TR 4
TR 4
TR 4
6 Using the data given below, calculate the wheel load stresses at (a) interior (b) edge 5
and (c) corner region of a cement concrete pavement using Westergaard’s stress
Wheel load = 5100 kg
Modulus of elasticity of cement concrete = 3 × 105 kg/cm2
Pavement thickness = 18 cm
Poisson’s ratio of concrete = 0.15
Modulus of subgrade reaction = 6.0 kg/cm3
Radius of contact area = 15 cm
7 The parking survey data collected from a parking lot by license plate method is 5
shown in the table below. Find the average occupancy, average turnover, parking
load, parking capacity and efficiency of parking lot.
8A The speed-flow survey data is compiled and shown by the following table; find the 3
time mean speed and space mean speed.
No. Speed Range Volume of Flow
1 2-5 1
2 6-9 4
3 10-13 0
4 14-17 7
8B It has been observed from field survey that 960 vehicles were occupied per 2
kilometer length of the road segment under jammed condition in the morning peak
hours. Also the free flow speed observed for the same road during night hours is
100 kilometer per hour. Calculate the maximum traffic flow per hour that can occur
on the road segment.
9A The phase diagram with flow values of an intersection with three phases is shown
in the figure below. The lost time and yellow time for the first phase is 4 and 4 3
seconds respectively. For the second phase the lost time and yellow time are 3.5 and
4 seconds respectively. For the third phase the lost time and yellow time are 2.5 and
3 seconds respectively. If the cycle time is 150 seconds, show by sketches the time
allocated to green, yellow and red for three phases. 300
1000 400
800 400
9B Design the length and spacing of tie bars given that the pavement thickness is 20 cm 2
and width of the road is 7 m with one longitudinal joint. The unit weight of concrete
is 2400 kg/m3, the coefficient of friction is 1.5, allowable working tensile stress in
steel is 1750 kg/cm2, and stress of deformed bars is 24.6 kg/cm2.
10 Design the pavement for construction of a new flexible road with the following data 5
and chart given: