Pricing Strategy Terminology

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Pricing Terminology - The world of strategic pricing management has a

vocabulary of its own. Here are definition of some of the more common terms
and phrases that are used on this site and among price consultants worldwide.


prices to gauge the setting and adjustment of prices. Prices may be higher, lower
or the same as competitors. Fails to consider costs or perceived value but useful
when combined with cost-plus and value based methodologies.

COST-PLUS PRICING - A common pricing approach that utilizes cost with an

applied margin factor to derive at a price. A sure fire way to guarantee margins
but frequently leaves money on the table. Useful in setting pricing floors.

CUSTOM VALUE - Value that is created as a result of customized product

features or services for specific customers or market segments. Custom value
typically offers premium price opportunities to capture incremental pricing

DISCOUNT CONTAINMENT - Correcting and controlling the discounts on

products and services in order to improve profit margins.

ECONOMIC VALUE - The economic sum of all value perceived by a customer

or market segment. Provides a platform to calculate prices in B2B environments.

EXPERT JUDGMENT - Strategic pricing management expertise applied to

price decisions.

INCREMENTAL PRICING REVENUE - Additional revenue as a result of price


INCUMBENT VALUE - Value perceived by the customer based on the existing

relationship with the supplying firm. When measured accurately, can be
converted into incremental pricing revenue.

NON-LINEAR PRICING - Discount pricing schedules.

POCKET PRICE - The final price after all on-invoice and off-invoice discounts,
rebates, give backs, incentives, etc.
POCKET PRICE WATERFALL - The graphical display of all discounts and
other give-backs that negatively affect price with the end result showing the net
or pocket price.

PRICE BAND ANALYSIS - The graphical distribution of net prices by

customers. Indicates the number of customers paying a specific price and the
consistency of pricing across all customers.

PRICE OPTIMIZATION - The price that delivers the maximum profit.

PRICE SIGNALING - Legally messaging price intentions to an industry.

PRICE THRESHOLD - The maximum price a customer is willing to pay.

PRICE VALUE MAPPING - A graphical display of the competitive position of a

product according to perceived price versus perceived benefits.

PRICING SEGMENTATION - Dividing business transactions into common

characteristics for the purpose of optimizing price.

RELEASE PRICE - The price of a new product of service at the time of launch.

STRATEGIC VALUE - Value that is created as a direct result of a firm’s

competitive strategy.

TRANSACTIONAL PRICING - The most granular form of pricing that

manages prices on a transaction-by-transaction basis. Requires significant data
derived from individual transactions but can make large contributions to margin

VALUE BASED PRICING - Setting prices according to the perceived value of

the customer. In order to perform value based pricing properly, data and
information supporting the perception of value by the customer is required.

VALUE PERCEPTION - The value that customers place on a purchased

product of service. Requires market research to identify.


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