A - LEVEL History - QUESTIONS-p2lo3
A - LEVEL History - QUESTIONS-p2lo3
A - LEVEL History - QUESTIONS-p2lo3
1. Justify the use of multi-disciplinary approach in the recovery of Zimbabwe’s pre-colonial
2. Assess the validity that of the assertion that archeology is the only source of historical
evidence for the Late Stone Age & Early Iron Age periods in Zimbabwe
3. Assess the contribution of oral tradition ; archeology & written documents towards the
recovery of Zimbabwe’s pre-colonial history
4. How far can archeology alone demonstrate the economic organization of G.Z
5. Why is it important to use different sources when study Zimbabwe’s pre-colonial history?
6. Evaluate the contribution of rock art in assisting historians to recover Zimbabwe’s pre-
colonial history before 1450
7. Assess the contributions made by rock art to our understanding of late Stone age
8. Critically evaluate source used by social & economic historians in the practice of their
9. Examine the importance of rock art
10. How far can archeology alone demonstrate the economic organization of early Iron age
societies in Zimbabwe?
11. Discuss the assertion that Zimbabwe’s pre-colonial past be collected by reference to only
one source.
12. With all its demerits; oral tradition remains the key to unlocking the pre-colonial history
of Zimbabwe. Do you agree?
13. Why should oral tradition continue to be used to reconstruct the history of pre-colonial
history of Zimbabwe despite its weakness?
14. Discuss the contributions by oral traditions archeology & written sources in the recovery
of Zimbabwe’s pre-colonial past
18. “Forest was the life blood of the San society”, Discuss
19. Although the San were backward politically economically and socially, they were
progressive in some respect. Justify or refute this assertion
20. The San are the fore fathers of modern civilization. How valid is this verdict?
21. “The forest was the only source for the hunter gatherers in livelihood” Do you agree?
39. “No trade, no great Zimbabwe” how relevant is the statement to the rise of great
40. “Historical evidence on the origin and construction of great Zimbabwe has been
deliberately distorted” how accurate is the assertion?
41. To what extent are the factors responsible for the rise of great Zimbabwe the same factor
that account for its decline.
42. Discuss the controversies relating to the origins of great Zimbabwe
43. Gold and cattle were the main sources of wealth in the economy of great Zimbabwe.
44. “The great Zimbabwe was built by the Shona for defense purpose”, Discuss
45. Discuss the purpose for which the stone walls of G.Z were built?
46. Great Zimbabwe did not decline, but was abandoned. How valid is this assertion on the
collapse of Great Zimbabwe?
47. “Ecological factors were solely responsible for the collapse of Great Zimbabwe” Is this
48. What evidence is there at Great Zimbabwe which prove that the people practiced trade?
49. “The Shona were not the actual builders of Great Zimbabwe”, Discuss
50. “An incarnation of Mapungubwe”, Is this verdict true on the existence of Great
51. “Gold and cattle were the pillars of Great Zimbabwe economy”, Discuss
52. To what extent did the royal family lead to the collapse of Great Zimbabwe?
53. “The Portuguese were not entirely responsible for the decline of the Mutapa state, they
merely sounded the death knell to a state on the decline’ Justify or refute the statement
with reference to the relation between the Mutapa state & Portuguese in the 17th
54. Assess the role of the Portuguese in the demise of the Mutapa state
55. Discus the nature and impact of long distance trade on the local economies of the various
shona groups living in Zimbabwe from the 16thto 18thcentury
56. “The impact of the Mfecane on the Shona has been exaggerated” do you agree?
57. To what extent did the Mutapa depend on trade for its survival?
58. The Prazo system in Zambezi valley has sometimes be described as “an Africanization of
a European institution” Do you agree?
59. “The decline of the Mutapa state was a result of varied and complex factors,the advent of
the Portuguese on the scene nearly accelerated the process of decay already underway” H
How valid is this argument?
60. To what extent did external factors led to decline of the Mutapa state?
61. Assess the role of external trade in the politics of the Mutapa state in the 16th and 17th
62. Account the origins and subsequent expansion of the Mutapa state.
63. Discuss the nature and effects of the relations between the Portuguese and Mutapa state
during 16th and 17th Century
64. “Mukombwe was a political demagogue” Discuss.
