• Pallor and easy fatiguability due to anemia
leukopenia and thrombocytopenia)
• BMA: establish the diagnosis, hypocellular
marrow with decrease in all cell components
Allogenic hematopoietic
BM transplant
Androgen improve blood
TYPES Hydrops fetalis • 4 foci deleted B thalassemia • Both beta globin genes
with Barts Hgb • Severe microcytic anemia major mutated
• Severe microcytic anemia
with target cells
• Transfusion dependent
Thalassemia • 3 foci deleted B thalassemia • At least 1 beta globin genes
major (HbH • Moderate microcytic intermedia mutated
disease) anemia • Moderate microcytic
• Non-transfusion dependent
Thalassemia • 2 foci deleted B thalassemia • One beta globin gene
minor • Mild microcytic anemia minor/ trait mutated
• Carrier
Silent carrier • 1 foci deleted • Mild microcytic anemia
• Normal, hemoglobin,
normal MCV
Diagnostics • definitive: hemoglobin electrophoresis
- anemia and low red cell indices with normal red cell distribution width
- decreased reticulocyte count due to ineffective erythropoiesis
• PBS: microcytic, hypochromic RBCs, target cells and Heinz bodies
Management • Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (4 foci deletion, Beta
thalassemia major)
• BT, iron chelation with deferoxamine or deferasirox
• Splenectomy (for hypersplenism)
A 2 year old boy presents to the Which of the following is the most likely
clinic for an ear check. The child diagnosis?
had an ear infection that was a. Iron deficiency anemia
treated with co-trimoxazole 3 wks b. Megaloblastic anemia
earlier. On PE, patient is noted to
c. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
be extremely pale. Hemoglobin
and hematocrit were obtained and
are noted to be 7g/dL and 22%
A 2 ear old boy presents to the Which of the following is the most likely
clinic for an ear check. The child diagnosis?
had an ear infection that was a. Iron deficiency anemia
treated with co-trimoxazole 3 wks b. Megaloblastic anemia
earlier. On PE, patient is noted to
c. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
be extremely pale. Hemoglobin
and hematocrit were obtained and
are noted to be 7g/dL and 22%
• Antibacterial: nitrofurantoin, furazolidone, nitrofurazone
Disease •
Recurrent painful episodes from hypoxic
tissue injury
Organ system complications: aplastic
crisis, splenic sequestration, priapism,
stroke, avascular necrosis, acute chest
Bleeding Vit K
prolonged Prolonged
or normal
normal Normal
Two weeks after a viral syndrome, What is the most likely diagnosis?
a 2 year old child develops a. Von Willebrand disease
bruising and generalized
b. Acute Leukemia
petechiae, more prominent over
the legs. No hepatosplenomegaly c. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
or lymph node enlargement is d. Aplastic anemia
noted. The examination is e. Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
otherwise unremarkable.
Laboratory testing shows the
patient to have a normal
hemoglobin, hematocrit and WBC
and differential. The platelet
count is 15k.
Two weeks after a viral syndrome, What is the most likely diagnosis?
a 2 year old child develops a. Von Willebrand disease
bruising and generalized
b. Acute Leukemia
petechiae, more prominent over
the legs. No hepatosplenomegaly c. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
or lymph node enlargement is d. Aplastic anemia
noted. The examination is e. Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
otherwise unremarkable.
Laboratory testing shows the
patient to have a normal
hemoglobin, hematocrit and WBC
and differential. The platelet
count is 15k.
Etiology Triggered by viral infections, immunologic,
environmental factors
PURPURA • Anemia
• Thrombocytopenia
• Renal dysfunction
• Nervous system changes (sz, disoriented)
Diagnostics Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
(schistocytes, Spherocytes, helmet cells)
Elevated reticulocyte count
Elevated BUN, Crea
Management Plasmapheresis to reverse platelet consumption
Rituximab, steroid and splenectomy for refractory
A 17 year old boy with a history of Which of the following should this patient
mild hemophilia A presents to the ER receive prior to undergoing an appendectomy
with right lower quadrant pain. to reduce the risk of hemorrhage?
