Bologna Guidelines For Diagnosis and Management of
Bologna Guidelines For Diagnosis and Management of
Bologna Guidelines For Diagnosis and Management of
Background: Adhesive small bowel obstruction (ASBO) is a common surgical emergency, causing high morbidity
and even some mortality. The adhesions causing such bowel obstructions are typically the footprints of previous
abdominal surgical procedures. The present paper presents a revised version of the Bologna guidelines to evidence-
based diagnosis and treatment of ASBO. The working group has added paragraphs on prevention of ASBO and special
patient groups.
Methods: The guideline was written under the auspices of the World Society of Emergency Surgery by the ASBO
working group. A systematic literature search was performed prior to the update of the guidelines to identify relevant
new papers on epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of ASBO. Literature was critically appraised according to an
evidence-based guideline development method. Final recommendations were approved by the workgroup, taking
into account the level of evidence of the conclusion.
(Continued on next page)
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Conclusion and recommendations are graded according response of the peritoneum upon injury, as opposed to
to the level of evidence from strong (“there is strong evi- the normal “ad integrum” repair [16]. Typical adhesions
dence for,” level A) to weak (“we cannot be confident,” form after peritoneal injury from abdominal surgery.
level D). Recommendations were graded as strong recom- Other conditions that may cause peritoneal injury result-
mendations (level I) or weak recommendation or sugges- ing in adhesion formation include radiotherapy, endo-
tions (level II). Recommendations were considered strong metriosis, inflammation, and local response to tumors.
recommendations if there is sufficient evidence (level A or Adhesions from a non-operative etiology are often part
B) demonstrating that the benefits of an intervention are of a more complex pathology that can cause chronic
of clinical importance and clearly outweigh the harm of pain and complications as the result of adhesions and
the intervention. A concept guideline was sent to all in- other mechanisms [17]. Management of chronic abdom-
volved for comment and approval after which internal inal complications by adhesiolysis is controversial [18,
consensus was reached between the members of the work- 19]. The scope of the present guideline is limited to
ing group. Amendments were made based upon these diagnosis and management of acute bowel obstructions.
comments, leading to the final version of this updated
guideline. Adhesive small bowel obstruction
Small bowel obstruction is a surgical emergency in which
Definitions the obstruction of the small intestine hinders passage of
Peritoneal adhesions intestinal contents. Small bowel obstruction is character-
The term “peritoneal adhesions” or simply “adhesions” is ized by abdominal pain, vomiting, distention, and consti-
defined as fibrous tissue that connects surfaces or organs pation. Adhesions are the single most common cause for
within the peritoneal cavity that are normally separated. small bowel obstruction [1, 20]. Nonadhesive etiologies of
Such adhesions are the results of a pathological healing bowel obstruction include incarcerated hernias, obstruct-
ive lesions (malignant and benign), and a number of infre-
Table 2 Grading of the conclusions and recommendations quent causes for bowel obstruction such as bezoars,
according to the level of evidence and strength of inflammatory bowel disease, and volvulus [21–25]. Defini-
recommendation tive confirmation of the adhesive etiology of bowel ob-
Level Conclusion based on struction is made during operative treatment. Methods to
A Systematic review (A1) or at least 2 independent studies with confirm the adhesive etiology of bowel obstruction
evidence level A2 (“there is evidence that…”) non-invasively include a history of previous episodes of
B One study with evidence level A2 or at least 2 independent studies bowel obstruction by adhesions or exclusion of other
with evidence level B (“it is likely that…”) causes of bowel obstruction by imaging (often CT scan).
