Dragonbane The Sinking Tower v1
Dragonbane The Sinking Tower v1
Dragonbane The Sinking Tower v1
Tomas Härenstam
Andreas Marklund (introductory text, monsters),
Krister Sundelin (magic), Nils Karlén (The Sinking Tower)
Marco Behrmann (pre-generated characters)
Johan Egerkrans
Dave Brasgalla, Niklas Brandt
Niklas Brandt, Christian Granath, Dan Algstrand
Dan Algstrand Niklas Lundmark
Niklas Brandt Brandon Bowling
ISBN 978-91-89765-54-2
elcome to the Quickstart Guide for the MEASURING TIME
Dragonbane RPG. This booklet contains a
condensed version of the core rules, as well
Three units are used to measure time in Dragonbane.
as pre-generated player characters and the adventure The
Rounds are used in combat, while the stretch and the
Sinking Tower, ready to play.
shift are used in other situations.
Round 10 seconds Perform an action in combat,
Most of the rules in this game are written in the take a round rest (page 18).
second person – i.e., speaking to “you.” Rules Stretch 15 minutes Explore a room, take a
that apply to you also apply to others in the stretch rest (page 18).
game, both player characters and NPCs (char-
acters controlled by the Gamemaster), unless Shift 6 hours Hike for 15 kilometers, take a
expressly stated otherwise. shift rest (page 18).
All you need to play this Quickstart, other than
this booklet, are a few pencils and dice. Dragon- Sidebars like this one, in green, describe
bane uses several different types of dice – with optional rules. They give the game more depth
four, six, eight, ten, twelve, and twenty sides. and complexity, but the game works fine
These dice will be referred to as D4, D6, D8, D10, without them. You might want to start playing
D12, and D20. Such dice are available in hobby without them and add them as you become
stores, or you can use dice roller apps and sites more familiar with the game.
found online.
I ntroduction
he player character is your tool, your eyes and ears DERIVED RATINGS
in the game world. Based on your attributes, you have a number of derived
The full core game of Dragonbane describes in ratings that are used in various ways.
detail how to create your own player character. To keep
track of your player character you use a character sheet. Movement: This rating determines how many meters you
At the end of this Quickstart you will find seven pre-gen- can run in a round of combat (page 11).
erated player characters with filled-in character sheets.
The five first characters can be used as pre-generated char- Damage Bonus: Your damage bonus increases the
acters to play The Sinking Tower in this booklet. Alberic damage inflicted by your attacks. You have two separate
Gleamheart and Betrix Farsail are meant to be used as damage bonuses – one for STR-based weapons and one for
replacement characters and should not be used from the AGL-based weapons.
start of the adventure. If you don’t want to cut out the
character sheets from this booklet, you can photocopy Hit Points (HP): This rating determines how much
them or download them from dragonbane-rpg.com. damage you can take. Your maximum number of HP is
equal to your CON.
C H A P T E R 1 – T he B asic R ules
Heroic abilities are special abilities that give you specific
advantages and benefits in the game. The pre-generated
Monetary transactions are generally made with
characters at the back of this booklet have one heroic abil-
silver coins. Copper coins are used for smaller
ity each – except the mage, who instead wields magic.
transactions and gold for larger ones. Ten copper
coins equal one silver, and ten silver coins equal
one gold. The coins you get when creating your
character can be used to purchase additional
You must write down all the items you are carrying on
starting gear.
your character sheet. Any weapons at hand, as well as the
armor, helmet, and shield you are wearing, are listed in
the respective boxes, while other items are recorded under
Write down one item per row. If it is not listed on your Torches & Lanterns: A torch, lamp, or lantern is an item.
sheet, you do not have it with you. Their fire may go out (page 18). Lamps and lanterns can
be refilled with lamp oil.
Tiny Items
ENCUMBRANCE Small and light items that can be hidden in a closed fist
You can carry a number of items equal to half your STR are called tiny. Items of this size do not affect your encum-
(rounded up) in your Inventory without difficulty. Only brance at all. Tiny items are recorded in their own section
the items written down in your Inventory box count on the character sheet and do not take up any space in
towards your encumbrance. your Inventory.
Weapons at Hand: You can have up to three weapons Coins: Single coins count as tiny items and do not affect
at hand, which means that they are worn on your belt or your encumbrance as long as they are fewer than 100. 100–
otherwise readily available for use in combat. Weapons 199 coins count as one item, 200–299 as two, and so on.
kept at hand are recorded under Weapons on the character
sheet and do not count toward your encumbrance. Shields Over-Encumbered
count as weapons and are also recorded here. You can temporarily carry more than your normal encum-
brance limit. In that case you must make a STR roll when-
Helmet & Armor: Any helmet or armor worn on your ever you want to move in a round of combat or walk for a
body is recorded in its respective section and does not shift of travel. If the roll fails, you must either drop what
count toward your encumbrance. you are carrying or stay where you are.
Food: Up to four rations of food count as one item in Carrying Others: While carrying another person, you
terms of encumbrance. Always record the number of automatically count as over-encumbered and cannot fight
rations you have left in your Inventory. in combat.
C H A P T E R 1 – T he B asic R ules
There are thirty core skills in total in the game, not count- FAILURE
ing secondary skills like the schools of magic. The skills are Rolling above your skill level means that your action fails.
described in detail in the full game, so this Quickstart just For some reason you do not achieve your goal – feel free to
briefly explains how to use them. describe what happens together with the GM. The GM can
When using a skill, first describe what your player also let failures have additional consequences to advance
character is trying to achieve. Then roll a D20. A result the story in an exciting way.
that is lower than or equal to your skill level means that
your action succeeds. In combat your skill rolls often have
specific effects. Outside of combat the GM, or the adven- ROLLING A DEMON
ture you are playing, determines the effects of the roll. Rolling a 20 on D20 is called rolling a demon and means
that the roll fails regardless of your skill level and other
circumstances. Rolling a demon also means that the roll
ROLLING A DRAGON cannot be pushed (optional rule, page 9). Demon rolls
Rolling a one (1) on D20 means that you are particularly can have additional effects in combat. Outside of combat
successful. This is called rolling a dragon. In combat, a the GM can let demon rolls have effects such as:
dragon roll has specific effects – increasing the damage of
an attack, for example. Outside of combat the GM decides ✦ You damage yourself, someone else, or an item.
the effect. Some suggestions: ✦ You make a fool of yourself in front of
everyone around you.
✦ You impress everyone around you. ✦ You make a lot of noise.
✦ You achieve more than intended.
✦ The action is performed faster than usual.
C H A P T E R 1 – T he B asic R ules
One other player character or NPC can help
Normally, the GM does not assess how difficult an action
you succeed at a die roll. This must be declared
is. You only roll dice in challenging situations – period.
before you roll any dice. It must also make sense
But sometimes the GM might want to underscore that
in the story – the individual helping you must
external factors either help or hinder an action. You might
be physically present and have the capacity to
then get a boon or bane to your roll.
support your action. The GM has the final say.
In both cases you roll two D20, but only one result
Whenever someone helps you with a roll,
counts. If you have a boon, only the best result applies.
you get a boon (see above). In combat, helping
If you have a bane, only the worst result applies.
counts as an action – by helping someone else
you lose your own action that round. NPCs
Multiple Boons/Banes: If you get multiple boons/banes
can help each other just as player c haracters
to your roll, roll an additional D20 for each boon/bane
can. Only one character can help a roll.
and count only the lowest/highest result. However, please
note that unless you have a very high skill level, rolls with
multiple banes have a very low chance of success..
