III-II Ece - Esd Mid 2 - Set-2

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Code No: EC613PE Set-2


B .Tech. III Year II Sem., II Mid-Term Examinations, August-2024

Class: III Year -II Sem B.Tech (ECE) Subject: EC613PE: Embedded System Design
Objective Exam
Name: ______________________________ Hall Ticket No. ____________________________________
Answer All Questions. All Questions Carry Equal Marks. Time: 20 Min. Marks: 10.
I. Choose the correct alternative:
1. What are the different types of multitasking present in operating systems? [ ]
(A) Co-operative (B) Preemptive (C) Non-preemptive (D) All the above
2. A process switched its state from Running to Ready due to scheduling act. It is ____. [ ]
(A) Co-operative (B) Preemptive (C) Non-preemptive (D) None
3. Which of the following is true about threads? [ ]
(A) A thread is the primitive that can execute code (B) A thread is a single sequential flow of control
within a process (C) Thread is also known as lightweight process (D) All the above
4. Which among the following scheduling is (are) Non-preemptive scheduling [ ]
(A) FCFS (B) LCFS (C) SJF (D) All the above
5. The CPU allocation for a process may change when it changes its state from _______? [ ]
(A) Running to Ready (B) Ready to Running (C) Running to Blocked (D) All the above
6. Which of the following is true about FCFS scheduling? [ ]
(A) Favours CPU bound processes (B) The device utilisation is poor (C) Both A & B (D) None
7. Which of the following is true for Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOSes)? [ ]
(A) Possess specialised kernel (B) Deterministic in behaviour (C) Predictable performance (D) All the above

8. Who determines which task/process is to be executed at a given point of time? [ ]

(A) Process manager (B) Context manager (C) Scheduler (D) None of these
9. Which of the following is true about a kernel? [ ]
(A) The kernel is the core of the operating system (B) It is responsible for managing the system
resources and the communication among the hardware and other system services (C) It acts as the
abstraction layer between system resources and user applications (D) All the

10. The data memory of a process holds ____________________. [ ]

(A) Local variables (B) Global variables (C) Program instructions (D) None

II Fill in the Blanks:

1. A process has its own memory space, when residing at the _________ memory.
2. For a good scheduling algorithm, the response time for a process should be ____________.
3. Task scheduling is an essential part of ________________
4. The user application and kernel interface is provided through _______________.
5. The ability of the operating system to have multiple programs in memory, which are ready for
execution, is referred as __________________.
6. For a good scheduling algorithm, the CPU utilisation is _______________.
7. The Shortest Job First (SJF) algorithm is a _______________ based scheduling.
8. For a good scheduling algorithm, the Turn Around Time (TAT) for a process should be ________.
9. ________ scheduling policy offers equal opportunity for execution for all processes.
10. Round Robin (RR) scheduling commonly uses ________ following policy for sorting the ‘Ready’
* * *
Descriptive Exam
Answer any TWO (2) questions. Each question carries 5 marks. Marks: 2 x 5 = 10
1.Explain the embedded firmware design.
2.Explain the following: (i) Brown-out protection circuit (ii) Real-time clock
3.Differentiate process and thread.
4.What is task scheduling? Explain Round Rabin scheduling algorithm.

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