65. Critically analyse the significance of Mavhura Mhande to the Mutapa state.
66. Assess the validity of the assertion at the Mutapa relied on agriculture & cattle as bases of
its economy
67. ‘The activities of the Portuguese in Mutapa state were more destructive than constructive’
68. Was the decline of Mutapa state in the 17thcentury due to internal conflicts?
69. How accurate is the view that the Mutapa state entirely depended on trade for its
70. How far was the incompetent leadership responsible for the decline of Mutapa?
85. ‘A typical example of a cultural conquest of the conqueror by the vanquished’ Is this a
fair assessment of Ndebele adoption of the karanga\ shonaMwari cult
86. How far true is the assertion that the Ndebele people relied on raiding alone for their
87. ‘Essentially a raiding economy’ how valid is this statement of Ndebele economic way of
88. Critically analyse the political – military & socio-economic organization of the ndebele
89. How important were the careers of Mzilikazi&Lobengula in the survival of the Ndebele
90. ‘A curse as well as a blessing ‘ Is this a living assesement of the presence of whites in the
Ndebele state
91. Critically evaluate methods used by Mzilikazi& late Lobengula to control Ndebele state [
92. Critically evaluate Mzilikazi & Lobengula’s leading of the Ndebele state
93. How important were political –millitary& social factors in the Ndebele state
94. Trace the Ndebele origin and migration to the present day Zimbabwe & the importance
of such migration
95. Trace & explain the origins & subsequent migration of the Ndebele up to their entry into
96. How accurate is the view that the 19th century Ndebele –Shona relations were largely
97. How valid is the perspective that the Shona-Ndebele relation during the pre-colonical
period were perpetually hostile
98. ‘It has often been argued that ‘ the Ndebele –shona relations in the 19th century were far
from cordial’ Discuss.
99. ‘The shona-ndebele relations in the 19th century were characterized by peaceful co-
existence’ Do you agree?
100. Assess the various methods used by Mzilikazi and Lobengula to control Ndebele
106. Critically analyse the challenges faced by missionaries in Zimbabwe during the 19th
107. Critically examine the claim that Lobengula was also to blame for the occupation
of his state by Britain
108. Lobengula tried to accommodate Europeans but the Ndebele state was too
inflexible to do so. Discuss the validity of this assertion
109. Explain the motive behind Rhodes colonization of Zimbabwe and examine the
role played by his agents in facilitating the colonization of the country.
110. “The principle of “effective occupation “adopted by Europeans power at the
Berlin conference [1884-85] and not of the Rudd Conscession [1888] made the
occupation of Zimbabwe inevitable” Do u agree?
111. Did Africans benefit from the activities of hunters and traders in Zimbabwe?
112. Critically analyze Lobengula’s reaction after signing the Rudd Concession
113. How important was the royal charter in the colonization of Zimbabwe?
114. Analyse the problems faced by Rhodes in trying to colonise Zimbabwe between
1887 and 1890 and how he managed to solve them
128. ‘the Ndebele defeated in 1896 Chimurenga /Umvukela was inevitable’, How valid
is this assertion
129. Comment on the views that the Victoria incident of 1893 was simply used as an
excuse by the BSAC to destroy the Ndebele state
130. To what extent did the Victoria incident of 1893 lead to the outbreak of the
Anglo-Ndebele war of 1893?
131. Assess the developments from 1890 up to 1893 which inevitably led to the Anglo-
Ndebele war.
149. ‘The wind of change is blowing through Africans’.Justify this statement with
reference to African political activities in southern Rhodesia during the 1950s& 1960s
150. Why did the armed struggle take so long in bringing Rhodesian white minority
rule to an end
151. How accurate is it to describe nationalist activities in Zimbabwe between 1920 &
1965 as ‘an urban phenomenon’
152. How & why did the Ian smith regime survive for such a long time
153. Without the support of the peasant the guerillas would not have won the
Zimbabwe liberation war .’Assess the validity of this assertion
154. Why did the nationalist resort to the armed struggle & why did it take them so
long to attain independence
155. What measure were put in place by smith to derait nationalist war efforts & why
did the guerillas emerge victorious inspite of these efforts
156. Why did the war in Rhodisea too long to come to an end
157. Discuss the main events of Zimbabwe’s 2ndChimurenga
158. Critically analyse the role played by the city league.The African National
Congress the National Democratic party &Zapu in the struggle against colonialism
159. The 1966-1967 battles were on it of bravery.It was so near yet to far for the
guerillas their leaders.’Discuss the 1966& 1967 battles & the lessons learnt by the
guerillas therefor leaders & the effectiveness of the adopted methods
160. What roles were played by the civilian population during Zimbabwe liberation
161. ‘ The masses were a linch pin during the liberation struggle smith knew how vital
the povo were to the guerillas. To torriorise the masses was to win the war’.What
methods were used by the colonial government Southern Rhodesia to discourage the war
1. Which contributed more to the crisis of 1789 ; an incompetent king, ambitious nobility or
poor harvests?