C H A P T E R 1 – T he B asic R ules
If you fail a skill or attribute roll, you can choose You decide which condition you get from pushing a
to push the roll, which means that you make roll, with two important restrictions:
another attempt. The new result applies, what-
ever it is. If you have boons or banes, you must ✦ You cannot choose a condition you already have.
re-roll all dice. You can never push a demon roll ✦ You must be able to explain how the condition
(a natural 20). results from the action you are trying to
Whenever you push a roll, immediately after perform. The GM has the right to reject clearly
the re-roll, you suffer a condition. This means unreasonable explanations.
that you get a bane on all rolls for skills based
on a certain attribute, and rolls against the Once you have all six conditions, you may no longer
attribute in question. Each attribute is linked to push your rolls. In addition to their effects, con-
a certain condition. Thus, there are six different ditions provide inspiration for roleplaying. Mark
conditions: conditions on your character sheet.
✦ Exhausted– STR ✦ Angry– INT Healing Conditions: You can recover from a con-
✦ Sickly– CON ✦ Scared– WIL dition by resting – for more on resting and healing,
✦ Dazed– AGL ✦ Disheartened– CHA see page 18.
Sometimes you must beat your enemy in an opposed
roll to succeed with an action. This means that both you
and your adversary roll dice. Opposed rolls are used
sparingly in the game, and only when someone is actively
opposing you. In combat it only counts as an action for
the active party.
C H A P T E R 1 – T he B asic R ules
ife as an adventurer is hard and often violent. In rough for your player character, sometimes even lethal.
Dragonbane you can run into wild beasts, malicious Before you enter combat, you should always ask yourself:
raiders, and demonic monsters. Combat can be is it worth it?
On your turn in the round, you can move and perform REACTIONS
one action. You simply explain how you want to move and Some actions are not performed on your turn, but on the
what action you want to perform. If necessary, you also opponent’s. These are called reactions and include things
roll dice to see whether you succeed. like parrying or dodging attacks. This uses up your own
You decide whether to move before you act or vice versa. turn in the round, which means that you cannot perform
You can even use part of your movement, perform your a reaction if you have already had your turn. Flip your
action, and then finish the movement. You must perform initiative card after performing a reaction.
your action and move on your turn – you cannot save any
of them for later (but see Waiting on the previous page). Movement: When performing a reaction, you also lose
your movement in the round. Several reactions, such as
dodging or parrying, give you a certain movement as part
ACTIONS of the action. You can read more about this under Melee
An action in combat can be many different things, but Combat on page 14.
the list below summarizes the most common ones. These
actions are described in detail later in this chapter.
Free Actions: Minor actions such as drawing a weapon Under normal circumstances, you can move as many
kept at hand, dropping to the ground, or shouting a few meters as your Movement rate. But there are a few special
words are all free actions. See the sidebar to the right for a cases to consider:
complete list. Free actions do not count as your action in
the round but you can only perform one of each type per Dash: By choosing to dash as your action in the round,
round, and only on your own turn. For example, you can you can move twice as far as normal.
drop down or get up on your turn, but not both.
An action in combat can be many different things, ✦ Equip/Unequip Armor/Helmet: Suits of armor
but the most common ones are summarized below. and helmets protect you from damage, but also
Rules for these actions are found later in the chapter. restrict your movement.
✦ First Aid: The HEALING skill is used to save the
✦ Dash: This action doubles your movement rate in life of someone who has had their HP reduced to
the round. zero and is at risk of dying.
✦ Melee Attack: These can be performed against ✦ Rally: You can PERSUADE another player charac-
an enemy within 2 meters (4 meters for long ter at zero HP to rally and keep fighting.
weapons). ✦ Break Down Door: Doors can take a certain
✦ Ranged Attack: Attacks with a ranged weapon amount of damage before they break down.
can be made against targets within the weap- ✦ Pick Lock: Picking a lock requires a SLEIGHT
on’s range. OF HAND roll. Doing so without lockpicks gives
✦ Parry: Both melee and ranged attacks can be you a bane.
parried, but the latter requires a shield. Parrying ✦ Activate Ability: Use an innate or heroic a bility.
is a reaction that takes place outside your turn ✦ Cast Spell: In most cases, casting a spell counts
and replaces your normal turn in the round. as an action. This includes magic tricks. Some
✦ Dodge: Dodging a melee or ranged attack is also spells are reactions and do not require an action,
a reaction that takes place outside your turn and while others are more time-consuming. For more
replaces your normal turn in the round. on magic, see chapter 4.
✦ Pick Up Item: Pick up an item from the ground ✦ Helping: Helping another character gives them a
within 2 meters, or from your Inventory. boon to a roll in the same round.
✦ Use Item: Use a potion or some other item ✦ Round Rest: You rest and recover D6 WP. This
within 2 meters. can only be done once per shift.
FREE ACTIONS Note that a free attack is triggered even if you start your
movement at a distance but pass by an enemy. Moving
around an enemy does not trigger a free attack, as long as
✦ Draw Weapon: Draw, exchange, or put away
you stay within 2 meters. Also note that involuntary move-
a weapon kept at hand.
ment never triggers a free attack.
✦ Change Position: Throw yourself to the
ground or get up.
✦ Drop Item: Drop an item on the ground. SNEAK ATTACK
✦ Shout: Say or shout a few words.
The key to winning a conflict is often to attack when the
enemy least expects it.
To attack someone in melee, you generally must be within Strength is less than half the requirement, you cannot use
2 meters of your target. On the grid map you need to be the weapon at all.
positioned in a square adjacent to the enemy (including
diagonally). When attacking in close combat, you use the Grip: Weapons require either one or two hands to use.
skill that covers the type of weapon you are wielding. You can only have one two-handed weapon, or two one-
handed weapons (including a shield), drawn at the same
Damage: If the attack hits, your weapon determines time. The STR requirement of a one-handed weapon
which dice you should roll to see how much damage you decreases by 3 if you hold it with both hands.
inflict on the enemy. The damage can be increased by your
damage bonus and a dragon roll and decreased by armor. Long Weapons: An attack with a weapon with the long
feature (such as a long spear or lance) can hit enemies up
Damage Bonus: Your damage bonus is determined by to 4 meters away (two squares). With such a weapon it is
your score in the attribute on which your weapon skill is also possible to attack past a friendly combatant and hit an
based – AGL or STR. enemy on the other side of that person.
If you hit an enemy with a melee attack and There are three types of damage: slashing,
your STR damage bonus is equal to or higher piercing, and bludgeoning. The damage types
than your opponent’s damage bonus, you can for the pre-generated characters’ weapons are
choose to shove the enemy up to 2 meters in listed on their character sheets. Some weap-
any direction (to an adjacent square, if you are ons, such as swords, can inflict both slashing
using a grid map) in addition to doing damage. damage and piercing damage – you must state
This movement does not count toward the whether you stab or slash before rolling the
enemy’s total movement in the round and does die. The damage type influences the effective-
not trigger free attacks from anyone. Monsters ness of armor, and monsters can be resistant
cannot shove or be shoved. to certain types of damage.
Durability: If your parry succeeds, the enemy’s attack Monsters: As a rule, monster attacks (page 21) can be
hits your weapon or shield, and you suffer no damage. dodged, unless otherwise specified.
To use a ranged weapon, it must first be drawn (free ✦ Your weapon’s damage is doubled, excluding the
action), just like in melee. You should preferably be damage bonus and other bonuses. Roll twice as many
positioned over 2 meters from your target (i.e. not in an dice as normal and add them up. For example, a criti-
adjacent square on the map). Standing 2 meters away or cal hit with a longbow inflicts 2D12 damage.
less gives you a bane on your attack. Roll against the skill ✦ Armor and natural armor have no effect against the
for the weapon you are using. For throwing weapons, use attack, as it hits a gap or weak spot. This effect can
the same skill as for melee attacks (such as KNIVES or only be chosen if the attack deals piercing damage
SPEARS). If the attack hits, the weapon determines which (optional rule).
dice you should roll to see how much damage it inflicts.
