Research Instrument English 1
Research Instrument English 1
Research Instrument English 1
Interview Guide
MIRANDA, Justine M.
1. Interviewers Name
TAMAYO, Adrian M.
MIRANDA, Justine M.
TAMAYO, Adrian M.
• Before we begin, we’d like to tell you more about the research we’re doing and what we
will do with the informations you will tell us.
Our research Examines how religious leaders in the Philippines juggle their spiritual and
parental roles. It aims to understand the challenges they face, the influence of their faith
on parenting, and the strategies they use to balance these responsibilities. The research
employs a qualitative, phenomenological approach to deeply understand these leaders’
experiences and contribute insights into the nexus of religion and family life
• We value your unique perspective with no wrong answers, aim for a 90-minute interview
recorded for accuracy (or noted if preferred), and guarantee confidentiality, allowing you
to skip questions or end the interview as you wish.
2.In what ways have your responsibilities as a religious leader impacted your availability and
involvement in your children’s daily lives?”
2. Can you describe a situation where your faith provided guidance in making a
difficult parenting decision?”
C. Strategies in balancing
1. What’s your go-to method for making sure family time isn’t overlooked
despite a busy schedule with religious commitments?”
2. “Can you share a tip that has helped you bring together your role as a parent
and your religious practices?”
D. Implication of this study to parenting styles
1. How has participating in this study influenced your thoughts or practices
regarding parenting?”
2. What changes, if any, have you considered making to your parenting style as
a result of the insights gained from this study?”
We’ve concluded our questions for today. Would you like to add anything or ask about the study or any
sudden changes for it to be improved? We truly appreciate your participation and the valuable
information you’ve shared with us.”