Deadlands Night Train Archetypes

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archetype Cards

Night Train
CRAFTY MACHINIST Greedy (Minor): Hey, these gadgets cost money to build
and maintain!
I love the smell of well-oiled machinery HesitAnt: Draw two Action Cards and take the lowest
and burning ghost rock in the morning! (except Jokers, which may be kept).
JeAlous (Minor—inventors): What some mechanics do
ATTRIBUTES seems like magic to you. It probably is, the cheaters!
loyAl: Worn out parts can be replaced, but friends can't.
Agility d6 PAce 6
smArts d10 PArry 4 EDGES
sPirit d6 toughness 7(2) cAlculAtinG: Ignore up to 2 points of penalties on one
strength d4 action with an Action Card of Five or less.
vigor d6
luck: +1 Benny at the start of each session.
SKILLS McGyver: You can create an improvised device from
scraps which lasts for the duration of the encounter.
Athletics d6
ricH: You start with additional starting funds and an annual
com. Knowledge d8
Fighting d4
notice d8 scAvenGer: May find a needed item once per encounter.
PersuAsion d4 GEAR
rePAir d8
shooting d6 Armored Corset (+2, reduce damage from bullets by 2),
steAlth d6 Wesson Dagger-Pistol (Range 5/10/20, Damage 2d4 /
thievery d6 Str+d4), duster, spring boots (+2 Athletics to jump, +2" to
vertical jump +4" to horizontal jump), Sheffield Carriage
knife (multi-tool), 4 sticks of dynamite, 5’ fuse, tool kit,
matches, glasses, 10 rounds (.41), $20.

c AdvAnces: Smarts d10, Calculating, Scavenger, McGyver.


EXILED SCOUT Greedy (minor): No one cares where you came from when
you have money.
My people thought I chose the wrong path. Maybe LoyAL: You learned the hard way to value those around you.
so, but I'm still alive... and free!
outsider (minor): You're an exile, shunned everywhere
but the company of other wandering loners.
ATTRIBUTES venGefuL (minor): If someone asks for trouble, you're
happy to oblige.
Agility d8 PAce 8
smArts d6 PArry 6 EDGES
sPirit d6 toughness 8(2) combAt refLexes: +2 Spirit to recover from being Shaken
strength d8 or Stunned.
vigor d8
fLeet footed: Pace +2, increase running die to d8.
SKILLS steAdy HAnds: You ignore the penalty for firing from an
Unstable Platform and reduce the running penalty to –1.
Athletics d6
com. Knowledge d4 GEAR
Fighting d8 Armored Vest (+2, reduce bullet damage by 2), Springfield
notice d6 Rifled Musket (Range 15/30/60, Damage 2d8, RoF 1, Reload
lAnguAge (english) d4 3, black powder), Colt Army Revolver (Range 12/24/48,
PersuAsion d4 Damage 2d6+1, RoF 1), .58 ammo (x10), .44 ammo (x30),
riding d6 Bowie knife (Str+d4+1, AP 1), powder horn, $58.
shooting d8
steAlth d6
survivAl d6

c AdvAnces: Strength d8, Steady Hands, Riding d6 and

Fighting d8, Combat Reflexes.
deAth Wish (minor): If you see a chance for redemption
you'll take it, even if it means dying.
Everybody's got it comin'. Me more than most. Greedy (minor): There are plenty of reasons for violence.
Money is one of the better ones.
secret (mAjor): You were once a hired gun doing Bayou
ATTRIBUTES Vermillion's dirty work, until they had you eliminate a
homesteader and his family to make way for a rail line. This
Agility d8 PAce 6 secret eats at you every day.
smArts d6 PArry 6
sPirit d8 toughness 7(2) EDGES
strength d6 Ambidextrous: Ignore the usual –2 penalty when making
Vigor d6 Trait rolls with the off-hand.
brAve: +2 to Fear checks and –2 to rolls on the Fear Table.
duelist: You get two extra Hole Cards at the beginning of
Athletics d6 a duel.
com. Knowledge d4 tWo-Gun Kid: You can make a second Shooting roll on
Fighting d8 your turn (with your off-hand) at no Multi-Action penalty.
gAmbling d4
heAling d4 GEAR
notice d6 Armored Vest (+2, reduce bullet damage by 2), 2x Colt
PersuAsion d4 Thunderer (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6, AP 1, RoF 1),
riding d4 sawed-off double-barrel shotgun (Range 5/10/20, Damage
shooting d8 1-3d6, RoF 1), knife (Str+d4), .41 ammo (x50), 20 gauge
steAlth d6 shells (x10), two-gun holster, $15.
tAunt d6

