The Fountain's Summary
The Fountain's Summary
The Fountain's Summary
The movie talks about the meaning of life by showing us three different timelines. The
first is the timeline of a knight in Spain. Their kingdom is under attack, and the Queen asks him
to find the tree of life so that he and her can rule the kingdom forever. He travels to the Mayan
territory, searching for their best kept secret, which is the location of the gardens of Eden. There,
he battles the Mayan soldiers and reaches the location of the tree of life, where he fights a
warrior with a sword of fire, who is the guardian of the tree of life. He falls in battle, and is
In the second timeline, he is a surgeon named Tommy. He is married to a girl named Izzy, who is
suffering from a tumor. He researches the possibility of saving her and does his best to keep on
reaching breakthroughs. After operating on an ape named Donovan, he is finally able to make a
breakthrough, showing how the remains of a tree were able to reverse the ageing process of apes.
But, his wife passes away and tells him to finish the book she was writing. He is left devasted,
The third is that of a traveler, who travels through space in a small bubble with a tree. The tree
seems to be dying, and his travels take him to a nebula, which was mentioned by Izzy in the
second timeline. This nebula is a dying star, which will give birth to new stars. Here, he accepts
that death is inevitable, and that it is futile to try and escape it.
The basis of this movie is to point out that the point to life is not to live forever, but to live fully.
Death is inevitable, and mortal life is not meant to be forever. Chasing eternity will never reap
results. Another thing pointed out in this movie is that love also lasts as long as a mortal’s life.
All three timelines show struggle to save love, with the first being to the Knight’s Queen and
Kingdom, the second being towards the surgeon’s terminally ill wife, and the third towards the
tree. Love lasts in symbols, such as the rings in the first and second timeline. Same is with life,
as it is symbolized with Shibalba, the nebula. It begins as a star, lives its life, and dies. But it
doesn’t end there. It gives birth to new stars after its death, seemingly living forever in other stars
Hence, one can infer that life is not meant to be lived forever. It is to be enjoyed. There is
only so much time in this world, and the time needs for it to be beautiful, not forever. The
Knight’s attempts are futile, because he is trying to break the basic point of life. The surgeon was
supposed to spend quality time with his dying wife, making sure she went to the afterlife in a
happy state. Instead, he spent all his time searching for a solution to a problem which was meant
to never be solved. In the third timeline, the space traveler finally understands the meaning of
Love and mortality go hand-in-hand, and the way to be happy is to accept death. This