2. “The main feature of the ancient regime in France was the existence of a highly stratified
society”, Discuss
3. “Poor harvests were the root cause of the revolution”,How valid is this claim on the
outbreak of the French revolution in 1789?
4. “A revolt against the ancient system of government”, How justified is this view of the
outbreak of the revolution in France?
5. “The French revolution was caused more by errors of commission rather than errors of
omission”, Justify this assertion.
6. “There was little he could have done to avert the coming of the revolution”, Is this
statement too lenient on Louis XVI and his contributions to the outbreak of the French
7. “If Louis XVI had married another wife, the situation in France could have been
different”, Is this verdict justifiable on the contributions of the Queen to the outbreak of
the French revolution?
8. Who were the real revolutionaries of 1789 in France?
9. To what extent did the foreign policy of France between 1774 and 1789 create a breeding
ground of a revolution?
10. “The ideas of great thinkers were essential in hatching a revolution in France in 1789”, Is
this true?
11. ”Unheralded”, How justified is this view on the outbreak of the French revolution?
12. “Unavoidable”, To what extent is this true of the outbreak of the French revolution in
13. To what extent did the French revolution erupt from a social angle?
14. The revolution of 1789 in France can only be explained in political term. Discuss
15. A bourgeoisie-aristocratic battle. Is this a fair assessment of the outbreak of a revolution
in 1789 in France?
16. “The influence of great thinkers was the most important cause of the French revolution”,
Critically examine this assertion.
17. Why was Louis XVI not able to satisfy the grievances of discontented groups between
1789 and 1793?
18. Which of the grievances of the Third Estate in France of 1789 were the most important?
19. Why did Louis XVI convene the Estates general meeting? Why did it not solve his
20. Why did the financial problems of France worsen under Louis XVI?
21. How far was financial crisis to blame for the outbreak of the French revolution of 1789?
22. “A protest against the king’s failure to implement reforms”, Consider this view of the
outbreak of the French revolution of 1789.
23. “The revolution of 1789 in France was against a government which was tyrannical,
inefficient and insensitive to the needs of the people”, Do you agree?
24. Why did the long standing problems of France become more acute in 1789?
25. To what extent was the aristocratic revolt of 1788 responsible for the occurrence of the
French revolution of 1789?
26. Analyse the view that the revolutionary reforms in France of 1789 between 1789 and
1799 was only meant to benefit the middle class.
27. Critically analyze the role played by Sans Cullotes during the French revolution
28. “Louis XVI was the architect and executor of his own demise in 1793”, Is this true?
29. How far was the influence of philosophers apparent in the aims and policies of the French
revolutionary leaders between 1789 and 1793?
30. How important was the influence of Parisian clubs in the French revolution?
31. In what ways, and for what reasons, did the aims of the revolutionaries change between
1789 and 1793 in France.
32. Why and with what consequences did the rest of Europe react to events in France
between 1789 and 1794?
33. Why and with what results did the French revolution become progressively radical
between 1789 and 1793?
34. “A turning point in the history of the French revolution”, Discuss this view of the
consequences for France of the king’s attempted flight to Varennes.
35. Why did France go to war in 1792?
36. “From the fall of the Bastille to the execution of Louis XVI, the resistance to the
revolution within France was as dangerous as the threats made by external forces”, How
true is this claim and how successful did the leaders of the revolution deal with each of
these dangers?
37. How serious a challenge was the kings position to progressive reform in France between
1789 and 1793?
38. Explain the nature and extent of opposition to Louis XVI IN 1789.
39. How and with what rsultd did the Civil constitution of the clergy constitute a turning
point in the support base of the revolutionaries?
