Materi Cadet Interview

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*) This Unit covers Cadet Interview, Sea project preparation, and Arrival & meeting with agent.
*) The following is one of the teaching materials are about cadet interview.
Mr. Jordan Glove, Crewing Admin Officer of PT. Future Shipping Industry is interviewing
Danang, The Technical Department Cadet of Indonesian Merchant Marine Academy.

Danang : Excuse me, sir!

Mr. JG : Come in, please sit down!
Danang : Thank you.

Mr. Jordan Glove take a look at the Curriculum Vitae.

Mr. JG :Your name is Danang. Please tell about yourself!

Danang : Thank you sir. My name is Danang Adi Hidayat. I am 20 years old. I am from
Samarinda. I study in Indonesian Merchant Marine Academy and I take Technical
Department. My motivations are to be a great engineer and to go around the
world. I am first of two siblings. My father is a seafarer and my mother is
Elementary teacher. My sister or brother is still studying in college. I love
traveling and reading novels in my leisure time.
Mr. JG : Please tell me about your strength!
Danang : I eager to learn and experience something new. I have good passion to improve
my knowledge and skill, and I never back from my goal. I like to struggle to reach
my dream. I believe with this personality I can be a better person and succeed.
Mr. JG : And what are your weaknesses?
Danang : when I am enjoying my work, sometimes I forget to take a rest until the job is
finished. Like when I was at school, my mother often reminded me to have a meal
and take a break when I was busy with my homework.
Mr. JG : Can you tell me about your hometown?
Danang : Samarinda is capital city of East Borneo, Indonesia. It has coal, gasoline, oil
mining, and also still has a lot of forests as lungs of world. Samarinda is about
3hours from Balikpapan by a car about 45 minutes by flight. Balikpapan is the

1 AECC TEAM 2015

cleanest city in South Asia. (You can describe something interesting / different in
your hometown).
Mr. JG : Why do you want to be seafarer and study at Indonesian Merchant Marine

Danang : In this globalization era there are a lot of job opportunities

on sea in order to support the international and national trade.
Based on the Ministry of Transportation data, world needs a
lot of seafarers but the amount of the seafarers are
decreasing, therefore I decided to study at Indonesian
Merchant Marine Academy.
Thank for the question. I will try to answer it. I want to be
seafarer because i get inspiration from my brother. He is a
seafarer from AKPLENI 40 batch. He joined ocean going
ship and the company is NYK. I want to be like him to go to
around the world, get much salary and help my parents. So
because of him, i study in AKPELNI. I know English is so
important that is why I must study English everyday and
study about Engine with my lecturers or friends. I believe my
efforts will be paid with Good achievements.

I study in AKPELNI because my parents’s hope to change

our life becomes better. I will do my best to create my
dreams come true. I study English and Engine to support my
career to join in Ocean Going Company.

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The adjustable wrench

Mr. JG : Why do you choose Technical / Nautical / Port and Shipping Department?
Danang : option*) I chose Technical Department because I graduated from technical
vocational high school so I had basic knowledge and skills in engineering and I
would like to improve my abilities and I like to overhaul machinery. (To be
continued by your logical answer)
Option*) I chose Nautical Department because basically I did not have any basic
skills and knowledge of Engineering, and I took science program in high school
so I take nautical department. Moreover, my goal is to be a Captain. The other
hand, nautical department has good opportunity to work in other fields, such as
pilot, agents, lecturer or entrepreneur.
Option*) I chose Port and shipping because I graduated from social program in
high school, so I had skills and knowledge of management and administration.
Moreover, I am interested in managing documents and files of ships or agencies.
(Describe more by your logic answer)
Mr. JG : What is your motivation to join our company!
Danang : so far I know your company is the best shipping company in the world. It covers
various routes all over the world; they are centered in several countries like China,
Germany, Singapore, and also Indonesia. It has about 600 fleets, from Cargo, bulk
and tanker. And I believe that by joining this great company, I will be success in
my career as seafarer.
Mr. JG : So what is your plan in the future?
Danang : After I graduate from college, I would like to sail until I become Captain. I will
improve my knowledge to reach it and have enough experience. And after I would
like to work at Land, still in shipping business, like becoming officer trainer, or

3 AECC TEAM 2015

Mr. JG : Please tell me about Collision Regulation!
Danang : Collision regulation is one of the maritime policy to prevent the collision. It
consists of several rules………(explain based on the knowledge)

Optional Knowledge Questions from interviewer:

1. How many years that you will be a seafarer?
2. What do you know about marine pollution?
3. What do you know about ISPS CODE, ISM CODE, and Marpol?
4. What do you know about FFA (Fire Fighting Appliance) & LSA (Life Saving
5. Explain how to solve Blackout?
6. Did you have disciplinary issues during your study? Because the academy is like military
campus, all things are very rigid and strict?
7. How to solve the Search & Rescue if any missing person on board?
8. Please explain the signal of Abandon drill, Fire and Muster Drill?

Port and Shipping Management interview materials: (possible questions)

1. What do you know about carter?
2. Please mention some kinds of vessel?
3. Mention and explain types of containers?
4. Mention parts of ship?
5. Explain range position?
6. Explain your job description?
7. How can you manage or handle some documents such as (ship, seaman, export-import,
custom documents)?
8. Can explain stevedoring?
9. Explain about process of discharging and loading?

Practice of interview:

4 AECC TEAM 2015

1. Ask the cadets to make a group of two.
2. Create dialogue based on the interview sample.
3. Add more: based on the optional knowledge questions.


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