C One study with evidence level B or level C (“there are indications
that…”) Adhesiolysis
D Expert opinion (“the working group recommends…”) Adhesiolysis refers to releasing adhesions either by blunt
Level Recommendation or sharp dissection during surgery. It can be the primary
I Strong recommendation
indication for an operation, as in a reoperation for small
bowel obstruction caused by adhesions. Adhesiolysis is
II Weak recommendation (suggestion)
also performed during reoperations for indications not
related to adhesions in order to obtain sufficient access tenacity of adhesions can vary between different parts of
to the operative field. Complicated adhesiolysis refers to the abdomen. The most used grading system in
the event of inadvertent injury while performing adhe- gynecological surgery is the American Fertility Society
siolysis. Injuries during adhesiolysis are most frequently (AFS) score [32]. The score is designed for grading adhe-
made to the bowel. These bowel injuries are classified sions in the small pelvis. Adhesions are scored for extent
as: and severity at four sites: right ovary, right tube, left
ovary, and left tube. The scores for the right and left side
– Seromuscular injury: injury to the visceral peritoneum are summed, and the final AFS score is the score for the
(serosa) and smooth muscle layer of the bowel. The side with the lowest summed score while discarding the
lumen of the bowel or leakage of bowel contents is score for the other side. Thus, a patient with an AFS
not visible. score of 0 can still have adhesions. Further critiques for
– Enterotomy: a full thickness injury to the bowel. The this score include a relatively low inter-observer repro-
mucous layer or lumen of the bowel is visible, or ducibility [33]. A modified AFS has therefore gained
there may be leakage of intestinal contents. popularity in more recent studies [34].
– Delayed diagnosed perforation: bowel injuries made A recently introduced score by the ASBO working
during surgery that initially go unrecognized. Typically, group is the peritoneal adhesion index (PAI), which mea-
the abdomen is closed at the end of procedure with sures tenacity on a 1–3 scale at 10 predefined sites, to in-
the bowel injury still in place, causing patients to tegrate tenacity and extent of adhesions in a single score
deteriorate during the postoperative course. (Fig. 1) [35]. This score is the only score that has been val-
idated to be prognostic for convalescence after surgery for
Results ASBO and the risk of injuries during adhesiolysis [36]. A
Epidemiology limitation to all these adhesion scores is that they are only
The risk of SBO is highest following colorectal, onco- applicable to operative cases because they require opera-
logic gynecological, or pediatric surgery [1, 26–28]. One tive assessment. Furthermore, none of them has yet been
in ten patients develops at least one episode of SBO validated to correlate with the long-term risk for (recur-
within 3 years after colectomy [7]. Reoperations for rence of) adhesion-related complications.
ASBO occur in between 4.2 and 12.6% of patients after A different type of classification in the field of ASBO
pediatric surgery patients, and 3.2% of colorectal pa- is risk stratification that predicts the need for surgery.
tients [1, 29]. Recurrence of ASBO is also frequent; 12% Zielinski reported on three radiological and clinical signs
of non-operatively treated patients are readmitted within that correlate with the need for surgical exploration:
1 year, rising to 20% after 5 years. The risk of recurrence
is slightly lower after operative treatment: 8% after 1 year
and 16% after 5 years [30].
Classification of adhesions
The most frequently used classification of adhesions in
general surgery is the adhesion score according to
Zühlke et al. (Table 3) [31]. The score is based on the
tenacity and some morphologic aspects of the adhesions.
The merits of this score are that it is easy to use and
classifications are self-explanatory to most surgeons and
gynecologists. The major drawback to the score is that it
does not measure the extent of adhesions and that
mesenteric edema, absence of the small-bowel feces sign, important risk factors for aggravated adhesion formation
and obstipation. The score was validated in 100 cases of are worth considering. One of the most important risk
ASBO and predicted the risk with a concordance index factors is the foreign body reaction, for example as seen
of 0.77 [37]. A more accurate model was reported by with starch-powdered gloves, and meshes used for ab-
Baghdadi et al. This score comprises radiological find- dominal wall reconstruction [40, 41]. The choice of en-
ings, sepsis criteria, and comorbidity index. Although ergy device might also impact adhesion formation.
the score is somewhat complex to assess, it correlates Peritoneal injury is lower in bipolar electrocautery and
with an area under the curve of 0.80 in a validation ultrasonic devices as compared to monopolar electro-
study of 351 cases [38]. cautery [42, 43]. Animal data suggest that both systemic
and intraperitoneal application of antibiotics, and metro-
Prevention nidazole in particular, can reduce adhesion formation in
Surgical technique septic conditions [44, 45].