40. How far and by what means were the ideas of the liberty, equality and fraternity achieved
by 1789?
41. Why were the revolutionary governments between 1789 and 1799 so shot-lived?
42. How serious were threats to the French revolution were presented by its enemies, both
external and internal between 1789 and 1799?
43. Which groups suffered and which groups benefited from the French revolution between
1789 and 1799?
44. “The fear that France wanted to export its revolution was unjustified”, Discuss this view
of French foreign policy from 1789 to 1799?
45. Was terror in 1793 really necessary?
46. “A tragedy to the revolution”, How justified is this view of the 1792 war on France?
47. “Terror was necessary to inspire virtue”, Discuss the validity of this assertion with
reference to 1793-1794.
48. “A revolution under siege. No Robespiere, no revolution”, Discuss.
49. “A country cracking from outside pressure and disintegrated from internal stain”, Was
this justified to warranty the reign of terror in 1793 France?
50. Which did more to secure the survival of the revolution in France; Jacobin regime or
51. Which government achieved more during the French revolution; Constituent assembly or
52. The Directory government committed political suicide. How accurate is this view of the
downfall of the Directory in 1799?
53. How accurate is it that the Directory government added nothing to the French revolution?
54. “A government without any achievements”, Is this true of the Directory government?
55. “The successes of the Directory government far outweighed its failures”, Discuss.
56. Why, by 1799, had the Directory government fail to sustain the moderate government
which had come to power in 1789?
57. Discuss the validity of the claim that the Directory government marked the end of the
revolution in France.
58. Assess the importance of Robespiere to the French revolution.
59. What can be learnt from the Directory government about the achievements and problems
of the French revolution?
60. How far was Napoleon Bonaparte an oppressive ruler in his domestic policies?
61. Did the domestic policies of Napoleon have any more important purpose than to sustain
his own autocracy?
62. To what extent did Napoleon Bonaparte enjoy support within France between 1799 and
63. To what extent did Napoleon Bonaparte’s domestic policies have enormous popular
64. How far did Napoleon Bonaparte maintain the ideals of liberty, equality and fraternity?
65. What did France gain and what did she lose as a result of Napoleon Bonaparte’s domestic
66. “A consolidator rather than an innovator”, Does Napoleon I deserve such an epitaph?
67. “A later day benevolent despot”, Is this a fair assessment of Napoleon 1’s domestic
policies in France?
68. “A soldier’s hatred of disorder”, How far was this the guiding principle of Napoleon’s
rule in France?
69. “The greatest achievement of Napoleon I was a reform of the French law”, Examine this
view with reference to the Code Napoleon.
70. “A son of the revolution”, How accurate is this view of Napoleon I’s domestic policies?
71. To what extent did Napoleon construct a new order by borrowing from both the ancient
regime and the revolution?
72. Napoleon I brought order at the expense of liberty. Discuss
73. “I shut down the chasm of anarchy and brought orderliness out of chaos”, How befitting
is this brag by Napoleon in his domestic policies?
74. “An egocentric despot”, How justified is this view of Napoleon I’s policies in France
between 1800 and 1815
75. “A replica of the ancient Bourbon monarchy”, Is this true of the reign of Napoleon in
76. To what extent did the reign of Napoleon I mark the end of the revolution?
77. Why was Napoleon able to become an Emperor in 1804?
78. Why did the policies of Napoleon in France change from 1804 onwards?
79. “Napoleon was not a great general but a lucky one”, Discuss
80. “It was more of his character than the weakness of Directory which brought him to
power”, how valid is this assessment on the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte?
81. To what extent did the Italian and Egyptian campaigns lead to the rise of Napoleon
82. “Without the French revolution, Napoleon Bonaparte would have died a common man”,
83. “A short term schemer and an impractical long term dreamer”, Is this a satisfactory
assertiom of Napoleon I and his rule in Europe?
84. Napoleon’s foreign policies had nothing to offer France. Discuss
85. To what extent was 1807 the zenith of Napoleon’s career?
86. Why and with what success was Napoleon I able to exercise his dominance over
European powers between 1802 and 1815?
87. To what extent did war determine the outcome of the foreign policies of Napoleon I?
88. “Borodino was the first step to Waterloo”, Discuss
89. Assess the relative contributions of Austria and Prussia to the defeat of Napoleon
90. “It was more of his mistakes that the strength of his enemies which brought his demise’,
How justified is this view of the collapse of Napoleon?
