GP 29-03-17U - Rev 1

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GP 29-03-17U Weld Inspection of Large LNG Storage Tanks Version 1.

0 12/20/2019
Classification: Internal

Weld Inspection of Large LNG

Storage Tanks
GP 29-03-17U

o- i
This Global Practice (GP) provides specific requirements for welding inspection of large 9 percent Nickel
LNG storage tanks when automated ultrasonic testing (AUT) is used in lieu of radiography. All
appropriate criteria for AUT and guidelines for AUT interpretation are included.

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ExxonMobil (EM) hereby licenses the use of ExxonMobil Engineering Practices System (EMEPS) Global Practices (GPs) for use by any EM Division, Subsidiary,
or more -than -50% owned and in-fact operationally controlled affiliate. The GPs may be downloaded and modified as necessary for project and affiliate use.
Written permission from EM is not required. However any modified GPs must be renumbered to a project specific or affiliate-specific to differentiate them from
the GPs on the EMEPS website. EM operated Joint Ventures (JVs) may utilize the GPs to create project-specific or location-specific specifications. It is the
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GP 29-03-17U Weld Inspection of Large LNG Storage Tanks V 1.0 12/20/ 2019

Classification: Internal

Table of Contents
Table of Figures 3
Table of Tables 4
1. References 5
1.1. Required References 5
1.2. Additional References 5
2 Acronyms and Definitions 5
2.1. Acronyms 5
3. General Requirements 6
4. Quality Requirements 6
4.1. General 6
4.2. Overall Design Process, Procedure Qualifications, and NDT
5. Nondestructive Testing (NDT)
5.1. General
5.2. Personnel Qualifications
5.3. Weld Examination 8
5.4. Automated Ultrasonic Testing (AUT) 8
5.5. Guidelines for Interpretation to the LNG Tank Inspection Criteria 9
5.6. Acceptance Criteria for LNG Tank Welds Inspected by AUT ........ 19
Record of Change 22
Purpose Code Definitions 23

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Table of Figures
Figure 1: Lateral Beam Spread for Defect Evaluation 17

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Table of Tables
Table 1: Gain Settings 10

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Classification: Internal

1. References
1.1. Required References
I . I- I

This Section lists the Practices, codes, standards, specifications, and publications that shall be used with
this document. Unless otherwise specified herein, use the latest edition. If a specific section is referenced,
any requirements from underlying industry standards apply.

1.1.1. Global Practices

l . l . l -l
GP Number GP Title
Qualification Requirements for Automated Ultrasonic Testing of LNG Tank
GP 29 03-16U Welds

1.1.2. Industry Standards

Industry Standard
Industry Standard Title
API STD 620 Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Low-Pressure Storage Tanks
Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Low-Pressure Storage Tanks -
API STD 620-10
Tenth Edition, Addendum 1
ASME SEC V BPVC Section V - Nondestructive Examination
Standard Practice for Mechanized Ultrasonic Testing of Girth Welds Using
ASTME 1961
Zonal Discrimination with Focused Search Units
Guide to Methods for Assessing the Acceptability of Flaws in Metallic
BSIBS 7910
ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems - Requirements

1.2. Additional References


[*] This Section lists the additional Practices, codes, standards, specifications, and publications that shall
be used with this document only where specified. Unless otherwise specified herein, use the latest edition.
If a specific section is referenced, any requirements from underlying industry standards apply.

2. Acronyms and Definitions

2.1. Acronyms
Acronym Description
AUT l Automatic Ultrasonic Testing

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Classification: Internal

CL Cold Lap
ECA Engineering Critical Assessment
FBH Flat Bottomhole
IP Incomplete Penetration
ITP Inspection and Test Plan
LOF Lack of Fusion
NDT Non Destructive Testing
PE Pulse Echo
TOF Time of Flight
TOFD Time of Flight Diffraction
UT Ultrasonic Testing
WPS Welding Procedure Specification
WT Wall Thickness
Throughout the document, the term "Company" will be used to refer to ExxonMobil or Affiliate.

3. General Requirements
All inspection of welds shall be performed using only the proc예ses and techniques given in this GP.
The requirements for weld inspection and production weld acceptance shall be in accordance with API
STD 620-10 and this Practice.
If conflict occurs between this Practice and API STD 620 10, Contractor shall bring any conflicts to
Company attention for resolution.
All LNG tank welds shall meet both API STD 620-10 criteria and Company LNG tank criteria.

