7240 7 Foundation On Rock1

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Class 18: July 18, 2024

Introduction to Foundation on Rock

Art. 7.11 of text book, Chapter 25 Coduto and Canadian Foundation
Engineering Manual (4th ed.)
- Rock is a cohesive, cemented geomaterial identified on the basis of geologic
origin (O’Neill et al. 1996)

- Rock rarely exists as a perfectly continuous mass. It contains weak planes

called Discontinuities.

Intact Rock: Continuous rock material

Rock mass: rock consisting of discontinuities.

Rock foundations:

Scenarios for shallow foundation:

Continuous intact behavior Discontinuous rock mass Continuous rock mass

Stress distribution (Gaziev and Erilakhman, 1971):

Discontinuities and the strength of the intact rock control the performance of
foundation on rock.

Describing Rock:
Accounting for the strength of intact rock and discontinuities.

- Two methods:
o Quality Index, Q (Barton et al. 1974): Used for Rock tunneling
o Rock Mass Rating, RMR (Bieniawski 1989)

Rock Mass Rating: It is a score calculated as the sum of ratings given to the
rock mass depending on six parameters (shown in the table below, Table 25.2):
1. Uniaxial compression strength of intact rock
2. Rock Quality Designation (RQD)
3. Spacing of discontinuities
4. Condition of discontinuities
5. Groundwater condition
6. Orientation of discontinuities

Example of RMR calculation:

Parameters Value Rating

Point load index 8 MPa 12
RQD 70% 13
Spacing of discontinuities 300 mm 10
Condition of discontinuities Slightly Weathered 25
Groundwater wet 7
Adjustment for joint orientation Fair -7
Total 59

SBP: Safe bearing pressure

Analysis of rock subjected to foundation loads
- Although rock mass contains discontinuities, it is analysed as an equivalent
continuous material. Theory of continuum mechanics is applied.

o Deformation and foundation settlement are calculated using the theory

of continuum mechanics based on parameters: deformation modulus or
modulus of elasticity (E) and Poisson’s ratio ().

o Failure is assessed using appropriate failure criteria with stresses

calculated using the theory of continuum mechanics.
Table 25.4

Poisson’s ratio ranges from 0.2 to 0.3

Comparison of predictions using various equations with field data (Hoek and
Diederichs 2006)

Table 25.5: Statistical Data on Intact Rock Modulus For Intact Rock Samples (After
Kulhawy, 1978)

Example 1: A site is underlain by a sandstone having the following properties and
characteristics: (from Example 25.1 coduto)
Average uniaxial compressive strength of intact rock = 46 MPa
Average RQD = 97%
Average discontinuity spacing = 1.5 m
Discontinuities are closed, slightly rough, with slightly weathered walls and
lengths between 1 and 3m.
Dry with occasional localized dampness.
Average unit weight = 24.9 kN/m3
Estimate the total RMR rating, deformation modulus and safe bearing pressure.

Rock Failure Criteria
- Similar to Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria in soil mechanics, a failure
envelope called Hoek-Brown failure criteria is used.

- Hoek-Brown failure criteria is a nonlinear failure envelop

For intact rock:

𝜎1′ = 𝜎3′ + 𝜎𝑐𝑖′ (𝑚𝑖 ′ )

• and are the major and minor effective principal stresses, respectively.

• is the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) of the intact rock material.

• mi is a constant depending on the rock type (Table 25.3). Can be 4 to 35.

Table 25.3: Values of mi for Intact Rock Values (After Hoek, 2007)

For Rock Mass:
- Geologic Strength Index (GSI) is used to account for the discontinuities.

D is a "disturbance factor"
that varies from 0 for
undisturbed rock to 1 for
very disturbed rock masses.

Bearing Capacity of Foundation on Rock:
- Can be estimated based on RMR values discussed earlier.
- Use analytical expression developed based on Hoek-Brown failure criteria.

Foundation failure modes in sound rock:

Foundation failure modes in weak rock:

Analysis of bearing capacity using Hoek-Brown failure criteria:
Stresses under surface foundation:

Using generalized Hoek-Brown failure criteria, for intake rock:

𝑞𝑛 = [1 + (𝑚𝑖 + 1)0.5 ]𝜎𝑐𝑖

For rock mass:

𝑞𝑛 = [𝑠 𝑎 + (𝑚𝑏 𝑠 𝑎 + 𝑠)𝑎 ]𝜎𝑐𝑖

Simplified Expression:

Bearing capacity in rock mass for surface foundation can be expressed as:

qu = Nci

N is the bearing capacity factor that depends on the rock type and the types of
discontinuities. Additional terms are used for buried foundations (not covered).

A factor of safety 3 is used.

CalTrans Bridge Design Specification 2003: (Shape of the footing not accounted)


Canadian Foundation Engineering Manual (2016) recommend using following
approximate equation for estimating the bearing capacity of sound intact rock.

qn = Kspci

Ksp = an empirical coefficient, which ranged from 0.1 to 0.4 including a factor of
safety of 3.

Presumed bearing capacity:

Foundation in weak rock having weak material, closely spaced discontinuities or

heavily weathered or fragmented is often designed using conventional soil
Settlement of Foundation on Rock:
- Settlement of spread footing on rocks can be estimated using the
continuum mechanics theory, similar way as to the foundations on soil.

- Use modulus of elasticity and Poisson’s ratio of rock.

- Settlement under a point of a flexible rectangular surface foundation in a

semi-infinite elastic media

𝑞0 𝐵
𝑆𝑒 = (1 − 𝜈 2 )𝐼

Here, q0 = P/A

For rock,  = 0.2

For circular and square footing and for rectangular footing with L/B < 3:
I = 0.95 (approximately) and B can be approximated as A.

Substituting in the above equation,

𝐸𝑚 𝐴0.5

Example 2: A circular footing having a diameter of 2.0 m is underlain by the
sandstone in Example 1. Estimate the bearing capacity using bearing capacity
equation and the settlement under a vertical load on 10,000 kN.

Conventional Bearing Capacity Equation for Foundation on Rock
- Use bearing capacity equation with following factors

Unconfined compression test (also called a uniaxial compression test) is

performed to get parameters.

Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria:

Direct shear strength can be conducted for rock with low shear strength (ASTM

Example 7.12:


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