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iJournals: International Journal of Software & Hardware Research in Engineering

ISSN:2347-4890, ijournals.in/ijshre
Volume 12 Issue 1, January 2024

Vacuum Tube-Based Train Waste Collection

and Segregation Technique
Authors: Dhruv Bhatia1; Reetu Jain2
Brightlands School Dehradun, India1; On My Own Technology Mumbai, India2
dhruvbhatia2906@gmail.com1 ; reetu.jain@onmyowntechnology.com2

Abstract— The Indian Railways have significant I. INTRODUCTION

problems with inappropriate management, which
is crucial to preserving a clean environment and Indian Railways is one of the largest in the world, with
public health, as a result of poor infrastructure, the third largest global train network. Despite
low commuter knowledge, and a lack of recycling occasionally running late, the rail system is efficient.
facilities. The research article advises the use of In India, up to 20 million passengers travel daily on
vacuum tubes dispersed throughout each trains that connect around 7,500 stations across a
compartment of each coach as well as an Internet distance of more than 60,000 kilometers, and each
of Things-based monitoring system to keep track person generates 670 grams of rubbish each day on
of waste levels in order to address these difficulties. average. This means that Indian Railways alone
According to the suggested method, waste should manages more than 15,000 Tonne of waste per day.
be gathered, segregated, and stored in specified How to manage train generated waste has been the
places, transported to processing facilities, and railway industry's main environmental challenge for a
treated in line with local legislation while also long time. Lack of modern equipment that can handle
being monitored and reported on waste the high pace of garbage production may be the root
management practices. The suggested remedy's of this problem. It's important to properly dispose of
efficacy and efficiency are evaluated, together with solid waste from trains in order to protect the
any potential advantages for the economy, society, environment and the general public. Rail waste has
and environment. The only difference between the been collected, transported, processed, and disposed of
two design concepts used in the study in a resource effective and creative way.
experiment—one with a single coach and the other In order to minimize train waste, one such strategy
with three coaches—is the number of vacuum that uses the Internet of Things (IoT) and vacuum
pumps used. The research's findings assist the tubes deployed throughout each compartment of a
long-term expansion of the railroad industry and train coach is the subject of this study. For railway
provide relevant information about managing operations to be sustainable and responsible, waste
ecologically friendly train garbage. The study management is essential. The objective of the waste
highlights the significance of healthy and management system for trains is to manage waste
environmentally sustainable waste management and dispose of it in a way that minimizes adverse
practices. It emphasizes the possibility for the environmental effects, creates the least amount of
suggested strategy to be more widely adopted in waste feasible, and optimizes the amount of waste
the railroad industry. that can be recycled. Despite being an ongoing issue,
train waste management in Indian railroads has
recently come under scrutiny. The infrastructure
Index Terms—Waste Management, Indian needed by Indian Railways to separate trash at the
Railways, Vacuum source is insufficient. The infrastructure for
Tube, Waste Segregation, IoT, Failure Detection. collection and transportation is ineffective.

Dhruv Bhatia; Reetu Jain, Volume 12 Issue 1, pp 9-17, January 2024

iJournals: International Journal of Software & Hardware Research in Engineering
ISSN:2347-4890, ijournals.in/ijshre
Volume 12 Issue 1, January 2024

Unawareness among regular travelers is a serious cleaner future.

