Seismic Performance of Structure With Fixed Base

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IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308



Dhananjay A. Chikhalekar1, M. M. Murudi2

Post Graduate Student, Department of Structural Engineering, Sardar Patel College of Engineering, Mumbai, India
Professor, Department of Structural Engineering, Sardar Patel College of Engineering, Mumbai, India

Earthquakes can create serious damage to structures. The structures already built are vulnerable to future earthquakes. The
damage to structures causes deaths, injuries, economic loss, and loss of functions. Damage to the structure causes due to ground
acceleration. This can be minimizing by increasing strength of the structure. Sometimes it is not possible to increase the strength
of the structure indefinitely. So it should be tried to increase the capacity of structure using seismic improvement techniques. In
this study, there are three different types of G+10 structures with fixed base, structure with viscous damper and structure with
high damping rubber bearing are considered. These structures are modeled using finite element software SAP2000v16. These
structures have same plan area and are assumed to be situated in seismic zone IV and having medium soil condition. The analysis
of these structures is done by performance based pushover analysis method and response spectrum method. The pushover analysis
method is used to find out the performance point and capacity of structure. High damping rubber bearing isolators (HDRB) and
viscous damper (VD) are use for seismic improvement of RC structure. The procedure of analysis adopted for fixed base structure
is same repeated for structure with viscous damper (VD) and base isolated (HDRB) structure. So it will help in comparative
parametric study. The results of analysis are compared in terms of storey displacements, modal time period, storey acceleration,
performance point, storey drift. The comparative study shows that storey displacement, storey acceleration, storey drift is reduced
substantially for structure with high damping rubber bearing (base isolated structure).

Key Words: Base isolated structure, Pushover analysis method, Response spectrum method, Viscous damper, High
damping rubber bearing, SAP2000v16 etc.

1. INTRODUCTION of base isolators and dampers on the response of structure.

Seismic isolation separates the superstructure from
Earthquake occurrence is still remaining unpredictable to the substructure and it prevents transmission of ground motion
engineers. Our Indian subcontinent has experienced some of from foundations to superstructure. The system which
the most severe earthquakes in the world and researches separates superstructure from substructure is known as
have shown that the tectonic activities are still continuing isolators. Isolated structure has fundamental frequency is
which may result into severe earthquakes in future. much lower than that of fundamental frequency of fixed
Recently, Nepal earthquake (April 2015) killed and injured base structure and predominant frequencies of a typical
lot of people. Many residential and public structures have earthquake. Energy dissipation dampers are of different
collapsed in this earthquake. Therefore it is essential to types i.e. viscous damper, friction damper, tunned mass
protect existing structures from future earthquakes. The damper, Visco-elastic damper etc. Base isolator and
existing building found inadequate for resisting future dampers substantially reduces response of structure.
probable earthquake. The old method of providing
earthquake resistance to a structure is by increasing its
strength, stiffness and capacity. Earthquake resistant design
of reinforced concrete structure is a continuing area of The basic principle of base isolation is to modify the
research since earthquake engineering has started not only in response of the structure so that the ground can move below
India but also in other countries. The seismic improvement the structure without transmitting these motions into the
also may helpful to withstand during sever earthquakes. The superstructure. A structure that is perfectly rigid will have a
basic need to the protect structure from earthquake ground zero period. Base isolators are needed to be placed between
motions and keep it to minimum hazard level. Damping in superstructure and foundation. When the ground moves, the
the structure always reduces acceleration and displacement acceleration induced in the structure will be equal to the
in the structure. The base isolation techniques and energy ground acceleration and there will be zero relative
dissipation techniques such as a damper reduces response of displacement between the superstructure and the ground.
structure hence there is a necessity to investigate the effect Both structure and ground move with the same amount.

