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OOP - Java Static Members Examples

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Static Members

Example 1: Modify static variable in main method and other methods of the class
class Main
// static variables a and b
static int a = 10;
static int b;

static void printStatic()

a = a /2;
b = a;

System.out.println("printStatic::Value of a : "+a + " Value of b :


public static void main(String[] args)

b = a*5;

System.out.println("main::Value of a : "+a + " Value of b : "+b);


Example 2: Static variable as counter

class Counter
static int count=0;//will get memory only once and retain its value

count++;//incrementing the value of static variable

class Main
public static void main(String args[])
System.out.println("Values of static counter:");
Counter c1=new Counter();
Counter c2=new Counter();
Counter c3=new Counter();
Example 3: Static Method
class Main
// static method
static void static_method()
System.out.println("Static method in Java...called without any

public static void main(String[] args)


Example: Static Method Overloading

public class Main {

public static void static_method() {
System.out.println("static_method called ");
public static void static_method(String msg) {
System.out.println("static_method(string) called with " + msg);

public static void main(String args[])

static_method("Hello, World!!");

Example: Overriding not possible with static methods

classBase_Class {

// Static method in base class which will be hidden in

public static void static_display() {

classDerived_Class extends Base_Class {

public static void static_display() {


public class Main {

public static void main(String args[ ]) {

Base_Class obj1 = new Base_Class();

Base_Class obj2 = new Derived_Class();
Derived_Class obj3 = new Derived_Class();


Example: a static block example

class Main
static int sum = 0;
static int val1 = 5;
static int val2;

// static block
static {
sum = val1 + val2;
System.out.println("In static block, val1: " + val1 + " val2: "+ val2 + " sum:" +
val2 = val1 * 3;
sum = val1 + val2;

public static void main(String[] args)

System.out.println("In main function, val1: " + val1 + " val2: "+ val2 + " sum:" +

Example: Multiple Static Blocks in Java (in sequence execution, valies of first block are overwritten by second block

class JavaExample2{
static int num;
static String mystr;
//First Static block
System.out.println("Static Block 1");
num = 68;
mystr = "Block1";
//Second static block
System.out.println("Static Block 2");
num = 98;
mystr = "Block2";
public static void main(String args[])
System.out.println("Value of num: "+num);
System.out.println("Value of mystr: "+mystr);

Example: Static method accessed directly in static and non-static method

class JavaExample{
static int i = 100;
static String s = "Beginnersbook";
//Static method
static void display()

//non-static method
void funcn()
//Static method called in non-static method
//static method
public static void main(String args[])
JavaExample obj = new JavaExample();
//You need to have object to call this non-static method

//Static method called in another static method


class Human{
class Boy extends Human{
public static void main( String args[]) {
/*This statement simply creates an object of class
*Boy and assigns a reference of Boy to it*/
Boy obj1 = new Boy();

/* Since Boy extends Human class. The object creation

* can be done in this way. Parent class reference
* can have child class reference assigned to it
Human obj2 = new Boy();

Example: Static Binding

class Human{
public static void walk()
System.out.println("Human walks");
class Boy extends Human{
public static void walk(){
System.out.println("Boy walks");
public static void main( String args[]) {
/* Reference is of Human type and object is
* Boy type
Human obj = new Boy();
/* Reference is of HUman type and object is
* of Human type.
Human obj2 = new Human();

Example: Dynamic binding

class Human{
//Overridden Method
public void walk()
System.out.println("Human walks");
class Demo extends Human{
//Overriding Method
public void walk(){
System.out.println("Boy walks");
public static void main( String args[]) {
/* Reference is of Human type and object is
* Boy type
Human obj = new Demo();
/* Reference is of HUman type and object is
* of Human type.
Human obj2 = new Human();

Example: Memory Efficient Static Variable

class Student{
int rollno;//instance variable
String name;
static String college ="ITS";//static variable
Student(int r, String n){
rollno = r;
name = n;
//method to display the values
void display (){System.out.println(rollno+" "+name+" "+college);}
//Test class to show the values of objects
public class TestStaticVariable1{
public static void main(String args[]){
Student s1 = new Student(111,"Karan");
Student s2 = new Student(222,"Aryan");
//we can change the college of all objects by the single line of code

Example: Counter without static variable

//Java Program to demonstrate the use of an instance variable
//which get memory each time when we create an object of the class.
class Counter{
int count=0;//will get memory each time when the instance is created

count++;//incrementing value

public static void main(String args[]){

//Creating objects
Counter c1=new Counter();
Counter c2=new Counter();
Counter c3=new Counter();

Example: a static method that performs a normal calculation

class Calculate{
static int cube(int x){
return x*x*x;

public static void main(String args[]){

int result=Calculate.cube(5);
Example: Static Block Evocation
class A2{
static{System.out.println("static block is invoked");}
public static void main(String args[]){
System.out.println("Hello main");

Example: Static Method Example

class StaticTest {

// non-static method
int multiply(int a, int b){
return a * b;

// static method
static int add(int a, int b){
return a + b;

public class Main {

public static void main( String[] args ) {

// create an instance of the StaticTest class

StaticTest st = new StaticTest();

// call the nonstatic method

System.out.println(" 2 * 2 = " + st.multiply(2,2));

// call the static method

System.out.println(" 2 + 3 = " + StaticTest.add(2,3));

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