additional issue. Additionally, India's staff isn't Recycling may be encouraged, trash can be
sufficiently motivated to separate and compost decreased, and the environmental impact of train
rubbish, and there aren't enough facilities for operations can be reduced with effective waste
recycling and composting. management. Sustainable ship management must
The numerous wastes produced by trains must be include waste management. The "Swachh Rail,
properly managed. One of the most common forms Swachh Bharat" campaign, newly introduced by
of waste is passenger rubbish, which also includes Indian Railways, aims to enhance the cleanliness
paper, plastic, and food packaging waste produced and hygienic conditions of rail infrastructure and
while traveling. This garbage must be gathered and trains. Additionally, several stations have
disposed of since it may accumulate fast, incorporated waste management programs. To
particularly during protracted train journeys. properly solve the issue of waste management in
Another sort of waste produced by the crew is waste Indian Railways, however, additional considerable
from the railway staff. Due to the necessity of these and ongoing efforts are required. Effective waste
materials for their intended uses, plastic, cardboard, management may promote recycling, cut waste, and
and paper are frequently utilized. Additionally, trash lessen the environmental effect of train operations.
is produced as a result of maintenance activities, and In order to operate ships sustainably, waste
this waste consists of chemicals, oil, and damaged management is essential. The Indian Railways has
pieces. To decrease their damaging effects on the introduced the "Swachh Rail, Swachh Bharat"
environment, these wastes must be managed and campaign, which aims to improve the cleanliness
disposed of in a certain manner. The numerous sorts and hygienic conditions of rail infrastructure and
of garbage produced in trains must be handled trains. At some sites, waste management systems
carefully and methodically. Trains may lessen their have also been put in place. But substantial and
negative environmental effects and help to create a ongoing further efforts are required to overcome the
cleaner, more sustainable future by putting into waste management issue in Indian Railways. The
place efficient waste management procedures. station manager will get the gathered data so that he
Waste management aboard trains must follow a may make arrangements for their correct treatment
multi-step, organized approach. The collection and at the station. This study will assess the efficacy and
separating of trash are the first stage. For effective efficiency of this waste management method as well
processing, waste from trains must be collected as any possible advantages it may have for the
separately based on kind. To lessen pollution and environment, society, and the economy. This study
guarantee proper disposal, the second step is to keep will also look at how resource usage regulations and
garbage in a designated place. The third stage, other variables impact solid waste management
transportation, necessitates sending garbage to methods in the railroad sector. The findings of this
certain facilities for processing in order to lessen its study can help the railroad sector's long-term
environmental impact. garbage management must expansion by revealing vital information on
be done in accordance with local laws during the responsible waste management.
fourth stage of disposal, which focuses on recycling The waste classification, as presented in Table 1,
and minimizing the quantity of garbage delivered to shows that different types of waste were generated
landfills. Finally, it's critical to track and document in the railways. It was observed that plastic bottles
how well train operators adhere to environmental were the major waste generated by the people, with
laws. To make sure these standards are satisfied, a value of 23.33%, followed by garbage, with a
ship operators must keep track of and report on their value of 18.66%. Table 1 indicates that disposal
waste management efforts. By putting these goods were also generated in the railways with a
strategies into place, railway trash may be managed value of 16% compared to reusable packaging waste
sustainably and effectively, minimizing any adverse at 15.33%, plastics at 14.70%, and food waste at the
effects on the environment and encouraging a least with a value of 12%. However, this result

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iJournals: International Journal of Software & Hardware Research in Engineering
ISSN:2347-4890, ijournals.in/ijshre
Volume 12 Issue 1, January 2024