The main principles of prevention of adhesion and re-
lated complications are minimizing surgical trauma and
the use of adjuvants to reduce adhesion formation. Adhesion barriers
Laparoscopy is often believed to reduce adhesion forma- Adhesion barriers are adjuvants for peritoneal adminis-
tion and the risk for ASBO. In a systematic review of co- tration that can effectively reduce adhesion formation.
hort studies, the incidence of reoperation for ASBO was Adhesion barriers are produced in several forms: solid
1.4 (95% CI 1.0–1.8%) after laparoscopic and 3.8% (95% membranes, gels, and liquids. The concept behind bar-
CI 3.1–4.4%) after open surgery. However, there were riers is that they do not actively interfere with inflamma-
differences in both the type and indications for surgery tion and wound healing. Rather, they act as a spacer
[1]. In a recent meta-analysis of SBO after colorectal op- which separates injured surfaces of the peritoneum,
erations, the incidence of ASBO after laparoscopic sur- allowing these surfaces to heal without forming fibrinous
gery was somewhat lower than after open colorectal attachments which eventually lead to adhesions. In order
procedures (OR 0.62, 95% CI 0.54 to 0.72). However, no to accomplish this task, such barriers should ideally be
significant difference was found in the three randomized inert to the human immune system and be slowly
trials included in this review (OR 0.50, 95% CI 0.20 to degradable.
1.2) [39]. In summary, there is some evidence that the There is moderate evidence that a hyaluronate car-
incidence of ASBO is lower after laparoscopy. However, boxymethylcellulose adhesion barrier can reduce the in-
the effect seems modest when correcting for type and cidence of reoperations for ASBO in colorectal surgery.
indication of surgery. Thus, performing (colorectal) sur- In three trials involving 1132 patients undergoing colo-
gery by laparoscopy is not a complete solution to pre- rectal surgery, hyaluronate carboxymethylcellulose re-
venting adhesive SBO. duced the incidence of reoperations for adhesive small
Many other aspects of surgical technique have been bowel obstruction (RR 0.49, 95% CI 0.28–0.88) [46–48].
associated with adhesion formation, although there are The use of such barriers seems cost-effective in open
little or no epidemiological data concerning their impact colorectal surgery [49]. An overview of common used
on the incidence of ASBO. Nevertheless, a number of adhesion barriers and their efficacy is found in Table 4.
Table 4 Overview of most common applied adhesion barriers and their impact on adhesion formation and incidence of ASBO
Barrier Marketed as Comments
Hyaluronate Seprafilm® Solid barrier most suitable for open surgery although laparoscopic placement has been described
carboxymethylcellulose Studies in both general surgery and gynecological procedures
Reduces adhesion formation, as well as the risk for reoperations for adhesive small bowel obstruction
(relative risk 0.49, 95% CI 0.28–0.88)
Oxidized regenerated Interceed® Solid barrier most suitable for open surgery
cellulose Only studied in gynecological procedures
Reduces incidence of adhesion formation relative risk 0.51, 95% CI 0.31–0.86
No studies available on subsequent risk of ASBO
This workgroup does not recommend the use of this barrier to prevent ASBO in general surgery
Icodextrin Adept® Liquid barrier, easy to apply in both open and laparoscopic surgery
Good safety record in both general surgery and gynecological surgery
Reduces recurrence of ASBO following surgery for ASBO in one trial (relative risk 0.20, 95% CI 0.04–0.88)
Polyethylene glycol Sprayshield®/Spraygel® Gel barrier, easy to apply in both open and laparoscopic surgery
Reduces adhesion score in both general surgery and gynecological trials
Relative few and small studies, impact on long-term adhesion-related complications not described
Adapted from [52]
Secondary prevention with a relatively high obstruction who are admitted early
Adhesion barriers might also be useful to prevent recur- after onset of symptoms. Moreover, not all of these symp-
rence after surgical treatment of ASBO. One randomized toms may be present, especially in the elderly in whom
trial with an adhesion barrier included patients undergo- pain is often less prominent [55, 56].