4. Quality Requirements
4.1. General
The Contractor shall have a Quality Assurance Program that meets or exceeds the requirements of ISO
[A] A Quality Plan shall be submitted to Company for review and approval 30 days prior to fabrication.
The Quality Plan shall include an Inspection and Test Plan (ITP) detailing the applicable examinations
and tests required for the individual components and weldments of each LNG Tank.

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Classification: Internal

The ITP shall identify witness, monitor, and review points so that the Company can identify the areas it
wishes to inspect.
The ITP shall specify the roles and responsibilities of Contractor and any sub-contractors. The
documentation flow path for inspection scans and approval flow shall also be included in the ITP.
4.2. Overall Design Process, Procedure Qualifications, and NDT
This section identifies the events that shall be performed and their sequence during tank weld inspection.
The following sequence of events shall be performed in the order indicated:
a. Verify that Contractor and AUT procedure have fulfilled requirements in accordance with GP 29-

b. Verify that AUT inspection equipment has met quali及cation requirements in accordance with GP
- -
29 03 16U.
c. Select Company-approved AUT and NDT contractor.
d. [A] Design AUT calibration blocks and submit to Company for review and approval.
e. [A] Submit all NDT procedures to Company for review and approval.
f. Qualify other NDT procedures required by this GP.

5. Nondestructive Testing (NDT)

5.1. General
Company and Contractor inspection QC/QA efforts shall be coordinated to ensure all requirements of this
GP are satisfied.
The Contractor shall develop a procedure for each NDT method to be used for production.
[A] The Contractor shall submit all NDT procedures to Company for review and approval prior to WPS
All NDT methods and procedures shall conform to the Weld Acceptance Criteria and Guidelines for
Interpretation of this GP and the requirements of API STD 620-10.
The requirements of this Section shall be strictly enforced.

5.2. Personnel Qualifications

Personnel qualification shall be in accordance with API STD 620-10.
[*] Only Level IIUT operators with prior experience in LNG Tank weld inspections (to a comparable

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standard) and/or those operators who have successfully completed training specifically for the inspection
of LNG Tank welds shall be permitted to perform inspections unless otherwise sped五ed by Company.
Training certificates for inspection personnel shall be ap>propm iate to the assigned NDT area and submitted
to Company for review. Personnel certifications shall re:fleet th-그at personnel are competent to perform
specific NDT for which they are assigned.
[A] Training and/or experience qualifications of all NDT personnel that shall perform production NDT
shall be submitted to Company for review and approval.

5.3. Weld Examination

All production welds shall be examined according to API STD 620 10 Section 7.15.
VT acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with the following:
a. Critical dimension measurements shall be in accordance with Company approved WPS.
b. Linear indications must meet the requirements of Section (b) of API STD 620-10.
c. Rounded indications must meet the requirements of Section (c) of API STD 620-10.
d. Weld re-entrant angle shall meet the requirements of Section (d) of API STD 620-10.
e. The thickness of the weld reinforcement on each side of the plate shall not exceed the thickness
listed in Table 7.1 of API STD 620. The reinforcement need not be removed except when it
exceeds the permissible thickness, when required in Section 7.15.1 of API STD 620 10 (Table 7-
1 of API STD 620-10). or when weld reinforcement interferes with AUT probes.

5.4. Automated Ultrasonic Testing (AUT)

5.4.1. General
[A] The Contractor shall qualify the AUT system and procedure in accordance with GP 29-03-16U,
unless there is prior approval and acceptance by Company.
All production welds accessible to AUT scanner shall be 100 percent AUT inspected.
Areas not accessible to AUT shall be inspected by RT.
Inspection and acceptance criteria shall be performed in accordance with the NDT section of this GP.
5.4.2. AUT Procedure
Contractor's AUT procedure shall be in accordance with API STD 620-10 and the requirements of this
The inspection shall be performed with a mechanized system that utilizes pulse-echo and/or pitch-catch
transducers with zoned inspections and Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD) techniques. It should be noted
that the capability of time-of-flight (TOF) with the specified materials is limited in comparison to carbon

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steel materials and therefore it must be clearly defined to what extent this shall be used within the AUT