shows that most of the waste generated in the area is Ramya Srikanteswara et al. [1] conducted
biodegradable compared to non-biodegradable research on the Internet of Things (IoT) for train
waste, which, when decomposed, can harm human waste management. Waste management in the
health. railroad sector includes the collection,
transportation, treatment, and disposal of waste as
TABLE I well as monitoring and regulation. The authors
DIFFERENT TYPES OF proposed a technique for waste collection from
WASTE GENERATED IN moving trains that would make use of sensors that
RAILWAYS would detect waste in the tank and transmit that
information to cloud computing. The station
Variables Frequen Perce manager can then obtain data on waste levels using
cy nt cloud computing to make plans for disposal at the
Garbage 28 18.66 railroad station. Using this innovative method of
Plastic 35 23.33 waste management on trains, trash disposal
Bottles efficiency might be improved and human
Disposal 24 16.00 intervention might be reduced.
Cutlery Raghuram et al. [2] address the issues with waste
Packaging 18 12.00 management and sanitation in Indian railways given
Waste the significant distances and volume of passengers it
Can 23 15.33 transports. The authors assess present sanitation
Food Waste 22 14.70 system flaws and compare them to global railroad
standards. They discuss the practical challenges of
I. LITERATURE REVIEW waste separation and disposal in addition to the
behavioral changes that travelers must undertake to
To run efficiently, train systems must have good maintain personal hygiene. The paper, which also
waste management. Along with the population looks at successful waste management practices
growth and urbanization, the amount of waste from Indian towns, makes a number of
created by railroad systems has significantly recommendations, including a seat-to-seat garbage
increased. One of the primary sources of waste in pickup system, spot fines for littering, and smart
rail networks is garbage produced by trains. Recent dustbins. The authors urge private companies
research has shown that vacuum tube-based waste implement an integrated waste management strategy
collection and segregation techniques are a that links every stage of the waste hierarchy's value
promising option to handle the garbage created by chain, from prevention to treatment and reuse.
train systems. Vacuum tube-based rubbish Plastic bottles and wrappers were among the
collection and segregation systems are used to gather trash produced by railway passengers that was
garbage from various railway compartments and investigated by Senthil Kumar et al. [3] and
classify it according to its type. Following that, frequently thrown out of train windows. They
vacuum tubes are used to transport the trash to a proposed setting up a garbage collection system
central collection station. Since the system is so outside the train windows to address this issue. The
automated, human input is only infrequently extending hinged support for the aluminum alloy
required. In comparison to vacuum tube-based trash collector runs the length of the compartments on
collection and segregation systems, traditional waste both sides of the train. Passengers can dispose of
management techniques provide a variety of their trash using a door mechanism, and the
benefits, including less exposure to rubbish, less air accumulated trash is removed using a screwing
pollution, and more efficiency. Many studies have mechanism. Meanwhile, placing the trash collection
looked into the collection and sorting of train trash outside the train would reduce its aerodynamic
using vacuum tube-based techniques. efficiency. The experts carried out computational

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iJournals: International Journal of Software & Hardware Research in Engineering
ISSN:2347-4890, ijournals.in/ijshre
Volume 12 Issue 1, January 2024

and experimental experiments to compare the (EAC), the cost performance of both systems was
aerodynamic performance of the train with and comparable, but that the AVAC system had
without the waste collector. They used CATIA to significantly lower operational expenses and better
model the reference component and conducted environmental performance. The authors suggest
simulations in Ansys Workbench 16.2. They also pursuing AVAC systems because they provide
tested a 1/45 scale model of the train in a wind tunnel equivalent financial performance and better
and compared the results with numerical operational and environmental attributes than
simulations. traditional systems.
D. Krishnakumar et al.[4] have found a solution Dolores Hidalgo et al. [7] discuss the challenges of
to the problem of handling solid waste in Indian using traditional waste collection methods,
railroad wagons. The group's objective is to collect especially in historic city centers with crowded
solid waste that passengers have thrown out the streets and limited space for trash. These challenges
window and recycle or otherwise make use of it. go against the goal of maintaining the hygiene and
Two parallel window frames are arranged between a cleanliness of tourist destinations, which can make
system of two conveyor belts. Four collecting tanks sorting at source difficult. An innovative solution to
are connected to each pair of the conveyor belts. these problems is underground vacuum waste
Both a GSM module and an ultrasonic level sensor collection. By using vacuum technology to move
are present in these tanks. Two outlet pipes located waste through an underground pipe system, this
inside the coach feed the trash onto the conveyor. waste management concept significantly reduces
The system is housed inside of a casing that spans CO2 emissions compared to traditional collection
the window's parallel frames. Inside the coach, each methods. This method can be used for buildings,
coop has a switch that starts the conveyor belt when housing projects, communities and even entire
pressed, preventing it from running unnecessarily. cities.
The team’s solution aims to address the issue of solid According to Cesar Fernandez et al.[8], developing
waste management in railway wagons and smart cities through the integration of IT and
contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable traditional infrastructure is important to improve
environment. urban sustainability. Automated vacuum waste
Abhishek Gawande [5] raised the issue of Indian collection (AVWC) is an innovative method that uses
Railways' poor garbage management, which has a air suction and a closed network of underground pipes
detrimental effect on the environment [5]. To come to move waste from collection points throughout the
up with solutions, a survey of passengers using a city to a central collection location. While minimizing
detailed questionnaire and in-person interviews was the disadvantages and greenhouse gas emissions
conducted. The waste management system of Indian associated with traditional waste technique. One of
Railways was discovered to have significant the main issues of smart cities is waste management.
problems. The recommended solution is an Energy consumption represents a significant
extensive rubbish collection system that would operating cost for an AVWC system. Therefore, the
ensure waste is correctly segregated and disposed of authors developed a constrained integer programming
in all coaches, reducing the impact on the (CIP) model to reduce energy consumption by
neighborhood ecosystem. The findings of this study organizing daily discharge sequences at warehouse
might be useful for further investigation in this locations. The paper describes how to model this
understudied area. problem using CIP and reports experiments using real
D. Nakou et al. [6] looked researched the financial data from AVWC systems in different cities,
and environmental effects of using an underground demonstrating that CIP is a suitable technology to
automated vacuum garbage collection system reduce energy consumption quantity in
(AVAC) in place of a conventional garbage AVWC.Ramo'n Be'jar et al. [9] identified urban waste
collection program in Athens. The study found that, management as one of the trickiest problems in
when utilizing the equal annual cost technique modern urban planning and a major issue for local

