9-Creating Movies Using Movie Maker

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Creating Movies using Movie Maker

C. Answer the following.
1. What is the use of Movie Maker Software?
Ans: Movie Maker is a video creating and editing software program that has been included
as a part of Windows Essentials software Suite. This software let us edit and arrange audio
and video content to create movies or presentations. It also offers features to publish
movies on OneDrive, Facebook, YouTube etc.
2. Give one task each that can be performed in Preview Pane and Storyboard Pane of the
Movie Maker Window.
Ans: Preview Pane: The Preview Pane is present on the left side of the Movie Maker
Window. This pane is used to preview the pictures, video clips, visual effects and transitions
added by you to create the movie.
Storyboard Pane: The Storyboard pane is present at the right side of the window. It displays
the sequence of video clips or pictures in the project.
3. What is the difference between Visual Effects and transitions?

Visual Effects Transition

Visual Effects changes the look and feel of Transition effects control the way how a
the picture or the video clip video clip / picture is introduced when the
movie is played.

It provides 5 different categories of Visual A number of transitions are displayed in the

Effects namely Artistic, Black and white, Transitions Group
Cinematic, Mirror, Motion and Fades

4. Write the steps for the following.

a) To add video clips /pictures to the movie.
Ans: Steps to be followed:
1. Click the Add videos and Photos option in the Add group on the Home tab. The Add
Videos and Photos dialog box is displayed.
2. Select the appropriate drive and folder containing the pictures or videos that you want to
add. Select the video files/pictures and click Open.
The selected video file or pictures are added in the Storyboard pane.
b) To add audio to your movie.
Ans: To add music, follow the given steps.
Step 1: Click the Add music option in the Add group on the Home tab. A list of options to
specify the source of audio file opens up.
Step 2: You can choose to find an audio file online or use the one present on your PC. Click
the add music option. The music dialog box is displayed.
Step 3: Click the music file you want to use, and then click the Open button.
c) To add credits to the movie.
Ans: To add credits to a movie,
Step 1: Select the last clip or last picture.
Step 2: Click on the Credits option in the Add group on the Home tab. A blank background
with sample text appears. A new tab called Format tab also gets added to the ribbon. This
tab contains options to change the font, size of the text as well as to animate the text.
Step 3: Enter the required text.
Step 4: Select the font, colour and size for the text.
Step 5: Change the start time and the duration for which the text should appear in the
movie by entering the desired values in the Start time and Text duration boxes.
Step 6: Choose an appropriate animation effect for the text from the Effects group on the
Format tab
d) To split a video file
Ans: In order to split a video, follow the given steps.
Step 1: Place the playhead at the frame in the video clip in the Storyboard pane from where
you want to split the video clip.
Step 2: Click on the Split option in the Editing group on the Edit tab.
The video clip is divided into two clips.
e) To adjust audio volume in the movie
To adjust video volume, follow the given steps.
Step 1: Place the playhead at the frame in the video clip in the Storyboard Pane from where
you want to adjust the volume of the video clip.
Step 2: Click the video volume option in the Audio group on the Edit tab under Video Tools.
Step 3: Move the slider left to lower or mute the volume or right to increase it.
5. What is the significance of Save movie option in the Share group on the Home tab?
Ans: After the completion of the project, it can be saved and shared on various platforms.
Movie Maker provides various options to save a movie for high definition display, for mobile
phones, for tablets and for websites such as YouTube, Vimeo and so on. For this, Click on
the Save movie option in the Share group on the Home tab and choose the desired option
from the drop-down list that appears.

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