CS3491 Set4
CS3491 Set4
CS3491 Set4
Fourth Semester
(Regulations 2021)
1. A---B
|\ |
| \ |
| \|
Write a Python program to perform a Breadth-First Search on the above graph starting from
vertex ‘A’.
2. A
/ \
/ \ \
Write a Python program to perform a Breadth-First Search on this graph starting from vertex
4. Write a Python program to perform a DFS traversal starting in a graph and show the order of
visited vertices.
5. Write a Python program to find the articulation points of the graph using Depth-First Search.
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7. Consider the following grid map, where each cell is either passable (0) or blocked (1):
Write the program to find the shortest path from the start to the goal using A* algorithm.
Note: Moves can in any of the four cardinal directions (up, down, left, right) but not diagonally.
The start position is (0, 0) and the goal position is (5, 8).
8. Write the program to find the shortest path from `start` to `goal` in a `graph` by means of A*
9. Write a python program to EM algorithm to learn parameters for a Bayesian network using the
pgmpy library
10. Write a python program to implement a Naive Bayes classifier using scikit-learn library
11. Write a python program to create a simple Bayesian network using pgmpy.
12. Write a python program to build linear regression using scikit-learn library
13. Write a python program to build decision tree regression using scikit-learn library
14. Write a python program to build decision trees and random forests
15. Write a python program to build SVM (Support Vector Machine) models using scikit-learn
16. Write a python program to implement ensemble techniques, such as voting and bagging, using
17. Write a python program to implement clustering algorithms, specifically K-means and
DBSCAN, using scikit-learn
18. Write a python program using the K2 algorithm for learning the structure of a Bayesian network
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19. Write a python program to build a simple neural network model using the Keras library
20. Write a python program to build a deep learning neural network model using the Keras library
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