MasterSeal P691

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MasterSeal® P 691

A single component, solvent-based primer, moisture curing, for use below and on MasterSeal

MasterSeal P 691 is a single component,
moisture curing polyurethane primer. It contains PLACING / APPLICATION
solvents. MasterSeal P 691 is a single component
material. Prior to application, it should be
TYPICAL APPLICATIONS conditioned to a temperature of 15°C to 25°C.
MasterSeal P 691 is designed for use as an Pour the amount required from the original
adhesion promoting primer on MasterSeal container and apply by spreading with a
membranes. Its uses include the application of a squeegee followed by back rolling. It is important
new membrane to an aged membrane e.g. in to apply MasterSeal P 691 thinly and to avoid
repair applications. It can also be used on aged ponding. The curing time of the material is
membranes when renewing or repairing the UV influenced by the humidity and the ambient and
protective top coat. substrate temperatures. At low humidity and low
MasterSeal P 691 can also be used as a primer temperatures, the chemical reaction is slowed
on sand broadcast epoxy primers prior to the down; this lengthens the curing time and the re-
application of a spray applied membrane in coating intervals. At high humidity and high
applications where the membrane is temperatures the chemical reaction is
permanently exposed to water. accelerated thus the time frames mentioned
above are shortened accordingly. If the
ADVANTAGES maximum re-coating times are exceeded,
 excellent adhesion to aged membranes MasterSeal P 691 should be re-applied.
especially in applications where the Following application, the material should be
membrane is permanently exposed to water protected from direct contact with water which
will impair adhesion to the subsequent coat.
 rapid cure
Ensure that the solvent contained in the material
 long re-coating interval
is allowed to flash off completely before applying
 low viscosity the subsequent coat. The temperature of the
 low consumption substrate must be at least 3K above the dew
 easy to apply point both during the application and for at least
4 hours after the application (at 15°C).
MasterSeal P 691 is supplied in cans of 19.5kg CLEANING
and available in Clear. Re-useable tools should be cleaned carefully
with a suitable thinner (Xylene / MEK / Acetone).
SURFACE PREPARATION The consumption of MasterSeal P 691 is
The surface to which MasterSeal P 691 is to be between 0.05 and 0.1 kg/m² depending on the
applied must be clean and dry and free from oil condition and porosity of the substrate.
and grease and any other substance which may The above consumption figures are intended as
impair a guide only and may be higher on very rough or
The temperature of the substrate must be at porous substrates.
least 3K above the dew point.
MasterSeal® P 691


Properties Result
Chemical base PU
Mixing ratio single component (A:B)
Density 1.03 g/cm³
Viscosity 110 mPas
Recoating interval @ 23°C, 50% r.h. Min 1 hour
Max. 24 hours
@ 10°C, 60% r.h. Min 2 hours
Max. 36 hours
min. 5°C
Substrate and ambient temperatures
max. 30°C
min. 40%
Permissible relative humidity
max. 90%
The above figures are intended as a guide only and should not be used as a basis for specifications.

STORAGE AND SHELF LIFE Avoid inhalation of the fumes. Respiratory

Store in original containers, under dry conditions protection must be worn when spraying or when
and a temperature between 15-25°C. Do not in the vicinity of the spraying operation.
expose to direct sunlight. For maximum shelf life
under these conditions, see "Best before...." When working in well ventilated areas, a
label. combined char-coal filter and particle filter mask
(A-P2) should be worn. When working in less
EU REGULATION 2004/42 (DECOPAINT well ventilated and in confined spaces, air-fed
GUIDELINE) helmets are to be worn by sprayer and
This product conforms to the EU directive assistant(s). When working with the product do
2004/42/EG (Deco-Paint directive) and contains not eat, smoke or work near a naked flame. For
less than the maximum allowable VOC limit additional references to safety-hazard warnings,
(Stage 2, 2010). regulations regarding transport and waste
According to the EU directive 2004/42, the management please refer to the relevant
maximum allowable VOC content for the Product Material Safety Data Sheet. The regulations of
Category IIA / j is 500g/l (Limit: Stage 2, 2010). the local trade association and/or other
The VOC content for MasterSeal P 691 is authorities, regulating safety and hygiene of
<500g/l (for the ready to use product). workers handling polyurethane and isocyanates
must be followed.
In its cured state, MasterSeal P 691 is
physiologically non-hazardous. The following
protective measures should be taken when
working with this material:

Wear safety gloves, goggles and protective

clothing. Avoid contact with the skin and eyes. In
case of eye contact, seek medical attention.
MasterSeal® P 691
CE-marking (EN 1504-2) CE-marking (EN 13813)

1119 Master Builders Solutions Deutschland GmbH

Master Builders Solutions Deutschland GmbH Donnerschweer Str. 372, D-26123 Oldenburg
Donnerschweer Str. 372, D-26123 Oldenburg 07
07 169101
EN 13813: 2002
EN 1504-2: 2004 Synthetic resin screed for use internally in buildings
EN 13813: SR-B1,5-AR1-IR4
Surface protection product – coatings
EN 1504-2: ZA.1d, ZA.1e, ZA.1f and ZA.1g Essential characteristics Performance
Abrasion resistance Fire behaviour Efl
Permeability to CO2 Release of corrosive substances SR
Sd > 50
Permeability to water vapour Water permeability NPD
Class III
Capillary absorption and 0,5
Wear resistance <AR 1
permeability to water < 0.1 kg/(m²xh )
Bond strength >B 1,5
Thermal compatibility after freeze-
thaw cycling >1.5N/mm² Impact resistance >IR 4
Resistance to severe chemical Reduction of Impact sound insulation NPD
hardness < 50%
Sound absorption NPD
Crack bridging ability B 4.2 (-20°C)
Heat insulation NPD
Impact resistance Class I
Chemical resistance NPD
Adhesion strength by pull off test >1.5N/mm²
Slip/Skid resistance NPD
Reaction to fire Cfl – s1
Emissions behaviour NPD
Skid resistance
with MasterSeal TC 258 Class III NPD = No Performance Determined
with MasterSeal TC 681 Class I Performance determined in system build up
NPD = No Performance Determined MasterSeal Traffic 2205
Performance determined in system build up
MasterSeal Traffic 2205 ®= Registered trademark of the MBCC Group in many countries.

* Properties listed are based on laboratory controlled tests.

The technical information and application advice given in this Master Builders Solutions publication are based on
STATEMENT OF the present state of our best scientific and practical knowledge. As the information herein is of a general nature, no
RESPONSIBILITY assumption can be made as to a product's suitability for a particular use or application and no warranty as to its
accuracy, reliability or completeness either expressed or implied is given other than those required by law. The user
is responsible for checking the suitability of products for their intended use.

Field service where provided does not constitute supervisory responsibility. Suggestions made by Master Builders
NOTE Solutions either orally or in writing may be followed, modified or rejected by the owner, engineer or contractor since
they, and not Master Builders Solutions, are responsible for carrying out procedures appropriate to a specific

Master Builders Solutions Disclaimer: the TUV mark

Construction Chemicals LLC relates to certified management
P.O. Box 37127, Dubai, UAE system and not to the product
Tel: +971 4 8090800 mentioned on this datasheet

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