ing surgery for ASBO [20]. In this trial, patients were ran- During physical examination, signs of peritonitis that
domized to a liquid 4% icodextrin adhesion barrier or might reveal strangulation or ischemia should be evalu-
standard operative treatment without an adhesion barrier. ated. Differential diagnostic considerations that can be
The ASBO recurrence rate was 2.19% (2/91) in the ico- assessed during physical examination include the presence
dextrin groups versus 11.11% (10/90) in the control group of any abdominal wall or groin hernias. The evaluation of
after a mean follow-up period of 41.4 months (p < 0.05) ASBO by history taking and physical examination has a
[20]. In this trial, the barrier was applied in patients low sensitivity for detecting bowel strangulation and ische-
treated for ASBO by laparotomy. However, the icodextrin mia. Sensitivity of physical examination for detection of
4% adhesion barrier can also be administered in laparo- strangulation is only 48%, even in experienced hands [57].
scopic surgery. Other trials with icodextrin as an adhesion
barrier indicated that it actually might not be the most po- Laboratory tests
tent barrier to prevent adhesion reformation, which is typ- The minimum of laboratory tests include blood count,
ically more challenging than prevention of de novo lactate, electrolytes, CRP, and BUN/creatinine. Laboratory
adhesions [50]. Favoring the use of icodextrin are its low values that might indicate peritonitis are a CRP > 75 and
costs and good safety record [51]. From the results of white blood cell count > 10.000/mm3, although sensitivity
other trials, we suggest that a hyaluronate carboxymethyl- and specificity of these tests are relatively low [6, 57, 58].
cellulose might be more efficacious, but this barrier is less Electrolytes are often disturbed in patients with a bowel
practical in laparoscopic surgery [46–48, 52]. obstruction; in particular, low values of potassium are fre-
quently found and need to be corrected. BUN/creatinine
Approach to the patient with ASBO needs to be assessed as patients with ASBO are frequently
An algorithm for the diagnostic and therapeutic ap- dehydrated which could result in acute kidney injury.
proach to the patient with ASBO is presented in Fig. 2.
The initial diagnosis of ASBO is of utmost importance. Imaging studies
Failure to diagnose or having a delayed diagnosis repre- Plain X-rays
sents 70% of malpractice claims in ASBO [53, 54]. The value of plain X-rays complementary to physical
The primary goals in the initial evaluation of patients in examination is limited. In high-grade obstruction, a triad
whom adhesive small bowel obstruction is suspected are: of multiple air-fluid levels, distention of small bowel
loops, and absence of gas in the colon are pathogno-
– Differentiating between adhesive small bowel monic for small bowel obstruction, but overall sensitivity
obstruction and other causes of bowel obstruction and specificity of plain x-rays are low (sensitivity ap-
– Assessing the need for urgent surgical exploration proximately 70%) [59, 60]. A large volume pneumoperi-
– Identifying and preventing complications from toneum secondary to bowel perforation in ASBO can
bowel obstruction also be detected on plain X-rays, preferably by an erect
chest X-ray. Plain X-rays, however, do not detect the
History taking and physical examination more early signs of peritonitis or strangulation [59–61].
History taking in a patient suspected for ASBO includes Furthermore, a plain abdominal X-ray does not provide
assessment of potential causes of bowel obstruction (pre- anatomical information that helps differentiate between
vious operations, radiotherapy) and nutritional status. the various causes of bowel obstruction.