The damage can be increased by damage bonus and a
dragon roll, and decreased by armor. PARRY & DODGE
Parrying a ranged attack requires a shield. It works the
Damage Bonus: You get a damage bonus for ranged same way as in melee combat, except that rolling a dragon
weapons, just as in melee. does not give you a counterattack. You can dodge ranged
attacks just like melee attacks.
Range: The maximum distance (in meters) at which the
weapon can be used effectively. You can fire at targets up to
twice the listed range, but then you get a bane. OBSCURED TARGETS
If your view of the target is partially obscured by an object
or person, no matter if it is a friend or foe, you get a bane
CRITICAL HIT on your attack. On a grid map you can shoot past a person
Rolling a dragon when performing a ranged attack results standing between you and your target, but with a bane. If
in a critical hit, which means that it can only be dodged (or the target is completely out of sight, perhaps hiding behind
parried with a shield) if the opponent also rolls a dragon. a wall, you cannot shoot it at all. If you are playing without
You may also choose one of the following effects: a map, the GM decides whether your line of sight is par-
tially or completely blocked.
Life as an adventurer is hard and risky. The rewards may DAMAGE TYPES & ARMOR
be great, but the only thing you know for sure is that
you will suffer all sorts of damage along the way. Taking
If the optional rule for damage types (page
damage reduces your hit points (HP).
15) is used, the following rules apply:
Armor Rating: An armor’s effectiveness is determined by three successful death rolls you recover D6 HP and stop
its armor rating. Whenever you take damage from a phys- making death rolls. After three failed death rolls, your player
ical attack, subtract the armor rating from the damage. If character dies. Rolling a dragon counts as two successful
the damage from a melee attack is completely negated, the death rolls, and rolling a demon counts as two failures. If the
attacking weapon itself suffers the damage instead, which combat ends, keep counting rounds until all death rolls have
might break the weapon (see durability on page 15). been made. Any failed death rolls are reset if you survive.
Helmets: Your armor can be combined with a helmet, Additional Damage: If you suffer additional damage while
which can further increase your armor rating. Equipping at zero HP, it automatically counts as a failed death roll.
or unequipping a helmet counts as an action. Helmets can
also give you a bane when using certain skills. Rally: Another player character within 10 meters and ear-
shot can PERSUADE you to rally and keep fighting despite
having zero HP. This counts as an action. If you rally, you
DEATH can continue acting as normal, but must keep making
If your HP reaches zero, you drop to the ground and risk death rolls as described above. You can even try to rally
dying. You cannot move or perform any actions except yourself, rolling against your WIL with a bane (instead of
trying to rally (below). PERSUASION).
Death Roll: On your turn in each subsequent round, you Saving Life: When you have zero HP, another person can
must make a death roll – a roll against you CON. The death save your life with a successful HEALING roll. Without
roll cannot be pushed if that optional rule is used. Record bandages, they get a bane to the roll. This counts as an
the results of your death rolls on your character sheet. After action. Multiple attempts are allowed. If the roll succeeds,
you stop making death rolls and recover D6 HP. You
cannot save your own life this way, even if you have rallied
ZERO HP FOR NPCS (see above). Additional HEALING rolls have no effect once
you are no longer at zero HP, except when resting (see
page 18). Magic can save lives as well.
When an NPC reaches zero HP, no death rolls are
made – the GM decides whether the person lives
Instant Death: You don’t record negative HP, but if a
or dies. However, an NPC dies if hit by an instantly
single attack reduces your HP to a negative score equal to
killing attack, just like a player character.
your full HP, your player character dies instantly. Time to
honor the fallen adventurer and create a new one!
In this game you can suffer six different conditions. Each other ways as well, for example because of monster
condition gives you a bane on all rolls against a certain attacks or spells.
attribute and skill rolls based on that attribute:
Multiple Conditions: If you suffer a condition that you
✦ Exhausted– STR ✦ Angry– INT already have, you must choose another condition. If you
✦ Sickly– CON ✦ Scared– WIL have all six conditions, you instead lose D6 WP if you
✦ Dazed– AGL ✦ Disheartened– CHA suffer another condition. If you are out of WP, you instead
lose D6 HP.
Suffering a Condition: The most common way to
suffer conditions is to push your roll (optional rule, Healing Conditions: You can heal one condition of
page 9). You must then choose a condition and your choice during a stretch rest. A shift rest heals all
describe how you get it. You can suffer conditions in conditions.
Lost HP and WP are recovered by resting. There are three During a stretch rest, you also recover D6 Willpower
kinds of rest – round rest, stretch rest, and shift rest. While Points and heal a condition of your choice. If something
resting, you cannot perform any actions that require die dramatic interrupts your rest, the effects are lost. You can only
rolls or WP. have a stretch rest once per shift.
Round Rest: A quick rest that lasts just a single round. Shift Rest: A shift rest lasts one full shift of time and
During a round rest you recover only D6 WP, no HP. You can only take place in a safe location where there are no
can only have a round rest once per shift. enemies nearby. During a shift rest you recover all your
lost HP and WP and heal all conditions. If a shift rest is
Stretch Rest: A short rest that only lasts for one stretch interrupted by combat or hard work it has no effect.
of time. During a stretch rest you heal D6 HP, or 2D6
HP if someone else is tending to you and succeeds with a Magic: Spells can allow you to heal HP more quickly
HEALING roll. The caregiver cannot rest during the same than usual.
stretch and can only heal one person during the rest.
DARKNESS When struck by a fear attack you must immediately
In complete darkness you cannot dash (page 12) or hit make a roll against WIL. The roll can be pushed (optional
enemies with ranged attacks. To attack an enemy in melee rule) and does not count as an action. Particularly fright-
combat, you must first make an AWARENESS roll (not an ening events can give you a bane on the roll. If the WIL
action). roll fails, you must roll on the fear table on the next page.
There are many horrifying beasts lurking in the ruins
and forests of Dragonbane. Such creatures can perform
so-called fear attacks. Fear attacks can also be triggered by
magic and other terrifying experiences.
NPCs: For poison effects on NPCs, roll against their max FEAR TABLE
imum HP.
Lethal Poison
1 Enfeebled. The fear drains your energy and
✦ Full Effect: You take D6 damage per round, on your
determination. You lose 2D6 WP (to a minimum
turn, until you reach zero HP. If you consume an anti-
of zero) and become Disheartened.
dote in time the effect is halted.
✦ Limited Effect: You take D6 damage on your 2 Shaken. You suffer the Scared condition.
next turn. 3 Panting. The intense fear leaves you out of
breath and makes you Exhausted.
Paralyzing Poison
✦ Full Effect: You become Exhausted and must make 4 Pale. Your face turns white as a sheet. You and all
a CON roll each turn (not an action). If it fails, you player characters within 10 meters and in sight of
can neither move nor perform actions (not even free you become Scared.
actions) that round. The effect wears off after one 5 Scream. You scream in horror, which causes all
stretch or if you are given an antidote. player characters who hear the sound to imme-
✦ Limited Effect: You become Exhausted. diately suffer a fear attack as well. Each person
only ever needs to make one WIL roll to resist the
Sleeping Poison same fear attack.
✦ Full Effect: You become Dazed and must make a
CON roll each turn (not an action). If it fails, you fall 6 Rage. Your fear turns to anger, and you are
asleep and remain sleeping for one shift. Being given forced to attack its source on your next turn – in
an antidote or taking at least one point of damage melee combat if possible. You also become Angry.
wakes you up. 7 Paralyzed. You are petrified with terror and
✦ Limited Effect: You become Dazed. unable to move. You cannot perform any action or
movement on your next turn. Make another WIL
roll on each subsequent turn (not an action) to
COLD break the paralysis.
