. for connecting ultrasonic tenance required is to occasional check that
anemometers, SCADA, visibility sensor sensors are working properly.
21. User-friendly software for multi-logger- It is crucial that all sensor cables are safely
management with graphical user interface attached to the mast. Damaged cables could re-
sult in moisture entering the cabinet or into the
logger itself.
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