Signs of dehydration should also be assessed. Tradition-
ally, ASBO is clinically diagnosed in a patient with inter- Water-soluble contrast studies
mittent colicky abdominal pain, distention, and nausea Several systematic reviews and meta-analyses have estab-
(with or without vomiting), with or without absence of lished the usefulness of water-soluble contrast agents in
stools. Although diagnosis of small bowel obstruction is the diagnostic work-up of ASBO [62–64]. If the contrast
fairly certain in a patient in whom all of these symptoms has not reached the colon on an abdominal X-ray taken
are present, there are some specific pitfalls that can result 24 h following administration of the contrast, this is highly
in delayed or misdiagnosis of bowel obstruction upon ini- indicative of failure of non-operative management. Mul-
tial presentation. In patients with incomplete obstruction, tiple studies have shown that the use of water-soluble con-
watery diarrhea may be present. The presence of watery trast agents accurately predicts the need for surgery and
diarrhea can cause an episode of ASBO to be mistaken for reduces hospital stay [62, 63]. Some authors also suggest
gastro-enteritis. Stools might also be present in patients that water-soluble contrast studies reduce the need for
surgery, which is attributed to an active therapeutic role of value of CT scan can be enhanced with the use of
the contrast [62, 63]. water-soluble contract. As with water-soluble contrast stud-
ies, progress of the contrast can be evaluated by X-ray at
CT scans 24 h after CT scan.
Current helical CT scans not only have good test character- Although adhesions are not directly visible even on CT
istics for diagnosing small bowel obstruction but also have scan, a CT scan can differentiate accurately between dif-
approximately 90% accuracy in predicting strangulation ferent causes of bowel obstruction by excluding other
and the need for urgent surgery [37, 60, 65–68]. Diagnostic causes. The workgroup therefore considers CT scan to be
the preferred imaging technique if there is any doubt and MRI might be useful in specific situations. Ultrasound
about the diagnosis of ASBO, and to assess the need for is operator dependent but in experienced hands can pro-
urgent surgery. vide more information than plain X-rays, and is also avail-
A CT scan should help to differentiate between a able in most low income settings. Apart from distension
complete obstruction of the bowel and help facilitate the of bowel loops, ultrasound enables detection of free fluid
decision for a trial of non-operative management versus (that might indicate the need for urgent surgery) and as-
a decision to proceed to surgery. It may also help to de- sessment of the degree of shock in dehydrated patients
fine the location of the obstruction (e.g., high in the je- [61, 69]. Ultrasound can also be of value in situations in
junum or deep in the pelvis). Signs of a closed loop, which exposure to radiation is undesirable, such as in
bowel ischemia, and free fluid are signs that suggest the pregnant patients. In these cases, ultrasound might be
need for surgery without delay. In addition, radiological complemented with MRI for more anatomical information
and clinical scores can be used to predict the need for if the diagnosis of bowel obstruction is confirmed [70].
surgery as described above [37, 38].
Diagnosis: summary
Ultrasound and MRI Recommendations can be found in Table 5. In summary,
Although the working group considered CT scan to be the CT scan with oral water-soluble contrast is the preferred
preferred technique for diagnosis of ASBO, ultrasound technique of imaging in the initial evaluation. Progress
of the contrast should be monitored after 24 h of however, remains subject to debate. Common medical
non-operative treatment by X-ray. If the diagnosis of complications in patients with small bowel obstruction
ASBO is certain (e.g., because other causes have been are dehydration with kidney injury, electrolyte distur-
excluded with recent imaging), and there are no signs bances, malnutrition, and aspiration.
that immediate surgery might be warranted, only a
water-soluble contrast study is considered sufficient. Non-operative management: summary
Ultrasound and MRI can be useful in specific situations, The panel recommends a trial of non-operative manage-
such as pregnancy or (in low income countries) when ment in all patients with ASBO, unless there are signs of
CT scan is unavailable. peritonitis, strangulation, or bowel ischemia. Evidence
for the optimal duration of non-operative is absent, but
Management most authors and the panel consider a 72-h period as
Initial decision making safe and appropriate. Further recommendations are
Non-operative management should always be tried in pa- found in Table 5.
