Weekly Diesel Prices Report - 9 June 2024
Weekly Diesel Prices Report - 9 June 2024
Weekly Diesel Prices Report - 9 June 2024
For more detailed information on: In the AIP Weekly Diesel Prices Report:
Pricing Facts – see • the data for international crude oil and diesel
https://www.aip.com.au/facts-about-prices prices is supplied by Argus Media – see
Terminal Gate Prices (wholesale) – see www.argusmedia.com/.
https://aip.com.au/pricing/terminal-gate- • the data for wholesale diesel prices is based
prices on market data published by AIP member
Pump Prices (retail) – see companies (BP, Viva Energy Australia, Mobil
https://aip.com.au/pricing/pump-prices and Ampol) – see www.aip.com.au.
International Fuel Prices – see • the data for retail diesel prices is based on
https://aip.com.au/pricing/international- available market data supplied by MotorMouth
– see www.motormouth.com.au.
Should you have any questions about the material in this report,
please contact AIP at aip@aip.com.au.
This report has been prepared by ORIMA Research Pty Ltd on behalf of AIP. Whilst AIP has taken due care in ensuring
the accuracy of the information or material in this report, the report is made available for general use only and is provided
without any express or implied warranty as to its accuracy, completeness or currency.
The Australian Fuel Market - An Overall Snapshot
Understanding Movements in Key Diesel Price Indicators
The Chart below is a static snapshot from 2023 that demonstrates the movements in key market
indicators relevant to the price of diesel in Australia.
The Australian refining sector is a price taker. Domestic prices are closely linked to international prices. The
Singapore benchmark price of diesel (Gasoil 10ppm sulfur) is the key diesel price benchmark for Australia. As the
chart below shows:
• the Gasoil price plus shipping costs and Australian taxes represents almost the entire wholesale price of diesel
(around 95%)
• there is no retail discounting cycle (i.e. sawtooth pattern) for diesel, as only 25% of diesel is sold through retail
outlets and most of this goes to contract or fuel card customers rather than private motorists; most diesel is
sold in bulk to commercial/industrial customers (e.g. mining, transport and farming) on long term contract; such
contracts are subject to rigorous competition under regular market tenders.
(1) INTERNATIONAL DIESEL PRICE: the international diesel prices are provided by the Argus Media Group, and represent the end of day assessment for the price of Gasoil (50ppm sulfur
from 1 January 2006, and 10ppm sulfur from 1 January 2009). The Australian Institute of Petroleum obtains confidential proprietary data from the Argus Media group under license, from which
data the Australian Institute of Petroleum conducts and publishes its own calculations and opinions. Argus makes no warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy, adequacy, timeliness, or
completeness of its data or the Australian Institute of Petroleum’s calculations or opinions, or their fitness for any particular purpose. Argus shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising
from any party’s reliance on Argus’ data or the Australian Institute of Petroleum’s calculations or opinions, and disclaims any and all liability related to or arising out of use of Argus’ data and/or
the Australian Institute of Petroleum’s calculations and opinions to the full extent permissible by law. For further information about Argus products and services, see www.argusmedia.com.
(2) SHIPPING: AIP estimate, based on various sources (e.g. Argus, ACCC, Australian Petroleum Statistics and the Reserve Bank of Australia).
(3) TAXES: is excise and GST less any relevant state rebates weighted by fuel volume consumed in each State.
(4) NATIONAL AVERAGE WHOLESALE PRICES: are derived from capital city prices weighted by fuel volume consumed in each State.
(5) NATIONAL AVERAGE RETAIL PRICES: are calculated as the weighted average of each State/Territory's metropolitan and non metropolitan retail diesel prices, with the weights based on
the number of registered diesel vehicles in each of these regions.
International Market Trends
Figure 1: Comparison of Singapore Diesel Price (Gasoil) with Crude Oil Prices
NOTE: Australia is a significant part of the Asia-Pacific fuel market. The Australian market looks to Singapore, which is the regional refining and
distribution centre, for relevant pricing benchmarks for diesel prices (Gasoil 10ppm) and to Tapis and North Sea Dated (Brent) for crude oil. Argus
Media publishes prices for Tapis and Dated Brent (“North Sea Dated” in Argus terminology). Countries across the Asia-Pacific region including
Australia use North Sea Dated (Brent) and its derivatives as benchmarks for crude oil contract purposes and spot transactions. For information
on crude oil pricing in Asia see http://www.aip.com.au/pricing/crude.htm.
NOTE: The refiner margin above is the difference between market prices for Gasoil and Brent. It is not a figure determined by refiners.
Differences/margins between market prices or benchmarks are used as indicators of general trends in the petroleum market, they do not represent profits
accruing to oil companies at the refining, wholesale or retail segments of the market. For each market segment, a range of costs would need to be deducted to
determine actual profits.