When the cold is bitter and you do not have enough shelter
(according to the GM), you must roll BUSHCRAFT reg- 8 Wild Panic. In a fit of utter panic, you flee the
ularly. You usually roll once per shift, but in extreme cold scene as fast as you can. On your next turn you
you may have to roll every stretch or even every round. If must dash away from the source of your fear.
you don’t have a blanket, you get a bane to the roll, while a Make another WIL roll on each subsequent
fur gives you a boon. turn (not an action) to stop running and act
On failure you lose D6 HP and D6 WP, and can no normally again.
longer heal these or conditions except through magic. You
must then keep making rolls to withstand the cold, with
the same effect if you fail. If you reach zero HP while cold, SWIMMING & DROWNING
you die when it is time for the next roll. Only when you get All player characters are decent swimmers. In water your
warm, if only by a campfire, can you stop making rolls and movement rate is half your movement rate on land. No
heal normally again. ranged attacks can be performed in water, and melee
attacks are performed with a bane. More difficult under-
water maneuvers, like diving for something, require a
FALLING SWIMMING roll. You get a bane if you are wearing chain-
Falling on a hard surface inflicts a number of D6s of mail or plate armor.
bludgeoning damage equal to half of the height of the fall In water you must also make a SWIMMING roll after
in meters, rounded down. A fall of less than two meters every stretch of time to stay afloat. If you are wearing chain-
inflicts no damage. A successful ACROBATICS roll mail or plate armor, you must roll every round. Underwater,
reduces the number of D6 by half (rounded up). Armor you need to make a successful roll against CON each round
does not protect against falling damage. to hold your breath (not an action). If the roll fails you begin
to drown, taking D6 damage per round until someone res-
cues you. If you reach zero HP while drowning, you make
death rolls as usual, but only failed rolls count.
monster is a creature of unnatural origin, a terri- Dodging & Parrying: As a rule, a monster attack can be
ble beast that strikes terror in all and defies the dodged (page 15) but not parried. This applies to attacks
natural order. A large number of monsters are with an area of effect as well, but not fear attacks. Exceptions
described in the full core game, and you will find a few in to this rule are stated in the monster attack description.
the The Sinking Tower adventure in this Quickstart.
Monsters are controlled by the GM and act largely in Conditions: Monster attacks can inflict conditions (page
the same way as player characters and NPCs in combat. 17) on player characters. If a character gains a condition
But there are some significant differences, which are they already have, the player must choose another condi-
described below. tion instead.
A monster always uses a monster attack when it attacks. RESISTANCE & IMMUNITY
Each monster has a unique set of monster attacks, which Some monsters are resistant to certain damage types. This
are summarized in a table. The GM rolls or chooses means that all damage of this type is halved, after reduc-
an attack from this table when it is the monster’s turn tion by armor (rounded up). Some monsters can even be
to attack. Monsters never roll dice to hit their target – immune to certain types of damage, and therefore take no
monster attacks succeed automatically. damage at all from such attacks.
Performing a monster attack counts as an action.
Unless otherwise specified, monster attacks have the same
range as melee attacks, i.e. 2 meters (an adjacent square if FEAR & PERSUASION
you are using grid maps). Monsters are too terrifying to get scared themselves (page
18), but many of them can certainly instill terror in the
player characters. Monsters are also immune to the PER-
SUASION skill unless otherwise stated.
C H A P T E R 3 – M onsters
ome call magic a gift from the dragons, others a Any school can be used to cast general spells. If the roll
curse from the demons, and still others call it the succeeds, the spell has the intended effect, as per its
blessing of the gods or spirits. And it is true that description. Otherwise, it has no effect. You can push the
dragons, demons, gods, and spirits influence magic and can roll if this optional rule is used. Magic tricks succeed auto-
guide the mage who wields it, but the reality is that magic matically and always cost 1 WP.
is a basic force of nature that exists throughout the physical
world as well as beyond it. Magic is described in detail in the Power Level
full Dragonbane game. This Quickstart only offers a brief The power level of a spell indicates how much power you
summary of how magic is used. charge it with. The power level ranges from 1 to 3. Casting
a spell costs 2 WP per power level. In other words, normal
spells always cost at least 2 WP, and magic tricks always
SCHOOLS OF MAGIC cost 1 WP. Some spells do not use power level – these
There are different schools of magic, each with a different always cost 2 WP.
view on what magic is and how it works. Three schools are
described in the core game: Animism, Elementalism, and Requirements
Mentalism. Each school is a separate skill. To cast a spell, you must fulfill one or more requirements
which are specified in the description of each spell.
Magic Tricks Some spells have multiple requirements. You cannot cast a
So-called magic tricks are minor, relatively harmless spells. spell unless all its requirements are fulfilled.
They are often the first thing a mage learns, as it trains
their mind to handle spells and magical power. Performing Casting Time
a trick costs 1 WP and succeeds automatically, but still Unless otherwise stated, casting a spell always counts as an
counts as an action in combat. All magic tricks require a action in combat. However, there are reaction spells which
gesture (below) to be cast. are performed outside your own turn. Unlike other reac-
tions in combat, such as parrying and dodging, reaction
spells do not replace your regular action in the round. This
CASTING SPELLS means that you can cast as many of them as you want, if
To cast a spell you must spend Willpower Points (WP) you have enough WP. There are also rituals, which take a
and roll against your skill level in the relevant school. stretch of time or even a shift to perform.
C H A P T E R 4 – M agic
Each spell has a maximum range. Unlike ranged weapons,
spells cannot be used on targets outside their specified
range. Personal range means that the spell only affects the ✦ Stretch: The effect lasts for one stretch of time.
person casting it. ✦ Shift: The effect lasts until the end of the current shift.
✦ Concentration: The effect ceases if you perform
Area of Effect: Some spells affect an entire area. That area another action, take damage, or fail a WIL roll for
is called the area of effect. Unless stated otherwise, the area resisting fear. If you are interrupted by a sudden distur-
of effect always starts at the mage casting the spell. bance, such as a sound, you must make a WIL roll (not
Area of effect spells can be dodged but not parried, an action) to maintain your concentration.
unless stated otherwise. You can exempt one or more
targets within the area from the spell’s effects, but you then Failure, Dragons and Demons
get a bane on the roll. If the roll for casting a spell fails, the spell has no effect,
but you still spend your WP. You are free to describe how
Sphere: If the range is described as sphere, the spell affects the failure manifests itself in the story, as long as it has no
all targets within the chosen area except the mage themself. mechanical effect.
Cone: If the range is described as cone, the spell affects Rolling a Dragon: Rolling a Dragon when you cast a spell
all targets within a cone-shaped area whose width at any means that your target must roll a dragon to resist, parry,
given point equals the distance from the source of the spell. or dodge the spell, and that you may choose one of the
The range indicates the length of the cone. following effects:
C H A P T E R 4 – M agic
Heat/Chill: The area within 10 meters of you becomes ✦ Rank: 1
pleasantly warm or cold. The effect protects against cold ✦ Prerequisite: Elementalism
(page 19) for one shift of time. ✦ Requirement: Word, gesture
✦ Casting Time: Action
Ignite: You light or extinguish a candle, torch, or lantern ✦ Range: 10 meters (cone)
within 10 meters. ✦ Duration: Instant
The spell summons a great gust of wind. All untethered
Puff of Smoke: An impressive puff of smoke erupts in objects and creatures up to human size in the area of effect
front of you. Very popular for dramatic entrances, and are pushed 2D4 meter away from you and suffer the same
can give you a boon to SNEAKING in certain situations as amount of bludgeoning damage. Each additional power
determined by the GM. level increases the number of dice by one.