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iJournals: International Journal of Software & Hardware Research in Engineering
ISSN:2347-4890, ijournals.in/ijshre
Volume 12 Issue 1, January 2024

governments due to the growing urban population and A. Three Coach Model
increasing rubbish production. Automated vacuum In this configuration, waste from the three
waste collection has emerged as a practical substitute following coaches is gathered by a single vacuum
that enhances waste recycling and reuse while pump using connected pipes. The total efficiency of
reducing greenhouse gas emissions and public the concept is largely attributable to the single
discomfort. However, because air impulsion requires vacuum pump's lower power consumption when
transporting substantial amounts of trash, planning used to power three coaches. In order to assure that
and scheduling waste collection must put a strong a moving train would consume less resources and
emphasis on limiting energy consumption. This less power, the three-coach configuration was
project offers a chance to put computationally proposed. In this setup, a single vacuum pump
sustainable artificial intelligence methods into regulates the pressure of a single succeeding coach
practice and show how well they can handle complex on either side. But there are a lot of issues with this
urban rubbish management problems. The garbage design. Instead of doing on-site repairs, Indian
will be transported from each of the seating places to Railways often replaces a coach that needs
a collecting facility using a vacuum tube-based maintenance with another coach. The length and
system that will be built underneath each train cabin. number of curves of the connection line increase as
We also support the system's use of Internet of Things a result of using a single vacuum pump to power
(IoT) technology so that train operators can check on three coaches, making it more difficult to
and maintain it from a distance. There will be fewer consistently locate and attach the right coach. As a
system outages since operators will be able to address result, the system needs more upkeep, and if there is
problems with the system before they become serious. even a small leak in the connecting pipe, it
The waste is first transferred by tubes to a central eventually causes the system to stop working
region beneath the structure, and then via vacuum altogether. Complexity increases in the control of
tubes to a central collection facility. This approach has solenoid valves for vacuum flow and section-wise
received a lot of application in urban settings. Such a vacuum pressure actuation.
device consumes a lot of energy to function, but its
sporadic activity makes up for it. Very little energy
will be needed because the vacuum tube only needs to B. Single Coach Model
travel a short distance in a railway coach layout. The Single coach design with an independent vacuum
subject of implementation-related factors is covered pumpeliminates all the flaws in the 3-coach model.
in the section that follows. It also assesses the system's The wholedesign is divided into several parts.
viability in terms of the expense, energy use, and • Main Bins: The main bin will be placed
maintenance requirements for train coaches. The at the end ofboth sides of the coach where we can
various factors that need to be taken into account find the usualbins well in the current train coaches.
when developing the vacuum-based waste This main bin will collect garbage directly from
management system have also been discussed. There vacuum tubes connected to sub bins.
have been two design components highlighted. A
• Sub Bins: Sub bins will be placed near
three-coach model with shared vacuum pumps is
seating areas where garbage can be thrown through
displayed in the first illustration. There were a few
smaller vacuum tubes. However, the placement of
issues that such a model posed, so another design has
sub-bins has to be done above the main bin on a height
been considered where every coach has a vacuum
basis. In other words, the ground clearance from the
pump. The design consideration has been backed up
main bin has to be half of the ground clearance of sub
by the corresponding calculation for the component
bins. These sub-bins will have sensors that will
selection and the various design challenges that
actuate the vacuum pump once the garbage is full. The
implementing such a system can have.
vacuum pump will suck/push the garbage to the main
• Vacuum Pump: The vacuum pump will be

