Science Reviewer 9 (BIODIVERSITY)

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Science Reviewer 9  Geological time scale – the events in Earth’s history in terms

of geological strata
Angelae Cenabre
- Shows which organisms lived back then and what
 BIODIVERSITY kind of climate Earth most probably had.

 Biodiversity hotspot - is a significant reservoir of biodiversity  Mass extinction – widespread and rapid depletion of
which is threatened by destruction biodiversity within a certain time period.
 Ordovician Extinction – the first mass extinction which
happened 44 million years ago (mya)
- Cause of the extinction:
Glaciation or widespread formation and movement
of glaciers.
- Gondwana shifted to the south pole, submerging
the land and freezing a lot of organisms
- 85% of species on earth went extinct: trilobites,
graptolites, and crinoids.
 Devonian Extinction – second mass extinction event on
- “Late- Devonian mass extinction”
- Occurred at around 374 (mya)
- Cause: global ice age event by an asteroid impact
- 75% of species on earth went extinct: reef-building
corals, trilobites, and brachiopods (clam-like
ancient sea organisms)

 EXTINCTION  Permian Extinction – the greatest mass extinction in

 Extinction – cessation of the existence of a species Earth’s history.
- Once a species is extinct it can never be found anywhere - “Great Drying”
on Earth. - Wiped out 95% of the species on Earth
- Disappearance of one species can have a domino effect - Cause of the extinction: UNKOWN (but the
in the ecosystem it once existed scientist suggested that an asteroid impact, severe
volcanic activities, decrease in oxygen levels in air Major Subcategory Description
and water, sea level fall, and increase in carbon Category
dioxide and methane), but movement of tectonic EXTINCT Extinct (EX) There are no extant member
of the species in the wild or
plates caused changes to ocean currents and captivity
dissolved oxygen in waters. Extinct in the wild Species are only found in
 Triassic Extinction – fourth mass extinction event in (EW) captivity
Earth’s history THREATENED Critically Organisms’ populations are at
- Occurred 200 mya endanger (CR) an extremely critical state
Endangered (EN) Organisms are at a high risk
- Wiped out possibly 50% of the species on Earth
of extinction
- Cause of the extinction: Volcanic activities breakup Vulnerable (UV) Meets 5 list criteria for
of the supercontinent Pangaea may have led to extinction
release of massive amounts of carbon dioxide and LOWER RISK Near threatened Close extinction in the near
methane, leading to global warming and (NT) future
acidification of oceans. Conservation Heavily dependent in the near
dependent (CD) future
- Marine most suffered because of ocean Least Concern Unlikely to become extinct in
acidification the near future
 Cretaceous Extinction – most recent mass extinction on OTHER Data deficient Lacks extensive studies for
Earth. CATEGORIES (DD) publication
- Occurred 65 mya, annihilating 85% of lifeforms. Not evaluated No data for publication
- Famous for obliterating dinosaurs on the planet
 Extant species – is a species that is not extinct
- Cause of the extinction:
 Threatened or endanger species - close to extinction
Asteroid impact (the asteroid shot up cloud of dust
and debris to the atmosphere, blocking the sun)  Captive breeding - the process of facilitating the mating of
and Volcanic events. threatened species in zoos or wildlife
- Photosynthetic organism died and it continued up  Local extinction or extirpation – a species that is may be
in the food chain. extinct in a particular are but continues to exist elsewhere
Functionally extinct species – preserved and maintained
only in zoos and other artificial habitats.
 IUCN – International Union for Conservation of Nature
- An organization that monitors biodiversity loss
 Natural selection – natural itself is selecting organism’s
since 1964
species that survive in a process.
- Category depending on the species population
- Studies and published by Charles Darwin
 Nine (9) natural causes of extinction: - Supernova or a hypernova explosion is thought to
 Climate change and its effects, Volcanic Eruptions, be the most likely source of gamma radiation that
Asteroid, comet or meteor impacts, Tectonic plate can cause an extinction event on Earth
movement, gamma radiation, diseases.  Diseases
- Can have the ability to cause extinction are highly
contagious and lethal.
 Climate Change and Its Effects - Two notable diseases that have threatened and
- Changes in climate can lead to the organism’s pushed some species to extinction:
changed behavior, breeding and eating patterns.  Chronic wasting disease – affects elks and
- Some organisms are not able to cope with the deers
changes in temperature, formation of glaciers, and  Chytrid – a diseases caused by a fungus that
sea levels brought by melting land glaciers affect amphibians, particularly frogs and
 Volcanics Eruptions salamanders
- Can lead to various change environment like
change in landscape and atmosphere  Anthropological - relating to the study of humankind.
- Some species get caught up and die on the  Five (5) Anthropological Causes of extinction:
eruptions wake. deforestation/Kaignin, destruction of habitat, introduction of
- Releases poisonous gases which mix up in the invasive species, and pollution, overexploitation.
atmosphere leading to climate change and acid  Deforestation/Kaignin – destroy trees, these also displace
rain. wildlife and even indigenous people living within vicinity
 Asteroid, Comet, and Meteor Impact of the forest.
- They can not only cause damage to the crash site; - Two leading causes of deforestation in the
these also hurl huge rocks and dust in the Philippines:
surroundings o Mining and palm oil plantation.
- Changes the climate by blocking out the sun with  Destruction of Habitat - is defined as the elimination or
dust for extended periods of time alteration of the conditions necessary for animals and
 Movement of Tectonic Plates plants to survive.
- Can cause the shift in currents, displacement of  Main Types of Habitat Destruction:
organisms and the most obvious one is the o Destruction: Involves the complete removal of a
change in landscape habitat, such as when a forest is cleared for
 Gamma radiation agriculture or a wetland is drained for
- Penetrating type of radiation development.
- It can kill the cells of the body, making an organism o Fragmentation: a habitat is broken up into
sick and eventually lead to death smaller, isolated pieces, such as when a road is
built through a forest or a housing development
is built in a grassland.
o Degradation: This involves the decline in the
quality of a habitat, such as when pollution
contaminates a river or overfishing depletes a
fish population.
 Introduction of Invasive/Exotic Species
- Invasive/exotic species are organisms that are
introduced into one are that they do not naturally
live in.
- Can cause harm in their new environment over
resources, or transmission of disases
 Pollution
- Is the introduction of harmful materials into the
- Comes into different forms: air, water, and land
- The biggest source of pollution today are plastic
- Manufacturing to disposal, can cause harm to
- Marine animals ingest plastic thinking that there is
food, leading to choking, gastrointestinal blockage,
and death
 Overexploitation
- Causes the supply of food and other resources to be
- The act of using too much of something, especially a
natural resource

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