For amplitude-based techniques, reflectors producing amplitude signal > 20 percent of reference shall be
investigated. The system shall demonstrate the ability to accurately size length and vertical height of
indications with a resolution compatible with the applicable acceptance criteria.
For nonamplitude-based techniques (such as TOFD), reflectors longer than 40 percent of the acceptable
surface or subsurface flaw lengths in Table U1 or U2 (API STD 620-10 Appendix U), as applicable, shall
be investigated by a qualified supplemental manual technique.
The system must have demonstrated the capability to detect all defects greater than 1.0 mm in height and
6.0 mm in length and the accuracy of the system flaw sizing shall be determined from the qualification
program as specified in GP 29-03-16U.
The system shall be designed with sufficient beam overlap to assure 100 percent coverage of the weld or
defined Section U.3.1 of API STD 620-10 Appendix U.
A fully automated recording system shall be used to indicate the location of imperfections and the
effectiveness of the acoustic coupling.
5.5. Guidelines for Interpretation to the LNG Tank Inspection Criteria
Should any discrepancies be determined between the AUT Contractor procedures and this document, this
document shall govern.
It is expected that procedures will be complete enough so that any discrepancies will be due to procedures
being of a general nature.
UT operators and technicians shall familiarize themselves with this document, and sped及cally note
different requirements on calibrations, threshold levels, etc.
Any questions about this document shall be directed to Company.
5.5.1. Calibrations and Gain Settings
Specifications for the calibration standard and sensitivity shall be defined in the AUT procedures. Note
that the "Scan side" is assumed to be the scanning surface and the "Backside" is assumed to be the surface
opposite the surface being scanned.
5.5.1 2
This Section and Table 1: Gain Settings supplement the specifications regarding the frequency of
calibrations and also the gain settings for the production scanner as seen in Figure T-434.2.1 in Article 4
Calibration blocks shall be made out of actual production weld materials and material shall be welded by
project approved WPS.

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The finish on the scanning surfaces of the calibration blocks shall be representative of the scanning
surfaces on the component to be examined.
After calibration of probes, all probes providing an 80 percent FSH response for a specific reference
reflector shall have a minimum signal to noise ratio of 12 dB.
Table 1: Gain Settings

Recording Threshold Scanning Sensitivity Level

Zone Name Calibration Standard ⑴ Level (Ref = 80%)
Back side 1.6% to 2.2% of WT = notch
40% REF
Surface depth
3/32 in. or 2.4 mm SDH
Upper Zone 20% REF
(Side Drilled Hole)
3/32 in. or 2.4 mm SDH
Mid Zone 20% REF
(Side Drilled Hole)
3/32 in. or 2.4 mm SDH
Far Zone 20% REF
(Side Drilled Hole)
Scan side 1.6% to 2.2% of WT = notch
40% REF
Surface depth
OD notch
Scan Side
Depth of 5 mm or 40% of WT, Visible in TOFD display N/A
whichever is smaller
Backside TOFD 1.0 mm notch Visible in TOFD display N/A
Note [A] Alternative calibration setup/configurations shall be submitted to Company for approval prior to
(1): manufacturing of the calibration blocks.

5.5.2. Supplemental Checks of UT Calibration Blocks

The UT calibration block is perhaps the most critical component in the approach to defect detection and
sizing. The AUT Contractor shall do all of the following supplemental checks for the UT calibration
blocks. Mechanical Verification
For each calibration block to be used for inspection, AUT Contractor’s procedure shall be used to
mechanically verify the location and size of the calibration reflectors per ASTME 1961.

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A copy of the results of the inspection (marked drawings to indicate As-Built dimensions) shall be
included in the project UT procedures. Maximum range on the observed values is as follows:
Hole diameter ±0.2 mm
Flatness of Flat Bottom Hole (FBH) ±0.1 mm
Angles ±1 degree
Notch depth 士0.1 mm

Notch length ±10%

Center location ±0.1 mm

Hole depth 土0.2 mm Thickness Survey
A thickness survey shall be performed on the calibration block blank.
The survey shall consist of manual scan of the block, in perpendicular strips with no more than 20 mm
A compression wave transducer, with nominal frequency of at least 5 MHz, and no larger than 13 mm
(0.5 in) diameter, shall be used.
Maximum variation in thickness or each strip scan shall be noted and included as part of the calibration
block documentation. Manual 내trasonic Verification
For each reflector in the calibration block, its location and size shall be verified with a manual ultrasonic
scan consisting of the following steps:

a. Using the same type transducer for each reflector that will be used on the scanner, the distance
from the weld centerline at maximum response shall be determined and recorded.

