Electrical Machines-Ii

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Course Code: 20EE1108 L T P C

3 0 0 3
Prerequisites: Electrical Machines-I and Electrical Circuit Analysis.

Course Outcomes: At the end of the Course the student shall be able to

CO1 Understand the fundamentals of AC Machine windings and concepts pulsating and
revolving magnetic fields.

CO2 Reproduce the construction and working principle of various types of three phase
induction motor.

CO3 Summarize different techniques related to speed control of three phase induction motor
and associate the principles related to single phase induction motors.

CO4 Outline different types of Alternators and their performance criteria.

CO5 Identify different types of synchronous motors; interpret their performance under different
load conditions.
UNIT-I 10 Lectures

FUNDAMENTALS OF AC MACHINE WINDINGS: Physical arrangement of windings in stator and

cylindrical rotor; slots for windings; single-turn coil - active portion and overhang; full-pitch coils,
concentrated winding, distributed winding, winding axis, Air-gap MMF distribution with fixed current
through winding - concentrated and distributed, Sinusoidally distributed winding, skew factor, distribution
factor and pitch factor.
PULSATING AND REVOLVING MAGNETIC FIELDS: Constant magnetic field, pulsating magnetic
field - alternating current in winding with spatial displacement, Magnetic field produced by a single winding
- Fixed current and alternating current, pulsating fields produced by spatially displaced windings, Windings
spatially shifted by 90 degrees, addition of pulsating magnetic fields, Three windings spatially shifted by
120 degrees (carrying three-phase balanced currents), revolving magnetic field.
Learning outcomes: Student should be able to
1. Understanding the different types of windings in electrical machines (L1).
2. Describe the concept of MMF distribution through windings and poly phase currents (L2).
3. Analyse the pulsating and revolving magnetic fields (L4).

UNIT-II 10 Lectures

INDUCTION MACHINE: Construction, Types (squirrel cage and slip-ring), Torque Slip
Characteristics, Starting and Maximum Torque, Equivalent circuit, Phasor Diagram, Losses and
Efficiency, Effect of parameter variation on torque speed characteristics (variation of rotor and stator
resistances, stator voltage, frequency) cogging and crawling.
Learning outcomes: Student should be able to
1. Understanding the constructional details of the induction machine (L1).

2. Analyse the Torque Slip Characteristics and Phasor Diagrams (L4).
3. Evaluate the Losses and Efficiency of an induction machine (L3).
4. Observe the Effect of parameter variation on torque speed characteristics (L5).

UNIT-III 10 Lectures

STARTING METHODS OF INDUCTION MACHINES: Methods of starting and speed control for
induction motors and braking. Generator operation, Self-excitation, Doubly-Fed Induction Machines.

SINGLE-PHASE INDUCTION MOTORS: Constructional features double revolving field theory,

equivalent circuit, determination of parameters. Split-phase starting methods and applications.

Learning outcomes: Student should be able to

1. Analyse the different starting, braking and speed control methods of the induction motor (L4).
2. Understanding the operation of Self-excitation and Doubly-Fed Induction Machines (L1).
3. Evaluate the equivalent circuit parameters of single phase induction motor (L3).
4. Observe the different starting methods of the single phase induction motor (L5).

UNIT-I V 10 Lectures

SYNCHRONOUS GENERATORS: Constructional features, cylindrical rotor synchronous machine -

generated EMF, equivalent circuit and phasor diagram, armature reaction, synchronous impedance, voltage
regulation. Operating characteristics of synchronous machines, Salient pole machine - two reaction theory,
analysis of phasor diagram, power angle characteristics. Parallel operation of alternators - synchronization
and load sharing.

Learning outcomes: Student should be able to

1. Understanding the constructional features and different types of synchronous machines (L1).
2. Analyse the characteristics and phasor diagram of synchronous machine (L4).
3. Examine the Parallel operation of alternators and load sharing (L3).

UNIT-V 10 Lectures

SYNCHRONOUS MOTORS: Principle of operation, methods of starting, Phasor diagram of synchronous

motor, variation of current and power factor with excitation, Predetermination of V and inverted V curves,
hunting and use of damper bars, Synchronous condenser and power factor correction, Excitation and power
PERMANENT MAGNET SYNCHRONOUS MOTORS (PMSM): Comparisons of conventional and
PM synchronous motor, Constructional details, Principle of operation. Constructional features of PMSM,
Principle of operation, Performance characteristics of PMSM and applications.
Learning outcomes: Student should be able to
1. Understanding the principle of operation and methods of starting a synchronous motor (L1).
2. Predetermination of V and inverted V curves for synchronous motor (L2).
3. Evaluate the hunting process and use of damper windings (L3).
4. Observe the comparisons between the conventional and PM synchronous motor (L5).

1. A. E. Fitzgerald and C. Kingsley, "Electric Machinery”, McGraw Hill Education, 6th edition 2017.

2. M.G. Say, “Performance and Design of A.C. Machines”, ELBS and Pitman & Sons, 4 th Edition,

1. P. S. Bimbhra, “Electrical Machinery”, Khanna Publishers, 7th Edition, 2017.
2. I. J. Nagrath and D. P. Kothari, “Electric Machines”, McGraw Hill Education, 5 th Edition 2017.
3. A.S.Langsdorf, Theory of Alternating Current Machinery, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2nd Edition, 2006
4. P. C. Sen, “Principles of Electric Machines and Power Electronics”, John Wiley & Sons, 2007”.
5. A.K. Sawhney, Electrical Machine Design, DhanpatRai& Sons, 5th Edition, 2004.
6. E.G. Janardanan “Special Electrical Machines” PHI Learning Private Limited, Delhi First Edition
reprinted in 2014.

1. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108/106/108106072/
2. https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_ee24/preview
3. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108/102/108102146/

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