Yesterday, the patient developed
periumbilical abdominal pain,
nausea, vomiting and anorexia. This a. Aspirin
morning, the pain radiated to the b. Desmopressin
right lower quadrant. On PE, the
c. Packed RBCs
patient has positive psoas and
obturator signs. An ultrasound d. Platelets
revealed nonperforated appendix was e. Whole blood
noncompressible with wall thickness
of 5mm. Acute appendicitis was
considered. Patient’s coagulation
factor VIII is slightly lower than
A 17 year old boy with a history of Which of the following should this patient
mild hemophilia A presents to the ER receive prior to undergoing an appendectomy
with right lower quadrant pain. to reduce the risk of hemorrhage?
Yesterday, the patient developed
periumbilical abdominal pain,
nausea, vomiting and anorexia. This a. Aspirin
morning, the pain radiated to the b. Desmopressin
right lower quadrant. On PE, the
c. Packed RBCs
patient has positive psoas and
obturator signs. An ultrasound d. Platelets
revealed nonperforated appendix was e. Whole blood
noncompressible with wall thickness
of 5mm. Acute appendicitis was
considered. Patient’s coagulation
factor VIII is slightly lower than
Manifestations • First sign of early joint hemorrhage: warm, tingling sensation in the
• Easy bruising
• Hallmark: hemarthrosis
• Most common earliest joint involved: ankle
• Older children and adolescents: knees and elbows
• Intramuscular hematoma
• Type 1 or 3 – quantitative defect in vWF
• Type 2 – qualitative defect in vWF
• Autosomal dominant
disease Manifestations •
Disturbs primary and secondary hemostasis
Increase bleeding time ⇢ membranous membrane
bleeding, petechiae, purpura
• With family history
Primary mediator: interleukin 6⇢ thrombin generation, intravascular
fibrin deposition and platelet consumption⇢ destruction of fibrin,
fibrinogen and clotting factors V And VIII
• 2 to 6 years old, M > F
• Unknown etio
• RISK FACTORS: Down syndrome,
neurofibromatosis type 1, exposure to radiation
Acute AGE
WBC at diagnosis
>1yo and <10yo
<1yo and >10yo
IMMUNOPHENOTYPE Pre B cell T cell, mature B
CNS involvement negative positive
Response to Day 7 absence of Day 7 presence of blasts on
translocation t (9;22)
Leukemias Manifestations • Signs of marrow
Initial chronic phase
• Subcutaneous (3-4yrs) with mild • Splenomegaly
nodules or anemia and • hemorrhage
blueberry muffin thrombocytosis ⇢
lesions accelerated/ blast
• Gingival crisis with course
infiltration similar to acute
• DIC leukemia
Manifestations Painless lymphadenopathy (cervical, supraclavicular,
axillary, inguinal)
Mediastinal mass
-Most common Fatigue, anorexia, B symptoms (weight loss, fever, night
cancer in adolescent Hepatosplenomegaly
Management Chemotherapy
Hodgkin’s STAGE I One lymph node group involved
Sarcoma of motion
• Fever, weight loss
• Site of metastasis: lungs and bones
- Second most common primary Diagnosis Xray: onion-skinning, Codman triangle,
malignant bone tumor permeative or moth-eaten appearance
Histopath: Undifferentiated small round cell
or neural origin
Management Chemotherapy
A 7 year old is brought to the ER by If the lesion represents a primary
her parents because of concerns that intracranial neoplasm, which of the
she is not growing and not developing following is the most likely diagnosis?
appropriately. The parents say that a. Craniopharyngioma
the patient has cold intolerance, easy
b. Ependymoma
fatiguability and polyuria. A physical
exam is notable for short stature and c. Hemangioblastoma
bilateral papilledema. Thyroid d. Prolactinoma
function tests are notable for low e. Thyrotropinoma
levels of triiodothyronine, thyroxine
and TSH. An MRI shows an enhancing
multilobulated suprasellar mass with
ring calcification in the region of the
sella turcica.
A 7 year old is brought to the ER by If the lesion represents a primary
her parents because of concerns that intracranial neoplasm, which of the
she is not growing and not developing following is the most likely diagnosis?
appropriately. The parents say that a. Craniopharyngioma
the patient has cold intolerance, easy
b. Ependymoma
fatiguability and polyuria. A physical
exam is notable for short stature and c. Hemangioblastoma
bilateral papilledema. Thyroid d. Prolactinoma
function tests are notable for low e. Thyrotropinoma
levels of triiodothyronine, thyroxine
and TSH. An MRI shows an enhancing
multilobulated suprasellar mass with
ring calcification in the region of the
sella turcica.