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iJournals: International Journal of Software & Hardware Research in Engineering
ISSN:2347-4890, ijournals.in/ijshre
Volume 12 Issue 1, January 2024

placed between the bio-toilet tanks. This pump is • Vacuum Pump: Side channel blower, Vortex
connected with 3 coaches on either side using flexible air pump, turbine, vacuum pump SC-2200
straw-based pipes with solenoid valves to direct the 2,2KW Side channel turbine (side channel
Air/vacuum flow accordingly. fan) with a single impeller.
• Sensor array: The entire vacuum system will 3
– Air flow max: 325h m
have sen- sor arrays attached at various locations,
– Power: 2.2 kW
indicating the system’s status and the level of garbage
– Power: 2.2 kW
collected in the main bins.
– Overpressure max: 300 mbar
– Negative pressure max: -250 mbar
Figure 2 shows the isometric view of the coach. The
yellowcomponent is the waste collection point
which acts as theoutlet for the passengers to put • Main Bins:
their waste. There would be 3 to 4 waste collection – Length: 220.50 cm
points placed throughout the coach. The Waste – breadth: 60.75 cm
collection point will have a simple hatch that can be – height: 107.50 cm
operated with the leg. The waste collection point – volume: 1440002.81 cm3
also connectsto the sub-bin beneath the coach.
Figure 4 shows the side view of the • Sub Bins:
components attachedto a train coach. Adding the – Length: 98.25 cm
main bins causes the clearance of the coaches to – breadth: 81.50 cm
become less. The overall power consumption of the
– height: 51. 25 cm
coach goes up as the vacuum pumps need to be
– volume: 410377.97 cm3
operated intermittently.
• Connecting Pipe:
The below image shows the bottom view of a
train coach depicting various components and their – The cross-section & length of the pipes
arrangement. The proposed single coach design will changeaccording to the coach &
with an independent vacuum pump aims to make train type.
garbage disposal easier and more efficient for train
passengers. Passengers can use the sub bins near
D. Calculations
seating areas to dispose of their garbage through
smaller vacuum tubes. Once the garbage level in the To calculate the population that will benefit
sub bin reaches a certain point, the vacuum pump from thewaste collection vacuum system, statistical
will be activated by sensors, which will transport data was used
the garbage to the main bin at the coach’s end.
This system ensures that garbage is quickly and
efficientlytransported to the main bin, reducing the
need for manual handling and improving overall Fig. 1. Side view Of 3 coach
hygiene. Using the provided sub bins and main bin, model
passengers can help maintain the cleanliness of the
coach. One major reason for the passengers
throwing their waste outside the window is
convenience, and they are primed by the year of
practice. This new system will provide a better
alternative and allow the passengers to throw waste
whiteout getting up from their seats. This will
encouragemore use of the proposed system.
C. Component Selection