c AdvAnces: Brave, Duelist, Gambling d4 and Taunt d6, Spirit


SNAKE OIL MERCHANT Big Mouth: You talk a bit too much for your own good.
greedy (Minor): If someone's buying, you're selling.
You're in luck, friend! I just happen to have the
ruthless (Minor): Progress (especially your progress!)
very cure for what's ailin' you!
must march forward despite any obstacles.
Quirk (Minor): You're always on the lookout for bizarre
ATTRIBUTES new ingredients for your concoctions.
Agility d6 PAce 6 EDGES
smArts d10 PArry 4 ArcAne BAckground (MAd science): You can activate
sPirit d8 toughness 7(2) powers with the Weird Science skill. Each power takes the
strength d4 form of a particular device (see below).
Vigor d6
AlcheMist: Brew and carry up to three potions a day:
SKILLS Snake Oil (make a natural healing roll), Focusing Elixir (+1
to one Trait's rolls for three rounds), or Peptonic (roll Vigor,
Athletics d4 recover one Fatigue with success or two with a raise).
com. Knowledge d4
Fighting d4
heAling d6 Inventor's Apron (+2, reduces fire- and heat-based damage
notice d4 by 4), Starr Revolver (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6+1, AP
PerFormAnce d6 1, RoF 1), .44 ammo (x20), harmonica, empty vials, $97.
PersuAsion d8 POWERS
science d6
shooting d4 Powers: Havoc (Unstable Elemental Mixture), healing
steAlth d4 (Reduced Rattler Juice).
tAunt d6 Power Points: 15
weird science d10 BAcklAsh: A Critical Failure on a Weird Science roll causes
a roll on the Malfunction Table.
c AdvAnces: Fighting d4 and Shooting d4, Persuasion d8 and
Taunt d6, Healing d6 and Weird Science d10, Alchemist.
Greedy (minor): Everybody loves money, you're just
honest about it.
I've seen worse. I reckon I died that time, but... Grim servAnt o' deAth: Gain +1 on all damage rolls.
yeah, I've seen worse. A Critical Failure on any attack hits the nearest friendly
character with a raise.
ATTRIBUTES LoyAL: The only thing you can count on are the compadres
who ride with you—and they can count on you, too.
Agility d6 PAce 6
smArts d6 PArry 5 EDGES
sPirit d8 toughness 10 (2) BrAve: +2 to Fear checks and –2 to rolls on the Fear Table.
strength d8 iron JAw: +2 to Soak and Vigor rolls to avoid Knockout
Vigor d8 Blows.
SKILLS hArrowed: You returned from the dead with a demonic
power inside you. You can embrace this power and Let the
Athletics d6 Devil Out (see Deadlands).
com. Knowledge d4 stitchin': You make a natural healing roll once a day,
Fighting d6 provided you consume a pound of meat for each attempt.
intimidAtion d8
notice d6 GEAR
PersuAsion d4 Armored corset (+2, reduces bullet damage by 2), Colt
occult d6 Peacemaker (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6+1, ROF 1, AP
riding d4 1, RoF 1), .45 ammo (x50), Bowie knife (Str+d4+1, AP 1),
shooting d8 holster, $35.
steAlth d6

c AdvAnces: Vigor d8, Iron Jaw, Brave, Strength d8.


Greedy (minor): It's hard to say no to money, so you don't.
overconfident: Up close or far away, you can take care of
That shot? Not impossible, but you gotta take a few any problem with your Big 50.
extra factors into account. Here, watch this... LoyAL: If they can put up with you, then it's best to keep
them alive.
Agility d8 PAce 6 iron JAw: +2 to Soak and Vigor rolls to avoid Knockout
smArts d6 PArry 5 Blows.
sPirit d4 toughness 8(2) mArksmAn: Ignore up to 2 points of penalties from Range,
strength d8 Cover, Called Shot, Scale, or Speed; or add +1 to first
vigor d8 Athletics (throwing) or Shooting roll. Character may not
move or fire greater than RoF 1.
trAdemArk weApon (shArps BiG 50): +1 to Shooting
Athletics d6 total with Sharps Big 50; +1 Parry while weapon is readied.
com. Knowledge d4
Fighting d6 GEAR
heAling d6 Rattler hide duster (Armor +2), Sharps Big 50 (Range
notice d6 30/60/120, Damage 2d10, AP 2), Bowie knife (Damage
PersuAsion d4 Str+d4+1), .50 ammo (x50), chewing tobacco, bottle of
shooting d10 cheap liquor, $15.
steAlth d6
survivAl d6

c AdvAnces: Spirit d6, Shooting d10, Trademark Weapon

(Sharps Big 50), Marksman.

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