Volume: 04 Issue: 09 | September-2015, Available @ 158
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Perfectly flexible structure will have an infinite period. For rubber. Damping provided by isolator is hysteretic in nature
this type of structure, when the ground beneath the structure which is displacement dependent. For most high damping
moves, there will be zero acceleration induced in the rubber compounds, viscous component of damping is
structure and the relative displacement between the structure velocity dependent which remains relatively small about 2%
and ground will be equal to the ground displacement [1]. to 5% of critical [1]. Fig -2 shows high damping rubber
The structure will not move, the ground will move. In bearing isolator.
buildings, High damping rubber bearing isolator protects the
structural components from earthquake loads in two ways: 1.3 VISCOUS DAMPER
(i) by deflecting seismic energy and (ii) by absorbing
seismic energy. The seismic energy is deflected by allowing Fluid viscous dampers have been incorporated into many
base of the structure to displace in lateral directions. This civil engineering structures [12]. When the fluid viscous
will results into increasing the natural time period of the damper is subjected to external loads, piston rod with piston
structure. The structure which having longer natural time will make reciprocating motion in the cylinder to force the
period attracts less seismic force, the base isolation system damping medium move back and forth between the two
deflects the seismic energy. There are different types of base cavities separated by the piston [2].
isolator’s i.e. laminated rubber bearing, Lead rubber bearing,
High damping rubber bearing and Friction pendulum
system. Fig-1 shows behavior of structure with and without
base isolated structure.

Fig -3: Viscous damper structure

Viscous dampers which utilize the viscous properties of

fluids have been developed and used in structural
applications. Viscous dampers are use to dissipate or absorb
Fig -1: Base isolated structure the energy of earthquake induced motion. This will results
in preventing structural damage to the structural elements.
1.2 HIGH DAMPING RUBBER BEARING Stress reduction in the structural elements and greatly
High damping rubber bearing is one of the type of enhanced damping, lowers both stress and deflection
elastomeric bearing. In this type of isolator, elastomer is throughout the structure. Fig -3 shows the structure with
used. This elastomer is generally made up with either viscous damper.
natural or synthetic rubber. This provides significant amount
of damping ranges from 8% to 15% of critical [1]. 1.4 PUSHOVER ANALYSIS
Pushover analysis method is a nonlinear static analysis
method. It includes capacity spectrum method. Capacity
spectrum method includes capacity curve and demand
curve. The intersection of capacity curve and demand curve
are required to estimate maximum storey displacement [13].
Capacity and demand are two key elements of performance
based pushover analysis procedure. The representation of
earthquake ground motion is called as demand. The
representation of structure’s ability to resist seismic demand
is called as capacity. There are two ways to do pushover
analysis i.e. forced controlled and displacement controlled.
Forced controlled pushover analysis involves applying
lateral or horizontal loads in triangular or uniform pattern to
Fig -2: High damping rubber bearing isolator the structure, incrementally i.e. pushing the structure in
horizontal direction. The plot of total base force and
Usual rubber compound provides around 2% damping. corresponding lateral displacement at each increment gives
Extra amount of damping is produced by modifying the capacity of structure. In this, structure reaches a limit state.
compounding of the rubber and altering the cross link
density of the molecules to provide a hysteresis curve in the
Volume: 04 Issue: 09 | September-2015, Available @ 159
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

In this study, Displacement controlled pushover analysis is 2.1 STRUCTURE DETAILS

done. It is depending on target displacement of structure.

Lateral loads are applied to structure in the form of Type of structure: OMRF

acceleration or displacement to reach the target Number of stories: G+10

displacement. Lateral displacement is increased until some Depth of slab: 180 mm
Unit weight of RCC: 25 KN/m3

structural members yield. The structural model is modified

to account for reduced stiffness of yielded structural Height of each storey: 3 m

members. Lateral displacement is again increased until some Plan size: 13.5m x 13.5 m
Unit weight of Masonry: 20 KN/m3

other structural members yield. This process is continued
until the target displacement is reached. The graph of top Member used: Beam: 250mm x 450mm

storey displacement verses base shear gives capacity curve Column: 300mm x 600mm

of structure. Grade of concrete: M30
Grade of steel: FE415
 Acceptable Hinge Target: Life Safety
Response spectrum method is performed using design 2.2 MODELLING AND ANALYSIS
spectrum for different site conditions. The maximum
response is plotted against the undamped natural period and The structure is modeled using standard analysis and design
for various damping values [5]. The results of response tool SAP2000v16 software. Single diagonal tension -
spectrum analysis can be presented in form of storey compression brace with viscous damper with damping force
acceleration, storey velocity and storey displacement. Fig -4 of 700 KN is used [9]. HDRB Isolators are placed at base of
shows Response spectrum for different site conditions as per the structure. Static and dynamic analysis is carried out by
IS 1893:2002 [5]. using pushover analysis and response spectrum analysis of
these structures with the help of software. Target
displacement is considered to be 4 % of height of the
structure for the pushover analysis for first iteration. There
are two pushover and response spectrum load cases are
defined for X & Y direction. And the analysis is carried out.
The analysis & results are demonstrated with the help of