✦ Rank: 1 ✦ Rank: 1
✦ Prerequisite: Elementalism ✦ Prerequisite: Elementalism
✦ Requirement: Word, gesture ✦ Requirement: Word, gesture
✦ Casting Time: Action ✦ Casting Time: Action
✦ Range: 20 meters ✦ Range: 10 meters
✦ Duration: Instant ✦ Duration: Shift
The spell sends a fireball from your hand or focus at the The spell raises a pillar, three meters high and one meter
target. The fireball can be dodged or parried as a ranged wide, from the ground or a stone floor. If someone is
attack. The fireball inflicts 2D6 damage on a hit and sets standing in that spot, the victim must make an ACRO-
fire to flammable objects. Each power level beyond the first BATICS roll (not an action) to avoid falling off the pillar.
increases the damage by D6 or creates another fireball that If the pillar is created under a low ceiling and the roll
hits another target within range. fails, the victim takes 2D6 bludgeoning damage instead.
For each additional power level, the height of the pillar
increases by three meters, which can mean falling
damage to anyone who falls off (page 19).
elcome to The Sinking Tower, a tournament seasoned adventurers. The players will need to work
adventure for the Dragonbane RPG! It together to solve puzzles, win battles, and find valuable
offers difficult challenges for even the most treasures – all in just two hours!
Long ago, two siblings lived on the shore of a great sea. sought out the lindworm and stole one of its eyes – a green
Kamandur and Magdala were close even as children. They emerald with terrible powers.
explored the beaches, cliffs, and woods around their little The sorcerer built a stone tower by the sea. He called it
cottage by the sea, seeing patterns and powers where Magdala’s Tower and at the top he laid his sister to rest in a
others did not. Soon their parents realized that the chil- beautiful sarcophagus of black stone. On a podium next to
dren had a knack for studying magic. They sent the sib- it, he placed the lindworm’s emerald eye. Then he put his
lings to study with an old hermit in the forest and watched plan into action.
as their powers grew stronger. Countless ships met their fate against sharp rocks after
When their parents eventually passed away, the siblings seeing the green glow of Magdala’s Tower. Pirates and
had grown up. They continued to live in the small cottage merchant ships alike perished as the sorcerer in his anger
by the sea and spent their days studying magic and con- did not distinguish between his victims. But that was not
ducting arcane experiments. One day, while Kamandur enough for Kamandur. Nothing could make him forget his
was gathering herbs in the forest, something happened sister’s untimely death. And so he continued to lure ships to
that would change everything. A pirate ship dropped their doom until the day he died of old age in his bed. When
anchor off the coast to resupply. As the siblings’ house was Kamandur passed, the tower lost most of its magical power.
the only one in the area, it was looted and Magdala was It sank below sea level and vanished. But not for good.
killed by the brutal pirates. So great was Kamandur’s grief that Magdala’s Tower
When he returned, Kamandur found his house burnt continued its unholy work even after the wizard himself
down and his sister dead on the shore. His whole world departed this world. Ever since, the tower has risen from the
came crashing down – it was as if something broke inside bottom of the sea every twenty years, on the day of Magda-
him. He vowed to avenge his sister a thousand times over. la’s death, but only for a few hours before disappearing again.
In time, Kamandur grew into a powerful sorcerer who Many adventurers have tried to reach the top of the tower to
traveled the world, but thoughts of his dead sister haunted steal the priceless emerald, but none have succeeded. Now
him endlessly. Kamandur recalled the legend of the lind- the tower has risen from the sea once more and its ghostly
worm Krakul who was said to dwell in the sea, whose gaze green light once again shines over the water. Will the players’
would bewitch and mislead anyone who met it. Kamandur adventurers succeed where others have failed?
C H A P T E R 5 – T he S inking T ower
The Sinking Tower is designed to be possible to play in a the sidebar The Clock is Ticking below to the players.
tournament. When played in this way, there is a strict time Then start the timer again. One hour now remains of
limit of two hours. Once the two hours have passed, the the adventure.
tower sinks back beneath the waves and any player charac- ✦ Replace Dead Player Characters. There is a pos-
ter who does not jump out drowns (page 37). Secondly, sibility that a player character might die during the
the gaming group earns points according to a scoring table adventure. If that happens, make sure the player gets a
found on page 38. Here are a few tips for the GM: new character to play in the form of the dwarf Alberic
Gleamheart or the seafarer Betrix Farsail. They can be
✦ Keep Up the Pace. If you forget a rule or detail, make found in the treasure chamber (#4) and the laboratory
a quick assessment and get on with the game. (#5), respectively.
✦ Let the Players Decide. This adventure is fairly ✦ Reward Creative Ideas. If the players come up with
straightforward. For each floor, read or roleplay the a clever solution to a problem that makes sense, let it
intro and then describe the contents of the floor as succeed. For example, if they have solved the floor’s
the players explore. If the players want to focus on a puzzle, they may avoid combat by running up to the
certain thing or discuss something among themselves, next one.
let them. ✦ Have Fun! At the end of the day, it is all about having
✦ Keep Track of Time. Set a timer of some sort to one fun. The tournament is a nod to the gaming conven-
hour and place it somewhere where the players can see tions of the past and should not be taken too seriously.
it. When the hour has passed, stop the game and read Be on the players’ side and try to make sure that every-
one has a voice at the table.
Read the following text aloud to the players: and you may keep the rest of the treasures you find in there.
In exchange, I offer you an elixir of life. Whoever drinks this
The sea wind howls and the smell of seaweed and decay is brought back from the realm of the dead.”
stings your noses. You pull your cloaks tighter around The aged man, who is actually the lindworm Krakul in
you as the rowboat cuts through the restless sea towards human form, holds out a glass bottle with a green liquid
your destination. Then the fog clears to reveal the sinking inside. If any of the characters accepts the offer, they will
tower rising from the water. This is the moment you have receive the elixir if they promise to return the emerald to
all been waiting for, the day when the enchanted stone him. This will play a role in the confrontation at the obser-
tower said to have been built by a mad mage rises from vatory (#7) later in the adventure. The bottle contains one
the sea once more. It only happens once every twenty years, dose of elixir which allows a player character with zero HP
according to the fishermen around the inn’s warming to automatically recover and stop making death rolls. The
hearth, and only stays above water for two hours. Then it elixir has no effect on instantly fatal wounds.
sinks back into the deep along with its treasures. There is
a ghostly green light glowing ominously at the top of the
tower. That is where the sorcerer’s emerald is said to be. CLIMBING THE TOWER
Perhaps you will be the first to find it?
It is possible for a player character to climb
the outside of the tower, but it is not easy. It
requires a successful ACROBATICS roll with a
In a rowboat at the foot of the tower stands an old man bane for each floor. On failure, the adventurer
wrapped in a brown robe. His face is weathered and lined loses their grip and plunges into the sea. The
with age, and a black patch covers his left eye. He begins victim takes no damage but must choose a con-
to speak: dition. A successful climber can enter the tower
“You are not the first to seek what is not yours, but I hope through windows on floors four and five.
you are the last. Who I am does not matter, but up in the
tower there is something that belongs to me. A green emer-
ald that was stolen from me long ago. Bring me the emerald
Here are a number of locations the player characters can explore in
and around the sinking tower.
With a creak, the heavy wooden door opens inwards. The
stench of seaweed hits you from inside the tower. A large
stone hall, no doubt magnificent in its day, now lies
before you like a parody of its former self. The stone floor
is submerged under a handspan of water. A mural on the
north wall is covered in rotting seaweed. Facing you in
the center of the room are two tall statues of stone. You
glimpse something under the shallow water on the floor
between them.