tients with adhesive small bowel obstruction, unless there
are signs of peritonitis, strangulation, or bowel ischemia Operative treatment
[71]. Although the risk of recurrence is slightly lower after Historically, abdominal exploration through laparotomy
operative treatment, this is not a reason to opt for a pri- has been the standard treatment for adhesive small
mary surgical approach. Morbidity from emergency surgi- bowel obstruction. In recent years, however, laparo-
cal exploration is high; there is a considerable risk for scopic surgery for ASBO has been introduced. The po-
bowel injury, and surgical treatment may significantly re- tential benefits of laparoscopy include less extensive
duce post-operative quality of life [1, 72–74]. adhesion (re)formation, earlier return of bowel move-
ments, reduced post-operative pain, and shorter length
Non-operative management of stay [81–83]. In a recent systematic review and
The cornerstone of non-operative management is nil per meta-analysis of 14 non-randomized studies, laparo-
os and decompression using a naso-gastric tube or long scopic adhesiolysis reduced risk of morbidity, in-hospital
intestinal tube. Non-operative management is effective mortality, and surgical infections [84]. However, there
in approximately 70–90% of patients with ASBO [1, 75, also seems strong selection bias in these series allocating
76]. There has been some debate in the literature over mainly the less severe cases to laparoscopy. In a ques-
the use of long intestinal tubes or naso-gastric tubes. In tionnaire among surgeons, 60% of the respondents re-
an older trial, no significant difference in failure rates ported to have performed laparoscopic adhesiolysis for
was found between naso-gastric tubes and long intes- ASBO in their practice, but half of them in less than
tinal tubes [77]. In a more recent trial, 186 patients were 15% of cases [11].
randomized between a newly designed trilumen long Although laparoscopy might provide some benefits to
tube and a naso-gastric tube. Long tubes seemed more some patients for ASBO, surgeons should carefully select
effective in this trial with a failure rate of 10.4% in this candidates for laparoscopic treatment. Laparoscopy in
group compared with 53.3% in the naso-gastric tube an abdomen with very distended loops of bowel and
group [78]. Results from this trial should be interpreted multiple complex adhesions could increase the risk of
with care, because the failure rate of naso-gastric tube severe complications such as enterotomies and delayed
compression is much higher than would be expected from diagnosis of perforations [85, 86]. Indeed, some authors
other literature. Moreover, a drawback of trilumen tubes have reported bowel injury in 6.3 to 26.9% of patients
is the need for endoscopic placement. Non-operative treated with laparoscopic adhesiolysis for ASBO [87–
management should further include fluid resuscitation, 89]. In a recent population-based study, bowel resections
correction of electrolyte disturbances, nutritional support, were significantly more frequent in laparoscopic surgery.
and prevention of aspiration. Incidence of bowel resection was 53.5 versus 43.4% in
Duration of the period in which non-operative man- laparoscopic versus open procedures [90]. Farinella et al.
agement can be tried is subject to debate. Several retro- reported that predictors for a successful laparoscopic
spective series and databases have shown that delays in treatment of ASBO are the following: ≤ 2 laparotomies
surgery increase morbidity and mortality [30, 71, 79, 80]. in history, appendectomy as the operation in history, no
Evidence for the optimal duration of non-operative treat- previous median laparotomy incision, and a single adhe-
ment is absent, but most authors and the panel consider sive band [91]. Laparoscopic adhesiolysis also seems
a 72-h period as safe and appropriate [11, 58, 76, 79, 80]. more difficult in patients who have previously been
Continuing non-operative treatment for more than 72 h treated by radiotherapy [92].
in cases with persistent high output from a decompres- More compelling evidence on the role of laparoscopy
sion tube, but no other signs of clinical deterioration, in surgery for ASBO is from an ongoing randomized
trial and is still awaited [93]. In this trial, strict inclusion the operation was delayed more than 24 h [100]. The in-
and exclusion criteria have been used to select candidates cidence of these complications was significantly higher
in whom simple single band adhesions are expected. when compared to diabetic patients that were operated
within 24 h and non-diabetic patients with delayed
Operative management: summary operation.
