Sma Tenken Sell
Sma Tenken Sell
Sma Tenken Sell
Tenkan-sen chizig'i asosida sell savdo signaliga asoslangan avtomat robot (Expert
Advisor) yaratish uchun MQL4 dasturlash tilidan foydalanish kerak. Quyidagi
kodni o'z ichiga olgan faylni yaratib, MT4 platformasiga yuklashingiz mumkin:
Копировать код
//| SellRobot.mq4|
//| Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
#property strict
// Input parameters
input double Lots = 0.1; // Lot size
input int Slippage = 3; // Maximum slippage
input double StopLoss = 50; // Stop loss in points
input double TakeProfit = 100; // Take profit in points
// Indicator parameters
input int SMA_Period = 200; // Period for SMA
input int TenkanSen_Period = 9; // Period for Tenkan-sen
int OnInit()
//--- SMA initialization
SetIndexBuffer(0, SMA);
ArraySetAsSeries(SMA, true);
IndicatorShortName("SMA 200");
void OnTick()
// Check if we have enough bars
if (Bars < SMA_Period || Bars < TenkanSen_Period)
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