Fig -4: Response spectrum for different site conditions

The modeling of G+10 storey structure is done using
SAP2000v16. Each type of structure with fixed base,
structure with viscous damper and structure with high
damping rubber bearing are considered. These structures
having same plan area of 182.25 m2.The analysis of these
structures is carried out with pushover analysis and response Fig -5: Plan
spectrum method. All models of each type structures with
fixed base, structure with viscous damper and structure with G+10 RC frame structure is taken for study. The plan and
high damping rubber bearing are assumed to be located in elevation of all these structures are shown in Fig -5 and
Zone IV have been analyzed by keeping analysis procedure Fig -6, Fig -7, Fig -8 respectively.
same for all models. The parametric study of seismic
performance in terms of storey displacement, storey
acceleration, storey velocity, modal time period,
performance point, storey drift etc is done.

Volume: 04 Issue: 09 | September-2015, Available @ 160
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Fig -9: Formation of hinges in fixed base structure

Fig -6: Elevation of fixed base structure

Fig -9: Formation of hinges in viscous damper structure

Fig -7: Elevation of structure with viscous damper

Fig -10: Formation of hinges in base isolated structure

Fig -8: Elevation of base isolated structure Fig -11, Fig -12, Fig -13 shows the capacity curve of fixed
base, structure with viscous damper and base isolated
Fig -8, Fig -9, Fig -10 shows the Formation of hinges in structure in pushover analysis in X direction respectively.
fixed base structure, structure with viscous damper and base
isolated structure in pushover analysis respectively.
Volume: 04 Issue: 09 | September-2015, Available @ 161
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308


Results of pushover analysis
Performance Point
It is observed that performance point of fixed base structure,
structure with viscous damper (VD), base isolated structure
(HDRB) is 74 mm, 152 mm, 227 mm and 85 mm, 176 mm,
242 mm in X & Y direction respectively. The performance
point of base isolated structure (HDRB) is increased by 2.85
to 3 times and structure with viscous damper (VD) is
increased by 2 times to that of fixed base structure. Base
isolation prevents the ground motions or accelerations to be
transmitted from the foundation into the superstructure. It
reduces damage to structural elements in the structure. Due
to this, performance point of structure increases. Fig -14 and
Fig -15 shows Capacity curve of structures showing
performance point in X and Y direction respectively.
Fig -11: Capacity curve of fixed base structure for pushover
in X direction

Fig -14: Capacity curve of structures showing performance


Fig -12: Capacity curve of viscous damper structure for

pushover in X direction

Fig -15: Capacity curve of structures showing performance


Storey Displacement
It is observed that storey displacement of structure in
pushover analysis of base isolated structure (HDRB) is
decreased by 10.16 % & 3.35 % in X & Y direction
respectively. And no much vary in case of structure with
viscous damper (VD). High damping rubber bearing isolator
increases damping in the structure. Damping decreases
Fig -13: Capacity curve of base isolated structure for storey displacement in base isolated structure. Fig -16 and
pushover in X direction Fig -17 shows Storey displacement for structures for
pushover in X and Y direction respectively.