Laparoscopic surgery has been introduced in recent years
and might decrease morbidity in subgroups of patients Pregnancy
undergoing surgery for ASBO. The risk of bowel injuries Small bowel obstruction in pregnancy is very rare but
seems higher in laparoscopic surgery for ASBO. Therefore, represents an important clinical challenge with signifi-
careful selection of patients for laparoscopic surgery is re- cant risk of fetal loss. In a recent review, 46 cases of
quired. Further recommendations are found in Table 5. bowel obstruction during pregnancy were found in lit-
erature from case series and case reports [101]. Approxi-
Special patient groups mately half of cases were attributed to adhesions, most
Young patients commonly from previous abdominal operations. Imaging
The risk of adhesion-related complications is life-long. studies performed to diagnose SBO in the case reports
Although most small bowel obstructions will occur included ultrasound in ten cases (83%), abdominal X-ray
within the first 2 years after surgery, new cases continue in four patients (33%), MRI in four patients (33%), and a
to develop many years after the primary operation [1, CT scan in three patients (25%). Strikingly, the failure
30, 72, 94, 95]. Also, the risk of requiring a future reop- rate of non-operative treatment in pregnant patients
eration for unrelated causes is higher in younger patients with ASBO was high. A total of 23 cases with ASBO
[96]. Pediatric patients, who are at the extreme of young were reported, in 17 of whom initial management was
age, have a high risk for adhesion-related complications by a non-operative trial. Non-operative treatment failed
[1]. In a recent cohort of patients who underwent sur- in 16 cases (94%). Risk of fetal loss was 17% (n = 8) and
gery at a pediatric age, the incidence of adhesive small risk of maternal death 2% (n = 1).
bowel obstruction was 12.6% after a median follow-up of
14.7 years [29]. Conclusions
Young patients therefore might have the highest life- The conclusions and recommendations of this guideline
time benefit from adhesion prevention [49]. No trials have been summarized in Table 5. ASBO is a common
with adhesion barriers have been performed in pediatric surgical emergency, causing high morbidity and even
surgery, but a recent cohort study in pediatric patients some mortality. Surgeons should be aware that the adhe-
showed a significant reduction in ASBO with the use of sions causing such bowel obstructions are typically the
a hyaluronate carboxymethylcellulose adhesion barrier footprints of previous abdominal surgical procedures or
[97]. After a follow-up of 24 months, 2.0% of pediatric disease. Part of the adhesion formation can be prevented
patients operated with adhesion barrier versus 4.5% of by application of minimal invasive surgical techniques
patients operated on without adhesion barrier developed and the use of adhesion barriers. Most cases of ASBO
ASBO. can be treated non-operatively. If operative treatment is
required, a laparoscopic approach might be beneficial for
Elderly patients simple cases. However, there is a considerable risk for
In elderly patients, quality of life considerations are ex- conversion to an open laparotomy and care needs to be
tremely important in decision making. Patients with a taken not to make bowel injury.
high frailty index have a prolonged recovery after a sur-
gical procedure and may not be able to return to their Availability of data and materials
Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no datasets were generated
previous functional state and quality of life [98, 99]. or analyzed during the current study.
The principles of treatment for adhesive small bowel
obstruction might interfere with comorbidities and Authors’ contributions
medication in the elderly patients. There is a marked RtB, PK, and SdS performed the search for relevant literature, graded the
level of evidence of available literature, contributed to the conception of the
paucity of research on the consequences of stopping or draft, contributed with important scientific knowledge, and gave the final
withholding oral medications when a patient is put on approval of the manuscript. FCo, WB, LA, GV, MS, GF, MK, FM, AB, AL, EM, JJ,
nil per os for non-operative treatment of small bowel YK, MS, AB, CB, IC, RC, MdM, PF, KI, RI, RL, JK, AK, RM, SR, BS, TS, KS, DW, IW,
FAZ, NdA, RP, JM, and FCa contributed to the manuscript draft, critically
obstruction. A recent cohort showed that patients with revised the manuscript, contributed with important scientific knowledge, and
diabetes might require earlier intervention although the gave the final approval of the manuscript. HvG supervised the literature
level of evidence is rather low. Patients with diabetes study, contributed to the conception of the draft, critically revised the
manuscript, contributed with important scientific knowledge, and gave the
were shown to suffer from a 7.5% incidence of acute kid- final approval of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final
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