b. At the maximum response location, the dB gain required to provide 80 percent full-scale response
from the reflector shall be determined and recorded.

c. For any distance to centerline measurements that vary more than 士2 mm between each pair of
transducers, the cause of the variation shall be determined. Justification to allow use of the
calibration block shall be reviewed with Company.

d. [A] For any response gain that varies more than 土 3 dB between each pair of transducers, the
cause of the variation shall be determined. Justification to allow use of the calibration block shall
be reviewed with Company.

e. Steps (1) and (2) above shall be repeated after the cal block has been permanently mounted into
the test piece stand.

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f. The steps detailed above apply only to calibration standards which have both sides of the weld
with the same nominal wall thickness. The above steps shall be executed for cal blocks with
different wall thickness on each side, but requirements listed in steps (3) and (4) do not apply. Unacceptable Block
For any calibration block whose parameters exceed those defined above, the calibration block shall be
deemed unacceptable and a new block shall be manufactured. Maintained Limits and Gain Differences
[A] Unless approved by Company, the limits on fill channel transducer distances to centerline and fill
channel transducer gain differences, as defined in Section 5.523 , Items (3) and (4), shall be maintained
with the scanner transducers during production inspection. Wall Thickness for LNG Tank Welds
For LNG Tank welds, the cal block wall thickness shall be representative of the LNG Tank plate wall
The calibration block nominal wall thickness shall be centered, as is reasonably possible, between the
wall thicknesses of the welds to be examined. Alternatively, multiple cal blocks shall be used having
nominal wall thicknesses that bound the wall thickness range of the welds to be examined. The calibration
block thickness variations shall be representative of the production welds within a tolerance of +0 / -3
mm. For a buttweld joining two members having different thickness at the weld, the thickness used to
determine acceptable flaws will be the thinner of the two members.
If the AUT probe configuration changes, multiple cal blocks shall be used to assure adequate inspection,
especially in the root (back side surface) and cap (scan side surface) region. Grooves
During production scanning, the grooves in the cal block caused by carbide runners shall be periodically
5.52 .1-2
If any grooving is observed, the depth of the deepest observed groove shall be measured relative to the cal
block surface (not relative to the upset material at the edge of the groove).
If the groove is deeper than 0.5 mm below the calibration block surface, the block shall be replaced as
soon as possible. Calibrations for LNG Tank Welds
For LNG Tank welds, calibrations shall be performed whenever there is a change to the AUT system
setup. Calibration scans shall be required before and after every weld size change or every four hours,
which ever comes first. Calibration scans shall also be performed at the beginning and end of every shift.
For each calibration scan, the system shall demonstrate calibration sensitivity of 80 percent 土 2 dB of the
maximum threshold.

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Welds examined (prior to the current calibration) at sensitivity less than the lower tolerance shall be re-
In addition, for the fill region of the calibration scan, the fill channels shall demonstrate some level of
overlap with each adjacent fill channel when scanning the calibration block.
The exact overlap value is not critical, and minimum values are acceptable, as long as the overlap is
clearly visible on the calibration scan.
AUT Contractor shall develop an over trace correction and use this correction during interpretation. Additional Calibration Scans
Additional calibration scans shall be required if the initial calibration scan demonstrates sensitivity
outside the tolerance given in Section, Item (2).
If subsequent calibration scan falls within the tolerance, the calibration shall be considered successful
only if no changes to instrument settings are performed.
If subsequent calibration scan falls outside the tolerance range, the AUT system shall be recalibrated. A
calibration scan shall be performed after the re-calibration to establish that the calibration scan falls
within the tolerance.
If TOFD is used, the TOFD display on the calibration scan shall demonstrate the ability to detect opposite
surface 1.0 mm TOFD notch. If the TOFD notch is not discernible in the calibration scan, the calibration
shall be considered to have failed. The lateral wave shall provide at least a 40 percent response on the
display. Documentation
[*] At Company request, and for QC purposes, an electronic version and a physical printout shall be
furnished for randomly selected calibration scans. Electronic versions and physical printouts of
calibration scans shall also be produced as specified for project-specific requirements.
The UT Operator shall identify any changes made to the parameters in the Initial Set-up Sheet (in
particular gate length changes and gain setting changes) on the Parameter Change Sheet and notify
Company of such.
5.5.3. Clarifications and Interpretation Guidelines
In some cases, the language in API STD 620 10 as well as the accompanying figures and tables do not
provide a clear guideline as to interpretation of certain indications. In addition, the transducer setup used
by the UT contractor may also require further guidelines for interpretation.
The following sections (Sections 5.5.4 - 5.5.15) discuss these issues and are based on a number of
clarifications issued during past projects where welds were interpreted using AUT inspection.