To #2
Statue of Statue of
Kamandur Magdala
Hand Copper
symbol plates
To #3
2. CELLAR ✦ Figureheads: In the northwest corner of the cellar
The cold water is dark and murky, but the outline of there are a dozen rotten figureheads leaning against
what used to be a cellar can be seen in the darkness. the wall. Their grinning faces force anyone swimming
The image of an eye is carved into the stone floor, staring near them to make a WIL roll. A player character who
back at you. fails automatically gets result #2 on the fear table (page
19) and thus gains the Scared condition.
✦ Underwater: The entire cellar is below sea level, so ✦ Barrels: In the southeast corner of the cellar there are
the player characters must swim to get around. Anyone twenty broken barrels stacked on top of each other. A
wishing to move through the cellar or investigate player character who examines the barrels and makes a
something must make a SWIMMING roll (not an SPOT HIDDEN roll finds a random treasure.
action) to find their way in the black water. In addition, ✦ Opening: The southwest corner of the cellar gapes
the characters must succeed with a CON roll each open toward the sea. Those who approach the opening
round to hold their breath underwater (page 19). can just about make out a shipwreck on the seabed, a
✦ Monster Eel: A three-meter-long monster eel has its short distance from the tower.
nest in the southwest corner of the cellar. It ambushes ✦ Shipwreck: The old wreck of a two-masted ship rests on
(page 13) the player characters just after one of them a rock at the bottom of the sea. The wreck is in terrible
swims into the water. condition and there is a large opening through which the
✦ Eye: A large eye is carved into the floor. It is in the characters can swim. It takes two successful SWIMMING
same position and of the same size as the hand in the rolls to reach and enter the wreck. Those who approach can
statue gallery. The eye is a clue to the puzzle in the see the outline of its name on the hull: The Blue Medusa.
library, two floors up (#3). Two random treasures can be found inside.
To #1
eel Barrels
LIBRARIAN’S GHOST ✦ Pedestals: In front of one of the bookcases are three
wooden pedestals, one meter high. On each one rests
a book with a symbol engraved on the cover. The book
The scribe and librarian Arlidus served Kamandur to the left has a sword on it, the middle one has a cross,
in life and perished as the tower sank into the and the one to the right an eye. If the characters open
deep. So full of magical power was Kamandur’s a book, there is a loud “click” followed by the sound of
tower that Arlidus turned into a ghost, and he has a door creaking open. The book with the sword opens
continued his work ever since. the northern door (see below) and the book with the
cross opens the southern one – which unfortunately
Ferocity: 2 Size: Normal causes the librarian’s ghost to immediately attack
Movement: 12 Armor: — HP: 30 (unless already defeated). The book to the right (the
one with the eye) opens the eastern door, which does
Immunity: Immune to all damage except magic not alert the ghost.
and fire. ✦ Hidden Doors: There are three hidden doors, each
MONSTER ATTACKS leading to a secret room. These can be found by a player
T6 ATTACK character who carefully searches the library and makes
a SPOT HIDDEN roll or happens to look in exactly the
1 Toppling Bookcase! With a crash, a right place. The hidden doors are most easily opened
bookcase topples over on a player char- using the pedestals, but can also be pried open by rolling
acter, dealing 2D8 bludgeoning damage SLEIGHT OF HAND with a bane. There is one random
and knocking the character down. The treasure in each of the spaces behind the northern and
victim is trapped and cannot move or southern doors. Behind the eastern one is a staircase
perform actions that require movement, leading up to the treasure chamber (#4).
except trying to break free, which
requires a STR roll. Others can help.
2 Hand of the Dead! The ghost plunges 4. TREASURE CHAMBER
its translucent hand into the chest of Ten wooden chests are lined up in a fan-shape inside the
an unfortunate player character and hall, five on each side. Along the walls are five suits of plate
squeezes the victim’s heart. The char- armor, armed with tridents. Through the gaps in the armor,
acter takes 2D10 damage and becomes you glimpse the shapes of grinning skeletons. A worn
Scared. Armor has no effect. mural can be seen on the north wall.
3 Tome Whack! An old book flies off a book-
✦ Skeleton Guards: Inside the ancient suits of armor,
shelf and whacks the loudest player char-
stained green by water and seaweed, are five skeletons
acter with its cover. The victim takes 2D6
that come to life and attack if anyone touches them or
bludgeoning damage and becomes Angry.
any of the chests.
Armor has no effect, except helmets.
✦ Chests: These are of different lengths and, with a little
4 Gaze of the Dead! The ghost towers over imagination, resemble two hands whose “thumbs” are
a player character, staring into their soul the chests closest to the north wall. Three of the ten
with dead eyes. The victim’s life flashes chests contain treasures, the rest are traps.
before their eyes, flooding their mind with The key to finding the right chests is the hands
grotesque visions of dead friends and of the statues in the statue gallery two floors down
foes. The victim becomes Scared, suffers (#1). The statue of Kamandur stands on the west side,
a fear attack (page 18), and must make holding up his right index finger – this means that on
a WIL roll with a bane. the west side of the treasure chamber, the second chest
5 Crushing Throw! The ghost picks up a from the north is the right one. The statue of Magdala
player character with invisible power is standing on the east side and holding up her left
and hurls them straight into the stone middle and ring fingers. So on the eastern side, chests
ceiling, dealing 2D10 bludgeoning three and four contain treasure.
damage. Then it lets go and the victim Once two of the correct chests have been opened,
takes an additional D8 bludgeoning a rumbling sound is heard as a stone staircase unfolds
damage as they land prone. from the south wall of the room. If a player character
opens the wrong chest, a trapdoor opens in the floor
6 Book Storm! A whirlwind of moldy books
erupts from the bookshelves, hitting every
player character in the room over and over.
Everyone takes 2D6 bludgeoning damage.
To #3
Mural Skeleton
Mov.: 10 Damage Bonus AGL: +D4 HP: 14
Armor: — WP: 11
✖ Sun ✖
✔ symbol ✖ Skills: Awareness 12, Bartering 14, Bluffing 14,
Myths & Legends 12, Persuasion 14,
✖ ✔
Sneaking 12, Spot Hidden 12
✖ ✔
✖ ✖
Abilities: Unforgiving, Treasure Hunter
✦ Magic Recipe: A player character who carefully exam-
5. LABORATORY ines the workbenches or makes a SPOT HIDDEN roll in
the room finds a parchment where someone has written
To #6 down parts of a magical formula. With a successful
(hidden) LANGUAGES roll, the character can tell that it is a
recipe for shrinking objects and creatures. A MYTHS
& LEGENDS or ELEMENTALISM roll reveals that the
Lindworm image shrinking magic can be broken by bringing the object
into contact with water.
Glass Ship in ✦ Glass Jars: On a shelf along the western wall is a
jars a bottle
mixture of broken glass and a few intact jars. The
shattered jars contain what looks like rotten organic
matter. The northernmost jar, however, is completely
intact and contains a black hairy spider. The spider is
actually a giant spider (page 35). If the jar is crushed
and the spider comes into contact with water (a splash
To #4
is enough), it grows massive and immediately attacks
the nearest threat.
✦ Ship in a Bottle: On a shelf on the eastern wall are
several broken glass jars and what appear to be the
✦ Lindworm Image: The image of a lindworm is carved remains of small model ships. In the center of the
into the stone floor in the center of the room. Surrounded shelf is an intact ship in a bottle. As soon as the ship is
by the iron cage, the image is not visible until the cage is removed from the shelf, a rumbling sound is heard and
lifted or Betrix reveals what it looks like. The lindworm is the staircase to the next floor unfolds.
a clue to the puzzle in the observatory (#7).