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iJournals: International Journal of Software & Hardware Research in Engineering
ISSN:2347-4890, ijournals.in/ijshre
Volume 12 Issue 1, January 2024

Fig. 2. Isometric view of the coach E. Control System

showing the bin used for collection A system control unit is present in each coach.
Each control unit is connected to the main control
units in the engine room. The surrounding
stations are able to monitor the amount of waste
being accumulated in each coach's unique
primary bins because of this main control unit's
connection to the cloud. This enables the stations
to schedule the trash can emptying for when the
train comes. Touch and proximity sensors fitted
in the collection area allow the system to detect a
Fig. 3. Cross Section view of the coach person opening the hatch to the collection area.
The system can assess the size of the garbage
thanks to the proximity sensors that are mounted
to the pipe that leads to the sub-bin. Pneumatic
actuators and a load cell are installed in the sub-
bin. The load cell informs the coach control unit
Fig. 4. Side view of one
of how much trash has gathered in the sub-bin.
coach model
The capacity of each sub-bin is checked by the
central control units. All of the waste is sucked
into the main collection bin at both ends of the
coach once the sub-bin fills up and the vacuum
pump is activated. The control unit also operates
a pneumatic actuator in the sub-bin, which is
actuated before the vacuum pump. Pressure
Fig. 5. Bottom view of a coachl sensors are included with each connecting pipe.
The system's ongoing negative pressure created
by these pressure sensors prevents any odor from
the main bins or sub-bins from seeping into the
compartments. Because leaks will result in a low
overall negative pressure in the system, the
control unit can also find leaks owing to the
pressure sensors. This enables the staff to be
informed of any issue that needs immediate

Fig 6. Isometric view & design of vacuum


by the Indian Railways for the last 5 years. The As a result of Travellers' poor attitude regarding
Coefficientof traveller occupancy was considered rubbish generation and disposal, the human
30%, and the total number of people was environment has been severely harmed. The
calculated according to an annual average. environment is in a terrible state as a result of this
Considering the total population that benefits neglect, which has negative effects on health. It is
from this system, the average index of waste essential to put in place effective waste management
production and the waste weight, it is possible to and disposal systems to address this issue, and the
develop some calculations. suggested vacuum tube-based approach holds

©iJournals Publications 2024 | 15

iJournals: International Journal of Software & Hardware Research in Engineering
ISSN:2347-4890, ijournals.in/ijshre
Volume 12 Issue 1, January 2024

promise. Overall operating expenses can be reduced

by retrofitting this system into already-built train A vacuum tube-based waste disposal system is not
bogeys with just modest modifications and by yet in use by railroads. Further research will be
producing new bogeys with it already built in. The required to determine the efficiency and power
convenience this system offers will encourage requirements of the system. A number of design
commuters to use it as opposed to throwing rubbish modifications can increase the system's efficiency,
out the window. such as grouping the bogies into collections of three
A practical choice for effective trash management instead of having a separate trash collection for each
in the train industry, the system's sensors enable bogy. However, it can also increase the system's
waste to be efficiently discovered and disposed of required power to generate the suction pressure
at the subsequent station. Overall, the vacuum tube- while decreasing the cost of the materials and
based train waste collection and segregation component needs. In order to achieve waste
technique is a promising solution to address the segregation at the collection point itself and save the
issue of poor waste management in the train effort on the waste management staff, we can
industry. Its implementation can significantly develop a system where commuters are provided
improve the health and sanitation of the three separate locations for dry, moist, and
environment. recyclable waste.
Additionally, we can implement a credit system
that rewards commuters for helping to gather and
sort trash while they are on the road by reducing the
cost of their transportation tickets. This will
encourage commuters to stick with the plan. A cost-
to-impact analysis must be done to establish the
suitability of such a system for large-scale


I would like to express my gratitude to the

mentors of On My Own Technology Pvt. Ltd. for
extending their help in carrying out the research.

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ISSN:2347-4890, ijournals.in/ijshre
Volume 12 Issue 1, January 2024

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