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5.5.4. Definitions and Nomenclature

In defining size andlocation of indications or defects, the following nomenclature shall be used:
5.5. 4.1. Length
When evaluating to LNG Tank criteria, the length of an indication shall be defined by considering all
continuous channel responses defined in Table 1: Gain Settings of this document.
The indication shall be evaluated only if it has at least one amplitude value equal to or greater than the
threshold value.
The minimum threshold level for a weld imperfection is defined as 20 percent FSH. In some cases,
threshold level will be higher depending on size, type, or location of the reflector.
Any indication with amplitude greater than 20 percent shall be evaluated by theUT technician as to its
nature. Through-Wall Height
The through-wall dimension of the indication will be called the through-wall height or height of the
In no case shall "effective heights" of all indications at a single circumferential locationbe greater than
one-half the wall thickness. Depth
The depth of the indication is the through-wall distance to the top of the defect as measured from the
surface from which the weld is being scanned.
5.5.5. Planar/Linear Defects
The values for allowable length as a function of defect height apply to linear or planar defects, such as
incomplete penetration (IP), sidewall lack of fusion (LOF) and interpass lack of fusion or cold lap (CL).
UT Contractor shall develop Tables for Inclusion in the Procedures Manual in order to interpret sidewall
lack of fusion indications relative to the UT channel amplitude. The table shall include the5 effec
transducer "overlap" as determined from the calibration runs, the shape of the transducers and the
simulated defects in the calibrationblock as compared to the shape of the actual expected defects.
5.5.6. Defect Interaction
API STD 620-10 shall be used to evaluate for defect interaction. In addition, the following modifications
to the rules shall apply.
When considering defect interaction, separate indications shall be evaluated to the interactionrules only if
each indication, separated by background level, has at least one amplitude value equal to or greater than

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the threshold level for that particular channel. The length of each indication is defined from where the
specified threshold starts to where the specified threshold ends.

Note: All defect interaction rules apply to linear and volumetric defects.

5.5.7. Surface Breaking Defects in LNG Tank Welds

The LNG Tank acceptance criteria for surface defects shall apply to surface defects on the back side
surface and the scan side surface.
For all rejectable surface breaking defects in LNG Tanks, the weld cap in the area in question shall be
sanded smooth and the weld re-inspected to assure that the indication is not geometry related.
Flaws characterized as surface flaws shall have a supplemental surface examination as stated in Appendix
U of API STD 620-10 (Section U.6.6.2).
5.5.8. Cold Lap or Interpass LOF
Cold Lap or interpass LOF defects shall be addressed as linear defects with height and length compared to
the acceptance criteria.
5.5.9. Indications in the Presence of a Multi-Pass Cap
Under certain conditions, one or more fill channels may show high amplitudes that appear to indicate
sidewall lack of fusion.
The UT technician shall be cognizant of the possibility that the indication may actually be a reflection
from the cap pass if there are multiple passes in the cap.
Time of Flight information will assist in evaluation of the indication. During initial transducer setup, the
Contractor shall attempt to correct time and amplitude gate settings so that this occurrence is minimized.
Multi pass caps may at times cause indications on a fill channel that resemble cold lap indications. During
initial setup, the chance of occurrence of such indications shall be minimized by judicious selection of
amplitude and time gates.
Before the weld is rejected, such indications shall be investigated per the API STD 620 10. Appendix
5.5.10. Height of Scattered or Cluster Porosity
For LNG Tank welds, scattered porosity shall be interpreted as a linear defect, with the maximum pore
size limited to the maximum allowable linear defect height.
When determining the height, the length of the pore shall be assumed to be at least equal to the height of
the pore, if not longer, as indicated by the scan.