✦ Elixir: A bottle on one of the workbenches is com-
pletely intact and contains a clear red liquid. The THE EXPERIMENTS
bottle holds an elixir developed by Kamandur for his
shrinking magic (a mage can sense that the contents There are three potentially powerful artifacts
of the bottle are magical). Whoever drinks the elixir in the laboratory – a shrunken giant spider, a
immediately shrinks to a height of about 10 centime- shrunken pirate ship, and an elixir that shrinks
ters. A shrunken player character gets a boon on all whoever drinks it. Clever players can use these
SNEAKING rolls but can never inflict more than one
in a number of ways:
point of damage per attack. The enchantment ends if
the player character comes into contact with water, and
✦ The spider can be used against the figure-
it can also be broken by casting DISPEL. heads in the sorcerer’s chamber (#6). Do not
roll for the spider’s attacks – instead, the
spider and one of the figureheads will take
each other out, sparing the player characters
CAPTAIN BETRIX FARSAIL the trouble of dealing with them.
✦ The spider can be used to distract the lind-
worm in the observatory (#7) so the player
Mov.: 12 Dam. Bon. STR/AGL: +D4 HP: 12 characters can escape.
Armor: — WP: 16 ✦ The ship can be used to escape the tower at
the end of the adventure or to distract the
Skills: Acrobatics 12, Awareness 10, C
rafting 12, lindworm.
Evade 12, Languages 10, Seamanship 10, ✦ The elixir can be thrown into the lindworm’s
Sleight of Hand 12, Spot Hidden 10, mouth (requires a successful roll with a bane
Swimming 12 against any AGL-based weapon skill). The
Abilities: Adaptive, Sea Legs beast immediately shrinks into a harmless
little snake that makes a cute squeak. But as
Weapon: Scimitar (skill level 12, damage 2D6) soon as it comes into contact with water, the
Inventory: Rope (hemp), grappling hook, enchantment is immediately broken and the
spyglass, 10 silver lindworm returns to normal size.
The ship is amazingly detailed and must have been 6. SORCERER’S CHAMBER
made by a true master. It is in fact a real ship shrunk by Heavy dark drapes cover the windows, casting the entire
Kamandur. Nothing happens if the jar is broken, but if floor in shadow and gloom. Against the north wall stands
the miniature ship comes into contact with water, the a grand four-poster bed whose closed curtains conceal
spell is immediately broken and the ship grows to its its interior. On the south wall is another mural. In the
true size. four corners of the room, you can make out the contours
of huge, terrifying figureheads in the form of beasts with
grinning jaws.
If the player characters take the demon stone or The lindworm Krakul has waited a long time to
trigger the trap inside Magdala’s sarcophagus in get his stolen eye back. The tower’s magic pre-
the observatory (#7), or when the timer runs out vents him from entering, but Krakul uses cunning
and the two hours have passed, the tower begins to regain what was taken from him. If a player
to sink rapidly. One floor is immediately swal- character finds the stone and accepted the old
lowed by the sea, then another one at the begin- man’s offer in the opening scene, the hissing lind-
ning of each round (before the characters act). worm demands that they hand over the emerald.
If the statue gallery (#1) has already sunk Upon receiving the stone, Krakul lets out a
(because an hour has passed), the library (#3) loud sigh before the emerald fills his empty eye
sinks immediately, the treasure chamber (#4) at socket. The lindworm then roars with newfound
the beginning of the next round, the laboratory strength, gives the characters a grateful nod,
(#5) in the following round, the sorcerer’s cham- and dives into the dark sea.
ber (#6) in the next round, and at the beginning If the characters did not accept the old man’s
of the fourth round after the tower has begun offer, Krakul immediately attacks the adventur-
its rapid descent, the observatory (#7) finally ers. However, he is willing to spare their lives in
disappears beneath the waves. If Krakul has exchange for the emerald.
been summoned, he continues fighting until he
is killed or gets hold of the emerald.
Although the time tracking does not matter
once the tower begins to sink, it is important
notice a large shadow growing outside the tower. It
that these last rounds are played at a fast pace.
is the one-eyed lindworm Krakul (page 38) who
This is the finale of the adventure!
has come to reclaim his lost eye – the emerald. See
the sidebar Krakul’s Revenge.
– If they take both stones, both of these things
happen at the same time!
see the remains of a skeletal hand fall to the floor, as if it ✦ Balcony: Around the top of the tower runs a balcony
was wedged between the lid and the coffin. It belonged overlooking miles of gray water. It is possible to jump
to an adventurer who was caught in the manacle trap into the sea from here, but it takes a successful SWIM-
long ago and in desperation cut off their own hand. MING roll to avoid taking D6 bludgeoning damage
✦ Manacle Trap: Touching the interior of the sarcophagus from the fall.
immediately triggers a magical trap that causes a heavy
iron manacle to close around the adventurer’s wrist.
The manacle is attached to the sarcophagus but can be
hacked off. It has armor rating 10 and breaks after taking
20 points of slashing or bludgeoning damage.
✦ Magdala’s Remains: In the sarcophagus lies
Magdala, resting in eternal sleep. Only her
bones remain, and her skull lies on its side
with an open jaw. The sarcophagus contains
one random treasure.
✦ The Twin Stones: The emeralds on the
podium look completely identical. There is an
image of a demon under the western stone, and
a lindworm under the eastern one.
– If the player characters remove the stone
from the demon image, some-
thing clicks and the tower
quickly starts to sink into the
waves (see the sidebar titled
The Sinking Tower).
– If they remove the
stone from the image
of the lindworm, they
feel the tower shake and
The lindworm Krakul was once feared across The gaming group scores points based on what they find
the vast oceans. But now he is old and bitter. and accomplish during the adventure. See the list below.
Ever since the sorcerer Kamandur stole his
eye, Krakul has led a miserable existence, often Tiebreakers: If two or more groups are tied on exactly
brooding at the bottom of the sea with dreams the same score, the group whose characters have the
of revenge gnawing at his soul. highest total hit points (HP) remaining at the end of the
adventure wins. Replacement characters do not count.
Ferocity: 2 Size: Large
Movement: 4 Armor: 6 HP: 64 WHAT LOCATION POINTS
Drawn to the Emerald: If the lindworm sees Treasures found Anywhere 1 per
someone carrying the emerald or trying to treasure
take it, he will immediately attack them.
Floor discovered Anywhere 1 per floor
Player character killed Anywhere −1 per
1 Hissing Roar! The lindworm lets out a
terrifying, hissing roar. Everyone within Solved the puzzle of Statue 1
10 meters suffers a fear attack. the copper plates on Gallery (#1)
the first attempt
2 Claw Attack! With its claws, the beast
rakes two opponents within 2 meters of Defeated the monster eel Cellar (#2) 1
each other. Each victim takes 2D8 slash- Found the wreck Cellar (#2) 1
ing damage.
Passed the ghost with- Library (#3) 2
3 Dorsal Spikes! The creature rolls over out combat
all opponents within 6 meters. The
Defeated the ghost Library (#3) 1
victims take 2D4 slashing damage from
the spikes on the monster’s back and are Solved the puzzle of Library (#3) 1
knocked down. the books on the first
4 Deadly Embrace! The beast wraps itself
around an opponent and tries to squeeze Defeated the skeletons Treasure 1
the life out of them. The attack inflicts Chamber (#4)
2D8 bludgeoning damage and the same
Solved the puzzle of Treasure 1
amount whenever it is the victim’s turn.
the treasure chests on Chamber (#4)
The victim cannot move or perform
the first attempt
actions that require movement, except
trying to break free, which requires a Saved Alberic Treasure 1
STR roll with a bane. Others can help. Gleamheart Chamber (#4)
5 Ravenous Bite! The lindworm opens its Saved Betrix Farsail Laboratory 1
mouth and lunges at a victim to take a (#5)
big bite. The attack deals 3D8 slashing
Defeated the Sorcerer’s 1 per
damage but can be parried.
figureheads Chamber (#6) figurehead
6 Devouring Attack! The beast swallows
Helped Orvild to the Observatory 2
an opponent whole, inflicting 2D6 blud-
wreck (#7)
geoning damage. The victim can keep
attacking the lindworm from within, Solved the puzzle of Observatory 1
where it has no armor rating. But for the twin stones on the (#7)
each round spent in the beast’s belly, the first attempt
victim takes D6 damage on their turn
Gave the emerald to Observatory 3
(armor has no effect). The victim gets out
Krakul (#7)
once the lindworm is dead.
