78 Ijmems Spceom19 P124 5 6 1014 1031 2020
78 Ijmems Spceom19 P124 5 6 1014 1031 2020
78 Ijmems Spceom19 P124 5 6 1014 1031 2020
Article in International Journal of Mathematical Engineering and Management Sciences · August 2020
DOI: 10.33889/IJMEMS.2020.5.6.078
22 3,802
5 authors, including:
All content following this page was uploaded by Preeti Bhaskar on 22 October 2020.
Anil Kumar
Guildhall School of Business and Law,
London Metropolitan University, London, UK.
Corresponding author: anilror@gmail.com
Preeti Bhaskar
Department of Business Studies,
Ibra College of Technology, Oman.
E-mail: preeti.bhaskar52@gmail.com
Mrinal Tyagi
Centre for Supply Chain Improvement, The University of Derby,
Kedleston Road Campus, Derby, DE22 1GB, UK.
E-mail: mrinal1tyagi@gmail.com
Sustainability is a key aspiration of most businesses as they face pressure from regulatory authorities as well as consumer
demand for sustainable products. Sustainability discussion often revolves around the areas of raw materials, product and
process design and innovation. However, the role of human resources is least discussed in this regard. This research
utilises a systematic literature review approach to explores the concept of Sustainable Human Resource Management
(SHRM) and identifies the indicators, drivers, barriers, and benefits of SHRM adoption. Based on the findings, an
integrated conceptual framework that can be utilised by organisations for developing a long-lasting sustainability
adoption through SHRM is proposed.
Keywords- Sustainable human resource management, Human resources and sustainability, Green human resource
management, Environmental Human resource management.
1. Introduction
Sustainable development is a very important concept in the business world today, especially with
a focus to enable individuals and companies to meet their current needs without hampering the
environment for future generations (Nadeem et al., 2017; Garza-Reyes et al., 2019) . However, it
International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences
Vol. 5, No. 6, 1014-1031, 2020
has been observed that traditional market models focus on the short-termed efficient and effective
utilisation of natural, social, and human resources in organisations rather than focusing on a long-
term multifaceted and dynamic knowledge-based economy. Over the last decades, Sustainability
has been the subject of thought and reflection in the field of management. Ehnert et al. (2014)
defined sustainability as a concept for providing new solutions and making economic systems and
organisations more viable over the long term with less harm to society and the world’s well-being.
While often the sustainability is assumed to be only related to the management of materials and
production techniques, Human resource management (HRM) has a great role to play in its practical
assimilation. Sustainability shifts the focus towards the capability of HRM to sustain the HR base
from within and for organisational viability. Recently, studies related to sustainability and HRM
seem to have captured the interest of researchers. Sustainable human resource management
(SHRM) can be well-thought-out as a design for the employment relationship, and a contribution
to sustainable development (Gollan, 2000; Zaugg et al., 2001; Ehnert, 2009a). Ehnert (2009b)
highlights the need for more SHRM practices and regards sustainability as having a strategic
potential for HRM. Ehnert (2009b) defines SHRM as “the pattern of planned or emerging human
resource deployments and activities intended to enable a balance of organisational goal
achievement and reproduction of the human resource base over a long-lasting calendar time and
to control for negative impact on the human resource base”.
This study contributes to the existing literature on SHRM by providing a systematic review of the
literature on the topic of SHRM and proposing a conceptual framework for sustainability adoption
through SHRM. The paper examines the concept of SHRM through a systematic literature review
and identifies the indicators, drivers, barriers, and benefits of SHRM adoption to benefit
practitioners, academics, and researchers. The rest of the paper is structured in 6 sections. Section
2 presents the systematic literature review; Section 3 discusses the concept of SHRM while Section
4 presents the benefits and barriers to SHRM adoption. On the other hand, Section 5 introduces the
developed conceptual framework developed; finally, Section 6 provides the conclusions,
limitations and future research directions derived from the study
International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences
Vol. 5, No. 6, 1014-1031, 2020
The SLR included papers published in peer-reviewed journals from 1984 to 2018. The year 1984
was considered as the base year as no significant study on SHRM was found before that year.