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The dimension of a single pore shall be determined from TOFD or any other system-specific display that
provides volumetric indication dimensions.
The length of scattered or cluster porosity shall be defined as the length over the 20 percent threshold.
The height of an indication shall be determined using the Tables referred to in Section 5.5.5, Item (2) of
this GP. TOFD Display
The pulse echo (PE) information does not always provide an accurate graphic representation of the
volumetric defect.

a. The operator may also analyze the TOFD display in the region where a volumetric indication,
such as scattered porosity, is suspected.

b. Volumetric indications shall be investigated using TOFD only if they register on the pulse echo
NOTE: Because TOFD is very sensitive to porosity, small pores that can be seen using TOFD
may not register on the pulse echo channels; these small pores shall be ignored.

c. [A] The Contractor may propose alternative methods of determining height of scattered porosity.
The Company will determine the acceptability of the use of the alternative approach based on
Contractor supplied supporting documentation, including comparisons of AUT and destructive
analysis, which support the approach.

5.5.11. Open Root LNG Tank Welds

For LNG Tank welds using the open root process, the TOF gates for the Root UT channels shall be set to
indicate a caution area in the weld center.
If a root indication occurs in the caution area, the operator shall carefully examine the indication to assure
that no weld centerline defects are present.
One option for the operator is to rescan the LNG Tank weld with an additional +4 dB to +8 dB in the
Root channels to obtain more information on the potential defect.
5.5.12. Symmetry for Root Defects in Zero Gap Welds
Incomplete root penetration defects in single-sided, zero gap LNG Tank welds shall require that both
upstream and downstream root channels must show responses from the root area of the weld.
Single sided indications may be missed edge defects or geometric indications. Single-sided indications

may be ignored as being just geometry (hi i low) unless there is a significant and sudden change in time
of flight data associated with the response.

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The operator shall then evaluate if the indication is the result of incomplete fusion in the presence of high
low. If confirmed as such, the indication shall be evaluated as a potential defect.
Defect height amplitude tables shall be used to size the height of the defect.
5.5.13. TOFD Linear Indications in LNG Tank Welds
After analysis of all of the pulse echo probe data, the AUT operator may analyze the total TOFD display.

a. aerator shall rely on the PE data as the primary method to define defect length or defect

b. All TOFD indications should have some level of correlation with the pulse echo probe data.

c. For cases such as inter-pass lack of fusion, or cold lap, there may be little or no PE response due
to very small height, but the same indication may provide a strong TOFD indication due to the
orientation of the indication. For these types of very small height indications, the operator shall
rely on the PE data as the primary method to assess the indication.

d. TOFD shall only be used as a safety net to flag potentially injurious defects. Potentially injurious
defects are defined as cracks and off-bevel lack of fusion exceeding the applicable acceptance
criteria or interfering with the inspection of the weld.

5.5.14. Mapping Channels

For welds, the thresholds for the display of the mapping channels shall be set at 20 percent.
5.5.15. Lateral Beam Spread
Possible overestimation of defect length has not been considered in establishing allowable defect lengths.
The UT Operator shall take lateral beam spread into account in defect evaluation (see Figure 1: Lateral
Beam Spread for Defect Evaluation).
Figure 1: Lateral Beam Spread for Defect Evaluation

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Lateral Beam
Determined from
Calibration Run

20 %

Note: If IIAIO indications are spaced closer than the widih of the beam, the lateral beam spread correction shall be
conservative. That is the beam spread correction may be applied to one indication or partly to both indications ,
but the total beam spread shall not be separated applied to both defects.