Defeated Krakul Observatory 4
Tall and wiry. Long white beard and
Human Old bushy eyebrows. Inquisitive eyes.
Mage – Elementalist
Fainthearted. You always stay
at the back of the group. Archmaster AodhanNAME
8 11 9 16 18 14
5 Sleight of Hand (AGL)
10 Sneaking (AGL)
SILVER 7 14 Spot Hidden (INT)
5 Swimming (AGL)
Staff 2h 2 D8 9 Bludgeoning 11
From an early age you have been fascinated with fire. Your sorcerous mother
brought you to a school of magicians after you accidentally burned down a barn
on the family farm. At school you learned the secrets of magic, but the thirst for
deeper knowledge made you restless. Now, after a few years of extensive travel,
you have joined a company of adventurers for an expedition to the Misty Vale.
✦ Willpower Points: 3
When rolling for a skill, you can choose to
make the roll using another skill of your choice.
You must be able to justify how you use the
selected skill instead of the normal one. The GM has
the final word, but should be lenient.
✦ Willpower Points: Varies
As a wizard you can use magic. Read more about
magic on page 23 in the Quickstart booklet.
Smooth and confident walk. Clear
Elf Adult eyes that suspiciously scrutinize
Hunter everyone. Eager and swift in
Bigoted. Nightkin such as orcs and thought and action.
goblins are evil and need to be fought.
O r l a M o o n s il v e r
13 15 17 13 10 9
7 Sleight of Hand (AGL)
Flint & Tinder
14 Sneaking (AGL)
SILVER 4 6 Spot Hidden (INT)
14 Swimming (AGL)
1 Leather
✦ Willpower Points: —
As an elf, you can meditate deeply during a stretch rest.
You heal an additional D6 HP and a D6 extra WP, and
can recover from an additional condition. You are com-
pletely unresponsive during your meditation and cannot
be awakened.
✦ Willpower Points: 3
By activating this ability when attacking
with a bow, you shoot two arrows instead
of one. Roll just once to hit, with a bane.
Damage is rolled separately. The
arrows can be directed at the same
target or two different targets.
Strong, sturdy, and stubborn.
Mallard Adult Waddling walk. Quick to anger
Knight when provoked, especially if someone
Foolhardy. You always go first insults your family or honor.
into danger. M a k a n d e r of H al f b a y
NAME You seldom smile.
16 16 10 12 14 13
5 Sleight of Hand (AGL)
Flint & Tinder
5 Sneaking (AGL)
SILVER 10 5 Spot Hidden (INT)
5 Swimming (AGL)
6 Plate
✦ Willpower Points: 3
Mallards tend to have a choleric temper. You can acti-
vate this ability (no action) when making a skill roll and
get a boon to the roll. You also become Angry, if you’re
not already. This ability cannot be used for rolls against
INT or INT-based skills.
✦ Willpower Points: —
As a mallard you also get a
boon to all SWIMMING
rolls. You always move at full
speed in or under water.
✦ Willpower Points: 2
You do not hesitate to take a hit to
protect your friends. If you and
another player character are both
within 2 meters of the same enemy
and the enemy tries to attack the
other character, you can activate this
ability to force the enemy to attack
you instead. Using this ability can be
done out of turn and it does not
count as an action.
Innocent face with shrewd,
Halfling Young constantly observing eyes. Light
Thief and silent on your feet. You see
Reckless. You always take big risks opportunity in any situation.
without thought of the consequences.
K r i s a n n a t h e B o ld
8 13 18 14 15 10
14 Sleight of Hand (AGL)
Flint & Tinder
14 Sneaking (AGL)
SILVER 2 12 Spot Hidden (INT)
7 Swimming (AGL)
1 Leather
✦ Willpower Points: 3
You can activate this ability when dodging an attack,
getting a boon to the EVADE roll.
✦ Willpower Points: 3
You can activate this ability when making
a melee attack against an enemy that is
also within 2 meters of another player
character. Your attack then counts as a
sneak attack, which means it cannot
be dodged or parried, you get a boon
to the roll, and the number of dice
rolled for the damage is increased
by one (i.e. 2D8 instead of D8).
This ability can only be used with
a subtle weapon. Activating
this ability does not count as
an action.
Scarred, bulging muscles. You look
Wolfkin Young loyally at friends, but menacingly
Fighter at foes.
Gluttonous. You take every chance
you get to eat something tasty.
B a s t o n n Blo o dj a w
18 17 14 11 13 7
6 Sleight of Hand (AGL)
Flint & Tinder
12 Sneaking (AGL)
SILVER 2 5 Spot Hidden (INT)
6 Swimming (AGL)
2 Studded Leather
✦ Willpower Points: 3
You can use this ability to
designate a creature in
sight, or a creature you
can catch the scent of,
as your prey. This counts
as an action in combat. You
can follow the scent of your prey
for a full day, and you can spend
1 further WP (not an action) to gain a
boon for an attack against your prey.
✦ Willpower Points: 1
Activating this ability at the start of a
combat round allows you to retain your
initiative card from the previous round
instead of drawing a new one. Doing so
does not count as an action.
Brisk and impatient, rarely
Dwarf Young standing still. Calculating eyes that
Merchant seem to weigh the pros and cons
Vain. You’ll help anyone who gives of any situation. Always well-
you praise or compliments. dressed and well-groomed.
A lb e r i c G l e a m h ea rt
10 14 13 14 11 17
6 Sleight of Hand (AGL)
Flint & Tinder
12 Sneaking (AGL)
SILVER 10 12 Spot Hidden (INT)
6 Swimming (AGL)
✦ Willpower Points: 3
You can activate this ability when attacking someone
who harmed you in the past (at least 1 point of
damage) and get a boon to the roll. It does not
matter when the damage was inflicted. It may be
wise to write down the names of everyone who
harms you, so you do not forget them.
✦ Willpower Points: 3
At a crossroads of some kind, you can
activate this ability to learn the direction
of the greatest treasures.
Sunburnt with a stern face and
Human Adult wary eyes. Dressed in practical
Mariner and durable clothing, adorned with
Overbearing. You always tell mementos from previous voyages.
others what to do. Captain Betrix Farsail
14 12 15 12 16 11
12 Sleight of Hand (AGL)
6 Sneaking (AGL)
SILVER 10 10 Spot Hidden (INT)
12 Swimming (AGL)
✦ Willpower Points: 3
When rolling for a skill, you can choose
to make the roll using another skill of your
choice. You must be able to justify how you
use the selected skill instead of the normal one.
The GM has the final word, but should be lenient.
✦ Willpower Points: 1
You can activate this ability (not an action) when per-
forming an action in water, even if only waist deep. You
are then safe from all negative effects of being in water
for one round, including the risk of drowning.
The Sinking Tower is an official tournament adventure for the
Dragonbane RPG. The adventure offers difficult challenges for even
the bravest and most skilled adventurers. The players will need to
work together to solve puzzles, win battles, and find valuable treasure
– all in just two hours!
Dragonbane is a game full of magic, mystery, and adventure, designed
for fast play with very little prep time and adventures that are a
breeze to run. This new Quickstart includes condensed rules, a
complete adventure, and seven pre-generated characters. All you
need to play is a few dice – and your imagination!
ISBN 978-91-89765-54-2
Dragonbane is a registered
trademark by Fria Ligan AB.
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