Cu Electrodeposition, Principles and Recent Progress
Cu Electrodeposition, Principles and Recent Progress
Cu Electrodeposition, Principles and Recent Progress
Part 1, No. 4B, April 2001
c The Japan Society of Applied Physics
The capability of copper electroplating to produce void free filling of sub-micron high aspect ratio features has made it the
process of choice for copper interconnect formation. Several aspects of copper electrodeposition including the basic electro-
chemistry and electrochemical kinetics, mass transport phenomena, potential gradients in solution, electrolyte composition,
and the influence of various organic additives have been studied for over 50 years. Much of this basic understanding can be
applied to development of integrated circuit (IC) copper electroplating processes. Other aspects of copper electroplating are
unique to IC applications. These include the interactions of very thin seed layers with the electroplating process, the basic
“bottom-up” filling mechanism necessary for seam free filling, and the metallurgical properties of sub-micron scale deposits.
The dependence of IC filling processes upon plating bath chemistry and polarization characteristics are discussed in this paper.
KEYWORDS: copper, electrodeposition, semiconductor, plating, electrochemistry
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i l = n Fm o C o . (2)
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Vol. 40 (2001) Pt. 1, No. 4B J. R EID 2651
Fig. 3. (a.) Cross sectional via images showing (left to right) agglomerated seed coverage, metal profile following partial fill by elec-
troplating, and final fill result following electroplating. (b.) Cross sectional via images showing (left to right) smooth seed coverage
only, metal profile following partial fill by electroplating, and complete fill following electroplating.
Fig. 4. Polarization curves measured at 100, 500, and 1500 RPM in (a.) copper plating electrolyte containing copper sulfate, sulfuric
acid, and chloride ion and (b.) measured following addition of 6 ml/L catalytic additive and 2 ml/L suppressor/leveler PWB additive
to the base electrolyte. All anodic and cathodic scans were taken at 2 mV/s.
Fig. 8. Fill results for 0.12 µm, 10 : 1 AR trenches (a.), and 0.21 µm, 4.5 : 1 vias (b.), and multi-size vias (c.) following deposition in a
copper plating solution containing copper sulfate, sulfuric acid, and chloride ion along with catalytic and suppressor IC additives at
nominal concentrations.
Fig. 11. Fill evolution profiles for various feature sizes and nominal deposit thickness’ as generated in an IC plating bath using optimized
accelerator and suppressor concentrations.
fonic acid/copper propane sulfonate electrolyte. As is seen in After electrodeposition of 80 nm of Cu, the total Cu thick-
Fig. 10, complete trench fill was achieved in features as small ness on the field is approximately 230 nm including the
as 0.25 × 1.5 microns, and strongly accelerated bottom-up fill 150 nm seed layer. At this point in the filling sequence, the
is evident from the protrusions over the trenches. Further op- largest features (0.9 and 1.7 µm) show conformal growth of
timization of process conditions and additive concentrations the 80 nm layer on all surfaces within the trench. The next
in this electrolyte appears likely to yield trench fill results smallest trench size, 0.6 µm, exhibits slight fill acceleration in
equivalent to sulfuric acid based baths. Via fill results were the feature corners as evidenced by the thicker deposit in that
not substantially different than those obtained in copper sul- location. At 0.3 µm, the sidewalls in the upper portion of the
fate based electrolytes with bottom voids being observed in trench show conformal growth, however, a distinct surface of
0.24 × 1.2 micron features and larger vias showing complete copper growing parallel to the base of the trench has formed
fill. The similarity in via bottom void formation observed us- slightly above the base of the trench. This surface is charac-
ing organic and non-organic anion based electrolytes, despite teristic of accelerated bottom-up growth. Once formed, this
the expected wetting differences, suggest wetting limitations surface moves rapidly up the feature yielding complete fill as
of the electrolyte do not contribute strongly to poor electrode- has taken place in the 0.15 µm trenches where the growth sur-
position behavior on discontinuous seed. face is approximately level with the dielectric plane.
No remarkable differences in trench or via fill performance After electrodeposition of 130 nm, slight fill acceleration in
were achieved among the electrolytes tested, although the the corners of 0.9 and 1.7 µm trenches has become evident.
concentrations of organic additive which gave optimum per- The 0.6 µm trenches now show a flat growth surface which
formance varied as the electrolyte is changed. The universal has evolved from the initially accelerated corner growth seen
observation of bottom voids in small vias suggests the need after the 80 nm deposition. At the 0.3 µm trench size, the
exists for improved PVD coverage, or seed repair methods, flat growth surface noted at 80 nm nominal growth has pro-
which do not increase the effective aspect ratio of features ceeded above the field by approximately 100 nm. Note that
prior to the final filling step. This will become increasingly the vertical growth of the bottom-up fill surface in the 0.3 µm
important as thinner seed layers are required for future device trench, between 80 and 130 nm nominal deposit thickness,
generations. is approximately 700 nm. This is a 14× acceleration rela-
tive to the nominal thickness change (50 nm) and suggests an
3.4 Fill evolution characteristics approximately 140 mA/cm2 current density on the localized
Figure 11 shows fill evolution for trench sizes of 0.15, 0.3, bottom-up growth surface.
0.6, 0.9 and 1.7 µm following electrodeposition of 80, 130, After 195 nm deposition, more pronounced corner growth
195 and 240 nm of copper on the wafer field surface at a nom- is noted in the 0.9 and 1.7 µm trenches and fill of the
inal current density of approximately 10 mA/cm2 . 0.6 µm trench is nearly complete. The vertical growth of the
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Vol. 40 (2001) Pt. 1, No. 4B J. R EID 2657
bottom-up fill surface in the 0.6 µm trench, between 130 and adsorbing accelerating additives accumulate within high as-
195 nm nominal deposit thickness, is approximately 550 nm. pect ratio features and displace adsorbed suppressor. This
This is an 8.5× acceleration relative to the nominal growth accumulation initially takes place at the feature base corners
rate. where surface area changes most significantly. Highly polar-
After 240 nm deposition, significant corner growth is noted ized electrolytes which maintain strong current suppression
in the 1.7 µm trenches. The 0.9 µm trenches have under- on the wafer surface and aid in uniform nucleation within fea-
gone the transition from accelerated corner growth to rapid tures are beneficial to high AR feature filling. The mechanism
bottom-up fill to form the characteristic flat growth surface. and limitations of bottom-up filling appear to be consistent in
Acceleration of growth relative to the field in the 0.9 trench different electrolytes.
size is approximately 8× between 195 and 240 nm nominal
deposit growth.
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