5.5.16. Interpretation of Stacked Indications in Conjunction with Defect Height-

Amplitude Tables
5.5 16나
For a single indication seen in two or more channels, the following steps shall be taken:

a. If overlap seen in adjacent channels is less than overlap seen in the calibration scan, only the
amplitude in the main channel shall be used to determine defect height. If the overlap is greater
than the value seen in the calibration scan, the channel amplitudes shall be added together and the
applicable over-trace correction from the latest calibration scan shall be subtracted from the sum.

b. The correction in Section 5.5.16, Item (1), above, shall be used only if the indication signature
provides assurance that only a single indication is being seen by multiple channels. If the
signature implies multiple indications, no overlap corrections may be made to the amplitude

5.5.17. Inspection of LNG Tank Welds at the Intersection of Seams

5.5 17 1-
The weld reinforcement of the intersecting seam may impact the AUT inspection. Since the positions of
the transducers for AUT are fixed,the inspection of the weld when the transducers are operating at the
intersecting seam may be interfered with from the adjacent intersecting weld or damage the scanner if
they have not been ground sufficiently. These intersecting seams shall be ground far enough to provide a
smooth uniform transition between adjacent plates.
5.5 17-2
Because a portion of the weld inspection could occur with the transducers positioned on the intersection
weld filler material, there may be an impact on the inspection angles and gain settings that are optimized
for the base plate material. These changes in angles manifest themselves by demonstrating a loss of
coupling signal over the intersecting seam area. Loss of coupling indications may also be caused by the
changes in the weld geometry at the intersecting seam. The Contractor shall evaluate any changes in

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Classification: Internal

] angles or gains due to passage over intersecting weld filler material and the impact in regard to
the applicable defect evaluation criteria.
. -
5.5 17 3
Company reserves the right to impose an alternative or supplemental inspection technique (e.g.,
radiography) if it is not proven that AUT can adequately inspect the area in and around the T-

5.6. Acceptance Criteria for LNG Tank Welds Inspected by AUT

5.6.1 . Acceptance Criteria
LNG Tank welds shall meet Company LNG Tank criteria as defined in Section of this Practice
and shall also meet API STD 620-10.
A weld that fails API STD 620-10 requirements shall be rejected.
( AJ Contractor shall submit proposed acceptance criteria based on API STD 620 10, an Engineering
Critical Assessment (ECA) analysis and imposed system error for Company approval as defined in
Section of this Practice. Company reserves the right to redefine the acceptance criteria as required. . Company LNG Tank Criteria
Acceptance criteria for LNG Tank welds shall be determined based on application conditions that are
determined from detailed analysis and design, material properties, and the weld process. All material
properties shall be confirmed by testing.
An ECA shall be performed in accordance with BSIBS 7910 requirements.
[A] An ECA shall be performed and issued to Company for review and approval during the design phase
of the tank.
An ECA shall be performed to confirm that the defect acceptance criteria of this GP are adequate and
conservative for the design and fabrication.
An ECA shall identify the limiting conditions for failure or the limiting design conditions.
Suitable allowances shall be incorporated in the assessment of flaw sizes to cover intrinsic and
measurement errors involved and thereby ensure conservative assessment of flaw severity. These
allowances and their bases shall be quoted in the ECA.
Each assumption made for the ECA shall have a clear, concise, and logical explanation as to why the
assumption is used for the evaluation. Each explanation shall be documented in the ECA.
ECA information (e.g., assumptions, stresses, and physical material properties, etc.) shall include, but not
be limited to:
a. CTOD value (e,g., lowest value used)
b. SMYS, SMTS and Modulus of Elasticity

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Classification: Internal

c. Design life and any multiplier

d. Stress concentration factor
e. Extreme event stress
f. Operational stress histogram
g. In-place fatigue stress histogram
h. Secondary stress
i. Fatigue/corrosion fatigue, S-N, and crack propagation data
j. Crack models
k. Level assessment of BSIBS 7910
l. Software and version used for the ECA
m. Conclusions
n. Safety factor between detectable flaws and acceptable flaws
o. Reporting in accordance with Annex H of BSI BS 7910
The criteria are values that have previously shown in extensive testing to typically deliver at least "D"
S/N curve performance for materials with a minimum CTOD of 0.25 mm (0.010 in.).
Contractor may propose alternative flaw sizes and Critical AUT acceptance criteria based on an ECA.
[A] If the Contractor proposes to change the acceptance criteria, the ECA shall support any deviations to
that effect The alternate proposed acceptance criteria shall be submitted to Company for review and
approval. Significantly larger flaw sizes than indicated in this GP shall not be acceptable. LNG Tank Welds Evaluated to API STD 620 Linear indications
Linear indications shall be interpreted according to API STD 620-10. Section,with threshold
limits as defined below.

