WellcomeToDrakkenheim (I)

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Welcome to drakkenheim

Part (i)

People Of The Continents

Many different people lived in Drakkenheim. The neighbouring countryside and the realms beyond
are no less diverse, though humans make up the majority of the population in the current age. In
ancient days, the industrious dwarven folk built great underground empires, the alien elves raised
mystical towers, while the orcish people constructed monuments and menhirs to honor their old
gods. Today, their descendants and those of many other ancestries inhabit the continent, though few
would associate their varied biological distinctions with any single nation, culture, or religion.

 Dwarves
Many dwarves tell tales of ancient underground kingdoms that hoarded vast mines of gold
and gems and fought great wars miles below the surface. The foundations upon which
Drakkenheim were built date back to these times, and traces of dwarven architecture and
engineering can still be found in the fortifications, aqueducts, and deep vaults of the city.
However, the days of the dwarven realms have long passed, and the dwarven people have
no great holds of their own any more. Still, many dwarves dwell in the mountains and keep
the traditions of their ancestors: mining, smithing, and engineering. Many more are much
less tied to these traditions now, so it is not unusual to see a small number of dwarves in
just about any community.

 Elves
No one knows when elves came to these lands, or exactly how they got here. Even the most ancient among
them tell little more than vague myths about their origins. These stories claim that millennia ago, the elves
came into this world through fairy realms and shadow gates from a distant and long-lost land. Why the
elves left, none can say. Today, the elves live in diaspora. Only a handful of elven families dwell in even the
most populous regions. Although rare, they are no longer regarded as strangers to these lands. In fact, half-
elves are now much more common than those of pure elven descent. Though elves remember little of their
history, they still possess great knowledge of magic. The few elven ruins found across the continent contain
mysterious portals and arcane lore. The reason they were abandoned remains unknown.

 Halflings
These smallfolk often form their own communities within settled lands, just as often as they live alongside
the other people of the continent. Many live a rural life, tending farms, orchards, and fishing villages.
Dozens of halfling villages surrounded Drakkenheim, the bounty of their fields feeding the city. Though these
communities were not outright destroyed when the meteor struck, they have not escaped its devastation.
The eldritch contamination spreading from the ruins and the threat of monstrous raiders have forced many
smallfolk to abandon their homes. Their once-quaint underhill abodes and welcoming hamlets are now
eerie ghost-towns.

 Humans
Most of the population of the continent are humans, who range in all shapes, sizes, colours, skills, and
beliefs. Humans tell countless tales of their origins, and tend to regard wherever they were born as home.
They formed many of the great noble and royal houses of the continent, and the endless conflicts between
these families have defined the political landscape of the realms. One such family, House von Kessel, ruled
Drakkenheim until the meteor and years of civil war ended their regal line.

Humans have long mingled with other peoples, resulting in half-elves, half-orcs, and half-dragons. Though
such people often bear distinct physical traits, such individuals are recognized for their shared human
origin. Indeed, humanity has often intentionally sought to enhance their lineages. During antiquity, many
powerful sorcerous dynasties infused their bloodlines with the essence of infernal and celestial entities,
bequeathing their progeny with an enduring magical legacy. Though these old empires have long since
fallen, their descendants have since spread throughout the world.

 Uncommon Origins
Though their populations are sparse, many other peoples inhabit the world of Drakkenheim, including
catfolk, dragonborn, gnomes, goblins, orcs, and tieflings. No matter their origin, there is no reason any type
of character would be out of place arriving in Drakkenheim. Players should work with the Game Master to
invent how their ancestry choice could have a place in Drakkenheim.

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