Actuator Specifications
Actuator Specifications
Actuator Specifications
This description provides the basic specification, please refer to the Schedule of Equipment for actuator size, mounting flange,
area classification, power supply and performance data. Remote control and indication functions are described under the Wiring
Diagram. Additional options may also be found in Extras Included. Further technical details are provided in the IQ/IQT (3rd
Generation) product range brochure PUB002-038 which is available at
The actuators offered are suitable for operation on a nominal supply of 400V AC(+/-10%)-3ph-60Hz(+/-5%).
The actuators offered enclosure type is Watertight to IP68.
Four latching volt-free contacts, S1, S2, S3 and S4 are provided, each independently configurable using the supplied IQ infrared
and Bluetooth Setting Tool to signal one of the following:
• Valve Position - fully open, fully closed or intermediate positions (0-99% open)
• Status - valve opening, closing, moving (continuous or pulsing signal), local stop selected, local selected, remote selected, open
or close interlock active, ESD active
• Valve Alarms - motor tripped on torque in mid travel, motor tripped on torque going open, going closed, valve jammed,
actuator being operated by handwheel
• Actuator Alarms - lost phase, customer 24V DC (120V AC) supply lost, battery low, internal failure detected, thermostat tripped,
service alarms
• Each contact can be configured to either 'normally open' or 'normally closed' and rated at 5mA to 5A, 120V AC, 30V DC.
However as long as the switched circuit power remains within the specified limit of 60W (inductive) or 150W (resistive), then the
following maximum ratings can be achieved: Maximum switching voltage 120VAC or DC. Maximum switching current - 5A.
An independent relay with a volt-free changeover contact for monitoring actuator electrical availability. Contact rating 5mA to
5A, 120V AC, 30V DC. The relay can be configured to de-energise under any one, or combination of, the following conditions:
Non-intrusive selectors are provided on the actuator electrical control cover; one for Local/Stop/Remote selection, pad-lockable
in each position, and the other for Open/Close control. Controls may be rotated to suit actuator orientation. Local control may
be selected to operate using the supplied Bluetooth IQ Setting Tool Pro. The Setting Tool incorporates dedicated open, stop and
close buttons and will operate over a nominal distance of 0.75 metres from the display window (using infrared) or up to 10
metres (using Bluetooth).
A back-lit liquid crystal display gives digital indication from fully open to fully close in 0.1% increments, with icons indicating fully
open or closed. Three LEDs coloured red, green and yellow for indication of open, close and intermediate positions respectively,
are also provided. The display includes a warning triangle along with a dot matrix text display for rapid diagnosis of valve alarm,
actuator alarm, control system alarm and actuator battery status. With the infrared and Bluetooth IQ Setting Tool, actuator
torque plus position can be displayed allowing the valve torque against position to be monitored in real time. Status screen
diagnosis is available for monitoring valve, actuator and control system status. The local display can be rotated in 90° increments
to suit actuator orientation. LED colours can be reversed. Please specify with order if required.
The design life for IQ actuators in on-off or inching service, is based on a minimum maintenance free life of 10,000
open/close/open cycles (500,000 output turns) for sizes 10 to 35 and 5000 cycles (250,000 turns) for sizes 40 to 95, assuming
rated (maximum) torque at the end of stroke for valve seating and an average of 1/3 maximum rated torque through the running
stroke. For full details of design parameters please refer to Rotork publication reference PUB002-038.
Motor protection is by two thermostats embedded in the motor windings, directly sensing temperature, tripping the actuator
control circuit in the event of overheating. As the thermostat is sensing the actual motor temperature, it has the advantage over
conventional overload relays in that the full thermal capacity of the motor can be used, and when the motor has cooled the
thermostat automatically resets.
The battery supports the following functions in the event of a mains power failure.
• LCD display
• Remote indicating contacts
• Data Logger updates
• Actuator settings when mains power is unavailable
The battery provides power to support the LCD display and remote (relay) indication when the main actuator power supply is
unavailable. The battery also provides power to enable actuator settings to be made using the Rotork Bluetooth setting Tool Pro,
commissioning can take place at premises without power or the right voltage, or after installation but before site cabling is
The standard 9v battery is available worldwide with a high/low temperature type available from Rotork.
As all settings are stored in non-volatile memory and position is sensed by the Rotork absolute encoder, security of configuration
and position is always assured. The actuator can be operated perfectly well electrically and by handwheel operation without a
battery fitted.
Based on experience gained over 20 years of typical applications, the expected battery life is up to 5 years.
Battery life is however subject to temperature and at elevated and reduced temperatures may be reduced. Actuator indicates
battery status locally and in remote.
We also provide a warning label which reads - 'Do not open while energised'. This has black background with silver lettering
Standard Rotork actuators are suitable for locations where the ambient temperature is continuously up to a maximum of 70° C
(158° F). At 70° C, the actuator motors will provide rated performance without exceeding the maximum working temperature of
the motor insulation. None of the components within the actuator will be affected adversely in locations where the sun
temperature reaches up to 85° C (185° F) as this is a condition which cannot exist for 24 hours a day throughout the life of the
actuator. These operating temperature conditions have been verified by life testing in Rotork’s production assessment
laboratories and by nearly 40 years of experience in supplying electric actuators for installation in the Middle East.
We detail below full details of IQ tests carried out which are specific to the design of the IQ actuator and relevant to the squirrel
cage induction motor used on the IQ, which we trust will be acceptable.
Every IQ actuator prior to despatch is fully tested within the Rotork ISO9001:2015 approved quality system and a copy of the test
certificate is provided, which includes details of:
Size, base, coupling, enclosure, gearbox type, power supply, speed/operating time, wiring diagram number and paint.
Torque performance tests for actuator rated torque, stall torque and customer required torque setting (when specified), are
performed in both the opening and closing directions. High potential flash tests are carried out along with basic control and
indication function tests. Additional control and indication options are tested when fitted. When a second stage gear operator is
fitted, the combination is subjected to a light-run test over the full stroke to ensure correct operation. Worm gearbox stop bolts
are set at 90 degrees and actuator limits set. All actuators and combinations are issued with a certificate on test completion
detailing individual build and test results.
IQ motors are flash tested during assembly, but this test is not repeated during the functional test.
Actuator/gearbox combinations cannot be torque tested.
Enclosure: IP67
Paint shade: In line with offered actuator paint shade
We trust we have interpreted your requirements correctly and look forward to being of further service.
Schedule of Equipment – Electric Actuators:
Please refer the enclosed offer annexure for the offered actuators sizing, price details and Clarification/Deviation list.