PR-5 3B 2 22012011024 DBMS
PR-5 3B 2 22012011024 DBMS
PR-5 3B 2 22012011024 DBMS
Study the concepts of different operators, aggregate functions and various
create table salesmen(snum varchar2(6) primary key, sname varchar2(20)
not null, city varchar2(15), comm number(5,2), check (snum like 's%'));
insert into salesmen values('s1001','Piyush','London',0.12);
insert into salesmen values('s1002','Niraj','san jose',0.13);
insert into salesmen values('s1003','Miti','London',0.11);
insert into salesmen values('s1004','Rajesh','Barcelona',0.15);
insert into salesmen values('s1005','Haresh','new York',0.10);
insert into salesmen values('s1006','Ram','Bombay',0.10);
insert into salesmen values('s1007','Nehal','Delhi',0.09);
select * from salesmen;
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create table customer(cnum varchar2(6) primary key, cname varchar2(20) not null,
city varchar2(15), rating number(5), snum varchar2(6), check (cnum like 'c%'),
foreign key(snum) references salesmen(snum));
insert into customer values('c2001','Hardik','london',100,'s1001');
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create table order_info(onum varchar2(6) primary key, amt number(10,2) not null, odate date, cnum
varchar2(6), snum varchar2(6), check (onum like 'o%'), foreign key(cnum) references
customer(cnum), foreign key(snum) references salesmen(snum)); insert into order_info
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2. Display all salesmen that were located in either BARCELONA or
LONDON (use IN keyword).
select sname from salesmen where city in ('Barcelona','London');
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4. List all the customers whose name’s third latter is ‘R’.
select cname from customer where cname like '__r%';
5. List all salesmen whose name start with letter ‘P’ and end letter is ‘h’.
select sname from salesmen where sname like 'P%h';
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6. Find all records in customer table with NULL values in the city column.
select * from customer where city is null;
7. Write two queries that will produce all orders taken on October 3rd or
4th , 2020. a) Use BETWEEN b) Use OR.
select * from order_info where odate between '03-oct-21' and '04-
select * from order_info where odate='03-oct-21' or odate='04-
8. Write a query that selects all orders without ZEROS or NULLS in amount
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12. Find the largest order taken by each salesperson on each date.
select snum,odate,max(amt) from order_info group by snum,odate;
13. Find total amount ordered by each customer, only display records whose
total amount is greater than 800.
select cnum,sum(amt) from order_info group by cnum having sum(amt)>800;
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14. Write a query that counts the number of different non-NULL city in the
customer table.
select count(distinct city) from customer;
16. Assume each salesperson has a 0.12 commission. Write a query on the
order_info table that will produce the order number, the salesperson number
and the amount of the salesperson’s commission for that order.
select onum,snum,amt*0.12 from order_info;
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17. Write a query on the customers table that will find the highest rating in
each city. Put the output in this form. For the city (city column), the highest
rating is: (rating column).
select 'For the city ', the highest rating is : ' || max(rating) || '' from customer
group by city;
18. Write a query that totals the orders for each day and places the results in
descending order.
select odate, sum(amt) from order_info group by odate order by sum(amt)
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19. Show the names of all customers matched with the salesmen serving
select cname, sname from customer c,salesmen s where c.snum = s.snum;
20. Write a query that lists each order number followed by customer name
who made the order.
select onum, cname from order_info o, customer c where o.cnum = c.cnum;
21. Write a query that gives the names of both the salesperson and the
customer for each order after the order number.
select onum, sname, cname from order_info o, customer c, salesmen s where
o.cnum = c.cnum and o.snum = s.snum;
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22. Write a query that produces all customers serviced by salesmen with a
commission above 0.12. Output shows the customer’s name, the
salesperson’s name and the salesperson’s rate of commission.
select cname,sname,comm from customer c,salesmen s where c.snum=s.snum
and comm > 0.12;
23. Write a query that calculates the amount of the salesperson’s commission
on each order by a customer with a rating above 100.
select sname, amt*comm from order_info o, customer c, salesmen s where
rating>100 and s.snum=c.snum and s.snum=o.snum and c.cnum = o.cnum;
24. Create a union of two queries that shows the names, cities and ratings of
all customers. Those with rating of >=200 should display ‘HIGH RATING’ and
those with <200 should display ‘LOW RATING’.
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select cname, city, 'HIGH RATING' as rating from customer where rating >= 200
union select cname, city, 'LOW RATING' as rating from customer where rating <
25. Find all customers who made order on 10th March 2020 using sub-query.
select cname from customer c where c.cnum in (select o.cnum from order_info
o where o.odate = '10-mar-20');
26. Find all customers having rating greater than any customer in ‘ROME’.
select c.cname from customer c where c.rating > any(select rating from
customer where city = 'rome');
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28. Delete all salesmen who have at least one customer with a rating of 100
from salesmen table.
delete from salesmen where snum in (select s.snum from salesmen s join
customer c on s.snum = c.snum where c.rating = 100);
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