Nearly all research papers related to SHRM, green HRM, triple-bottom-line, Strategic HRM, HR
& sustainability were acknowledged. Multiple databases such as Elsevier, Science Direct, Sage,
JSTOR, Emerald, Taylor and Francis, Inderscience, IGI, EBSCO, John Willey, and Springer were
used to search for the literature. Only those papers with sustainability aspect (environmental, social
and economic) and its implementation in HRM were selected. The initial search was conducted
using the following keywords: sustainable human resource management, Human Resources and
Sustainability, Green Human resource management, and environmental Human resource
management. Keywords related to sustainability and HRM were used through different
combinations. This search yielded 1,105 papers. After removing duplications, the number of papers
was reduced to 586. A careful reading of abstracts led to the further elimination of 320 papers. 266
papers were then thoroughly assessed to ensure their relevance to the focus of this research, from
which 163 papers were finally selected.
Gollan and Xu (2014) identify external and internal drivers for SHRM. External drivers include
market, technology, changes required by regulations, and internal drivers include culture and
customers, leadership and management style. Likewise, Kramar (2014) focuses on human
International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences
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resources sustainability and identifies external drivers such as market, technology, changes required
by regulations and internal drivers, such as culture and customers, leadership and management
style. Gollan and Xu (2014) explicitly identify outcomes of SHRM in terms of productivity and
profit, employee satisfaction and commitment, employee development, equity and well-being
whereas Kramar (2014) identify four types of outcomes such as organisational, social, individual,
and ecological. He presents SHRM as the pattern of planned or emerging HR strategies/practices
intended to enable the achievement of financial, social and ecological goals while simultaneously
reproducing the HR base over the long term. It seeks to minimise the negative impacts on the natural
environment, people and communities and acknowledges the critical enabling role of CEOs, middle
and line managers, HRM professionals and employees in providing practices which are distinctive,
consistent and reflect the consensus among decision-makers. With increasing pressure from
stakeholders, concerns on the subject of environmental issues are highlighted and companies are
driven to develop policies and programs to conduct environmentally sustainable business activities
and act under the environmental regulations (Yadav et al., 2016). Table 2 shows the dimension of
various SHRM models.
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structures, and relationships actively support the capacity of current and future generations to create
healthy and liveable communities. Socially sustainable communities are equitable, diverse,
connected, democratic, and provide a good quality of life. Table 4 represents the social
sustainability indicators for SHRM.
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International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences
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sustainable practices (Laudal, 2011; Jones et al., 2014). Bansal and Gao (2006) highlighted that
environmental performance programs are one of the most significant factors affecting quality of
life, environmental sustainability, and the financial growth of the company. Table 7 represents
drivers for SHRM adoption.
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Vol. 5, No. 6, 1014-1031, 2020
Drivers of
Indicators of Human
Benefits of
Sustainable Human Resource
Management Sustainable Human
Resource Resource
Management Management
Sustainability Benefits of Organizational
Indicators of
Sustainable Performance
Human Resource
Social Resource
Sustainability Management Environmental
Sustainability Barriers of Performance
Human Resource
6. Conclusions
This study explored the concept of SHRM and its importance in sustainability adoption in an
organisation. By adopting a systematic literature review approach, this study identifies the
indicators, drivers, barriers and benefits of SHRM adoption. The process of sustainability adoption
begins with the identification of indicators of SHRM and ends at deriving benefits. This research
also provides an integrated conceptual framework that could be used for developing a long-lasting
sustainability adoption through sustainable human resource management (SHRM). Like any other
research, this research has certain limitations. At first, the research completely relies on secondary
data. Further research can gather primary data for concurrent exploitation of the concept’s value.
Secondly, the research presents a conceptual framework which needs verification and validation.
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Furthermore, future research can deploy different methodological angles, such as qualitative and
quantitative approaches to validate the research findings and implications.
Conflict of Interest
The authors confirm that there is no conflict of interest to declare for this publication.
The authors sincerely thank anonymous reviewers and the Editor-in-Chief for providing critical comments and
suggestions for improving the quality of the paper.
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