Australian Wholesale Market Trends
Figure 3: Comparison Of Australian Diesel TGP (Or ‘Wholesale Price’)
With Singapore Diesel Price (Gasoil)
NOTE: The Gasoil prices and Shipping rates are provided by Argus Media group, see Notes on page 2.
Differences/margins between market prices or benchmarks are used as indicators of general trends in the petroleum market, they do not represent profits
accruing to oil companies at the refining, wholesale or retail segments of the market.
For each market segment, a range of costs would need to be deducted to determine actual profits.
For example, at the wholesale level, a range of costs (including ‘landed costs’ and ‘wholesaling costs’) would need to be deducted to determine actual profits at the
wholesale level. These ‘landed costs’ include the costs of the quality premium (market cost) for Australian fuel standards, insurance and loss, and local wharfage
costs. The standard ‘wholesaling costs’ include terminal operating costs, administration and wholesale marketing costs and corporate taxes and government
charges on wholesaling activities.
Average Diesel Terminal Gate Prices (TGP’s)
Across Australian States/Territories
Week ended 9 June 2024
Daily TGP data are published by all wholesale fuel suppliers. AIP’s website presents average TGP data for each weekday – see www.aip.com.au/pricing/tgp.htm.
This data has been prepared by ORIMA Research Pty Ltd on behalf of AIP, using information from BP Australia, Ampol, Viva Energy Australia, and ExxonMobil
Australia. Prices shown are the average TGP for diesel across each of these companies for the day.
Australian Retail Market Trends For Diesel
Figure 5: Comparison Of Australian Pump Price With Australian TGP
Average Retail Diesel Price versus Average Wholesale Diesel Price
(1) The data for retail diesel prices is based on available market data supplied by MotorMouth (see www.motormouth.com.au).
(2) There is a time lag between changes in Australian wholesale (TGP) diesel prices and the change in retail diesel prices which needs to be taken into account
when comparing relative price movements. According to the ACCC, this time lag can be longer during times of significant volatility in international and wholesale
diesel prices.
(3) Differences/margins between market prices or benchmarks are used as indicators of general trends in the petroleum market, they do not represent profits
accruing to oil companies at the refining, wholesale or retail segments of the market.
For each market segment, a range of costs would need to be deducted to determine actual profits. For example at the retail level, a range of standard retailing
costs would need to be deducted to determine actual profits. These costs include:
• land transport costs (of getting fuel from the terminal gate to the petrol bowser)
• administration and retail marketing costs
• the costs of running service stations like wages, rent and utilities
• corporate taxes and other government charges on retailing activities
Retail Diesel Price Trends Across States/Territories
Week ended 9 June 2024
Weekly Average Weekly Change Low High
National Average 193.7 -1.2 193.2 194.3
NSW / ACT 193.2 -1.0 193.0 193.7
Victoria 193.6 -1.2 193.3 194.0
Queensland 195.5 -1.5 194.7 196.4
South Australia 190.9 -1.0 190.7 191.3
Western Australia 189.2 -1.3 188.5 189.9
Northern Territory 212.9 -1.5 212.3 213.5
Tasm ania 198.9 -1.9 198.3 199.8
For more information on average weekly retail (pump) prices for diesel and petrol across Australia,
please see https://aip.com.au/pricing/pump-prices
(1) The data for retail diesel fuel prices is based on available market data supplied by MotorMouth (see www.motormouth.com.au).
(2)The National Average Retail price is calculated as the weighted average of each State/Territory's metropolitan and non metropolitan retail diesel prices, with the
weights based on the number of registered diesel vehicles in each of these regions.
(3) The National Metropolitan Average price is calculated as the weighted average of the retail diesel prices across each capital city, where the weights are based on
the number of vehicles using diesel registered in each city.
(4) The Five Major Capital City Average is the unweighted average of the prices for Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth.
(5) The Regional Average prices (including the National Regional Average) are calculated as the weighted average of the retail diesel prices for the non-metropolitan
regions in each State/Territory, where the weights are based on the number of vehicles using diesel.
(6) The vehicle data source is ABS Motor Vehicle Census, 2011, Cat No 9309.0.
(7) 'Weekly Low' and 'Weekly High' are based on the lowest and the highest average daily prices in the relevant area.
(8) Weekly Average prices are a straight average of the seven days.
(9) Weekly Change is the change compared with the Weekly Average last week.
For more information on data methodology, please see the AIP Website (www.aip.com.au/pricing/retail.htm).
Diesel Prices & Taxes in OECD Countries
December Quarter 2023
The Charts below shows Australia has among the lowest diesel prices of all OECD countries.
Tax Component