a. Reflectors that produce a response greater than 20 percent of the reference level shall be
investigated. For methods or techniques that do not use amplitude recording levels, sized
reflectors longer than 40 percent of the acceptable surface or subsurface flaws in API STD 620-
10, Appendix U, shall be investigated. For length determination, the background level is defined
to be 20 percent. Defect length shall be corrected for beam spread.

b. Defect interaction shall apply as defined in API STD 620-10.U.6.5.

c. If the top fill channel is used to inspect the weld scan side surface and if at least one amplitude
value is >20 percent, indicating a surface defect, the applicable performance criteria for a surface
defect shall apply. For length determination, the background level for the top fill channel is
defined as 20 percent amplitude. Defect length shall be corrected for beam spread. Defect
interaction shall apply as defined in API STD 620-10,U 6.5. .
d. Ultrasonic interpretation of a surface defect as lack of fusion or undercut shall be evaluated
visually and interpreted according to Section 7.15.5 of API STD 620-10.If the visual finding
accepts the indication, the AUT interpretation shall overrule interpretations of visual findings.
These areas will also be evaluated according to API STD 620-10. Section U.6.6.2.

e. Transverse indications, other than cracks, that have no appreciable length, shall be considered to
have a length equal to the sized height.

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Classification: Internal

f. Indications determined to be cracks are unacceptable and shall be rejected.

5.6. 1.2. 1 . Volumetric Indications
Volumetric defects shall be addressed as linear defects with height and length compared to the acceptance

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Classification: Internal

Record of Change

Version 1.0.0 Date: 04/08

Location Action Description

Initial Publish.

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Classification: Interna!

Purpose Code Definitions

Code Description

Assigned to paragraphs that require Owner’s Engineer to provide additional information or make
a decision.
A Assigned to paragraphs that require approval from Owner’s Engineer before the work may
proceed or the design is finalized.
C Assigned to paragraphs whose primary purpose is reduced costs. Reduced cost in this context
refers to initial investment cost and does not include life cycle cost considerations. Life cycle
cost considerations are captured under reliability, maintainability, or operability purpose codes.
CS Assigned to paragraphs containing Upstream specifications/guidance where the primary purpose
is to meet the required practices for Computing and Network Security for Industrial Control
Systems, as defined in the Company’s "Industrial Control System Requirements" ( ICSR). All
proposed deviations from these paragraphs should be noted in the ICS System Security Risk
Assessment for the installation.
E Assigned to paragraphs whose primary purpose is driven by environmental
considerations. Environmental considerations typically include specifications intended to
prote:ct against emissions/leakage to the air, water, and/or soil. Deviations from the
speciifications contained in such paragraphs require formal review and approval according to
local environmental policy.
M Assigned to paragraphs whose primary purpose is to provide for maintainability of equipment
or systems. Maintainability provisions are those that facilitate the performance of maintenance
on equipment/systems either during downtimes or during onstream operations.
O Assigned to paragraphs whose primary purpose is to assure operability of equipment or
systems. Operability is the ability of the equipment/system to perfibrm satisfactorily even though
conditions are off-design (e.g., during start-ups, process swings, subcomponent malfunction,
R Assigned to paragraphs whose primary purpose is to improve or assure the reliability of
equipment or systems. Reliability is a measure of the ability of equipment/systems to operate
without malftinction or failure between planned maintenance interventions.
S Assigned to paragraphs that contain design, fabrication and construction requirements that, if
not met, can directly result in or significantly increase the risks of either:
1. A process or personnel safety incident that can be classi兵ed as a ConsequenceI,II or
HI as defined in the ExxonMobil Risk Matrix Application Guide (Risk Matrix) or
2. Escalation of a process safety event that can result in a ConsequenceI, II or HI personnel
safety or process safety incident. Escalation is defined as a secondary event caused by
the initial event that could be predicted by a competent engineer (e.g.,jet/pool fire
effects on surrounding equipment or running pool fires in drainage pathways).
Safety designation shall not be applied to paragraphs with Risk Matrix Category 4 when the
incident probability and risk can be determined by the appropriate SME.

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Classification: Internal

Purpose Code Hierarchy: Purpose Codes assigned to a numbered item apply to all associated subitems.
Purpose codes assigned to an individual subitem apply only to that subitem.

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