91. “Napoleon Bonaparte’s downfall was caused by his insatiable desire to defeat Britain”,
92. Why did it take so long for European allies to defeat Napoleon Bonaparte?
93. “Offensive and not defensive”, Does this fully explain the Napoleonic wars between
1802 and 1815?
94. “My policy is France before all”, Did Napoleon Bonaparte do enough in his foreign
policies to justify this claim?
95. “Napoleon Bonaparte’s downfall was inevitable”, Discuss.
96. “The methods used to construct the empire were one of the major reasons for its
downfall”, How justified is this view of the collapse of the Napoleonic empire?
97. “The Spanish ulcer has destroyed me”, Justify this assertion with reference to the collapse
of Napoleonic empire
98. To what extent can Napoleon’s successes abroad be attributed to his military abilities?
99. “I shut down the chasm of anarchy and brought orderliness out of chaos”, How befitting
is this brag by Napoleon in his foreign policies?
100. Assess the contributions of Britain to the collapse of the Napoleonic empire.
101. To what extent can the collapse of the Napoleonic empire be attributed to his
incessant warfare?
121. Discuss the view that the Congress system between 1815 and 1825 showed that
the relations between major powers were characterized more by distrust than common
122. “A period of change and reaction”, How valid is this view on the period 1815-
1825 in Europe
123. Can the years between 1815 and 1830 be described as the period of triumphant
124. “The Congress system failed because its leaders were terrified of a revolution”,
125. “There was nothing systematic about the congress system”, Discus
126. “There was nothing like the congress system, the term was a creation by
historians for expediency’s sake”, Discuss.
127. “They had learnt nothing and forgotten nothing”, How justified is this view of the
restored Bourbon monarchy in France.
128. “Louis XVIII tried to resist the ultras, while Charles X embraced them”, Is this a
satisfactory argument on the initial success and ultimate failure of the Bourbon monarchy
between 1814 and 1830?
129. “The constitutional charter of 1814 was central to the survival or collapse of the
Bourbon monarchy”, How accurate is this view in light of the reign of Louis XVIII and
Charles X?
130. Why did Charles X fail to retain the throne beyond 1830?
131. How far did the alienation of middle class contribute to the demise of the Bourbon
monarchy in 1830?
132. To what extent were ultra-royalists responsible for the downfall of the Bourbon
133. “New wine in old bottles”, Does this fully explain the reign of Louis XVII and
Charles X?
134. Compare and contrast the reign of Louis XVIII and Charles X.
140. Why did Piedmont become the focul point of Italian unification?
141. Assess the contributions of European powers to the unification of Italy
142. What were the lessons learnt from the 1848 revolutions in Italy?
143. The unification of Germany was through coal and iron rather than blood and
144. Assess the contributions of the Zollvereign to the unification of Germany
145. “The great issues of the day will not be decided by speeches and resolutions but
by blood and iron”, How relevant is this assertion to the events which unfolded in
Germany between 1862 and 1871?
146. “A shrewd opportunist”, Is this a satisfactory argument on Bismarck’s policies
between 1862 and 1871?
147. “Bismarck tried to Prussianize Germany rather than to Germanize it”, Discuss.
148. Bismarck used war to promote unification rather than unification to promote war.
How valid is this assertion?
149. “A good chase player”, Is this the appropriate compliment to give Bismarck with
reference to his policies between 1862 and 1871?
150. “Unheralded”, How justified is this assertion on the unification of Germany?
151. Why did Prussia and not Austria unify Germany in 1871?
152. How clear was it, before Bismarck’s assumption of office that Germany would be
unified by Prussia?
153. His only concern was the glory of his state”, Is this a fair assessment of Cavour?
154. “Mazzini’s contributions to the Italian unification has been overstated”, Discuss.
155. “A statesman knows his general direction but not his exact path”, Consider
Bismarck’s policies between 1862 and 1871 in light of this judgement.
164. To what extent did Germany’s Weltipolitik policy lead to the outbreak of the 1st
World War?
165. Colonial rivalry was solely responsible for the outbreak of the Great War in 1914.
166. “The defeat of Germany in 1918 was unavoidable”, Discuss.