Volume: 04 Issue: 09 | September-2015, Available @ 162
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Fig -16: Storey displacement of structures for pushover in X Fig -19: Storey drift of structures for pushover in Y
direction direction

Time Period
It is observed that modal time period of base isolated
structure (HDRB) is increased by 15.026 % to 35.52 % and
in structure with viscous damper (VD), it is decreased by
6.3 % to 14.56 % as compared to fixed base structure. High
damping rubber bearing isolator provides flexibility to
structure and capable to displaced at certain amount. This
displacement of high damping rubber bearing isolator at
base of structure results in lengthening the time period of
structure. Damping provided by viscous damper results in
decrease in time period of structure with viscous damper.
Fig -20 shows Modal time period of G+10 structures.
Fig -17: Storey displacement of structures for pushover in Y

Storey Drift
It is observed that as Storey drift of base isolated structure
(HDRB) in pushover analysis is decreased by 25.54 % to
71.59 % & 8.74 % to 47.90 % in X & Y direction
respectively. And no much vary in case of structure with
viscous damper (VD). High damping rubber bearing isolator
increases damping in the structure. Damping decreases
storey displacement in base isolated structure. The base
isolated structure has certain displacement at base and
superstructure act as rigid body. Hence it has less relative
storey drift. The Fig -18 and Fig -19 shows Storey drift of Fig -20: Modal time period of structures
structure for pushover in X & Y direction respectively.
Results of response spectrum analysis
Storey Acceleration
It is observed that Storey acceleration in response spectrum
analysis of base isolated structure (HDRB) is reduced by
77.21 % to 98.83 % & 71.92 % to 92.04 % in X & Y
direction respectively. And in case of structure with viscous
damper (VD), it is reduced by 1.88 % to 7.53 % & 2.82 % to
11.03 % in X & Y direction respectively. Both type of
isolator and damper reduces storey acceleration compared to
fixed base structure. Viscous damper provides damping in
the structure. High damping rubber bearing isolator
increases damping in the base isolated structure and
Fig -18: Storey drift of structures for pushover in X transfers very less ground motion in the structure above.
direction Damping decreases storey acceleration of the structure. Fig -
21 and Fig -22 shows Storey acceleration of structures for
RS analysis in X & Y direction respectively.

Volume: 04 Issue: 09 | September-2015, Available @ 163
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Fig -21: Storey acceleration of structures for RS analysis in Fig -24: Storey displacement of structures for RS analysis in
X direction Y direction

Storey Drift
It is observed that Storey drift in response spectrum analysis
of base isolated structure (HDRB) is decreased by 25.21 %
& 18.70 % in X & Y direction respectively. And in case of
structure with viscous damper (VD), it is decreased by
11.69 % & 14.076 % to 17.92 % in X & Y direction
respectively. Both type of isolator and damper reduces
storey drift compared to fixed base structure. High damping
rubber bearing isolator increases damping in the structure.
Damping decreases storey displacement in base isolated
structure. The base isolated structure has certain
displacement at base and superstructure act as rigid body.
Fig -22: Storey acceleration of structures for RS analysis in Hence it has less relative storey drift. Viscous damper
Y direction provides damping in the structure. This results decrease in
storey drift of the structure with viscous damper. Fig -25 and
Storey Displacement Fig -26 shows Storey drift of structures for RS analysis in X
It is observed that Storey displacement in response spectrum & Y direction respectively.
analysis of base isolated structure (HDRB) is decreased by
18.73 % & 13.82 % in X & Y direction respectively. And in
case of structure with viscous damper (VD), it is decreased
by 11.42 % & 14.6 % in X & Y direction respectively. Both
type of isolator and damper reduces storey displacement
compared to fixed base structure. Viscous damper provides
damping in the structure. High damping rubber bearing
isolator increases damping in base isolated structure.
Damping always decreases storey displacement of the
structure. Fig -23 and Fig -24 shows Storey acceleration of
structures for RS analysis in X & Y direction respectively.

Fig -25: Storey drift of structures for RS analysis in X


Fig -23: Storey displacement of structures for RS analysis in

X direction

Volume: 04 Issue: 09 | September-2015, Available @ 164
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

performance of base isolates structure is good as

compared to structure with viscous damper.

 Base isolation technique has found to be reliable

for seismic protection of multi-storey structure.

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Dhananjay A. Chikhalekar is at final stage

of M.Tech at Department of Structural
Engineering, Sardar Patel College of
Engineering, Mumbai, India.

Dr. M. M. Murudi is a Professor, Vice

Principal at Department of Structural
Engineering, Sardar Patel College of
Engineering, Mumbai, India.

Volume: 04 Issue: 09 | September-2015, Available @ 166

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