Management Surgery
Du-sik, a 3 year old boy was Which of the following is the
taken to the clinic by his mother most likely diagnosis?
because he was not eating as
a. Neuroblastoma
well as usual and had a
distended abdomen, Recently, b. Nephroblastoma
he appeared reluctant to walk c. Rhabdomyosarcoma
and sometimes cried when he
was picked up. His grandmother
thought he had lost weight. On
PE, he seemed miserable and
pale. He was noted to have a
large abdominal mass. Vital
signs revealed an elevated BP.
Du-sik, a 3 year old boy was Which of the following is the
taken to the clinic by his mother most likely diagnosis?
because he was not eating as
a. Neuroblastoma
well as usual and had a
distended abdomen. Recently, b. Nephroblastoma
he appeared reluctant to walk c. Rhabdomyosarcoma
and sometimes cried when he
was picked up. His grandmother
thought he had lost weight. On
PE, he seemed miserable and
pale. He was noted to have a
large abdominal mass. Vital
signs revealed an elevated BP.
Pathogenesis Most common extracranial solid tumor in childhood
Third most common pediatric cancer
Median age: 22 months
Manifestations • Abdominal mass crossing the midline
• Abdominal pain
• Proptosis
• Periorbital ecchymoses (RACOON EYES)
• HORNER SYNDROME: unilateral ptosis, myosis, anhidrosis
• Localized back pain, weakness
• Palpable, nontender subcutaneous nodules
• Fever, weight loss
Diagnosis Abdo CT scan
24 hr urine homovanillic acid (HVA) and vanillylmandelic acid (VMA)
BMA: myelophthisic marrow
Management Surgery
Other Pathogenesis • Rare in kids
Abdominal Manifestations
• Age of diagnosis: <1yr
Large asymptomatic abdominal mass
Germ Manifestations •
Solid testicular mass, with or without pain
Solid ovarian mass incidentally discovered on abdominal UTZ
Visible mass in lower back, near the anus on an infant
Cell •
Respiratory distress associated with a mass inside the chest
Development of pubic hair, breast enlargement or vaginal bleeding
at a very young age
blastoma Diagnosis
Scleral depression, pupillary dilation
Strabismus, red eye, glaucoma, pseudohypopyon
Indirect ophthalmoscopy
Genetic testing
Management Enucleation
Laser photocoagulation, cryotherapy, plaque
radiotherapy, thermotherapy
A 5 year old boy presents with fever, Which element of his disease is most likely to
pallor and bone pain, and is be accountable for his condition?
diagnosed with Acute Lymphoid
Leukemia following extensive a. Cardiac damage due to doxorubicin
laboratory work-up and bone marrow
biopsy. His lab tests reveal WBC of b. Incorrect dosing of anesthetic given during
bone marrow biopsy
240, Hemoglobin of 8.1 and platelet
of 79. Chemotherapy is initiated stat. c. Leukemic infiltrate of the kidney leading to
12 hours after, he develops acute decreased renal function
ventricular arrhythmia. He was d. Overhydration leading to acute renal
anuric for 8hrs despite IV fluids. failure
Electrolytes were Na 2.5 and K 8.9. e. Rapid destruction of leukocytes by
Urinalysis showed uric acid crystals. chemotherapeutic agents
A 5 year old boy presents with fever, Which element of his disease is most likely to
pallor and bone pain, and is be accountable for his condition?
diagnosed with Acute Lymphoid
Leukemia following extensive a. Cardiac damage due to doxorubicin
laboratory work-up and bone marrow
biopsy. His lab tests reveal WBC of b. Incorrect dosing of anesthetic given during
bone marrow biopsy
240, Hemoglobin of 8.1 and platelet
of 79. Chemotherapy is initiated stat. c. Leukemic infiltrate of the kidney leading to
12 hours after, he develops acute decreased renal function
ventricular arrhythmia. He was d. Overhydration leading to acute renal
anuric for 8hrs despite IV fluids. failure
Electrolytes were Na 2.5 and K 8.9. e. Rapid destruction of leukocytes by
Urinalysis showed uric acid crystals. chemotherapeutic agents
Pathogenesis Metabolic complication after treatment of
Manifestations Hyperphosphatemia
Management Hydration
Hemodialysis (severe cases)